Kingdom Hearts III

Le Grand Bistrot

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Le Grand Bistrot is a dining establishment in Twilight Town, founded by Scrooge McDuck and run by Little Chef.


Kingdom Hearts III

During his travels, Scrooge encounters Little Chef after enjoying one of his dishes. As Little Chef wants to expand his culinary horizons, Scrooge takes the little rat's desire as an opportunity and funds Le Grand Bistrot in Twilight Town to help Little Chef fulfill his dream.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy encounter Little Chef in the woods, where he is pursued by a group of Heartless and has left a group of fruits on the ground. After the trio save him, they prepare to leave, but Little Chef takes control of Sora and uses him to collect his fruits. Sora ultimately collects the fruits on his own, but is unable to understand Little Chef's intent to cook with them, and the trio bid Little Chef farewell.

After a visit to the Old Mansion, Sora and company pass by Le Grand Bistrot, where they encounter Scrooge. Scrooge offers the trio a tarte aux fruits that Little Chef made as a token of gratitude for them rescuing him from the Heartless, and introduces Little Chef as the chef of the bistrot. As Little Chef wants to cook more culinary delights for Sora and company, Scrooge has the trio collect ingredients for Little Chef. As the trio collect ingredients on their quest, they often visit the restaurant, with Sora and Little Chef cooking meals and raising the restaurant to five stars.

During their travels, Sora and company are contacted by Chip and Dale, who inform them that Merlin is waiting for them to have a cup of tea. Realizing that Merlin is waiting for them at Le Grand Bistrot, the trio set forth to Twilight Town, where they encounter Merlin. At the restaurant, Merlin explains that Sora is missing on the cover of the Old Book, the home of the 100 Acre Wood, and has Sora enter the book to reconnect with his friends. Sora learns that his fall to darkness by Xehanort had caused his removal from the cover and Pooh's heart, and realizes that his connections are becoming weaker.

Cooking Mini-games

Dishes that can be cooked are separated into two menus: the Classic Menu and the Special Menu. The Special Menu has generally higher-difficulty mini-games, and requires rare ingredients, such as those from the Flantastic Seven.

Once a dish has been selected, preparing it requires playing one of three mini-games:

  • Chop the Ingredients: Sora holds an ingredient on a cutting board, and chops it into thin slices with a knife. Tilt   down repeatedly to chop ingredients, and tilt the right stick down to grab another ingredient once the current one has been completed.
  • Crack the Egg: Sora gently pulls apart the two halves of egg over a bowl. Gently move the left and right sticks apart, and press   and   simultaneously to drop the egg into the bowl.
  • Flambé the Food: Sora will hold a bottle of oil and a frying pan. Rotate the left stick to add oil to the pan, and tilt the right stick down at the correct time to activate the stove's fire.
  • Grind the Pepper: Sora will toss a pepper shaker between his hands. Alternate between tilting the   and right stick down according to which hand holds the shaker.

The screen will darken as the mini-game progresses, and red ribbons and sparks of "imagination" will steadily form around Sora. These sparks indicate the correct timing of the final cooking action (the fire input for the flambé, the   and   input for the egg, etc).

When the mini-game is complete, one of three rankings is given. In all three cases, the ingredients used for the food are lost.

  • Excellent - The food is prepared perfectly, and the rewarded dish will have a star ranking of 3.
  • Good - The food is prepared moderately well, and the rewarded dish will have a star ranking of 2.
  • Failure - The food is ruined, and no dish is rewarded. This can display as "Too Slow", "Too Fast", "Too Gentle", or "Too Hard".

Successfully preparing a dish may also reward a Filet Mignon ingredient at random.

Equipping the Chef Extraordinaire ability on Sora will make it easier to obtain "Excellent" ratings when preparing dishes.

Bistrot Star Ranking

The Bistrot will have a star ranking from 0 to 5, depending on the amount of unique dishes that have been cooked with an "Excellent" ranking. Only dishes on the Classic Menu will count toward the Bistrot's stars - the dishes on the Special Menu do not count.

