"The Candy-Filled Kingdom" is a musical composition by Tsuyoshi Sekito that appears in Kingdom Hearts Union χ. It is the field theme of Candy Kingdom.
"The Candy-Filled Kingdom" is the field theme of Candy Kingdom in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.
Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit
- Candy Kingdom: "A Sweet Encounter", "Vanellope", "The Empty Racetrack", "King Candy's Request", "King Candy's Request", "To the Kart Bakery", "The Glitch", "Racing Practice", "Practice Continues", "Venellope May Know", "A Visit to the Castle", "A Difficult Decision", "'My Hero'", "Talk!", "King Candy's Agenda", "To the Fungeon", "Success!", "A Happy Reunion?", "Let the Race Begin!", "A Great Plan", "Sugar Rush Royalty"
Disc 8, Track 8 in the Kingdom Hearts - III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] - Original Soundtrack