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Sora Attacking.
Sora's initial attack in Kingdom Hearts II.

Attack (たたかう Tatakau?) is a recurring command in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is the most basic method of attacking, allowing the user to execute a basic attack with their equipped weapon.

Basic Mechanics

In Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Attack is set at the top, default position on the command menu.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Attack is assigned to   (  in the Japanese versions of the game), and in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, it is assigned to  . In these games, Attack may be replaced with Finish Commands, Reaction Commands, or, in the case of Kingdom Hearts 3D, Flowmotion Attacks.

If the initial attack connects with an enemy or other target, Attack can be used repeatedly to execute an attack combo. In most games, a basic combo consists of three strikes, the last of which is a stronger, finishing strike. The number of attacks before the combo finisher can be increased by equipping Combo Plus and Air Combo Plus or decreased by equipping Negative Combo. If any attacks in the combo aside from a finisher do not connect with a target, the combo will end prematurely, unless Combo Master is equipped.

The types of attacks used during the combo or the combo finisher can be changed with certain abilities, and they can be affected by Drive Forms, Lion Form, Command Styles and Link Styles. In Kingdom Hearts II, Dodge Slash provides an entirely new attack combo, as do Impact Arts and Sonic Arts in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, attack combos and combo finishers are dependent on the equipped weapon. Additionally, a combo will not end if an attack misses. However, a combo may be altered if   is pressed when prompted during the course of the combo.

Attack deals physical damage to enemies.


Basic combos

In Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Sora's basic ground-based weapon combo consists of three hits by default, the last of which is a finishing attack. The first two hits, depending on the location of the enemy, consist of an overhead strike, a forward thrust, and a side-to-side swipe. A spinning, horizontal strike is the combo finisher. His aerial combo consists of an upward strike and a downward strike, with a spinning attack as the finisher.

In Kingdom Hearts II, Sora's basic combo is virtually unchanged from Kingdom Hearts, except his forward thrust incorporates a swipe that has a greater chance of hitting missed enemies. In addition, a Blitz-esque combo finisher is added to his ground combo, and his air combo gets a more powerful single-target finisher as well.

Combo attack abilities

In Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts III Sora's combo attacks can be augmented with abilities. Some abilities can increase the potential range of the combo, while others add more powerful attacks, or have another attribute.


Kingdom Hearts

Ability Description
Counterattack Strike back after parrying an enemy blow. Successful counterattacks restore MP.
Slapshot[KH I FM] Rapidly strike enemies ahead of you. Occasionally deals critical damage.
Sliding Dash[KH I FM] Rush and strike a distant enemy.
Vortex Close the distance to nearby enemies with this powerful spinning attack.
Aerial Sweep Leap at an airborne enemy and strike a mighty blow.

Kingdom Hearts II

Ability Description
Upper Slash Knocks a target into the air during a combo with  .
Horizontal Slash Unleashes a powerful attack that hits a target from left to right during a midair combo with  .
Slapshot Rapidly attacks a nearby target without getting flung back.
Dodge Slash Unleashes an attack that deals damage to nearby enemies.
Flash Step[KH II FM] Unleashes a guard-piercing attack on a slightly distant target while keeping up your own guard.
Sliding Dash Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target.
Vicinity Break[KH II FM] Unleashes a powerful attack when surrounded.
Aerial Sweep Unleashes a powerful leaping attack on targets in midair.
Aerial Dive[KH II FM] Unleashes a powerful aerial attack on distant targets.
Aerial Spiral Closes in on far targets in midair and unleashes spinning attacks.
Counterguard Counterattacks nearby enemies with Attack while performing Guard.

Kingdom Hearts III

Ability Description
Quick Slash Strike a nearby target with a quick upward slash.
Flash Step Charge a faraway target while blocking.
Radial Blaster Launch blade projectiles at nearby enemies.
Aerial Sweep Launch a horizontal spinning attack toward a target high above.
Aerial Dive Launch a vertical spinning attack toward a target down below.
Sliding Dash Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target.
Falling Slash While airborne, slash downward to attack targets on the ground.
Rising Spiral While performing a combo, press   to launch enemies into the air.
Groundbreaker While performing a combo, press   to slam enemies toward the ground
Counter Slash Press   after a successful block to slash at nearby targets.
Counter Impact Press   after a successful block to send surrounding foes flying.
Counter Kick Press   after a successful block to attack distant foes.

Combo finishers

Each playable character has a default finishing combo attack for both their ground and aerial combos. In Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts III, special combo finishers can be equipped with abilities. In addition, Drive Forms, Lion Form, Command Styles and Link Styles have their own unique combo finishers. Most Drive Forms, as well as Lion Form, have multiple finishing combo abilities.

In Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, combo finishers can be executed in succession at the end of a combo by equipping Finishing Plus, however in Kingdom Hearts III, finishers are automatically executed in succession should more than one be equipped. Omega Finale allows the use of combo finishers at any point of a combo by pressing   while in Valor Form and Strike Form. The power of a combo finisher can be increased in Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts III with Combo Boost and Air Combo Boost. In Kingdom Hearts III, special combo finishers have a chance of activating when near Donald or Goofy.

Kingdom Hearts

Ability Description
Blitz Strike enemies ahead of you with a powerful finishing combo.
Hurricane Blast[KH I FM] From an aerial combo, unleash an extremely powerful finishing combo attack to the enemy below.
Ripple Drive[KH I FM] Unleash a powerful finishing combo attack upon surrounding enemies. Attack power is relative to max MP value.
Stun Impact[KH I FM] Has a 30% chance of unleashing a finishing combo attack that renders surrounding enemies unconscious.
Gravity Break[KH I FM] Has a 30% chance of unleashing a gravity-based finishing combo attack that deals damage equal to a % of the target's HP.
Zantetsuken[KH I FM] Has a 30% chance of unleashing a finishing combo attack that can destroy a weaker enemy.

