Special Cards (スペシャルカード, Supesharu Kādo?) are a type of Card in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. Like Enemy Cards, they have a black border and provide a passive effect. There are only two Special Cards, which can be obtained from a Bounty in any World once all other Cards have been obtained. None of their effects can be activated by Random Flush.
List of Special Cards[edit]
 Gold Card |
Premium Guard (プレミアガード, Puremia Gādo?) |
Allows premium cards to be reloaded. |
5 reloads |
 Platinum Card |
Invincible (ダメージ0, Damēji 0?, lit. "Damage 0") |
You will receive no damage. |
20 attacks |
Game mechanics
General mechanics
Attack | Magic | Items | Party member | Stats | Gauges | Prizes Synthesis | Moogle Shop | Report | Glossary | Abilities (KH, KHCOM, KHII, KHD, KHREC, KHBBS, KH3D, KHUχ, KHIII, KHDR)
Special combat and play mechanics
Command Menu | Command Matrix | Command Deck (KHBBS, KH3D) Reaction Command | Overlay command | Finish command | Special Command | Situation Command
Alternate action systems
Cards (Battle, Map, World) | Cards (KHχ) | Medal (KHUχ) | Cards (KHDR)
Alternate level systems
Mission Mode | Questploration | Quests | Music Stage
Character and stats mechanics
Panel System | Rank | Version Up | Stat Matrix | Gear Matrix | Command Meld | Drop System | Spirit
Movement mechanics
Lock-On | Swimming | Flowmotion | Free Running
Technique and action mechanics
Critical Hit | Summon | Sleight | Dark Mode | Drive Form | Limit | Limit Break | Debug Ability | Dimension Link | Command Style | Shotlock | Flowmotion | Reality Shift | Link System | Special Attack | Style Change | Attractions | Link Summon | Formchange
Treasure Chest | Bonus Level | Experience | Tech Points | Munny | Moogle Point | Heart Point | VP | Medals | Rhythm Point
Enemy mechanics
Revenge Action | Reaction Endurance | Reality Endurance | Attraction Endurance | Armor Mode
Game elements
Opening Menu | The End | Difficulty Level | Tutorial | Game Over | Save Point | Game Clear Data | Theater Mode | Trophies