Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Victor, Hugo, and Laverne

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"It was a walk in the park!"
"How would you know? You don't have any legs!
—Hugo and Victor

Victor, Hugo, and Laverne are characters who appear in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. They are three animated stone gargoyles who reside inside Notre Dame and serve as Quasimodo's best friends. They originate from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.


Victor is the tallest of the three gargoyles and by far the most refined and intelligent. He is also rather muscular, coloured a blue shade of grey, and sports two large wings on his back.

Hugo is the stockiest of the three and sports two sharp horns on the top of his head pointing upwards and two tiny wings. He also appears somewhat porcine, shown by his pig-like nose and hands. He is coloured a green shade of grey.

Laverne is the oldest gargoyle and the only female of the trio. She is coloured reddish pink and sports two cone-like horns on her head and average-sized wings on her back. She is also a frequent resting place for pigeons, much to her dismay.


"You're human, with the flesh and the hair. We're just part of the architecture."
—Hugo to Quasimodo about himself and the other gargoyles.

Victor, Hugo, and Laverne are notable among the cast of the 1996 film for being the only major characters created exclusively for the movie, being completely absent in Victor Hugo's original novel in 1831. Obviously, Victor and Hugo's names are a reference to the author himself, while Laverne is named after Laverne Andrews of The Andrews Sisters.

In the film, the three gargoyles serve as Quasimodo's friends and guardians during his time growing up inside the attics of Notre Dame, although whether or not they are truly alive or not is often questioned, demonstrated when they only come to life when alone with Quasimodo and how Frollo appears not to know about them being alive. Throughout the film, they mostly provide comic relief, but also appear to advise Quasimodo on his relationship with Esmeralda, and even when Esmeralda falls in love with Phoebus instead, they still persuade him to rebel against Frollo and help the gypsies against his tyranny. During Esmeralda's execution, they do their best to implore Quasimodo to continue fighting, but he refuses to listen, although he eventually goes through with it after hearing Frollo's hypocritical speech. During the final battle, they aid Quasimodo in tossing weapons from the balconies to stop Frollo's soldier-like thugs from getting inside the cathedral.

Other appearances

El Cetro y el Reino

Laverne in El Cetro y el Reino.

When Sora and Riku mention that they seek a door back to their world, Laverne tells them its location, and Riku identifies Laverne as one of the "Guardians".

Notes and references