Kingdom Hearts II

Ability Description Form
Finishing Leap Unleashes a powerful guard-piercing attack at the end of a combo with  . Standard
Guard Break Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a target's guard.
Explosion Unleashes a finishing combo move that knocks down several enemies. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.
Aerial Finish Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target in midair.
Magnet Burst[KH II FM] Draws enemies in to unleash a finishing combo move. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.
Brave Shot Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move and knocks a single target off its feet. Valor Form
Brave Beat Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks several targets at once.
Sonic Strike Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a single target.
Sonic End Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move in a rapid midair attack to several targets at once.
Zantetsuken[KH II FM] Unleashes a finishing combo move on a single target. This powerful attack can instantly eliminate weaker enemies. Limit Form
Ripple Drive[KH II FM] Unleashes a finishing combo move when surrounded. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.
Hurricane Period[KH II FM] Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move consisting of an aerial barrage.
Master Strike Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks a single target. Master Form
Disaster Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that draws in several enemies and successively deals damage.
Final Arcana Handling the Keyblade with great skill, unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target. Final Form
Final Strike While spinning in midair, deals a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
Final Arts Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to get rid of several targets at once.

Kingdom Hearts III

Ability Description
Speed Slash Attack with three consecutive attacks.
Triple Rush Close in on targets as you attack.
Magic Flash Issue a flash of magic that sends foes flying. Your Magic stat determines damage.
Last Charge Unleash a devastating blow. Your magic stat determines damage.
Unison Fire Team up with Donald and roast your foes.
Unison Blizzard Team up with Donald and put foes on ice.
Unison Thunder Team up with Donald and strike the enemy with lightning.
Fusion Spin Team up with Goofy and wreak havoc on surrounding foes.
Fusion Rocket Team up with Goofy and hurtle toward foes.

Special Attacks

Under certain circumstances in battle, Attack will change to a special attack command.

When using a Limit attack in Kingdom Hearts, the Attack command will be used for extra strikes, specifically Rave and Blast for Sonic Blade; Raid and Judgment for Strike Raid; Impact for Ragnarok; and Bash and Finis for Ars Arcanum. In the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX release of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, these commands are implemented as Reaction Commands instead.

While in Wisdom Form in Kingdom Hearts II, the Wisdom Shot ability replaces the Attack command with Shoot (ショット Shotto?, lit. "Shot"), which fires volleys of magic bullets from the Keyblade.

After using the Learn reaction command against a Dragoon or Xaldin, the Attack command changes to Jump (ジャンプ Janpu?). Jump allows Sora to warp to just above an enemy and execute a one-time, guard-breaking, downward strike. Learn can be used successively to stock multiple Jumps, up to nine, indicated on the right side of the command in the menu.

While using a Level 1 Command Style in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, the Attack command changes to Surge (ブリッツ Burittsu?, lit. "Blitz"). In a Level 2 Command Style, it changes to Storm (バラージュ Barāju?, lit. "Barrage"). While using Frozen Fortune, it changes to Ice Surge (アイスブリッツ Aisu Burittsu?, lit. "Ice Blitz") instead.

Finish commands

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, filling the Command gauge with attacks on enemies allows the user to execute a special Finish command that replaces the Attack command. Each Command Style has a unique Finish command, and each Dimension Link has two available Finish commands, with the exception of the Template:Dlink, which has one.

In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Data-Sora can equip a Finish command chip in the Gear Matrix. Filling the Clock gauge with attacks on enemies allows him to use the equipped Finish command, which replaces the Attack command. The level of the Finish command depends on the selected path through the Clock Ability Tree.

In Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, Finish commands are available after building up the situation gauge during a Style Change.

In 'Kingdom Hearts III, Finish commands are automatically available once activating a Formchange or a Team Attack.

Ask for Help

In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Ask for Help replaces the Attack command while having party members in Hollow Bastion I. It cycles Donald and Goofy's focus between following you, attacking enemies and destroying blox. Donald and Goofy's current focus is displayed using icons, above the Clock Gauge.


In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Rescue replaces the Attack command to revive fallen party members. In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, at Hollow Bastion I, Data-Sora can revive a defeated Donald or Goofy instantly with  . In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Sora and Riku have a 30-second time limit to revive a fallen Dream Eater by pressing   repeatedly. If they fail to use Rescue in the time limit, the Dream Eater reverts into a Dream Piece.

Other actions

The Attack command is sometimes replaced with other actions that can be used in the field:

Kingdom Hearts

  • Talk (はなす Hanasu?): Appears when Sora approaches another character in the field. It allows Sora to converse with the other character. Talk is a reaction command in the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX release of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, as well as all games from Kingdom Hearts II onward.
  • Throw (なげる Nageru?): Appears when Sora has used Lift to pick up an object. It allows Sora to toss the object he is holding.
  • Jump Next (とびうつる Tobiutsuru?): Appears while Sora is Vine Swinging. It allows Sora to jump from one vine to the next.
  • Jump Off (とびおりる Tobioriru?): Appears while Sora is Vine Swinging. It allows Sora to jump off a vine.
  • Hit (たたく Tataku?): Appears during mini-games in 100 Acre Wood. Identical to Attack.
  • Counter (カウンター Kauntā?): Appears when the Counterattack ability is triggered.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Bone: Appears in Mission 45 and Mission 52, if Roxas has picked up a bone and is close to Zero. It allows Roxas to give Zero a bone, prompting Zero to move to a location that can be examined for Heartless.