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Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

"A staff with extraordinary strength and great magic."

Japanese センチュリオン
Rōmaji Senchurion
Strength Magic
+13 +3
Item Synthesis

The Centurion is a staff that can be wielded by Donald Duck in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It can be upgraded to the Centurion+. It represents Lexaeus and is designed to resemble his Skysplitter Axe Sword.


Centurion is about a meter long, and has a blue handle roughly as long as the blade. The top and bottom of the handle end in spikes resembling those on the Nobody logo. The blade is mostly black with a red edge and several other red patterns decorating it. The top of Centurion's blade curves noticeably and the is flat and fans out. The bottom edge of the blade is serrated. It also sports a square, pale yellow counterweight on the opposite side of the handle as the blade. This counterweight is decorated with black lines on the corners and a thin, red "X" on the top side. Centurion is nearly identical to Lexaeus's Skysplitter, except for the lengths of the handle and blade.

The upgraded Centurion+ is identical to the normal Centurion, albeit with a different color scheme. The red sections of the blade are now red-violet. The top and bottom tips of the handle become pale gold, while the handle itself turns grey. The black sections present on the Centurion turn orange on the Centurion+. Finally, the counterweight becomes black on this version of the weapon.


Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit

Requires Amateur Moogle (LV1)
Strength Beyond Strength
Ingredients   Lost Illusion x1
  Remembrance Crystal x1
  Remembrance Gem x3
  Remembrance Stone x5
  Remembrance Shard x7
Rank S
EXP 51
Requires Junior Moogle (LV3) Modifier   Serenity Crystal x 1


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

Donald can equip this as a weapon in Mission Mode by equipping Pandora's Gear or the Pandora's Gear+. The ground combo consists of a horizontal slash from left to right followed by a vertical downward slash. The aerial combo is a vertical slash downward followed by a vertical slash upward.

Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter? Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter?
(Ground) Horizontal Spin Swing
Hit 1 1.0 X X X
(Ground) Forward Jumping Downswing
Hit 1 1.5

Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter? Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter?
(Air) Downswing
Hit 1 0.75 X X X
(Air) Upswing
Hit 1 0.63 X X X
(Air) Vertical Spin Swing
Hit 1 1.38