The Hercules Cup is the third tournament at Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts. Afterward, Phil puts up the trophy in the Lobby. If Sora has already completed the Phil Cup and Pegasus Cup, Sora will also obtain the Trinity Push and can pick up the Olympia as well as seal the Olympus Colseum Keyhole.



Cloud now has an "Omnislash" ability. Win Metal Chocobo Keyblade.


In any mode, Sora has to complete this seed without any of his party members. Template:Section-stub





  • There is a glitch in time trial mode in which if you reach Hercules with time still on the clock, you can select restart in the pause menu and fight Hercules with the clock frozen at whatever time you had left.[citation needed]
  • Despite Sora fighting Hercules alone, Sora tells Phil that his friends make him unstoppable at the end of the Cup.