Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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Template:Enemy The Meowjesty is a Dream Eater that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.


The Meowjesty is a palette swap of the Meow Wow, its design based upon that of Mickey Mouse and his status as a king. Black at the top, red at the bottom, and with two white buttons on it, it resembles Mickey's original costume; the golden crown on its head reveals it as the "King" of the Meow Wow, just as Mickey is the King of Disney Castle. Paint Guns affect the color of the Meowjesty's initially black, top-half of the body.

Its Japanese name contains the words "king" and nyan, the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a cat makes. Its English name is a pun on the word "majesty", often used when referring to a royal monarch.


Ability Link


Attack Element Level Dispositions
Wild Animal Pouncer Magician Best Friend
Horn Strike (ツノアタック Tsuno Atakku?, lit. "Horn Attack") Physical 1
Horn Slice (ツノスライス Tsuno Suraisu?) Physical 1
Horn Dive (ツノダイブ Tsuno Daibu?) Physical 1
Horn Bounce (ツノバウンド Tsuno Baundo?) Physical 1
Cure (ケアル Kearu?) 1
Cura (ケアルラ Kearura?, lit. "Curera") 10
Curaga (ケアルガ Kearuga?, lit. "Curega") 20
Balloon (バルーン Barūn?) 1
Balloonra (バルーンラ Barūnra?) 16
Balloonga (バルーンガ Barūnga?) 25
Slow (スロウ Surou?) 1
Vanish (バニシュ Banishu?) 13
Combo Assist (コンボアシスト Kombo Asishuto?) 18

Flick Rush

Attack Horn Combo Horn Dive Horn Bounce Cure/Cura/Curaga Balloon/Balloonra
Slow Vanish Dark Mist
Wild Animal 28% 34% 25% 5% 8%
Pouncer 25% 20% 35% 10% 5% 5%
Magician 20% 35% 15% 5% 15% 5% 5%
Best Friend 30% 20% 20% 5% 5% 5% 5%


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

The Meowjesty Recipe is obtained in the NA and PAL versions once Sora and Riku reach Rank 20 in Flick Rush. The Meowjesty can be created through two different recipes.
