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{{nihongo|'''Physical'''|物理|Butsuri|lit. "Physics"}}, sometimes referred to as '''Weapon''', is an element introduced in ''{{c|Kingdom Hearts|game}}''.

==Attacks and Abilities==
==Official enemy attack names==
Physical is the most common element for attacks.
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===''Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories''===
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|- bgcolor="#8B4513"
|rowspan="4"|[[Cloud]]||rowspan="2"|凶斬り||rowspan="2"|''Cross Slash*''||'''Cross-slash'''||''Chain of Memories''
|style="text-align:center" width="20%"|'''Ability'''
|'''Cross Slash'''||''Union χ''
|超究武神覇斬||''Omnislash*''||'''Omnislash'''||''Chain of Memories'', ''Re:coded''
![[Kingdom Key]]
|Attack card
|Not very powerful, but reliable and easy to handle.
|rowspan="5"|[[Hades]]||rowspan="2"|ファイガボール||rowspan="2"|''Firaga Ball''||'''Firagaball'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Three Wishes]]
|Attack card
|'''Firaga Ball'''||''Re:coded''
|Fairly strong with a fast swing.
|ブレイズアップ||''Blaze Up''||'''Temper Flare'''||''Chain of Memories''
|Attack card
|ファイアウォール||''Fire Wall''||'''Firewall'''||''Re:coded''
|Easy to handle with an impressive recovery time after card breaks.
|シャドウ召喚||''Shadow Summon''||'''Summon Shadow'''||''Re:coded''
|Attack card
|rowspan="3"|[[Hook]]||ラッシュ&プレゼント||''Rush & Present''||'''Rush & Present'''||''Chain of Memories''
|Easy to handle with a fast recovery after card breaks.
|コンボ&プレゼント||''Combo & Present''||'''Combo & Present'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Fairy Harp]]
|Attack card
|バレルブラスト||''Barrel Blast''||'''Barrel Blast'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|Easy to handle with a formidable swing speed.
|[[Riku Replica]]||兜割り||''Helmet Split''||'''Helm Split'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Wishing Star]]
|Attack card
|rowspan="6"|[[Axel]]||ファイアウォール||''Fire Wall''||'''Fire Wall'''||''Chain of Memories'', ''Record Keeper''
|Not very powerful, but very easy to handle.
|ファイアカッター||''Fire Cutter''||'''Firetooth'''||''Chain of Memories'', ''Record Keeper''
|Attack card
|rowspan="2"|乱舞||rowspan="2"|''Boisterous Dance''||'''Wild Frenzy'''||''Union χ''
|Powerful with a quick recovery after card breaks.
|'''Wild Dance'''||''Record Keeper''
![[Lady Luck]]
|Attack card
|火炎の牢獄||''Prison of Flames''||'''Prison of Flames'''||''Union χ''
|A balanced weapon that is easy to handle.
|片手武器投げ||''One Hand Weapon Throw''||'''One-handed Throw'''||''Record Keeper''
![[Divine Rose]]
|Attack card
|rowspan="5"|[[Larxene]]||ライトニングボルト||''Lightningbolt''||'''Lightning Bolt'''||''Chain of Memories''
|Features a powerful strike and fast swing.
|テレポートラッシュ||''Teleport Rush''||'''Teleport Rush'''||''Chain of Memories''
|Attack card
|メガヴォルト||''Mega Volt''||'''Mega Volt'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|A well-balanced weapon with a very powerful thrust.
|ブレイドストーム||''Blade Storm''||'''Blade Storm'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
![[Ultima Weapon]]
|Attack card
|疾風迅雷||''Lightning Speed''||'''Raging Winds'''||''Union χ''
|The strongest attack card to be found.
|rowspan="6"|[[Vexen]]||アイスニードル||''Ice Needle''||'''Ice Needle'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Star Seeker]]{{ReCoM}}
|Attack card
|アイスバーン||''Ice Burn''||'''Iceburn'''||''Chain of Memories''
|An attack card with a powerful combo finish and the shortest recovery time from card breaks.
|フリーズ||''Freeze''||'''Freeze'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Follow the Wind]]{{ReCoM}}
|Attack card
|ダイヤモンドダスト||''Diamond Dust''||'''Diamond Dust'''||''Chain of Memories'', ''Union χ''
|A well-balanced weapon with a powerful thrust and a short recovery time from card breaks.
|スライドブレイク||''Slide Break''||'''Slide Break'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
![[Hidden Dragon]]{{ReCoM}}
|Attack card
|アンサンブル||''Ensemble''||'''Icy Ensemble'''||''Union χ''
|An attack card with weak strikes but powerful combo finishers.
|rowspan="4"|[[Marluxia]]||ブロッサムシャワー||''Blossom Shower''||'''Blossom Shower'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Midnight Roar]]{{ReCoM}}
|Attack card
|デスサイズ||''Death Scythe''||'''Deathscythe'''||''Chain of Memories''
|A well-balanced weapon with a powerful thrust and a short recovery time from card breaks.
|ドロップショット||''Drop Shot''|||'''Drop Shot'''||'''Re:Chain of Memories''
![[Maverick Flare]]{{ReCoM}}
|Attack card
|最後の審判||''Final Judgment''||'''Final Judgment'''||''Union χ''
|An attack card with weak strikes but powerful combo finishes.
|rowspan="4"|[[Lexaeus]]||インパクトクエイク||''Impact Quake''||'''Impact Quake'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
![[Two Become One]]{{ReCoM}}
|Attack card
|ロックブレイク||''Rock Break''||'''Rockshatter'''||''Chain of Memories''
|A weapon with a powerful thrust and combo finish.
|グランドインパクト||''Ground Impact''||'''Ground Impact'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
![[Soul Eater]]
|Attack card
|アースフューリー||''Earth Fury''||'''Earthen Fury'''||''Union χ''
|Reacts to dark power. Riku's strength is higher when he wields darkness in battle.
|rowspan="3"|[[Ansem, Seeker of Darkness]]||ダークシャドウ||''Dark Shadow''||'''Dark Shadow'''||''Chain of Memories''
![[Reflect Raid]]
|Magic Sleight
|ダークラッシュ||''Dark Rush''||'''Dark Rush'''||''Chain of Memories''
|Hurl the Keyblade and make it ricochet around to strike many enemies.
|衝撃斬||''Shock Slash''||'''Shock Slash'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|rowspan="5"|[[Marluxia]] (Third Form)||断絶の烈風||''Gale of Extinction''||'''Gale of Severance'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|死の宣告||''Death Sentence''||'''Doom'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|虚無への旋風||''Whirlwind to Nothingness''||'''Whirlwind to the Void'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|サークルリジェクト||''Circle Reject''||'''Circle Reject'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|全方位レーザー||''Omni-directional Laser''||'''Omni Laser'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|rowspan="4"|[[Zexion]]||サイクロンスナッチ||''Cyclone Snatch''||'''Cyclone Snatch'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|ダークパニッシャー||''Dark Punisher''||'''Dark Punisher'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|カタストロフィー||''Catastrophe''||'''Catastrophe'''||''Re:Chain of Memories''
|メテオミラージュ||''Meteor Mirage''||'''Meteor Mirage'''||''Union χ''
|[[Shadow]]||跳び引っかき||''Jump Scratch''||'''Claw Lunge'''||''Re:coded''
|[[Soldier]]||あびせ蹴り||''Pouring Kick''||'''Kick Storm'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Large Body]]||突進||''Rush''||'''Charge'''||''Re:coded''
|ジャンピング衝撃波||''Jumping Shock Wave''||'''Jumping Jolt'''||''Re:coded''
|[[Air Soldier]]||ナックルハンマー||''Knuckle Hammer''||'''Knuckle Hammer'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="3"|[[Wizard]]||スピードファイラ||''Speed Fira''||'''Speed Fira'''||''Re:coded''
|ローリングブリザラ||''Rolling Blizzara''||'''Rolling Blizzara'''||''Re:coded''
|ランダムサンダラ||''Random Thundara''||'''Random Thundara'''||''Re:coded''
|[[Defender]]||シールドかみつき||''Shield Bite''||'''Shield Bite'''||''Re:coded''
|[[Bandit]]||なぎ払い||''Mow Down''||'''Slash'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Fat Bandit]]||火炎弾||''Flame Bullet''||'''Ball of Flame'''||''Re:coded''
|ジャンピング衝撃波||''Jumping Shock Wave''||'''Jumping Jolt'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Wyvern]]||連続蹴り||''Continuous Kick''||'''Flurry Kick'''||''Re:coded''
|きりもみ突進||''Drill Rush''||'''Corkscrew Charge'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Invisible]]||振り払い||''Shake Off''||'''Scourge'''||''Re:coded''
|ダークボール||''Dark Ball''||'''Darkball'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Black Fungus]]||ダークタッチ||''Dark Touch''||'''Dark Contact'''||''Re:coded''
|ダークポイズン||''Dark Poison''||'''Dark Poison'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Cerberus]]||一斉かみつき||''Simultaneous Bite''||'''Triple Chomp'''||''Re:coded''
|ファイガボール||''Firaga Ball''||'''Firaga Ball'''||''Re:coded''
|ダークチャージ弾||''Dark Charge Bullet''||'''Dark Pulse'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="3"|[[Ice Titan]]||アイスランス||''Ice Lance''||'''Ice Lance'''||''Re:coded''
|アイスメテオ||''Ice Meteor''||'''Ice Meteor'''||''Re:coded''
|アイスブレス||''Ice Breath''||'''Ice Breath'''||''Re:coded''
|rowspan="2"|[[Rock Titan]]||片腕パンチ||''One Arm Punch''||'''Haymaker'''||''Re:coded''
|足踏み衝撃波||''Stomp Shock Wave''||'''Earthshaker'''||''Re:coded''
|[[Darkside]]||ダークホーミング||''Dark Homing''||'''Homing Darkness'''||''Union χ''
|[[Leon]]||ブラスティングゾーン||''Blasting Zone''||'''Zone of Ruin'''||''Union χ''
|[[Hostile Program]]||レーザー||''Laser''||'''Laser'''||''Union χ''
|[[Demyx]]||水柱乱舞||''Water Column Wild Dance''||'''Water Whirl'''||''Union χ''
|[[Xaldin]]||絶望の風||''Wind of Despair''||'''Wings of Despair'''||''Union χ''
|rowspan="2"|[[Roxas]]||イベントホライズン||''Event Horizon''||'''Black Hole'''||''Union χ'', ''Record Keeper''
|キーブレード解放||''Keyblade Release''||'''Keyblade Unleashed'''||''Record Keeper''
|[[Xigbar]]||アルテマショット||''Ultima Shot''||'''Ultimate Shot'''||''Union χ''
|[[Saïx]]||バーサク||''Berserk''||'''Berserk'''||''Union χ''
|[[Luxord]]||カード乱舞||''Card Boisterous Dance''||'''Dancing Deck'''||''Union χ''
|[[Xemnas]]||二刀流||''Dual Wield''||'''Dual Blade'''||''Union χ''
|[[Sephiroth]]||一閃||''Flash''||'''Swift Strike'''||''Union χ''
|rowspan="7"|[[Riku]]||縦振り||''Vertical Swing''||'''Vertical Strike'''||''Record Keeper''
|振り払い||''Shake Off''||'''Scourge'''||''Record Keeper''
|闇のオーラ||''Dark Aura''||'''Aura of Darkness'''||''Record Keeper''
|ダークハンド||''Dark Hand''||'''Darkhand'''||''Record Keeper''
|ダークハンド兜割り||''Dark Hand Helmet Split''||'''Darkhand Helm Split'''||''Record Keeper''
|ダークハンド振り払い||''Dark Hand Shake Off''||'''Darkhand Scourge'''||''Record Keeper''
|ダッシュ振り||''Dash Swing''||'''Dash Swing'''||''Record Keeper''
|[[Yuffie]]||抜山蓋世||''Landscaper*''||'''Landscaper'''||''Record Keeper''

