I'm carrying on what you yourself began, and I'm creating a brand new world, one heart at a time.
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I haven't quite got the fine points down, like...when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to.
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Mother Gothel

Official render for Mother Gothel

Japanese ゴーテル
Rōmaji Gōteru
Voice actors (En:) Donna Murphy [1]
Homeworld Kingdom of Corona
Origin Tangled
Game Kingdom Hearts III

Mother Gothel is a character from the Kingdom of Corona in Kingdom Hearts III. She originated from the Disney film, Tangled.

She is the adoptive mother of Rapunzel, although Rapunzel has been led by Gothel to believe that she is her biological mother.


Kingdom Hearts III



Mother Gothel has rather curly black hair and gray eyes. She wears a shiny dark magenta dress with a black cape.



Mother Gothel first appeared as an antagonist in the Disney animated film Tangled in 2010, voiced by Donna Murphy. She is based on the evil witch Dame Gothel from the original Brothers Grimm fairy tale.

In Tangled, Gothel was originally an elderly woman who kidnapped the baby princess of Corona, Rapunzel, from her parents Queen Arianna and King Frederic. Gothel greedily wanted to use the magical powers of Rapunzel's hair to live as long as possible. Gothel convinced Rapunzel she is her real mother and has kept Rapunzel in a secluded tower for eighteen years. Gothel tells Rapunzel that the outside world is cruel and dangerous. Rapunzel asks Gothel for paint requiring a three day journey on her birthday which Gothel reluctantly agrees to.

However, unbeknownst to Gothel, she had been sent away so Rapunzel could sneak out of the tower along with the captured thief Flynn Rider so she could see the lanterns that appear every year on her birthday. During Gothel's journey, she comes across Maximus, and soon realizes that Rapunzel could be in trouble, and quickly rushes back home. However, she discovers that Rapunzel has left, but has left behind a wanted poster of Flynn along with the crown of the lost princess.

Gothel later tracks Rapunzel to a pub called the Snuggly Duckling, where she witnesses Rapunzel singing how glad she is for leaving her tower. Upon witnessing Rapunzel and Flynn sneak out through a tunnel, she interrogates one of the pub thugs, Shorty, on where the tunnel leads to.

Some time later, Gothel waits outside of the exit of the tunnel, intending to slay Flynn and take Rapunzel back, only to be met by the Stabbington Brothers, whom Flynn was associated with but later betrays them to the royal guard. She makes them a deal that would be worth far more than the crown they had stolen at the beginning.

That night, Gothel comes across Rapunzel while Flynn is away gathering firewood, and attempts to goad Rapunzel into returning home, but Rapunzel refuses. Gothel then reveals the satchel containing the crown, and tells her to test Flynn's loyalty.

The next night after the lantern festival, the Stabbingtons knock out Flynn and attempt to take Rapunzel away once they heard of her magic hair, but both are knocked out by Gothel, who had staged the entire setup as a "rescue", and shows Flynn sailing away on a boat with the crown. (In truth, he was unconscious and tied up, and the boat set to arrive at the kingdom docks where the guards are waiting)

Despite finally shattering Rapunzel's belief of the outside world being inviting and safe, the lost princess realizes the truth of her heritage thanks to pictures of the kingdom's sun symbol she had unknowingly painted in the tower, and attempts to leave to find Flynn, but Gothel restrains her, then uses her to bait Flynn back to the tower.

Gothel stabs Flynn, and attempts to take Rapunzel away, but the princess begs to heal Flynn, on the promise that she will go with Gothel if she saves his life. Though skeptical at first, Gothel allows Rapunzel to heal him. But before she could, Flynn grabs a mirror shard and cuts off Rapunzel's hair, causing the magic to vanish and accelerate Gothel to her true age, until she falls out of the tower. Once landing on the ground, her cloak reveals that she has aged so much she has turned to dust, finally ending Gothel's terror.

Notes and references