Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Pizza Cut

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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Pizza Cut
Pizza Cut
"This looks awfully familiar..."
Japanese ピザカット
Rōmaji Piza Katto
Strength Magic
Base Unit Ultima Base Unit
+36 +1 +64 +0 +1
Defense Crit Rate Crit Bonus
Base Unit Base Unit Base Unit
+0 +1 +0 +1 +4 +1
Attack Speed Approach Speed
Ground Air
1.0 1.0 1.0
1: Fire Finish
Casual Gear ② (Axel)

The Pizza Cut is a pair of joke Chakrams that can be wielded by Axel in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.


A Pizza Cut Chakram is, like its name would suggest, shaped like a pizza with a single slice cut out of it. Its border is the tan "crust," while the bulk of the weapon is the yellow "cheese" of the pizza. It has four red "pepperoni" slices, two on either side of the empty slice and two just behind the tip of the slice. Several green "vegetable" slices are placed around it, as well. There are exactly eight "vegetable" pieces, possibly a reference to Axel's rank in Organization XIII. Unlike Axel's other Chakrams, Pizza Cut does not have a handle. Instead, Axel holds these weapons by placing his hands in the gap created by the missing pizza slice.

The fact the chakram takes the form of a pizza refers to how Axel takes a laid-back approach to life. Pizza typically is a food eaten during times of relaxation.


The Pizza Cut's ground combo starts with a slash to the right; this is followed by a slash to the left and concludes with Axel throwing the Chakrams at his target.

The Pizza Cut's aerial combo starts with a slash to the right; this is followed by a slash to the left and concludes with a cross slash to the right as the Chakrams circle around Axel.

Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter? Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter?
(Ground) Right Hand Downswing
Hit 1 0.75 X X X
(Ground) Left Hand Upswing
Hit 1 0.75 X X X
(Ground) Front Simultaneous Throw
Hit 1 1.13 x2

Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter? Attack Power Critical? Flinch? Counter?
(Air) Left Upswing
Hit 1 0.75 X X X
(Air) Right Downswing
Hit 1 0.75 X X X
(Air) Horizontal Circle Throw
Hit 1 1.13 x2
