"The Silent Forest" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is the field theme of Enchanted Dominion.
"The Silent Forest" is the field theme of Enchanted Dominion in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts Union χ.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit
Ventus's StoryEdit
- Enchanted Dominion: "The Sleeping Princess", "Maleficent's Barrier"
Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit
- Enchanted Dominion: "A New World", "A Beautiful Melody", "Once Upon a Dream", "A Familiar Foe", "The Three Fairies", "A Royal Secret", "The Curse", "Return to the Castle", "Green Glow", "To the Cottage", "The Witch is Back", "A Dangerous Road"
Disc 1, Track 21 in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack