"Unbreakable Chains" is a musical theme by Takeharu Ishimoto that appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is one of the boss themes of Vanitas.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit
Ventus's StoryEdit
- Battles
- Cutscenes
- Dive to the Heart: "Unfinished Union"
Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit
- Medals
"Unbreakable Chains" is five minutes and 21 seconds in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
The track is a climactic arrangement of Vanitas's primary boss theme, "Enter the Darkness". As such, it incorporates elements of various themes featured in "Enter the Darkness": "Roxas", "Ventus", and "Sora".
Disc 2, Track 17 in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack