Page history
1 June 2009
17 May 2009
2 May 2009
27 April 2009
8 April 2009
7 April 2009
3 April 2009
30 March 2009
added more specifics to Donald's "Magic" sleight, and fixed small issues with the Trivia section
14 March 2009
2 March 2009
26 February 2009
13 February 2009
15 January 2009
9 January 2009
31 October 2008
29 October 2008
14 October 2008
5 October 2008
16 September 2008
→Influencing Magic Strength: Noted that fourth tier spells are, as of Kingdom Hearts II, exclusive to Final Fantasy titles, and that the suffixes -un and -agun do not appear in any Final Fantasy
→Trivia: noted that Flare and Ultima are usually black magic, and that Meteor is among their numers as gummi blocks
→Trivia: Changed the prhase "common Final Fantasy spell" to "recurring Final Fantasy spell" to be more accurate about the description thereof, as the spell "holy" in Final Fantasy titles is not co
18 August 2008
→Trivia: Added reference to the spells "holy", "flare", and "ultima" in their appearances as gummy blocks, as well as the ability to cast "holy" in Chain of Memories but not the console titles.
→Influencing Magic Strength: Corrected level four magic -agun to -aja, -agun appears to mean "anti" (as used against the fire and blizzard lords, it seems to imply this, as does the negative -un)