===''Kingdom Hearts II''===
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*Lich: 7連ファイア(7-fold Fire) = Fire of Seven (''Union χ''), so 6連ファイア(6-fold Fire) = Fire of Six?
|- bgcolor="#8B4513"
|style="text-align:center" width="20%"|'''Ability'''
==Enemy Groups==
===''Kingdom Hearts''===
;Destiny Islands
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|Basic skill
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="2"|Area
|''Attack with a weapon.''
![[Upper Slash]]
|Action ability
|Stormy Night||[[Shadow]]||[[Darkside]]
|Knocks a target into the air during a combo with {{button|S}}.
![[Horizontal Slash]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful attack that hits a target from left to right during a midair combo with {{button|s}}. {{note|Original description: 'Attacks a target from left to right during a midair combo with ☐.}}
![[Retaliating Slash]]
|Action ability
|When knocked down, quickly regains balance and counterattacks with {{button|s}}. {{note|In Lion Form: 'When knocked down, quickly regains balance and attacks with ☐.'}}
|Action ability
|Rapidly attacks a nearby target without getting flung back. {{note|Original description: 'Rapidly attacks a target.'}}
![[Dodge Slash]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes an attack that deals damage to nearby enemies.
![[Flash Step]]{{FMII}}
|Action ability
|Unleashes a guard-piercing attack on a slightly distant target while keeping up your own guard.
![[Sliding Dash]]
|Action ability
|Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target.
![[Guard Break]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a target's guard.
![[Aerial Sweep]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful leaping attack on targets in midair.
![[Aerial Dive]]{{FMII}}
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful aerial attack on distant targets.
![[Aerial Spiral]]
|Action ability
|Closes in on far targets in midair and unleashes spinning attacks.
![[Aerial Finish]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target in midair.
![[Trinity Limit]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that uses teamwork to unleash the powerful Trinity attack. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Brave Shot]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move and knocks a single target off its feet.
![[Brave Beat]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks several targets at once.
![[Sonic Strike]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a single target.
![[Sonic End]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move in a rapid midair attack to several targets at once.
![[Over the Horizon]]
|Action ability
|Leaps towards a target in a rapid attack with {{button|s}}.
![[Sonic Rave]]{{FMII}}
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes an attack on an enemy as you pass by. Press {{button|t}} at the right tempo for a combo. MP Cost: 60
![[Last Arcanum]]{{FMII}}
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes a powerful combo attack. Press {{button|t}} for a consecutive combo. MP Cost: 75
![[Strike Raid]]{{FMII}}
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that allows you to throw the Keyblade at the target. Press {{button|t}} for a combo. MP Cost: 65
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that can be unleashed by pressing {{button|t}} after an aerial combo. MP Cost: 80
|Action ability
|Unleashes a finishing combo move on a single target. This powerful attack can instantly eliminate weaker enemies.
![[Hurricane Period]]{{FMII}}
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move consisting of an aerial barrage.
![[Master Strike]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks a single target.
![[Final Arcana]]
|Action ability
|Handling the Keyblade with great skill, unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
![[Final Strike]]
|Action ability
|While spinning in midair, deals a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
![[Final Arts]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to get rid of several targets at once.
![[Auto Assault]]
|Action ability
|The Keyblade automatically unleashes attacks in various situations.
![[Combo Upper]]
|Action ability
|Knocks a target into the air during a combo with {{button|s}}.
![[Aerial Impulse]]
|Action ability
|Tackles and attacks a target in midair during a combo with {{button|s}}.
![[Running Tackle]]
|Action ability
|Unleashes a rapid tackle on a single target while attacking during Dash.
![[Goofy Tornado]]
|Action ability
|Creates a vortex to draw enemies close and attack them! MP Cost: 10
![[Goofy Bash]]
|Action ability
|n effective ranged attack, throwing a shield at the enemy from afar. MP Cost: 10
![[Goofy Turbo]]
|Action ability
|Dashes through enemies, bouncing them towards Sora. MP Cost: 10
![[Tornado Fusion]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Goofy's spinning attack, Whirli-Goof.
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Goofy and Sora's joint attack, Knocksmash. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Ferocious Rush]]
|Action ability
|Attacks the enemy successively with a rush of enraged tackles. MP Cost: 10
|Action ability
|Attacks nearby enemies while flying through the air. MP Cost: 10
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Auron and Sora's joint attack, Bushido. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[No Mercy]]
|Action ability
|There is no escaping from this attack! MP Cost: 10
![[Rain Storm]]
|Action ability
|Throws weapons at the enemy successively. MP Cost: 10
![[Treasure Isle]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Jack Sparrow and Sora's joint attack, Bluff. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Slash Frenzy]]
|Action ability
|Stops enemy movements with a rapid swarm of attacks. MP Cost: 10
|Action ability
|Pounces on the enemy to obtain orbs.
![[Trick Fantasy]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Aladdin and Sora's joint attack, Speedster. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Applause, Applause]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Jack and Sora's joint attack, Dance Call. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Fierce Claw]]
|Action ability
|Attacks the target successively. MP Cost: 10
![[King's Pride]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Simba and Sora's joint attack, Wildcat. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Scouting Disk]]
|Action ability
|Releases a disk that automatically finds and attacks an enemy. MP Cost: 10
![[Complete Compilement]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Tron and Sora's joint attack, Setup. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Dark Aura]]
|Action ability
|Stops enemy movements with dark magic spells as commanded when Sora's combo is about to end. MP Cost: 10
![[Dark Shield]]
|Action ability
|Blocks enemy attacks with a shield of darkness as commanded. MP Cost: 10
![[Eternal Session]]
|Action ability
|A Limit Command that unleashes Riku and Sora's joint attack, Session. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
![[Chicken Little]]
![[FPS Mode]]
|Summon Limit
|Summon Limit
![[Sonic Rave]]
|Summon Limit
![[Final Arcana]]
|Summon Limit
|Summon Limit
![[Peter Pan]]
|Summon Limit

===''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance''===
;Traverse Town
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|style="text-align:center" width="20%"|'''Ability'''
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="8"|Area
!style="width:120px"|First District||style="width:120px"|Second District||style="width:120px"|Hallway||style="width:120px"|Green Room||style="width:120px"|Red Room||style="width:120px"|Alleyway||style="width:120px"|Gizmo Shop||style="width:120px"|Third District
|After encountering the Heartless in the Second District||[[Shadow]]||Shadow||—||||||Shadow||Shadow||Shadow
|Basic skill
|''Attack with a weapon.''
|After fulfilling the conditions for Leon to appear and returning to the Accessory Shop<!--Defeat 5 Shadows, or visit First, Second, Third Districts, Alleyway, and Gizmo Shop-->||{{ns|Game|Leon}}||||||||||||||
![[Quick Blitz]]
|After getting attacked by Heartless in the Hotel||rowspan="7"|||Shadow<br>[[Soldier]]||Shadow<br>Soldier||Soldier||Shadow<br>[[White Mushroom]]||Shadow<br>Soldier||Shadow<br>Soldier||Soldier<br>[[Guard Armor]]
|Attack Command
|Perform a high, leaping slash.
|After defeating the Guard Armor||—||||||||||||
![[Slot Edge]]
|After flying the Gummi Ship for the first time||Shadow<br>Soldier||Shadow<br>Soldier||Soldier||Shadow<br>White Mushroom||Shadow<br>Soldier||Shadow<br>Soldier||Shadow<br>Soldier
|Attack Command
|Perform a triple jump attack. A symbol is displayed for each hit; match all three to obtain prizes.
|After sealing the Keyhole in Deep Jungle||[[Large Body]]<br>[[Red Nocturne]]<br>[[Blue Rhapsody]]<br>[[Yellow Opera]]<br>[[Green Requiem]]||rowspan="3"|Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Yellow Opera||rowspan="3"|Blue Rhapsody||rowspan="3"|Red Nocturne<br>White Mushroom||rowspan="3"|Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem||rowspan="3"|Large Body<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>[[Air Soldier]]||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Air Soldier
|After ringing the bell three times||[[Opposite Armor]]
|Attack Command
|Perform a triple jump attack.
|After sealing the Keyhole||Large Body<br>Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem
![[Meteor Crash]]
|After rescuing Kairi||[[Search Ghost]]<br>[[Darkball]]<br>[[Wyvern]]||[[Wizard]]<br>[[Defender]]||Search Ghost||Darkball||Search Ghost<br>Darkball<br>Wizard||Search Ghost<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wyvern<br>Wizard||Darkball<br>Defender
|Attack Command
|Muster energy in midair, then slash groundward as meteors rain down.
![[Spark Dive]]
|Attack Command
|Create an electric shockwave that may stun some surrounding ground-based foes.
![[Poison Dive]]
|Attack Command
|Create a toxic shockwave that may poison some surrounding ground-based foes.
![[Drain Dive]]
|Attack Command
|Create a shockwave that will drain HP from surrounding ground-based foes.
![[Sliding Dash]]
|Attack Command
|Punish faraway enemies with a charging attack.
![[Sonic Blade]]
|Attack Command
|Rush the enemy multiple times.
![[Strike Raid]]
|Attack Command
|Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. Stuns some foes.
![[Spark Raid]]
|Attack Command
|Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. If it connects, the Keyblade will split into beams of light that fly in all directions.
![[Circle Raid]]
|Attack Command
|Orbit your Keyblade around you, causing it to strike and bind surrounding foes.
![[Aerial Slam]]
|Attack Command
|Knock a foe into the air, then slash it again as you rocket downward and launch even more foes with the resulting shockwave.
![[Ars Arcanum]]
|Attack Command
|Unleash a blinding flurry of attacks.
![[Gravity Strike]]
|Attack Command
|Perform a spin attack that puts some enemies into zero gravity.
![[Confusing Strike]]
|Attack Command
|Perform a spin attack that confuses some enemies.
![[Tornado Strike]]
|Attack Command
|Perform a spin attack and create a vortex that lifts enemies into the air.
![[Prism Windmill]]
|Attack Command
|Spin the Keyblade like a windmill as you rush the enemy, landing multiple hits.
|Attack Command
|pin the Keyblade like a windmill as you rush the enemy, landing multiple hits and inflicting Slow or Stop.
![[Magnet Spiral]]
|Attack Command
|Use magnetic force to pull in nearby enemies, then send them all flying with a spin attack.
![[Limit Storm]]
|Attack Command
|Unleash a desperate spin attack that is strongest when you are low on HP.
![[Collision Magnet]]
|Attack Command
|Use magnetic force to pull in enemies, then launch them toward other foes.
|Attack Command
|Expend HP to perform a single, powerful attack.
![[Counter Rush]]
|Reprisal Command
|Press {{button|dsa}} right after a sucessful block to counter with a flurry of blows.
![[Shadow Strike]]
|Reprisal Command
|Press {{button|dsa}} right after a successful shadow slide to follow with an overhead slash.
![[Payback Raid]]
|Reprisal Command
|Press {{button|dsy}} after an attack knocks you into the air to right yourself and strike back.
![[Steep Climb]]
|Reprisal Command
|After launching a foe into the air, press {{button|dsa}} to perform a spin attack and knock them even higher with the vortex.
![[Rapid Descent]]
|Reprisal Command
|After launching a foe into the air, press {{button|dsa}} to perform a jump attack and slam them into the ground.
![[Sliding Sidewinder]]
|Reprisal Command
|Slide with {{button|dsy}} and then press {{button|dsa}} to perform a spin attack.
![[Sliding Crescent]]
|Reprisal Command
|Slide with {{button|dsy}} and then press {{button|dsa}} to perform a spin attack that knocks foes into the air.
![[Meow Wounce]]
|Link Attack
|Bounce around on your Spirit's back and trounce the enemy. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer.
![[Roll Call]]
|Link Attack
|Hop onto your Spirit and bowl over enemies. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer.
![[Whirling Bronco]]
|Link Attack
|Crash into enemies astride your Spirit. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer and {{button|dsa}} to add a spin attack.
![[Fly-by Knight]]
|Link Attack
|Take to the skies with your Spirit's help. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer and {{button|dsa}} to attack.
![[Hammer Throw]]
|Link Attack
|Swing Pricklemane around like a morning star. Use {{button|3dsana}} to move.
|Link Attack
|Sync up with your Spirit to unleash a series of fast and powerful strikes. Press {{button|dsa}} to perform each strike.
![[Poison Dash]]
|Link Attack
|Attack from inside Toximander's poison bubble. Use {{button|3dsana}} to move. The bubble will grow as you touch enemies.
![[Equestrian Raid]]
|Link Attack
|Hitch a ride on your Spirit and charge your enemies. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer and {{button|dsa}} to add a glide attack.
Race around on Thunderaffe's back and crash into enemies to deal damage. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer.
![[Swing Fling]]
|Link Attack
|Attack foes while your Spirit swings you around. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer.
![[Target Shot]]
|Link Attack
|Snipe enemies from astride your Spirit. Aim with {{button|3dsana}} and successfully lock on with {{button|dsa}} to fire homing projectiles.
![[Trap Shot]]
|Link Attack
|Snipe enemies from astride Staggerceps. Aim with {{button|3dsana}} and fire a pincer shot with {{button|dsa}}. Hit your mark to stop a foe in its tracks.
![[Berserker Bronco]]
|Link Attack
|Jump onto Zolephant's back and swat enemies down with a titanic trunk. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer.
![[Flame Raid]]
|Link Attack
|Hitch a ride on Tyranto Rex and charge your enemies. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer and {{button|dsa}} to breathe fire.
![[Ice Raid]]
|Link Attack
|Hitch a ride on Skelterwild and charge your enemies. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer and {{button|dsa}} to breathe ice.
![[Aura Raid]]
|Link Attack
|Hitch a ride on your Spirit and charge your enemies. Use {{button|3dsana}} to steer and {{button|dsa}} to fire your aura.
|Dual Attack
|Grab on tight as a gargantuan Meow Wow bounces around, flattering foes and creating king-sized shockwaves.
![[Shining Hammer]]
|Link Style
|Cut a wide swath in front of you, then strike the ground to create a shockwave of light.

