Template:Enemy The Hostile Program is an attack virus created by the MCP, and is found in Kingdom Hearts II. It is one of the bosses at Space Paranoids. It appears to be based on the local Heartless, though it is not a Heartless itself.
The Hostile Program is a large, robotic being with a smooth, oval-shaped main body. Its body is indigo and covered in light grey and red computer circuitry, as well as nine conical, red spikes. There is a small opening in the front of its body that exposes its three glowing, yellow eyes, arranged in a triangle pattern, and a silver opening just below this. Its lower body is much smaller and ends in four small, silver appendages. Its lower body is predominantly silver with indigo and red circuitry covering it. The Hostile Program’s arms are not connected to its body and instead hover at its sides. Its arms are translucent, violet tubes with pink spikes in them. The ends are grey and adorned by indigo and red circuitry. Both hands have three pink, squared-off fingers with black and red circuitry on them. Despite its resemblance to the various types of Heartless in Space Paranoids, the Hostile Program is one of the few bosses in Kingdom Hearts II that is both original to the series and not an incomplete being, although it is based on the local Heartless.
The Hostile Program's name reflects its nature as a computer program tasked with eliminating Sora and his companions.
Kingdom Hearts II
Upon realizing the threat of Tron and Sora, the Master Control Program had Sark deploy a special program virus called the Hostile Program. It caused chaos for the computer world as well as the real world in Hollow Bastion. After defeating the Hostile Program, Tron gives Sora the Photon Debugger Keychain.
Due to a bug in the Playstation 3's Playstation 2 emulator, the Hostile Program would become invincible instead of firing lasers. There is an available bugfix for this error on the Playstation Network.
The Hostile Program is quite a simple boss. Collect the clusters which drop until the gauge is maxed out, then use the "Freeze" Reaction command. The Hostile Program will then stop momentarily.
Switch into a Drive Form and begin unleashing the strongest attacks. A simple strategy would be to use Tron's "Setup" Limit command, as the Hostile Program is quite weak against this attack.
The Hostile Program's first attack is conjuring energy orbs that will zig-zag across the room. The Hostile Program will also shoot at Sora with rapid laser blasts, these can easily be avoided. Once the Hostile Program has taken enough damage, it will lose its armor and begin to charge around the room several times, so quickly run to the center.
Its second attack is emitting laser beams from its hands. This attack is slow, but Sora will need to avoid them. A second occasion is when the Hostile Program sends these beams swarming all over the place. It can be tricky to avoid, so watch the pattern carefully. Try dodging and jumping, although this does not guarantee an escape without being hit.
If they begin spinning around the room, jump to dodge. If they begin to move in a vertical motion, wait until Sora is able to pass underneath them and get out of its path. When they start spinning around the room quickly, this can be difficult to dodge. Because this battle requires to collect orbs, equip Explosion. This easily increases the amount of orbs that drop.
Hostile Program - Kingdom Hearts II |
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