Star Rank "Excellent" Dishes Reward
0 stars 0 -
1 star 4 Gourmand's Ring
2 stars 7 -
3 stars 10 Elixir
4 stars 14 -
5 stars 20 Grand Chef Keyblade



Image Dish Description Ingredients Mini-game Difficulty
  Mushroom Terrine (キノコのテリーヌ
Kinoko no Terīnu
A lavish mushroom medley, complex in texture and aroma.   Morel
  King Oyster Mushroom
  Black Trumpet
Crack the Egg 2
  Scallop Poêlé (ホタテのポワレ
Hotate no Poware
Jumbo scallops, seared to perfection in a rich, aromatic olive oil.   Scallop
  Olive Oil
Flambé the Food 3
  Ratatouille (ラタトゥイユ
A slow-roasted rainbow of thinly sliced vegetables, infused with savory goodness. A dish near and dear to Little Chef's heart.   Zucchini
  Bay Leaf
Chop the Ingredients 3
  Lobster Mousse (オマールのムース
Omāru no Mūsu
An adventurous blend of the luxurious flavor of lobster with the whimsical texture of a mousse.   Lobster
Crack the Egg 5
  Caprese Salad (トマトのカプレーゼ
Tomato no Kapurēze
?, lit. "Tomato Caprese")
Juicy tomato meets bright strawberry in this wonderfully balanced mix of sweet and acidic flavors.   Strawberry
Grind the Pepper 6


Image Dish Description Ingredients Mini-game Difficulty
  Consommé (コンソメ
This translucent amber soup is pure umami magic on the palate.   Celery
Chop the Ingredients 1
  Pumpkin Velouté (カボチャのヴルーテ
Kabocha no Vurūte
Rich and velvety, this soup elevates the pumpkin's own natural sweetness.   Pumpkin
  Black Truffle
Crack the Egg 3
  Carrot Potage (ニンジンのポタージュ
Ninjin no Potāju
The simple sweetness of the humble carrot is the key to this soup's appeal.   Carrot
Grind the Pepper 4
  Crab Bisque (渡りガニのビスク
Watarigani no Bisuku
The robust flavor of crab permeates every spoonful of this rich and creamy soup.   Crab
  Olive Oil
Flambé the Food 5
  Cold Tomato Soup (トマトの冷製スープ
Tomato no Reisei Sūpu
The juiciness of ripe tomato and watermelon mingle in this delightful chilled soup.   Watermelon
Chop the Ingredients 6

Fish dishes

Image Dish Description Ingredients Mini-game Difficulty
  Sole Meunière (舌ビラメのムニエル
Shitabirame no Munieru
Prime sole filet, dredged in flour and pan-fried in golden butter.   Sole
Grind the Pepper 1
  Eel Matelote (ウナギのマトロート
Unagi no Matorōto
Lavish chunks of eel meet a medley of aromatic herbs in this red wine stew.   Eel
  Bay Leaf
Flambé the Food 2
  Bouillabaisse (ブイヤベース
A stew that has been jam-packed with seafood and aromatic vegetables.   Mussel
Chop the Ingredients 4
  Sea Bass en Papillote (スズキの紙包み焼
Suzuki no Kamizutsumi-yaki
?, lit. "Paper-Wrapped Sea Bass")
Sea bass and herbs, encased in parchment to steam in the oven. A bundle of joy for the palate.   Sea Bass
  Olive Oil
Grind the Pepper 5
  Seafood Tartare (海鮮のタルタル
Kaisen no Tarutaru
The crisp, tangy flavor of citrus unifies this bounty of seafood treats.   Blood Orange
  Sea Bass
  Olive Oil
Grind the Pepper 6
  Sea Bass Poêlé (スズキのポワレ
Suzuki no Poware
Sea bass, grilled skin-down to a tantalizing crisp, then paired with a fruity grape sauce.   Grapes
  Sea Bass
Flambé the Food 6

Meat dishes

Image Dish Description Ingredients Mini-game Difficulty
  Sweetbread Poêlé (リードヴォーのポワレ
Rīdovō no Poware
The dense flavor and airy texture of sweetbread, paired with a breezy lemon butter sauce.   Porcini
Flambé the Food 1
  Beef Sauté (牛肉のソテー
Gyūniku no Sotē
Juicy cuts of beef, tossed briskly in the frying pan to lock in the meaty goodness.   Cornichon
Grind the Pepper 2
  Beef Bourguignon (牛ほほ肉のワイン煮
Ushi Hohoniku no Wain-ni
?, lit. "Beef Cheeks Boiled in Wine")
Beef cheek, lovingly stewed in red wine for hours.   Rosemary
  Bay Leaf
Grind the Pepper 3
  Stuffed Quail (うずらのファルシ
Uzura no Farushi
Plump quail stuffed with a bounty of delights and roasted to a golden brown.   Rice
  Miller Mushroom
Chop the Ingredients 5
  Filet Mignon Poêlé (牛フィレ肉のポワレ
Ushi-fire-niku no Poware
?, lit. "Beef Filet Poêlé")
The refined taste of filet mignon, enhanced by a cherry sauce artfully balancing sour and sweet.   Sour Cherry
  Black Truffle
  Filet Mignon
Flambé the Food 6