==Physical Resistance==
Although the Physical element is present in all games, Physical Resistance can only be affected in ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]'' by using certain [[Enemy card]]s.
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="8"|Area
!style="width:120px"|Rabbit Hole||style="width:120px"|Bizarre Room||style="width:120px"|Queen's Castle||style="width:120px"|Lotus Forest||style="width:120px"|Bizarre Room<br><small>(Sideways, fireplace)</small>||style="width:120px"|Bizarre Room<br><small>(Sideways, painting)</small>||style="width:120px"|Bizarre Room<br><small>(Upside-down)</small>||style="width:120px"|Tea Party Garden
|Before visiting Queen's Castle||—||rowspan="2"|[[Shadow]]<br>[[Soldier]]<br>[[Red Nocturne]]||rowspan="2"|—||—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="3"|—
|After visiting Queen's Castle||Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Red Nocturne||Shadow<br>Soldier
|After the trial resumes||—||—||{{ns|Game|Queen of Hearts}}<br>[[Card of Hearts]]<br>[[Card of Spades]]<br>[[Crank Tower]]||—
|After the trial ends||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>[[Large Body]]||Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>Large Body||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>Large Body<br>([[White Mushroom]])||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Red Nocturne||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Red Nocturne||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Red Nocturne||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Red Nocturne
|After lighting both lamps at the Bizarre Room (Upside-down)||[[Trickmaster]]
|After sealing the Keyhole||Shadow<br>Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>Large Body||Soldier<br>Red Nocturne||Shadow<br>Red Nocturne||rowspan="2"|—
|After rescuing Kairi||[[Blue Rhapsody]]<br>[[Yellow Opera]]<br>[[Air Soldier]]<br>[[Darkball]]<br>[[Defender]]<br>[[Wizard]]||Blue Rhapsody<br>Yellow Opera<br>Air Soldier<br>Darkball<br>Defender||Blue Rhapsody<br>Yellow Opera<br>Air Soldier<br>Darkball<br>Wizard<br>(White Mushroom)||Blue Rhapsody<br>Yellow Opera<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wizard||Blue Rhapsody<br>Air Soldier<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wizard||Yellow Opera<br>Air Soldier<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wizard

===Enemy cards===
;Deep Jungle
{|class="wikitable" width="75%" style="text-align:center"
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
|style="text-align:center" width="65px"|'''Card'''
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="5"|Area
|style="text-align:center" width="80px"|'''Name'''
|style="text-align:center"|'''Physical Resistance'''
!style="width:120px"|Treehouse||style="width:120px"|Climbing Trees||style="width:120px"|Camp||style="width:120px"|Bamboo Thicket||style="width:120px"|Cliff
|style="text-align:center" width="65px"|'''Card'''
|Immediately on first visit||[[Sabor]]{{Note|Only once}}||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="2"|—||—||—
|style="text-align:center" width="80px"|'''Name'''
|style="text-align:center"|'''Physical Resistance'''
|After visiting the Tent||rowspan="2"|Sabor||rowspan="2"|Sabor||rowspan="2"|Sabor
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|[[File:Lexaeus (card).png]]||Lexaeus||Resistant to physical attacks
|After showing Tarzan all Slides||Sabor
|bgcolor="CD853F" rowspan="7"|
|[[File:Marluxia (card).png]]||Marluxia||Weak against physical attacks
|After questioning Clayton in the Tent||[[Powerwild]]||Powerwild||Powerwild||Powerwild||Powerwild
|After rescuing the gorilla from the Heartless in that area||rowspan="2"|[[Shadow]]<br>Powerwild<br>[[Bouncywild]]<br>([[White Mushroom]])||—||rowspan="4"|Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild<br>(White Mushroom)||Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild||rowspan="3"|Powerwild<br>Bouncywild
|After rescuing all gorillas and returning to the Tent||rowspan="2"|Powerwild||Sabor
|After defeating Sabor||—||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild
|After rescuing Jane||Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild<br>(White Mushroom)||rowspan="2"|—||Powerwild<br>{{ns|Game|Clayton}}<br>[[Stealth Sneak]]
|After defeating Clayton||—||—||—||—
|After sealing the Keyhole||Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild<br>(White Mushroom)||Powerwild||Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild<br>(White Mushroom)||Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild||Shadow<br>Powerwild<br>Bouncywild
|After rescuing Kairi||Bouncywild<br>[[Darkball]]<br>[[Wyvern]]<br>(White Mushroom)||—||Powerwild<br>Wyvern<br>[[Wizard]]<br>(White Mushroom)||[[Green Requiem]]<br>Darkball<br>Wizard||Green Requiem<br>Powerwild<br>Wyvern

While the Physical element is used by the majority of enemies, enemies only have a Physical Resistance stat in ''Kingdom Hearts'', ''Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories'', ''Kingdom Hearts II'', and ''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''.
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="12"|Area
!style="width:120px"|Plaza||style="width:120px"|Main Street||style="width:120px"|Alley||style="width:120px"|Bazaar||style="width:120px"|Palace Gates||style="width:120px"|Desert: Cave||style="width:120px"|Entrance||style="width:120px"|Hall||style="width:120px"|Bottomless Hall||style="width:120px"|Treasure Room||style="width:120px"|Lamp Chamber||style="width:120px"|Core
|Before rescuing Aladdin||[[Shadow]]<br>[[Bandit]]<br>[[Pot Spider]]||Shadow<br>Bandit<br>Pot Spider||Shadow<br>Bandit<br>Pot Spider||—||—||rowspan="3"|Bandit||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="5"|—||rowspan="5"|—
|After rescuing Aladdin||[[Yellow Opera]]<br>Bandit<br>[[Fat Bandit]]<br>Pot Spider||Shadow<br>[[Green Requiem]]<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Pot Spider||Yellow Opera<br>Bandit<br>Pot Spider||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Green Requiem<br>Bandit<br>Pot Spider<br>([[Black Fungus]])||Shadow<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Bandit<br>Pot Spider
|After confronting Jafar at the Palace Gates||Pot Spider<br>[[Pot Centipede]]||Pot Spider<br>Pot Centipede||Pot Spider<br>Pot Centipede||Pot Spider<br>Pot Centipede
|After defeating the Pot Centipede||rowspan="4"|Shadow<br>[[Air Soldier]]<br>Fat Bandit<br>Pot Spider||rowspan="4"|Bandit<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Pot Spider||rowspan="4"|Shadow<br>Air Soldier<br>Bandit<br>Pot Spider||rowspan="4"|Bandit<br>Pot Spider<br>(Black Fungus)||rowspan="4"|Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Pot Spider||[[Cave of Wonders Guardian]]
|After defeating the Cave of Wonders Guardian||rowspan="3"|Air Soldier<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit||rowspan="3"|Air Soldier<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Fat Bandit||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Pot Spider||Shadow<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>([[White Mushroom]])
|After destroying the stone pillar at the Hidden Room||—||{{ns|Game|Jafar}}<br>{{ns|Game|Genie}}||[[Jafar-Genie]]
|After sealing the Keyhole||Shadow<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>(White Mushroom)||Air Soldier<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit||rowspan="2"|—
|After rescuing Kairi||[[Soldier]]<br>[[Large Body]]<br>Pot Spider<br>[[Darkball]]||Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Pot Spider<br>[[Wizard]]||Large Body<br>Pot Spider<br>Darkball<br>Wizard||Pot Spider<br>Darkball<br>(Black Fungus)||Large Body<br>Pot Spider<br>Darkball<br>Wizard||Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>[[Wyvern]]||Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Darkball<br>Wizard||Fat Bandit<br>Darkball<br>Wyvern<br>Wizard||Bandit<br>Darkball<br>Wyvern||Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Darkball<br>Wizard<br>(White Mushroom)||Large Body<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Wyvern

