Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance


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"You helped me. Now I will help you."
—Quasimodo to Esmeralda

Quasimodo is a character who appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. He originates from the 1996 Disney film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.


Quasimodo's first appearance is in the TGS 2011 trailer, in which he is shown holding an unconscious Esmeralda and offering to aid Riku against a massive Dream Eater inside Notre Dame. Further screenshots show him interacting with Esmeralda and Riku, and later with Sora, who orders him to flee from danger.


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Upon the orders of his master, Claude Frollo, Quasimodo remained sealed inside Notre Dame's bell tower for twenty years, wondering what the outside world was like. On the day of the Festival of Fools (and coincidentally, the day that Sora arrives in the city), Quasimodo finally attempts to participate in the festival. Having been crowned the King of Fools, Quasimodo dresses up in robes and a crown and rides on the back of a Zolephant while surrounded by Dream Eaters. Sora arrives on the scene and warns Quasimodo of the danger he is in, but he refuses to get off the Zolephant. The Nightmares suddenly turn violent and throw Quasimodo off, frightening him. Esmeralda appears and leads Quasimodo to safety within the cathedral as Sora fights off the Nightmares.

Quasimodo, having recovered from the incident in the square, shows Esmeralda around the bell tower. He realizes that Frollo is hunting her down because of her ethnicity as a gypsy and offers her sanctuary within the walls of Notre Dame. Declining the offer, Quasimodo leads her out of the sanctuary and back to the inner city, later being separated midst the congested city streets. Before they are split apart, Esmeralda leaves Quasimodo with a necklace that contains the hidden location of the Court of Miracles, a safe haven for gypsies within the city.

Paralleled to Sora's adventure, Quasimodo meets Riku when he enters Notre Dame for answers about Frollo. Having been informed by Frollo himself that he was carrying out business on the outskirts of the city, Quasi informs Riku where his master is and that the Archdeacon is away. Riku questions him as to why doesn't go outside and Quasimodo explains its's because of his hideous appearance. However, Riku encourages him to find true friends who see him for who he is in his heart.

Later, he overhears Phoebus and Sora talking about how Frollo planned to attack the Court of Miracles. Using that the necklace that Esmeralda had given him as a map of the city, Quasimodo travels with Phoebus and Sora to the Court of Miracles. However, it turned out to be a trick set by Frollo, who used them to lead him and his Nightmare army right to the gypsies.

When Esmeralda was sent to be executed, Quasimodo rescues Esmeralda from being burned by Frollo, taking her to sanctuary in Notre Dame. Protecting the gypsy from Frollo, Quasimodo learns the truth about his mother; she died trying to save him instead of abandoning him as Frollo lied. When both of them fell over the side, Quasimodo was saved by the timely arrival of Phoebus. In the aftermath, he then bless the relationship of his two friends and was encouraged by Sora to go out and make more friends. Quasimodo agrees, having learned the real walls where the ones he built around his heart, and no longer fears of being rejected by society.

On Riku's side during the execution, Quasimodo saved an unconscious Esmeralda from being burned at the stake and offers to help Riku fight the Wargoyle. Riku declines his offer and tells him to look after Esmeralda instead. Following the defeat of Wargoyle, Quasimodo thanks Riku for his advice and is now content about venturing into the outside world.


Quasimodo is a deformed young man, with a large hunch on his back, along with a lump above his left eye. He also has a large nose and a massive central incisor. He is most frequently seen in a green shirt, black trousers and blue shoes.


Quasimodo is a dreamy, optimistic, and heroic individual. Despite his free-spirited nature, he is still subservient to his master Frollo, who treats him poorly. Due to his lack of true human contact and the warnings given by Frollo to prevent him from going outside the cathedral where he lives, he fears that the outside world will reject him because he is ugly. However, he has developed a noble sense of right and wrong and will go out of his comfort zone to protect those he cares about, such as Esmeralda.

Other appearances

El Cetro y el Reino

Quasimodo in El Cetro y el Reino.

When Esmeralda hides Sora and Riku from Frollo's guards, she introduces the newcomers to Quasimodo in the bell tower of Notre Dame's cathedral. Afterward, she and Quasimodo offer to hide them until the guards leave.


"All my life, you've told me the world was a dark, cruel place! But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!"
—Quasimodo to Frollo as he prepares to kill him.

Though Quasimodo's very first appearance was in 1831 in Victor Hugo's novel, Notre-Dame de Paris, this incarnation of the character first appears in the 1996 film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, in which he is raised by Judge Claude Frollo inside the cathedral and forbidden from ever leaving, on the basis that such a heartless society would never accept him. Frollo's words almost come true when Quasimodo does sneak out to attend the Festival of Fools, where he is ridiculed and tortured by the cruel peasantry until a kindhearted gypsy girl, Esmeralda, defies Frollo and defends Quasimodo from the cruel crowd. Quasimodo begins to fall in love with Esmeralda, and it is this love that leads him to rebel against Frollo's tyranny, which ultimately leads to a showdown between Quasimodo and Frollo atop the balconies of Notre Dame. Following Frollo's demise, Quasimodo is hailed a hero and accepted into the society at last.