"Never Land Sky" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in Kingdom Hearts. It is one of the field themes of Neverland.
"Never Land Sky" is the field theme of the Clock Tower in Neverland in Kingdom Hearts.
"Never Land Sky" is approximately one minute and twenty-six seconds long in Kingdom Hearts and the HD remake of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. The piece has a time signature of 4/4, and a tempo of 150 beats per minute.
The instrumentation includes: a complete strings section- violin, viola, cello, and string bass, oboe, French horn, trombone, tuba, orchestral bells, wind chimes, piano, and harp.
The faster tempo of the piece in four makes it easier to be "felt" in two; either approach would be acceptable for conducting. It is this internalization of "in two" that gives off the feeling of flying. As this theme plays only while Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Peter Pan fly in the night sky around Big Ben, this piece is solely upbeat and cheerful, as reflected in the piece's key. The main melody is played by the oboe, with the low brass accompaniment playing primarily on the subdivision. The piano part momentarily interrupts the oboe to allow a transition into the next section of the melody. The orchestral bells, wind chimes, and harp provide additional textures that help encourage a "magical" environment. All other instruments, such as the French horn, play the underlying chord foundation.
Disc 2, Track 17 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack
Disc 2, Track 17 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete
Disc 2, Track 17 in the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Original Soundtrack