===Enemies that use the Physical element===
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="8"|Area
;Dream Eaters
*[[Meow Wow]]
!style="width:120px"|Chamber 1||style="width:120px"|Chamber 2||style="width:120px"|Chamber 3||style="width:120px"|Chamber 5||style="width:120px"|Chamber 6||style="width:120px"|Bowels||style="width:120px"|Throat||style="width:120px"|Stomach
*[[Tama Sheep]]
*[[Yoggy Ram]]
|After meeting Riku in Chamber 1||[[Shadow]]<br>[[Green Requiem]]<br>[[Search Ghost]]||Shadow<br>[[Large Body]]<br>[[Yellow Opera]]<br>Green Requiem<br>[[Air Soldier]]<br>[[Barrel Spider]]||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Large Body<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Search Ghost||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Large Body<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Barrel Spider<br>Search Ghost||rowspan="3"|Large Body<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Barrel Spider||[[Parasite Cage]] (1st time)||—||—
*[[Komory Bat]]
|After defeating the Parasite Cage (1st time)||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Search Ghost||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Yellow Opera<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Barrel Spider||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Large Body<br>Air Soldier<br>Barrel Spider<br>Search Ghost||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Search Ghost<br>([[Rare Truffle]])||Parasite Cage (2nd time)
*[[Hebby Repp]]
*[[Sir Kyroo]]
|After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time)||Large Body<br>Air Soldier
|After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) and rescuing Kairi [Option 1]||[[Red Nocturne]]<br>[[Blue Rhapsody]]<br>[[Powerwild]]<br>[[Darkball]]||Large Body<br>Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Air Soldier<br>Barrel Spider<br>Darkball||[[Soldier]]<br>Large Body<br>Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Powerwild<br>Barrel Spider<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Powerwild<br>Barrel Spider||[[Bouncywild]]<br>Darkball||Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>Powerwild<br>Darkball<br>(Rare Truffle)||Bouncywild
*[[Kooma Panda]]
|After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) and rescuing Kairi [Option 2]||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>[[Bandit]]<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Bandit<br>[[Fat Bandit]]<br>[[Pot Spider]]||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Darkball||Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Barrel Spider<br>Darkball||Large Body<br>Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Air Soldier<br>Barrel Spider||Bandit<br>Fat Bandit<br>Pot Spider<br>Darkball||Soldier<br>Red Nocturne<br>Bandit<br>Darkball<br>(Rare Truffle)||Bandit<br>Fat Bandit
*[[Peepsta Hoo]]
*[[KO Kabuto]]
*[[Juggle Pup]]
*[[Lord Kyroo]]
*[[Me Me Bunny]]
*[[Drill Sye]]
*[[Tyranto Rex]]
*[[Majik Lapin]]
*[[Cera Terror]]
*[[Ducky Goose]]
*[[Aura Lion]]
*[[Drak Quack]]
*[[Keeba Tiger]]
*[[Sudo Neku]]
*[[Ursa Circus]]
*[[Kab Kannon]]
*[[R & R Seal]]
*[[Chill Clawbster]]
*[[Char Clawbster]]
*[[Holey Moley]]
*[[Anti Black Coat]]
*[[Armored Ventus Nightmare]]
*[[Black Guard]]
*[[Ursula]] {{KH3D}}
*[[Beagle Boys]]
*[[Young Xehanort]]
{|class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
|After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) and rescuing Kairi [Option 3]||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>[[Pirate]]<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Barrel Spider<br>Pirate<br>[[Air Pirate]]||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Pirate<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Barrel Spider<br>Pirate<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Barrel Spider<br>Air Pirate||Barrel Spider<br>Pirate<br>Air Pirate<br>Darkball||Red Nocturne<br>Pirate<br>Air Pirate<br>Darkball<br>(Rare Truffle)||Pirate<br>Air Pirate
<gallery widths="60px" heights="60px">
Shadow KH.png|[[Shadow]]
Soldier KH.png|[[Soldier]]
Large Body KH.png|[[Large Body]]
Powerwild KH.png|[[Powerwild]]
Air Soldier KH.png|[[Air Soldier]]
Bandit KH.png|[[Bandit]]
Fat Bandit KH.png|[[Fat Bandit]]
Barrel Spider KH.png|[[Barrel Spider]]
Search Ghost KH.png|[[Search Ghost]]
Sheltering Zone KH.png|[[Sea Neon]]
Screwdiver KH.png|[[Screwdiver]]
Aquatank KH.png|[[Aquatank]]
Wight Knight KH.png|[[Wight Knight]]
Gargoyle KH.png|[[Gargoyle]]
Pirate KH.png|[[Pirate]]
Air Pirate KH.png|[[Air Pirate]]
Darkball KH.png|[[Darkball]]
Defender KH.png|[[Defender]]
Wyvern KH.png|[[Wyvern]]
Neoshadow KHFM.png|[[Neoshadow]]
Black Fungus KH.png|[[Black Fungus]]
Tornado Step KHII.png|[[Tornado Step]]
Crescendo KHII.png|[[Crescendo]]
Silver Rock KHII.png|[[Silver Rock]]
Emerald Blues KHII.png|[[Emerald Blues]]
Crimson Jazz KHII.png|[[Crimson Jazz]]
Trick Ghost KHII.png|[[Trick Ghost]]
Rabid Dog KHII.png|[[Rabid Dog]]
Hook Bat KHII.png|[[Hook Bat]]
Bookmaster KHII.png|[[Bookmaster]]
Minute Bomb KHII.png|[[Minute Bomb]]
Hammer Frame KHII.png|[[Hammer Frame]]
Fortuneteller KHII.png|[[Fortuneteller]]
Rapid Thruster KHII.png|[[Rapid Thruster]]
Driller Mole KHII.png|[[Driller Mole]]
Lance Soldier KHII.png|[[Lance Soldier]]
Morning Star KHII.png|[[Morning Star]]
Luna Bandit KHII.png|[[Luna Bandit]]
Gargoyle Knight KHII.png|[[Gargoyle Knight]]
Gargoyle Warrior KHII.png|[[Gargoyle Warrior]]
Graveyard KHII.png|[[Graveyard]]
Toy Soldier KHII.png|[[Toy Soldier]]
Aeroplane KHII.png|[[Aeroplane]]
Hot Rod KHII.png|[[Hot Rod]]
Assault Rider KHII.png|[[Assault Rider]]
Nightwalker KHII.png|[[Nightwalker]]
Bolt Tower KHII.png|[[Bolt Tower]]
Magnum Loader (Red) KHII.png|[[Magnum Loader]]
Strafer KHII.png|[[Strafer]]
Devastator KHII.png|[[Devastator]]
Living Bone KHII.png|[[Living Bone]]
Shaman KHII.png|[[Shaman]]
Aerial Knocker KHII.png|[[Aerial Knocker]]
Creeper Plant KHII.png|[[Creeper Plant]]
Armored Knight KHII.png|[[Armored Knight]]
Surveillance Robot KHII.png|[[Surveillance Robot]]
Spring Metal KHIIFM.png|[[Spring Metal]]
Aerial Viking KHIIFM.png|[[Aerial Viking]]
Magic Phantom KHIIFM.png|[[Magic Phantom]]
Beffudler KHIIFM.png|[[Beffudler]]
Rune Master KHIIFM.png|[[Runemaster]]
Iron Hammer KHIIFM.png|[[Iron Hammer]]
Mad Ride KHIIFM.png|[[Mad Ride]]
Reckless KHIIFM.png|[[Reckless]]
Lance Warrior KHIIFM.png|[[Lance Warrior]]
Necromancer KHIIFM.png|[[Necromancer]]
Aerial Champ KHIIFM.png|[[Aerial Champ]]
Guard Armor KH.png|[[Guard Armor]]
Trickmaster KH.png|[[Trickmaster]]
Parasite Cage KH.png|[[Parasite Cage]]
Ansem (First Form) KH3D.png|[[Ansem, Seeker of Darkness]]
Thresholder KHII.png|[[Thresholder]]
Shadow Stalker KHII.png|[[Shadow Stalker]]
Dark Thorn KHII.png|[[Dark Thorn]]
Prison Keeper KHII.png|[[Prison Keeper]]
Storm Rider KHII.png|[[Storm Rider]]
Grim Reaper KHII.png|[[Grim Reaper]]

{|class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="12"|Area
!style="width:120px"|Tranquil Grotto||style="width:120px"|Undersea Valley||style="width:120px"|Calm Depths||style="width:120px"|Undersea Cave||style="width:120px"|Undersea Gorge||style="width:120px"|Undersea Garden||style="width:120px"|Triton's Palace||style="width:120px"|Sunken Ship||style="width:120px"|Below Deck||style="width:120px"|Den of Tides,<br>Tidal Abyss||style="width:120px"|Ursula's Lair||style="width:120px"|???
|After finishing swimming practice||[[Sea Neon]]||—||—||—||—||rowspan="7"|—||—||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="5"|—||rowspan="8"|—||rowspan="8"|—||rowspan="8"|—
|After defeating the enemies at Tranquil Grotto||rowspan="11"|—||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon||rowspan="2"|[[Search Ghost]]||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon||Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon||rowspan="5"|Search Ghost<br>[[Screwdiver]]
|After visiting Triton's Throne||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon<br>[[Sheltering Zone]]<br>Screwdiver
|After Ariel suggests searching for the Keyhole||Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver||rowspan="4"|Search Ghost<br>Screwdiver||rowspan="4"|Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone
|After approaching treasure chest 9 (Crystal Trident)||rowspan="3"|Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>([[The Shark]])||rowspan="3"|Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>(The Shark)||rowspan="3"|Search Ghost<br>(The Shark)
|After obtaining the Crystal Trident||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon
|After Ariel leaves the party||rowspan="3"|Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>Aquatank
|After the trident is stolen||rowspan="2"|Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>[[Aquatank]]||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone||rowspan="2"|Screwdiver<br>Aquatank<br>([[White Mushroom]])||rowspan="2"|Screwdiver<br>Aquatank||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon||(The Shark)||rowspan="2"|Screwdiver<br>(White Mushroom)
|After pressing the switch at the Sunken Ship||Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone||Search Ghost||{{ns|Game|Ursula}} (1st time)<br>[[Jetsam]]<br>[[Flotsam]]||Ursula (2nd time)
|After defeating Ursula (2nd time)||—||—||—||—||—||—||—||—||—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="3"|—
|After sealing the Keyhole||Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Shletering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>Aquatank||Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone||Screwdiver<br>Aquatank<br>(White Mushroom)||Screwdiver<br>Aquatank||rowspan="2"|Sea Neon||Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>Aquatank||Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone||Screwdiver<br>(White Mushroom)||Search Ghost
|After sealing the Keyhole, and rescuing Kairi||Search Ghost<br>Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>[[Darkball]]||Screwdiver<br>Aquatank<br>Darkball||Darkball<br>(White Mushroom)||Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>Aquatank<br>Darkball||Sea Neon<br>Sheltering Zone<br>Screwdiver<br>Aquatank<br>Darkball||Search Ghost<br>Darkball||Darkball<br>(White Mushroom)||Darkball
<gallery widths="60px" heights="60px">
Dusk KHII.png|[[Dusk]]
Creeper KHII.png|[[Creeper]]
Dragoon KHII.png|[[Dragoon]]
Assassin KHII.png|[[Assassin]]
Samurai KHII.png|[[Samurai]]
Sniper KHII.png|[[Sniper]]
Dancer KHII.png|[[Dancer]]
Berserker KHII.png|[[Berserker]]
Gambler KHII.png|[[Gambler]]
Sorcerer KHII.png|[[Sorcerer]]
Axel KHCOM.png|[[Axel]]
Larxene KHCOM.png|[[Larxene]]
Riku (Dark Mode) KH.png|[[Riku Replica]]
Vexen KHCOM.png|[[Vexen]]
Lexaeus KHCOM.png|[[Lexaeus]]
Twilight Thorn KHII.png|[[Twilight Thorn]]
Xemnas KHII.png|[[Xemnas]]
Xaldin KHII.png|[[Xaldin]]
Zexion KHD.png|[[Zexion]]
Saïx KHII.png|[[Saïx]]
Demyx KHII.png|[[Demyx]]
Luxord KHII.png|[[Luxord]]
Marluxia KHD.png|[[Marluxia]]
Roxas KHII.png|[[Roxas]]

