"Revenge of Chaos" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is one of the boss themes of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.
Reverse/Rebirth Mode
"Revenge of Chaos" is approximately two minutes and seventeen seconds long and plays at a tempo of 71 beats per minute for the introduction, 145 beats per minute for the main melody, and 71 beats per minute for the variation of the introduction's phrase halfway through the piece. The piece, throughout all tempo changes, remains in 4/4 time entirely. "Revenge of Chaos" has a very short introduction, then leads into the melodic section, followed by a rephrase of the introduction's initial phrase, and repeats back to the melodic section, allowing for smooth transitions between loops. The instrumentation consists of strings, an organ, vocals, cymbals, piano, harp, snare drum, and features low brass instruments.
Disc 8, Track 6 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete