Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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Template:Enemy The Anti Black Coat is a Nightmare Dream Eater that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a physical manifestation of the nightmare that Sora experiences while trapped in sleep.
As its name implies, the Anti Black Coat wears a garment of the same name. Its hood is up, showing none of its face save for its disk-shaped red eyes, signature of a Nightmare Dream Eater. The Coat has magenta flame designs printed on the sleeves and around the bottom coattails. Prior to its fight with Riku, the Nightmare emblem appears on its back, mirroring the Spirit emblem on the back of Riku's outfit. When performing melee attacks it summons up a black and red shortsword that it wields in a similar fashion to Riku.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
As Riku tries to wake Sora from his deep sleep, the Anti Black Coat appears. Riku accuses it of causing Sora's nightmare, and they engage in battle. Riku emerges victorious and the Anti Black Coat vanishes.
- Attacks
- Wild Arcanum (ワイルドアルカナム Wairudo Arukanamu ): Six-hit melee combo.
- Poison Arrow (ポイズンアロー Poizun Arō ): The Anti Black Coat releases a spray of fast-traveling homing particles toward Riku; each hit inflicts Poison with a duration of ten seconds. Some of them stay suspended in the air near the Coat.
- Scissor Bite (シザーバイト Shizā Baito ): This attack has two variants: "horizontal", in which the Anti Black Coat shoots a clawed hand at Riku; and "vertical", in which the clawed hand springs up from beneath Riku with little warning.
- Shadow Steal (シャドウスティール Shadou Sutīru ): Quickly shoots a red line across the ground; if Riku is unable to block or dodge in time, he is projected and reduced to 1 HP, and HP orbs scatter across the arena. If the Coat follows by Wild Arcanum or Scissor Bite, Riku will certainly be defeated.
The main thing in this battle is to act with caution! The Anti Black Coat has some very powerful attacks that can devastate Riku if caught off guard; however, they can be dodged if prepared. It is advisable to keep moving throughout the battle to avoid getting hit by multiple attacks in quick succession. The Anti Black Coat has three main attack abilities: an attack from below, an attack from the front, and one that approaches on the ground in front of you to drain all but 1 HP. All of these attacks can be avoided by dodging. To avoid the attack from below, keep moving until the big shadowy circle appears at your feet, then wait about a second and dodge right before the attack sends out its "tentacles". To avoid the frontal attack, wait until the attack is very close to you in its flight then dodge. The arms should close, missing you. To avoid the draining attack, wait until the attack (a small shadowy blob on the ground connected to the Coat by a shadowy line) gets very close then dodge out of the way, it is recommended to dodge this by dodge rolling forward. It is a good strategy to continue dodging these attacks until you can get close to the Coat to attack him. It is best to use quick, powerful commands because he will often teleport away from you after only one or two hits before launching a melee barrage of his own. When the Coat is running, he is most likely moving in to melee attack you, so be prepared to block and counter.
Anti Black Coat Nightmare (Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance) |
<youtube width="320" height="240">nTI_PQysWEs</youtube> |