{|class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="9"|Area
!style="width:120px"|Ship: Hold<br><small>(Hallway)</small>||style="width:120px"|Ship: Hold<br><small>(Ladder room)</small>||style="width:120px"|Ship: Hold<br><small>(Aero room)</small>||style="width:120px"|Ship: Freezer||style="width:120px"|Ship: Galley||style="width:120px"|Ship: Cabin<br><small>(Hallway)</small>||style="width:120px"|Captain's Cabin||style="width:120px"|Pirate Ship||style="width:120px"|Clock Tower
|Before defeating the AntiSora||[[Pirate]]<br>[[Shadow Sora]]||[[Barrel Spider]]<br>Shadow Sora||rowspan="3"|—||[[Shadow]]<br>Pirate<br>Shadow Sora||Barrel Spider<br>Pirate<br>Shadow Sora||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Pirate||[[AntiSora]]||—||rowspan="4"|—
|After defeating the AntiSora||Pirate||Barrel Spider||Pirate||Shadow<br>Pirate||Shadow<br>Pirate||Pirate<br>[[Air Pirate]]<br>[[Battleship]]<br>{{ns|Game|Hook}}
|After defeating Hook||—||—||—||—||—||—||—
|After sealing the Keyhole||Pirate||Barrel Spider||Shadow||Pirate||Shadow<br>Pirate||Shadow<br>Pirate||Shadow<br>Pirate||Pirate<br>Air Pirate<br>Battleship<br>([[Rare Truffle]])
<gallery widths="60px" heights="60px">
Flood KHBBS.png|[[Flood]]
|After rescuing Kairi||rowspan="2"|[[Yellow Opera]]<br>[[Darkball]]||rowspan="2"|Pirate||rowspan="2"|Darkball||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Darkball||rowspan="2"|Yellow Opera<br>Pirate||rowspan="2"|Pirate<br>Darkball||rowspan="2"|Yellow Opera<br>Pirate<br>Darkball||rowspan="2"|Air Pirate<br>Battleship<br>Darkball<br>(Rare Truffle)||[[Phantom]]
Scrapper KHBBS.png|[[Scrapper]]
Bruiser KHBBS.png|[[Bruiser]]
|After defeating the Phantom||
Red Hot Chili KHBBS.png|[[Red Hot Chili]]
Monotrucker KHBBS.png|[[Monotrucker]]
Thornbite KHBBS.png|[[Thornbite]]
Shoegazer KHBBS.png|[[Shoegazer]]
Spiderchest KHBBS.png|[[Spiderchest]]
Archraven KHBBS.png|[[Archraven]]
Hareraiser KHBBS.png|[[Hareraiser]]
Jellyshade KHBBS.png|[[Jellyshade]]
Tank Toppler KHBBS.png|[[Tank Toppler]]
Vile Phial KHBBS.png|[[Vile Phial]]
Sonic Blaster KHBBS.png|[[Sonic Blaster]]
Wild Bruiser KHBBS.png|[[Wild Bruiser]]
Mandrake KHBBS.png|[[Mandrake]]
Buckle Bruiser KHBBS.png|[[Buckle Bruiser]]
Chrono Twister KHBBS.png|[[Chrono Twister]]
Axe Flapper KHBBS.png|[[Axe Flapper]]
Blobmob KHBBS.png|[[Blobmob]]
Glidewinder KHBBS.png|[[Glidewinder]]
Wheel Master KHBBS.png|[[Wheel Master]]
Spirit of the Magic Mirror KHBBS.png|[[Spirit of the Magic Mirror]]
Mad Treant KHBBS.png|[[Mad Treant]]
Symphony Master KHBBS.png|[[Symphony Master]]
Cursed Coach KHBBS.png|[[Cursed Coach]]
Trinity Armor KHBBS.png|[[Trinity Armor]]
Metamorphosis KHBBS.png|[[Metamorphosis]]
Mimic Master KHBBS.png|[[Mimic Master]]
Iron Imprisoner I KHBBS.png|[[Iron Imprisoner I]]
Iron Imprisoner II KHBBS.png|[[Iron Imprisoner II]]
Iron Imprisoner III KHBBS.png|[[Iron Imprisoner III]]
Iron Imprisoner IV KHBBS.png|[[Iron Imprisoner IV]]
Vanitas Remnant KHBBS.png|[[Vanitas Remnant]]

;Dream Eaters
;Hollow Bastion
{|class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:500px"|Condition||colspan="13"|Area
!style="width:120px"|Castle Gates||style="width:120px"|Base Level||style="width:120px"|Waterway<br><small>(Main area)</small>||style="width:120px"|Waterway<br><small>(Dungeon entrance)</small>||style="width:120px"|Dungeon||style="width:120px"|Entrance Hall||style="width:120px"|Lift Stop||style="width:120px"|Great Crest<br><small>(On trolley)</small>||style="width:120px"|High Tower||style="width:120px"|Castle Chapel||style="width:120px"|Castle Chapel<br><small>(Dragon Room)</small>||style="width:120px"|Great Hall||style="width:120px"|Dark Depths
|Before entering the Entrance Hall||[[Shadow]]<br>[[Darkball]]<br>[[Defender]]||Darkball||rowspan="2"|Defender||rowspan="2"|—||Shadow<br>Darkball||{{ns|Game|Riku}} (Sword)||rowspan="2"|—||rowspan="2"|—||rowspan="2"|—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="3"|—||rowspan="4"|—
|After defeating Riku (Sword)||rowspan="3"|Shadow<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>[[Wyvern]]||rowspan="3"|Defender<br>Wyvern<br>[[Wizard]]||rowspan="3"|Darkball<br>Defender<br>([[Black Fungus]])||—
|After inserting 4 Emblem Pieces||rowspan="4"|—||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Defender<br>Wyvern<br>Wizard||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wyvern<br>Wizard||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wizard||Wizard||rowspan="2"|Shadow<br>Darkball<br>Defender<br>Wyvern<br>Wizard
|After entering the Castle Chapel||Defender<br>Wizard||{{ns|Game|Maleficent}}||[[Maleficent Dragon]]||{{ns|Game|Riku}} (Keyblade)
|After rescuing Kairi||rowspan="2"|[[Large Body]]<br>[[Red Nocturne]]<br>[[Air Soldier]]<br>Wyvern<br>Wizard||rowspan="2"|Large Body<br>Defender<br>Wyvern||rowspan="2"|Large Body<br>[[Yellow Opera]]<br>Air Soldier<br>Defender<br>Wizard||rowspan="2"|Red Nocturne<br>[[Blue Rhapsody]]<br>Yellow Opera<br>[[Green Requiem]]<br>Wizard<br>(Black Fungus)||rowspan="2"|Large Body<br>Blue Rhapsody<br>Air Soldier<br>Defender<br>Wizard||rowspan="2"|[[Soldier]]<br>Red Nocturne<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Defender||rowspan="2"|Yellow Opera<br>Air Soldier<br>Wizard||rowspan="2"|Soldier<br>Green Requiem<br>Air Soldier<br>Defender<br>Wyvern||rowspan="2"|—||rowspan="2"|—||rowspan="2"|Soldier<br>Large Body<br>Defender<br>Wizard||[[Behemoth]]
|After sealing the Keyhole||
<gallery widths="60px" heights="60px">
Meow Wow (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Meow Wow]]
Tama Sheep (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Tama Sheep]]
Yoggy Ram (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Yoggy Ram]]
Komory Bat (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Komory Bat]]
Pricklemane (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Pricklemane]]
Hebby Repp (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Hebby Repp]]
Sir Kyroo (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Sir Kyroo]]
Toximander (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Toximander]]
Thunderaffe (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Thunderaffe]]
Kooma Panda (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Kooma Panda]]
Pegaslick (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Pegaslick]]
Peepsta Hoo (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Peepsta Hoo]]
Escarglow (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Escarglow]]
KO Kabuto (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[KO Kabuto]]
Zolephant (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Zolephant]]
Juggle Pup (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Juggle Pup]]
Staggerceps (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Staggerceps]]
Flowbermeow (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Flowbermeow]]
Lord Kyroo (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Lord Kyroo]]
Me Me Bunny (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Me Me Bunny]]
Drill Sye (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Drill Sye]]
Tyranto Rex (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Tyranto Rex]]
Majik Lapin (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Majik Lapin]]
Cera Terror (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Cera Terror]]
Skelterwild (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Skelterwild]]
Ducky Goose (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Ducky Goose]]
Aura Lion (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Aura Lion]]
Drak Quack (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Drak Quack]]
Keeba Tiger (Nightmare) KH3D.png|[[Keeba Tiger]]
Meowjesty (Spirit) KH3D.png|[[Meowjesty]]
Sudo Neku (Spirit) KH3D.png|[[Sudo Neku]]
Ursa Circus (Spirit) KH3D.png|[[Ursa Circus]]
Kab Kannon (Spirit) KH3D.png|[[Kab Kannon]]
R & R Seal (Spirit) KH3D.png|[[R & R Seal]]
Hockomonkey (Brute) KH3D.png|[[Hockomonkey]]
Wargoyle (Sora's Side) KH3D.png|[[Wargoyle]]
Commantis KH3D.png|[[Commantis]]
Chill Clawbster KH3D.png|[[Chill Clawbster]]
Char Clawbster KH3D.png|[[Char Clawbster]]
Holey Moley KH3D.png|[[Holey Moley]]
Spellican KH3D.png|[[Spellican]]
Anti Black Coat KH3D.png|[[Anti Black Coat]]
Armored Ventus Nightmare KH3D.png|[[Armored Ventus Nightmare]]