Image Dish Description Ingredients Mini-game Difficulty
  Chocolate Mousse (ムースショコラ
Mūsu Shokora
?, lit. "Mousse Chocolat")
Luxe, fragrant chocolate, whipped into a light mousse that melts in the mouth.   Chocolate
Crack the Egg 1
  Fresh Fruit Compote (フレッシュコンポート
Furesshu Konpōto
?, lit. "Fresh Compote")
Fresh fruit, lightly simmered in simple syrup to heighten its flavor while preserving its texture.   Pear
Chop the Ingredients 2
  Crêpes Suzette (クレープシュゼット
Kurēpu Shuzetto
A delicate golden crepe, dressed with citrusy orange caramel.   Orange
Flambé the Food 4
  Berries au Fromage (ベリーフロマージュ
Berī Furomāju
?, lit. "Berry Fromage")
The sweet tartness of fromage blanc, married perfectly with the tart sweetness of fresh berries.   Cheese
Crack the Egg 4
  Warm Banana Soufflé (バナナの温スフレ
Banana no Nuku Sufure
Made with a generous helping of ripe banana, this warm soufflé pairs exquisitely with ice cream.   Banana
Crack the Egg 6
  Fruit Gelée (フルーツジュレ
Furūtsu Jure
A fanciful dessert combining the flavor of fresh, juicy fruit with the fun of a silky-smooth gelatin.   Melon
Chop the Ingredients 6
  Tarte aux Fruits (タルトゥ オ フリュイ
Tarutu o Furyui
Crisp, crumbly shortbread crust, decadently crowned with a bounty of fruits. A Little Chef signature creation.   Sour Cherry
  Blood Orange
Crack the Egg 6

For a list of stat benefits each dish provides, see Cuisine.

Related trophies

Kingdom Hearts III

  Full Course
Earn your first "Excellent" while preparing cuisine.
  Master Chef
Earn an "Excellent" while preparing every type of cuisine.


  • Chop the Ingredients:   can be used rapidly, and there is no penalty for chopping while Sora does not hold an ingredient (aside from simply wasting time). Therefore, tilt   as rapidly as possible, and tap the   just when the icon on the right lights up.
  • Crack the Egg: Hold down   for the entire mini-game. Pull   and   apart slowly, and when the red sparks appear, hold the sticks where they are and press   gently. Do not move the sticks any farther at that point, or the mini-game will fail. A common mistake is pulling the sticks too far - pressing   and   suddenly with a lot of force can also cause the sticks to move accidentally. Holding   in advance mitigates this possibility.
  • Flambé the Food: Rotate   at a moderate speed - not too fast, not too slow. The prompt for   will appear early, so continue to pour until the red sparks appear, and then tilt  .
  • Grind the Pepper: Tilt down   or   when the circle approaches the appropriate icon. The icons happen to be circular, so aim for their outer edge.

To make this easier, Sora can equip the Chef Extraordinaire ability, which is available on two Gourmand's Rings and the Grand Chef Keyblade. The ability's effect will stack if he equips multiple instances of it.

  • One Gourmand's Ring is obtained after earning an "excellent" rating on 4 unique dishes.
  • One Gourmand's Ring is obtained by redeeming Prize Postcards from the Moogle Shop.
  • The Grand Chef Keyblade is obtained by earning an "excellent" rating on the 20 Classic Menu dishes. Note that the Special Menu dishes are not required to obtain this, so it can be earned before attempting the Special Menu entirely.

Also note that the Bistrot will trigger an auto-save immediately upon finishing a mini-game. If the game is exited to the title screen and re-entered with the "continue" option, then this auto-save will be used, meaning the ingredients will still be lost. If a particular mini-game is difficult to clear, manually save the game outside of the bistrot and then attempt the dish. If it fails, then exit to the title screen select "load game" instead of "continue" to load the save before the dish was attempted.