Kingdom Hearts III

Tia Dalma

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Tia Dalma

Tia Dalma KHIII.png

Japanese ティア・ダルマ
Rōmaji Tia Daruma
Voice actors (Ja:) Urara Takano
(En:) Leslie Miller
Homeworld The Caribbean
Origin Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Game Kingdom Hearts III
Tia Dalma

Kingdom Hearts III
Pirates: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

A beguiling woman Will and the others turned to in order to extricate Jack from Davy Jones' Locker. Tia Dalma and Jack seemed to already know each other.

Tia Dalma is a character in Kingdom Hearts III. She originated from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.


Kingdom Hearts III

Sora and company first encounter Tia Dalma on the shores of Davy Jones' Locker along with Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and Gibbs. After Jack establishes that they are, in fact, in the Locker, he recruits her to join the crew on the account of their past relationship and her skills as a mystic. While on board the ship, Tia tells Sora, Donald, and Goofy of the tale of Davy Jones; she also warns them that if they "cast their fate with Jack", Jones will soon come after them as well.

Soon after returning to the Land of the Living, the Black Pearl is attacked by Heartless. When Sora summons his Keyblade, Tia sees this and smiles a knowing smile to herself. She is shown later to be whispering into Sora's ear, promising him that if he frees her with that "key" of his, she will grant him all the powers of the sea.



Tia is a dark-skinned woman with her hair in dreadlocks, with some parts being lighter than the rest. She wears make-up such as eyeliner and various black dots on her cheeks and chin.

She wears a very unique ragged multi-colored dress, with a fishnet-like layer on top of the corset. She also wears some sort of holed shawl or blanket over her shoulders, as well as multiple necklaces.


Tia Dalma first appeared in the 2006 film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, portrayed by Naomie Harris. She was once the sea goddess Calypso, who fell in love with Davy Jones. Under her orders, Jones would ferry the souls of the drowned to the afterlife. In exchange for ten years of service, he would be allowed to reunite with her for a day and if she was faithful, he could come and go on land or sea forevermore. Though he carried out his duty, Calypso was unable to wait due to her nature. A vengeful Jones then ordered the first Brethren Court to trap Calypso in the human form of Tia Dalma.

In Dead Man's Chest, Tia Dalma has a minor role in the film. Because Jack Sparrow is being hunted by the Kraken, he and his crew pay a visit to Tia Dalma. She gives him a jar of dirt as protection from Jones's curse, and charts a course to Jones's ship, the Flying Dutchman. At the film's end, in which Jack is taken by the Kraken, she reveals to his crew that there is a way to free Jack from Davy Jones's Locker and resurrects Barbossa to aid them.

In the film's sequel, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Tia travels with Jack's crew to find a way to free Jack. Over the course of the film, the Brethren Court's imprisonment is broken, releasing Calypso. Calypso unleashes her fury as a maelstrom that accompanies the crew's final clash with Davy Jones, and disappears at the film's resolution.