;End of the World
{|class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
!rowspan="2" style="width:300px"|Condition||colspan="14"|Area
!style="width:120px"|Final Dimension||style="width:120px"|Giant Crevasse||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Traverse Town)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Wonderland)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small><small>(Olympus Coliseum)</small></small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Deep Jungle)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Agrabah)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Atlantica)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Halloween Town)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Neverland)</small>||style="width:120px"|World Terminus<br><small>(Laboratory)</small>||style="width:120px"|Evil Grounds||style="width:120px"|Linked Worlds||style="width:120px"|Homecoming
|Before defeating Chernabog||rowspan="3"|[[Shadow]]<br>[[Darkball]]<br>[[Behemoth]]<br>[[Invisible]]<br>[[Angel Star]]||rowspan="3"|Darkball<br>Invisible<br>Angel Star||rowspan="3"|[[Soldier]]<br>[[Large Body]]||rowspan="3"|[[Red Nocturne]]<br>[[Blue Rhapsody]]<br>[[Yellow Opera]]<br>[[Green Requiem]]<br>[[Wizard]]||rowspan="3"|[[Air Soldier]]<br>[[Defender]]<br>[[Wyvern]]||rowspan="3"|[[Powerwild]]<br>[[Bouncywild]]||rowspan="3"|[[Bandit]]<br>[[Fat Bandit]]||rowspan="3"|[[Sea Neon]]<br>[[Sheltering Zone]]<br>[[Screwdiver]]<br>[[Aquatank]]||rowspan="3"|[[Search Ghost]]<br>[[Wight Knight]]<br>[[Gargoyle]]||rowspan="3"|[[Barrel Spider]]<br>[[Pirate]]||rowspan="3"|Invisible||[[Chernabog]]||—||rowspan="2"|—
|After defeating Chernabog||rowspan="2"|||Darkball<br>Behemoth<br>Invisible<br>Angel Star
<gallery widths="60px" heights="60px">
Card of Hearts KH.png|[[Card of Hearts]]
|After being able to visit the Final Rest||Invisible<br>Angel Star<br>([[White Mushroom]])<br>([[Black Fungus]])<br>([[Rare Truffle]])||{{ns|Game|Ansem}} (First battle)<br>[[Darkside]]<br>Ansem (Second battle)
Card of Spades KH.png|[[Card of Spades]]
Undead Pirate A KHII.png|[[Undead Pirate A]]
Undead Pirate B KHII.png|[[Undead Pirate B]]
Undead Pirate C KHII.png|[[Undead Pirate C]]
Vivi KHII.png|[[Fake Vivi]]
Shadow Roxas KHII.png|[[Shadow Roxas]]
Sora (Antiform) KHII.png|[[Game:Vexen|Clone Sora]]
Orb of Light KHBBS.png|[[Orb of Light]]
Maleficent's goon (Spear) KHBBS.png|[[Maleficent's goons|Maleficent's goon (Spear)]]
Maleficent's goon (Mace) KHBBS.png|[[Maleficent's goons|Maleficent's goon (Mace)]]
Maleficent's goon (Bow) KHBBS.png|[[Maleficent's goons|Maleficent's goon (Bow)]]
Blaster KHBBS.png|[[Blaster]]
Mimic Master's Terra Fake.png|[[Mimic Master|Terra Fake]]
Mimic Master's Ventus Fake.png|[[Mimic Master|Ventus Fake]]
Mimic Master's Aqua Fake.png|[[Mimic Master|Aqua Fake]]
Jafar (Genie) KH.png|[[Jafar (Genie)]]
Cloud KH.png|[[Cloud]]
Oogie Boogie KH.png|[[Oogie Boogie]]
Ursula KH3D.png|[[Ursula]]
Captain Hook KH.png|[[Captain Hook]]
Maleficent KH.png|[[Maleficent]]
Maleficent (Dragon) KH.png|[[Maleficent (Dragon)]]
Seifer KHII.png|[[Seifer]]
Vivi KHII.png|[[Vivi]]
Hayner KHII.png|[[Hayner]]
Setzer KHII.png|[[Setzer]]
Shan-Yu KHII.png|[[Shan-Yu]]
Hayabusa KHII.png|[[Hayabusa]]
Beast KHII.png|[[Beast]]
Cerberus KHII.png|[[Cerberus]]
Hydra KHII.png|[[Hydra]]
Captain Pete TR KHII.png|[[Captain Pete]]
Pete KHII.png|[[Pete]]
Captain Barbossa KHII.png|[[Captain Barbossa]]
Shenzi KHII.png|[[Shenzi]]
Banzai KHII.png|[[Banzai]]
Ed KHII.png|[[Ed]]
Scar KHII.png|[[Scar]]
Hostile Program KHII.png|[[Hostile Program]]
Riku-Ansem (Cloaked) KHII.png|[[Game:Riku|Mysterious Man]]
Lock KHII.png|[[Lock]]
Shock KHII.png|[[Shock]]
Barrel KHII.png|[[Barrel]]
Experiment KHII.png|[[The Experiment]]
Sark KHII.png|[[Sark]]
Leon KHII.png|[[Leon]]
Yuffie KHII.png|[[Yuffie]]
Tifa KHII.png|[[Tifa]]
Hercules KHII.png|[[Hercules]]
Sephiroth KHII.png|[[Sephiroth]]
Lingering Will KHIIFM.png|[[Lingering Will]]
Lucifer KHBBS.png|[[Lucifer]]
Vanitas KHBBS.png|[[Vanitas]]
Braig KHBBS.png|[[Braig]]
Gantu KHBBS.png|[[Gantu]]
Peter Pan KHBBS.png|[[Peter Pan]]
Master Eraqus KHBBS.png|[[Master Eraqus]]
Master Xehanort KHBBS.png|[[Master Xehanort]]
Terra-Xehanort KHBBS.png|[[Terra-Xehanort]]
Ventus-Vanitas KHBBS.png|[[Ventus-Vanitas]]
Black Guard KH3D.png|[[Black Guard]]
Rinzler KH3D.png|[[Rinzler]]
Beagle Boys KH3D.png|[[Beagle Boys]]
Pete (Battle) CotM KH3D.png|[[Pete]] {{KH3D}}
Young Xehanort KH3D.png|[[Young Xehanort]]
Julius KH3D.png|[[Julius]]
===Enemies that absorb/are immune to the Physical element===
===Enemies that resist the Physical element===
Lexaeus KHCOM.png|[[Lexaeus]]
Book of Retribution KHII.png|[[Game:Zexion|Book of Retribution]]
Vanitas Remnant KHBBS.png|[[Vanitas Remnant]]
===Enemies that are weak to the Physical element===
Marluxia KHCOM.png|[[Marluxia]]
Glidewinder KHBBS.png|[[Glidewinder]]
*KH (Attacks/Enemies)
*KHCOM <s>(Attacks/Enemies)</s> Check Gravity Raid, Stop Raid, <s>Homing Fira, Firaga Break, Blazing Donald</s>(Most likely Fire), and Goofy Charge
*<s>KHII (Attacks/Enemies)</s>
*KHD (Attacks/Enemies)
*KHBBS (Attacks/<s>Enemies</s>) Check Unknown and FM enemies
*KHREC (Attacks/Enemies)
*<s>KH3D (Attacks/Enemies)</s>
===Enemies' attack elements===
*P = Physical
*F = Fire
*B = Blizzard
*T = Thunder
*A = Aero (KHD/KHREC)
*W = Water (KH3D)
*L = Light (KH3D)
*D = Dark (KHBBS/KH3D)
*N = Neutral
*Shadow - P
*Soldier - P
*Large Body - P, N
*Red Nocturne - F
*Blue Rhapsody - B
*Yellow Opera - T
*Green Requiem - —
*Powerwild - P
*Bouncywild - N
*Air Soldier - P
*Bandit - P
*Fat Bandit - P, F
*Barrel Spider - P, F
*Search Ghost - P
*Sea Neon - P
*Screwdiver - P
*Aquatank - P, T
*Wight Knight - P
*Gargoyle - P, F
*Pirate - P
*Air Pirate - P
*Darkball - P
*Defender - P, F
*Wyvern - P
*Wizard - F, B, T
*Neoshadow - P, N
*Black Fungus - P
*Creeper Plant - N
*Tornado Step - P
*Crescendo - P
*Card Soldier (Hearts) - P
*Card Soldier (Spades) - P
*Guard Armor - P, N
*Jafar-Genie - P, F, T
*Cloud - P, N
*Hades - F
*Trickmaster - P, F, N
*Parasite Cage - P, N
*Oogie Boogie - P, F
*Ursula - P, B, T
*Hook - P, F
*Dragon Maleficent - P, F, N
*Darkside - N
*Axel - P, F
*Larxene - P, T
*Riku Replica - P, N
*Vexen - P, B
*Marluxia - N
*Lexaeus - P, N
*Zexion - N
*Ansem - P, N
*Shadow - P
*Soldier - P
*Large Body - P, N
*Silver Rock - P, N
*Emerald Blues - P, N
*Crimson Jazz - P, F, N
*Air Pirate - P
*Trick Ghost - P, F, D
*Rabid Dog - P, N
*Hook Bat - P, N
*Book Master - P, F, B, T
*Minute Bomb - P, F
*Hammer Frame - P, N
*Fortuneteller - P, B
*Cannon Gun - F
*Rapid Thruster - P
*Driller Mole - P
*Lance Soldier - P
*Morning Star - P
*Fiery Globe - F
*Icy Cube - B
*Fat Bandit - P, F
*Luna Bandit - P
*Gargoyle Knight - P
*Gargoyle Warrior - P
*Wight Knight - P
*Graveyard - P
*Toy Soldier - P, N
*Aeroplane - P, N
*Hot Rod - P
*Assault Rider - P, F
*Nightwalker - P
*Bolt Tower - P, T, N
*Magnum Loader - P
*Strafer - P, T
*Devastator - P, T
*Living Bone - P, F
*Shaman - P, F
*Aerial Knocker - P
*Tornado Step - P
*Crescendo - P
*Creeper Plant - P
*Armored Knight - P
*Surveillance Robot - P, T
*Neoshadow - P
*Spring Metal - P, N
*Aerial Viking - P
*Magic Phantom - P, F, D
*Befuddler - P, N
*Runemaster - P, F, B, T
*Iron Hammer - P, N
*Mad Ride - P
*Camo Cannon - F
*Reckless - P, T
*Lance Warrior - P
*Necromancer - P, F
*Aerial Champ - P
*Thresholder - P, D, N
*Shadow Stalker - P, F, D, N
*Dark Thorn - P, D, N
*Volcanic Lord - F
*Blizzard Lord - B
*Prison Keeper - P, F, D
*Storm Rider - P, F, T, N
*Grim Reaper - P, N
*Groundshaker - F, T
*Dusk - P
*Creeper - P
*Dragoon - P
*Assassin - P
*Samurai - P
*Sniper - P
*Dancer - P
*Berserker - P
*Gambler - P
*Sorcerer - P
*Twilight Thorn - P, N
*Xemnas - P, T, N
**Armor - P, B, T, N
**Dragon - N
**Final - P, T, D, N
*Time Bomb - N
*Speeder - N
*Spiked Roller - N
*Xigbar - N
*Xaldin - P, N
*Vexen - B
**Clone Sora - P, D
*Lexaeus - P, N
*Zexion - P, D, N
*Saïx - P, N
*Axel - P, F
*Demyx - P, B
**Water Clones - B
*Luxord - P
*Marluxia - P, D
*Larxene - P, T
*Roxas - P, N
*Seifer - P
*Undead Pirate A - P
*Undead Pirate B - P, F
*Undead Pirate C - P
*Fake Vivi - P
*Shadow Roxas - P
*Vivi - P
*Hayner - P
*Setzer - P
*Shan-Yu - P
**Hayabusha - P
*Beast - P
*Cerberus - P, N
*Hydra - P, F, D
*Pete? - P, N
*Pete - P, F, N
*Barbossa - P, F, N
*Oogie Boogie - P, F, T
*Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed - P
*Scar - P, F, T, N
*Hostile Program - P, T
*Mysterious Man - P, D
*Hades - F, D
*Jafar's Shadow - P? <!-- He attacks by casting Thunder-->
*Jafar (Genie) - P, F, T
*Lock - P
*Shock - P
*Barrel - P
*The Experiment - P, N
*Sark - P, T
*MCP - T, N
*Leon - P, F, N
*Yuffie - P
*Tifa - P, N
*Cloud - P, N
*Hercules - P, N
*Sephiroth - P, F, D, N
*Lingering Will - P, B
*Flood - P
*Scrapper - P
*Bruiser - P
*Red Hot Chili - P, F
*Monotrucker - P
*Thornbite - P
*Shoegazer - P
*Spiderchest - P
*Archraven - P
*Hareraiser - P
*Jellyshade - P
*Tank Toppler - P
*Vile Phial - P
*Sonic Blaster - P
*Triple Wrecker - F, B, T
*Wild Bruiser - P
*Blue Sea Salt - B
*Yellow Mustard - T
*Mandrake - P
*Buckle Bruiser - P
*Chrono Twister - P
*Axe Flapper - P
*Blobmob - P
*Glidewinder - P
*Orb of Light - P
*Maleficent's Goon (Spear) - P
*Maleficent's Goon (Mace) - P, N
*Maleficent's Goon (Bow) - P
*Blaster - P
*Wheel Master - P, N
*Maleficent - P, T, N
*Maleficent (Dragon) - P, N
*Spirit of the Magic Mirror - P, F, N
*Mad Treant - P, D
*Symphony Master - P
*Lucifer - P, N
*Cursed Coach - P, N
*Vanitas - P, F, B, D, N
*Trinity Armor - P, F, N
*Braig - P, N
*Zack - P, F, N
*Ice Colossus - B
*Hades - F, N
*Experiment 221 - T, N
*Metamorphosis - P, T
*Gantu - P
*Peter Pan - P, N
*Captain Hook - P, F, N
*Master Eraqus - P, F
*Master Xehanort - P, B, T, N
*Terra-Xehanort - P, F, D, N
*Ventus-Vanitas - P, N
*Mimic Master - P, N
**Terra copy - P, N
**Ventus copy - P, N
**Aqua copy - P, F, B, N
*Iron Imprisoner I - P, F, N
*Iron Imprisoner II - P, F, N
*Iron Imprisoner III - P, F, N
*Iron Imprisoner IV - P, F, N
*Vanitas Remnant - P, N
*Iceguin Ace - B, N
*Juggle Pup - P, F, B, N
*Wheeflower - F, W, L
*Thunderaffe - P, T
*Electricorn - T, L
*Aura Lion - P, F, L, N
*Ghostabocky - B, D, N
*Jestabocky - B, T, D
*Lord Kyroo - P, T, N
*Chef Kyroo - F, D, N
*Sir Kyroo - P, W, N
*Peepsta Hoo - P, F, B, T, L, D, N
*Keeba Tiger - P, F, D, N
*Fin Fatale - W
*Meowjesty - P, D, N
*Ursa Circus - P, F
*Kooma Panda - P, L
*Komory Bat - P, D, N
*Zolephant - P, W
*Kab Kannon - P, F, B, T
*Eaglider - F, L
*Tatsu Steed - B, W
*Tama Sheep - P, L, N
*KO Kabuto - P, F, B, T
*Cera Terror - P, B
*Escarglow - P, L, D, N
*Toximander - P, F, W, D
*Drak Quack - P, F, W, L, N
*Drill Sye - P, F
*Halbird - L
*Sudo Neku - P, F
*Necho Cat - F, T, D
*R & R Seal - P, F, B, W, N
*Staggerceps - P, F, B, T
*Flowbermeow - P, L, N
*Ducky Goose - P, F, W, N
*Pricklemane - P, F
*Pegaslick - P, L
*Frootz Cat - F, T, D
*Hebby Repp - P, F
*Tyranto Rex - P, F, N
*Fishboné - W, D
*Skelterwild - P, B, N
*Majik Lapin - P, F, B, T, L, D, N
*Me Me Bunny - P
*Tatsu Blaze - F
*Cyber Yog - T, N
*Yoggy Ram - P, F
*Ryu Dragon - F, N
*Woeflower - D, N
*Meow Wow - P, N
*Black Guard - P
*Ursula - P, F, T, W
*Hockomonkey - P, F
*Wargoyle - P, F
*Rinlzer - P, N
*Commantis - P, T
*Chill Clawbster - P, B, N
*Char Clawbster - P, F, N
*Beagle Boys - P
*Pete - P, F
*Holey Moley - P
*Spellican - P, T, L
*Chernabog - —
*Xemnas - P, N
*Anti Black Coat - P, D
*Ansem - P, N
*Ansem II - P, W, D, N
*Young Xehanort - P, F
*Armored Ventus Nightmare - P, D, N
*Julius - P, T, N

