The Phil Cup is the first tournament of Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts. Upon completion, Sora simply raises the keyblade in the air and says, "We're the champs!" In the lobby, the Phil Cup trophy can be seen. In Kingdom Hearts II, it is accidentally exchanged with the Pegasus Cup.


Ranking Team Name Opponents Notes
9 Jungle Vice
8 Monkey & Magic
7 Big Feet Parts of the Guard Armor became parts of the Red Armor in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.
6 Magic Alert
5 Nightwalkers
4 Hard-Hitters Parts of the Guard Armor became parts of the Red Armor in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.
3 Indomitable
2 Wild Corps Parts of the Guard Armor became parts of the Red Armor in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.
1 Shadow Battalion Parts of the Guard Armor became parts of the Red Armor in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.