Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
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"I'll see ya when I see ya. After all, we're friends now. Get it memorized."
—Lea, to Ventus

Lea is Axel's human form. He appears as a teenager in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and his adult self appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Growing up, Lea was Isa's close friend. Now that he has been restored, he trains to become a Keyblade wielder.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

File:Memorized 01 (KHBBS) KHIIHD.png
Lea and Isa prepare to enter Ansem the Wise's castle.

In Radiant Garden, Lea conspires with his best friend, Isa, to break into Ansem the Wise's castle. The two enter the town square, and they discover Ventus, who accidentally drops his Wooden Keyblade. Lea picks up the toy weapon, teases Ventus, and challenges the boy to a duel against Isa's wishes. Lea is easily defeated. He calls Ventus his friend and departs with Isa as he reveals his desire to live forever in the memories of everyone he meets.

Lea and Isa fail to enter Ansem's castle. The boys are tossed out by Dilan, and they head to the castle town. There, they purchase sea-salt ice cream from Scrooge McDuck.

Between Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Lea and Isa are turned into Heartless in Ansem the Wise's computer room. However, their strong hearts and wills enable them to live on as Nobodies. The two become Organization XIII's Number VIII and VII, respectively, and they are renamed "Axel" and "Saïx." The Nobodies plot in secrecy to take over the Organization.

Over the course of Sora's journey, Lea's Heartless is destroyed.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

A restored Lea introduces himself to King Mickey.

Axel's destruction causes Lea's restoration. The man dreams about Roxas, and he awakens in Ansem the Wise's laboratory with his Nobody's memories intact. Lea learns Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo have also been restored, but Braig and Isa are curiously absent. Lea decides to search for them.

Using a corridor of darkness, Lea travels to Disney Castle and saves King Mickey, Donald, Goofy from Maleficent and Pete, who had taken Queen Minnie hostage. Lea's intervention allows Minnie to escape her captors, and it prompts them to flee. When it is safe to do so, Lea introduces himself.

At the Mysterious Tower, Lea asks Yen Sid to make him a Keyblade wielder. He learns about Sora and Riku's Mark of Mastery exam, as well as Xehanort's inevitable return, and he begins training under Merlin and the three good fairies.

In The World That Never Was, Lea saves Sora and prevents him from becoming Master Xehanort's thirteenth dark vessel. He shocks Xemnas and Xigbar, and he reveals he "will always be there to bring [his] friends back." Lea is attacked by one of Xehanort's vessels, who is revealed to be Saïx, and he regroups with King Mickey and Riku. Everyone escapes after Donald and Goofy arrive and the real Organization XIII's members return to their proper places in time.

Back at the Mysterious Tower, Lea agrees to rescue Riku if the Keyblade wielder needs help inside Sora's dreams. He has a tea party with Donald and Goofy to celebrate Sora's successful reawakening. After Riku is named a Keyblade Master, Lea summons a Keyblade of his own. He then returns to Radiant Garden.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Lea continues training under Merlin and the three good fairies.


As a teenager, Lea's hair was short and spiky. He had a slight widow's peak, and his eyes were blue-green in coloration. He wore a sleeveless, orange jacket over a white, sleeveless shirt, and he also wore baggy, tan pants. Red and white sneakers appeared on Lea's feet; they covered black socks. Lea also wore a yellow and brown keffiyeh around his neck.

As an adult, Lea closely resembles his Nobody, Axel. His hair is longer, and his eyes are a striking green. Lea wears a black coat to protect himself from the darkness.



As a teenager, Lea was mischievous and childish. He was also smug, sarcastic, and sociable. A competitive individual, Lea wanted to live forever in the memories of those he met. He therefore said, "Got it memorized?" on many occasions. Lea valued his friendship with Isa, but this suffered when the two became Nobodies. Day 118: You Changed, Not Me

As an adult, Lea retains Axel's memories and behaves much like his Nobody did. He is still very competitive and has a renewed concern for his missing friend, Isa.


As a teenager, Lea wielded twin frisbees that were red in coloration and had black edges. Each was decorated with a Bomb design. These influenced Axel's weapon of choice: Chakrams.

As an adult, Lea wields the Eternal Flames, a pair of Chakrams that once belonged to Axel and enable him to control fire. He later summons a Keyblade that resembles the Bond of Flame and Frolic Flame.


  • In an issue of Famitsu PSP+PS3, Lea's name was incorrectly romanized as "Lia." It was also misspelled on the official Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep website, but this has since been corrected.