Latest revision as of 18:24, 2 December 2024

Official enemy attack names

Enemy Japanese Literal English Source
Cloud 凶斬り Cross Slash* Cross-slash Chain of Memories
Cross Slash Union χ
超究武神覇斬 Omnislash* Omnislash Chain of Memories, Re:coded
たたかう Attack Attack Re:coded
Hades ファイガボール Firaga Ball Firagaball Chain of Memories
Firaga Ball Re:coded
ブレイズアップ Blaze Up Temper Flare Chain of Memories
ファイアウォール Fire Wall Firewall Re:coded
シャドウ召喚 Shadow Summon Summon Shadow Re:coded
Hook ラッシュ&プレゼント Rush & Present Rush & Present Chain of Memories
コンボ&プレゼント Combo & Present Combo & Present Chain of Memories
バレルブラスト Barrel Blast Barrel Blast Re:Chain of Memories
Riku Replica 兜割り Helmet Split Helm Split Chain of Memories
Axel ファイアウォール Fire Wall Fire Wall Chain of Memories, Record Keeper
ファイアカッター Fire Cutter Firetooth Chain of Memories, Record Keeper
乱舞 Boisterous Dance Wild Frenzy Union χ
Wild Dance Record Keeper
火炎の牢獄 Prison of Flames Prison of Flames Union χ
片手武器投げ One Hand Weapon Throw One-handed Throw Record Keeper
Larxene ライトニングボルト Lightningbolt Lightning Bolt Chain of Memories
テレポートラッシュ Teleport Rush Teleport Rush Chain of Memories
メガヴォルト Mega Volt Mega Volt Re:Chain of Memories
ブレイドストーム Blade Storm Blade Storm Re:Chain of Memories
疾風迅雷 Lightning Speed Raging Winds Union χ
Vexen アイスニードル Ice Needle Ice Needle Chain of Memories
アイスバーン Ice Burn Iceburn Chain of Memories
フリーズ Freeze Freeze Chain of Memories
ダイヤモンドダスト Diamond Dust Diamond Dust Chain of Memories, Union χ
スライドブレイク Slide Break Slide Break Re:Chain of Memories
アンサンブル Ensemble Icy Ensemble Union χ
Marluxia ブロッサムシャワー Blossom Shower Blossom Shower Chain of Memories
デスサイズ Death Scythe Deathscythe Chain of Memories
ドロップショット Drop Shot Drop Shot 'Re:Chain of Memories
最後の審判 Final Judgment Final Judgment Union χ
Lexaeus インパクトクエイク Impact Quake Impact Quake Re:Chain of Memories
ロックブレイク Rock Break Rockshatter Chain of Memories
グランドインパクト Ground Impact Ground Impact Re:Chain of Memories
アースフューリー Earth Fury Earthen Fury Union χ
Ansem, Seeker of Darkness ダークシャドウ Dark Shadow Dark Shadow Chain of Memories
ダークラッシュ Dark Rush Dark Rush Chain of Memories
衝撃斬 Shock Slash Shock Slash Re:Chain of Memories
Marluxia (Third Form) 断絶の烈風 Gale of Extinction Gale of Severance Re:Chain of Memories
死の宣告 Death Sentence Doom Re:Chain of Memories
虚無への旋風 Whirlwind to Nothingness Whirlwind to the Void Re:Chain of Memories
サークルリジェクト Circle Reject Circle Reject Re:Chain of Memories
全方位レーザー Omni-directional Laser Omni Laser Re:Chain of Memories
Zexion サイクロンスナッチ Cyclone Snatch Cyclone Snatch Re:Chain of Memories
ダークパニッシャー Dark Punisher Dark Punisher Re:Chain of Memories
カタストロフィー Catastrophe Catastrophe Re:Chain of Memories
メテオミラージュ Meteor Mirage Meteor Mirage Union χ
Shadow 跳び引っかき Jump Scratch Claw Lunge Re:coded
Soldier あびせ蹴り Pouring Kick Kick Storm Re:coded
Large Body 突進 Rush Charge Re:coded
ジャンピング衝撃波 Jumping Shock Wave Jumping Jolt Re:coded
Air Soldier ナックルハンマー Knuckle Hammer Knuckle Hammer Re:coded
Wizard スピードファイラ Speed Fira Speed Fira Re:coded
ローリングブリザラ Rolling Blizzara Rolling Blizzara Re:coded
ランダムサンダラ Random Thundara Random Thundara Re:coded
Defender シールドかみつき Shield Bite Shield Bite Re:coded
Darkball かみつき Bite Chomp Re:coded
Bandit なぎ払い Mow Down Slash Re:coded
Fat Bandit 火炎弾 Flame Bullet Ball of Flame Re:coded
ジャンピング衝撃波 Jumping Shock Wave Jumping Jolt Re:coded
Wyvern 連続蹴り Continuous Kick Flurry Kick Re:coded
きりもみ突進 Drill Rush Corkscrew Charge Re:coded
Invisible 振り払い Shake Off Scourge Re:coded
ダークボール Dark Ball Darkball Re:coded
Black Fungus ダークタッチ Dark Touch Dark Contact Re:coded
ダークポイズン Dark Poison Dark Poison Re:coded
Cerberus 一斉かみつき Simultaneous Bite Triple Chomp Re:coded
ファイガボール Firaga Ball Firaga Ball Re:coded
Behemoth 踏みつけ Trample Stomp Re:coded
ダークチャージ弾 Dark Charge Bullet Dark Pulse Re:coded
Ice Titan アイスランス Ice Lance Ice Lance Re:coded
アイスメテオ Ice Meteor Ice Meteor Re:coded
アイスブレス Ice Breath Ice Breath Re:coded
Rock Titan 片腕パンチ One Arm Punch Haymaker Re:coded
足踏み衝撃波 Stomp Shock Wave Earthshaker Re:coded
Darkside ダークホーミング Dark Homing Homing Darkness Union χ
Leon ブラスティングゾーン Blasting Zone Zone of Ruin Union χ
Hostile Program レーザー Laser Laser Union χ
Demyx 水柱乱舞 Water Column Wild Dance Water Whirl Union χ
Xaldin 絶望の風 Wind of Despair Wings of Despair Union χ
Roxas イベントホライズン Event Horizon Black Hole Union χ, Record Keeper
キーブレード解放 Keyblade Release Keyblade Unleashed Record Keeper
Xigbar アルテマショット Ultima Shot Ultimate Shot Union χ
Saïx バーサク Berserk Berserk Union χ
Luxord カード乱舞 Card Boisterous Dance Dancing Deck Union χ
Xemnas 二刀流 Dual Wield Dual Blade Union χ
Sephiroth 一閃 Flash Swift Strike Union χ
Riku 縦振り Vertical Swing Vertical Strike Record Keeper
振り払い Shake Off Scourge Record Keeper
闇のオーラ Dark Aura Aura of Darkness Record Keeper
ダークハンド Dark Hand Darkhand Record Keeper
ダークハンド兜割り Dark Hand Helmet Split Darkhand Helm Split Record Keeper
ダークハンド振り払い Dark Hand Shake Off Darkhand Scourge Record Keeper
ダッシュ振り Dash Swing Dash Swing Record Keeper
Yuffie 抜山蓋世 Landscaper* Landscaper Record Keeper


