"A Piece of Peace" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in Kingdom Hearts.
Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
- Neverland: "Peter and Wendy"
"A Piece of Peace" is approximately one minute long, regardless of the game it appears in. The piece has a tempo of 108 beats per minute. In both versions, the instrumentation includes: piano, strings, and synthesizer.
The title of the composition suggests a short moment of respite. The reduced instrumentation, simple accompaniment parts and melodic line, as well as short playing time each support this idea of "peace." The string section, exclusively playing in the pizzicato style, adds a slight contrast to the overall texture of the composition.
Disc 2, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack
Disc 2, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete
Disc 2, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Original Soundtrack