
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
キングダム ハーツ バース バイ スリープ
Kingudamu Hātsu Bāsu Bai Surīpu
Developer(s) Square Enix
Publisher(s) Japan Square Enix
United States/Canada Square Enix
Europe/Australia Square Enix
Release date(s) Japan January 9, 2010
United States/Canada September 7, 2010

Australia September 9, 2010
Europe September 10, 2010

Genre Action RPG
Game modes Single player, multiplayer
Ratings CERO: A
ESRB: E10+
PEGI: 12+
USK: 6+
Platform(s) PlayStation Portable

Unlike all my other Game Data (Reviews), I am designing the data for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep to be both a review and somewhat of a guide.


Earthshaker (Default)

File:No Data save.png


Wayward Wind (Default)

File:No Data save.png


Rainfell (Default)

File:No Data save.png

File:LE.png Final Episode 

Brightcrest (Obtained at Start)

File:No Data save.png

Mirage Arena

Match #2: Wheels Of Misfortune

Match #3: Risky Riches

Match #4: Weaver Fever

Match #6: Dead Ringer

Match #8: Treasure Tussle

Match #9: Harsh Punishment

Match #10: A Time To Chill

Match #11: Copycat Crisis

Match #12: Keepers Of The Arena


 Vanitas's Lingering Spirit 


File:No Data save.png


File:No Data save.png


File:No Data save.png

Mysterious Figure

Make Designated Save File right after completing Neverland for all characters.

Strategy? - I suppose the "swiftier" Deck Commands can be pulled off, but still is a gamble. He loves to come at you from every direction, so possibly casting Mine Square and the chance he falls for it would buy you more time to use a Shotlock than if you used it directly? Also a chance of deterring his clones when they come up? If Deck Commands can be executed then Command Styles are the same. Possibly Spellweaver could deal him damage? Same as Ventus's Tornado?


File:No Data save.png


File:No Data save.png


File:No Data save.png

Trinity Archives


Name Type Description 1 Description 2 Description 3
Terra Power Type A disciplined young man who feels

compelled to find greater strength.

He relies on brute force in combat

One of a certain Keyblade Master's three pupils.

Beneath Terra's mellow exterior lies a young man

with tremendous drive; he is wholly

devoted to his training...

He overwhelms his opponents

with powerful attacks.

Ventus Speed Type An outgoing and inquisitive

boy who holds his Keyblade backhand.

Quick attacks are his forte.

A cheerful likeable boy who studies with the

same Keyblade Master as Terra and Aqua. For

"Ven", as his friends affectionately call him, every

day is a new discovery.

He bewilders his foes with

incredible quickness.

Aqua Magic Type A kind young woman whose sense

of right and wrong never wavers.

She is nimble, and a gifted mage.

Aqua's dignified bearing belies an inner

sensitivity, and she often looks after

Terra and Ventus who study with her under the

same Keyblade Master.

Her powerful spells leave

her enemies at her mercy.


D-Link Avatar Finishers Effects Deck Obtained
Name Description Name Description
File:DL Terra.png File:DL TerraAvatar1.png Finish A strong jumping slash blow. File:DL TerraOverdrive.png Attack power increases when HP is at less than 25%. Lv.0: Aerial Break, Slide Dash, Stun Blade
Lv.1: Aerial Break, Slide Dash, Stun Blade, Slide Dash, Zero Gravity
Lv.2: Aerial Break, Sonic Rave, Stun Blade, Sonic Rave, Zero Gravira, Bind Strike, Cure
Ventus, Aqua
File:DL TerraAvatar2.png Land Break Breaks the ground so that nearly all enemies are damaged and blown off. File:DL TerraFrontAutoGuard.png Automatic guard against enemies from the front.
File:DL Ventus.png File:DL VenAvatar1.png Finish A speedy rapid combo attack. File:DL VentusHaste.png Increase your speed and the speed of normal attack. Lv.0: Aerial Break, Strike Raid, Aero
Lv.1: Aerial Break, Strike Raid, Slide Dash, Aero
Lv.2: Final Break, Strike Raid, Slide Dash, Final Break, Freeze Raid, Slide Dash, Aerora, Curera
Terra, Aqua
File:DL VenAvatar2.png Air Drive Press  / / /  to hit enemies while flying through the air. File:DL VentusAutoCounter.png When blown away by enemies you will automatically counter attack.
File:DL Aqua.png File:DL AquaAvatar1.png Finish Shoot many magic orbs towards enemies. File:DL AquaMagicFlick.png Sometimes guard against magic automatically. Lv.0: Blizzara, Thundara, Curera
Lv.1: Blizzara, Fira, Thundara, Magnera, Fire Strike, Curera
Lv.2: Blizzara, Fira, Thundara, Detona-Square, Blizzara, Magnera, Fire Strike, Curera
Terra, Ventus
File:DL AquaAvatar2.png Magic Volley Shoot magic orbs. Sometimes there will be a chance to press  , then you can teleport and shoot more magic orbs. File:DL AquaReraise.png Auto Revive from battle once with 25% health.

File:B t.gifDeck CommandsFile:B t.gif

How I plan to have my deck.