Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Dead Ringer

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Revision as of 17:52, 27 August 2014 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)
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Dead Ringer

MA Dead Ringer.png
Katakana 幻惑せし者

Romaji Genwakuseshisha
Arena Level 5
Rounds 5
Medals 180
Bonus Challenge '
Medal Bonus Medals x

Rewards Terra: Darkgnaw
Ventus: Max HP+5
Aqua: N/A
Other Battles
Day of Reckoning | Wheels of Misfortune | Risky Riches
Weaver Fever | Sinister Sentinel | Dead Ringer | Combined Threat
Treasure Tussle | Harsh Punishment | A Time to Chill | Copycat Crisis
Keepers of the Arena | Villains' Vendetta
Monster of the Sea | Light's Lessons | Peering into Darkness

Dead Ringer is the fifth battle featured at the Mirage Arena in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.


You will face off against the Mimic Master, an Unversed only accessible in the Mirage Arena. It utilizes a large book, with which it can hit you with for shockwave damage, or use to create a shield of pages around itself. It can cloak himself in fire, and shoot beams of light and darkness. However, most annoying of all its abilities is its power to morph himself into an exact copy of your player, but this copy uses dark attacks as well as your own. Despite the Mimic Master's wide array of attacks, it is not a hard boss. It leaves many open spots, and its attacks, on the whole, are rather weak. Use Shotlock commands such as Absolute Zero and Photon Charge to get in as many hits as you can before switching to strong magic commands or long range (and fast) physical commands like sonic blade or Zantetsuken. It may be a good idea to get hit by its fire attack, because unlike the Iron Imprisoners, it does minimal damage, and will stop soon after you take damage, and so you can speed up the battle. The most difficult part comes later on when it creates dozens of copies of your character. The best way to handle this is just shotlock and try not to get blinded by their array of dark commands. This battle is not a hard one, but make sure you come prepared with a Curaga and advanced magic commands.