  • Lich: 7連ファイア(7-fold Fire) = Fire of Seven (Union χ), so 6連ファイア(6-fold Fire) = Fire of Six?

Enemy Groups

Kingdom Hearts

Destiny Islands
Condition Area
Seashore Seashore
Stormy Night Shadow Darkside
Traverse Town
Condition Area
First District Second District Hallway Green Room Red Room Alleyway Gizmo Shop Third District
After encountering the Heartless in the Second District Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow
After fulfilling the conditions for Leon to appear and returning to the Accessory Shop Leon
After getting attacked by Heartless in the Hotel Shadow
Soldier Shadow
White Mushroom
Guard Armor
After defeating the Guard Armor
After flying the Gummi Ship for the first time Shadow
Soldier Shadow
White Mushroom
After sealing the Keyhole in Deep Jungle Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Blue Rhapsody Red Nocturne
White Mushroom
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Large Body
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Air Soldier
After ringing the bell three times Opposite Armor
After sealing the Keyhole Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
After rescuing Kairi Search Ghost
Search Ghost Darkball Search Ghost
Search Ghost
Condition Area
Rabbit Hole Bizarre Room Queen's Castle Lotus Forest Bizarre Room
(Sideways, fireplace)
Bizarre Room
(Sideways, painting)
Bizarre Room
Tea Party Garden
Before visiting Queen's Castle Shadow
Red Nocturne
After visiting Queen's Castle Shadow
Red Nocturne
After the trial resumes Queen of Hearts
Card of Hearts
Card of Spades
Crank Tower
After the trial ends Shadow
Red Nocturne
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Large Body
(White Mushroom)
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Large Body
Red Nocturne
After lighting both lamps at the Bizarre Room (Upside-down) Trickmaster
After sealing the Keyhole Shadow
Red Nocturne
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Red Nocturne
After rescuing Kairi Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Air Soldier
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Air Soldier
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Air Soldier
(White Mushroom)
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Blue Rhapsody
Air Soldier
Yellow Opera
Air Soldier
Deep Jungle
Condition Area
Treehouse Climbing Trees Camp Bamboo Thicket Cliff
Immediately on first visit SaborSymbol - Crown.png
After visiting the Tent Sabor Sabor Sabor
After showing Tarzan all Slides Sabor
After questioning Clayton in the Tent Powerwild Powerwild Powerwild Powerwild Powerwild
After rescuing the gorilla from the Heartless in that area Shadow
(White Mushroom)
(White Mushroom)
After rescuing all gorillas and returning to the Tent Powerwild Sabor
After defeating Sabor Shadow
After rescuing Jane Shadow
(White Mushroom)
Stealth Sneak
After defeating Clayton
After sealing the Keyhole Shadow
(White Mushroom)
Powerwild Shadow
(White Mushroom)
After rescuing Kairi Bouncywild
(White Mushroom)
(White Mushroom)
Green Requiem
Green Requiem
Condition Area
Plaza Main Street Alley Bazaar Palace Gates Desert: Cave Entrance Hall Bottomless Hall Treasure Room Lamp Chamber Core
Before rescuing Aladdin Shadow
Pot Spider
Pot Spider
Pot Spider
After rescuing Aladdin Yellow Opera
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Green Requiem
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Yellow Opera
Pot Spider
Green Requiem
Pot Spider
(Black Fungus)
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Pot Spider
After confronting Jafar at the Palace Gates Pot Spider
Pot Centipede
Pot Spider
Pot Centipede
Pot Spider
Pot Centipede
Pot Spider
Pot Centipede
After defeating the Pot Centipede Shadow
Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Pot Spider
Air Soldier
Pot Spider
Pot Spider
(Black Fungus)
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Cave of Wonders Guardian
After defeating the Cave of Wonders Guardian Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Fat Bandit
(White Mushroom)
After destroying the stone pillar at the Hidden Room Jafar
After sealing the Keyhole Shadow
Fat Bandit
(White Mushroom)
Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
After rescuing Kairi Soldier
Large Body
Pot Spider
Large Body
Pot Spider
Large Body
Pot Spider
Pot Spider
(Black Fungus)
Large Body
Pot Spider
Fat Bandit
Fat Bandit
Fat Bandit
Fat Bandit
(White Mushroom)
Large Body
Fat Bandit
Condition Area
Chamber 1 Chamber 2 Chamber 3 Chamber 5 Chamber 6 Bowels Throat Stomach
After meeting Riku in Chamber 1 Shadow
Green Requiem
Search Ghost
Large Body
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Barrel Spider
Large Body
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Search Ghost
Large Body
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Barrel Spider
Search Ghost
Large Body
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Barrel Spider
Parasite Cage (1st time)
After defeating the Parasite Cage (1st time) Shadow
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Search Ghost
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Barrel Spider
Large Body
Air Soldier
Barrel Spider
Search Ghost
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Search Ghost
(Rare Truffle)
Parasite Cage (2nd time)
After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) Large Body
Air Soldier
After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) and rescuing Kairi [Option 1] Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Air Soldier
Barrel Spider
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Barrel Spider
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Barrel Spider
Red Nocturne
(Rare Truffle)
After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) and rescuing Kairi [Option 2] Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Fat Bandit
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Barrel Spider
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Air Soldier
Barrel Spider
Fat Bandit
Pot Spider
Red Nocturne
(Rare Truffle)
Fat Bandit
After defeating the Parasite Cage (2nd time) and rescuing Kairi [Option 3] Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Barrel Spider
Air Pirate
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Barrel Spider
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Barrel Spider
Air Pirate
Barrel Spider
Air Pirate
Red Nocturne
Air Pirate
(Rare Truffle)
Air Pirate
Condition Area
Tranquil Grotto Undersea Valley Calm Depths Undersea Cave Undersea Gorge Undersea Garden Triton's Palace Sunken Ship Below Deck Den of Tides,
Tidal Abyss
Ursula's Lair ???
After finishing swimming practice Sea Neon
After defeating the enemies at Tranquil Grotto Sea Neon Search Ghost Sea Neon Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Search Ghost
After visiting Triton's Throne Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
After Ariel suggests searching for the Keyhole Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
After approaching treasure chest 9 (Crystal Trident) Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
(The Shark)
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
(The Shark)
Search Ghost
(The Shark)
After obtaining the Crystal Trident Sea Neon
After Ariel leaves the party Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
After the trident is stolen Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
(White Mushroom)
Sea Neon (The Shark) Screwdiver
(White Mushroom)
After pressing the switch at the Sunken Ship Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Search Ghost Ursula (1st time)
Ursula (2nd time)
After defeating Ursula (2nd time)
After sealing the Keyhole Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Shletering Zone
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
(White Mushroom)
Sea Neon Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
(White Mushroom)
Search Ghost
After sealing the Keyhole, and rescuing Kairi Search Ghost
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
(White Mushroom)
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Search Ghost
(White Mushroom)
Condition Area
Ship: Hold
Ship: Hold
(Ladder room)
Ship: Hold
(Aero room)
Ship: Freezer Ship: Galley Ship: Cabin
Captain's Cabin Pirate Ship Clock Tower
Before defeating the AntiSora Pirate
Shadow Sora
Barrel Spider
Shadow Sora
Shadow Sora
Barrel Spider
Shadow Sora
After defeating the AntiSora Pirate Barrel Spider Pirate Shadow
Air Pirate
After defeating Hook
After sealing the Keyhole Pirate Barrel Spider Shadow Pirate Shadow
Air Pirate
(Rare Truffle)
After rescuing Kairi Yellow Opera
Pirate Darkball Shadow
Yellow Opera
Yellow Opera
Air Pirate
(Rare Truffle)
After defeating the Phantom
Hollow Bastion
Condition Area
Castle Gates Base Level Waterway
(Main area)
(Dungeon entrance)
Dungeon Entrance Hall Lift Stop Great Crest
(On trolley)
High Tower Castle Chapel Castle Chapel
(Dragon Room)
Great Hall Dark Depths
Before entering the Entrance Hall Shadow
Darkball Defender Shadow
Riku (Sword)
After defeating Riku (Sword) Shadow
(Black Fungus)
After inserting 4 Emblem Pieces Shadow
Wizard Shadow
After entering the Castle Chapel Defender
Maleficent Maleficent Dragon Riku (Keyblade)
After rescuing Kairi Large Body
Red Nocturne
Air Soldier
Large Body
Large Body
Yellow Opera
Air Soldier
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
(Black Fungus)
Large Body
Blue Rhapsody
Air Soldier
Red Nocturne
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Yellow Opera
Air Soldier
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Large Body
After sealing the Keyhole
End of the World
Condition Area
Final Dimension Giant Crevasse World Terminus
(Traverse Town)
World Terminus
World Terminus
(Olympus Coliseum)
World Terminus
(Deep Jungle)
World Terminus
World Terminus
World Terminus
(Halloween Town)
World Terminus
World Terminus
Evil Grounds Linked Worlds Homecoming
Before defeating Chernabog Shadow
Angel Star
Angel Star
Large Body
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Air Soldier
Fat Bandit
Sea Neon
Sheltering Zone
Search Ghost
Wight Knight
Barrel Spider
Invisible Chernabog
After defeating Chernabog Darkball
Angel Star
After being able to visit the Final Rest Invisible
Angel Star
(White Mushroom)
(Black Fungus)
(Rare Truffle)
Ansem (First battle)
Ansem (Second battle)