Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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Template:Enemy The Wargoyle is a Dream Eater that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It serves as a boss for Riku and Sora in La Cité des Cloches.


Like Barrett Wallace in Final Fantasy VII, the Wargoyle wields arm-mounted guns, and shares the Japanese name for bullet. Its guns are bound with chains, and its appearance is fittingly that of a Gargoyle. In Sora's story, it lacks wings. Its wings resemble the beautiful stained-glass windows of Notre Dame.

Its name is a portmanteau of the words "war" and "gargoyle". Template:Section-stub


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Riku, while searching for Frollo in the Outskirts of La Cité des Cloches, is ambushed by the Wargoyle as it chases him to the Mill. It is there, that the Wargoyle is revealed to be under Frollo's control as he intended to use the Dream Eater to enact his ideal of justice by destroying all gypsies and those helping them as with in the case of Phoebus. When Riku confronted Frollo at the top of Notre Dame, the judge summons the Wargolye as the resulting gust from the Nightmare's flight caused its summoner to fall to his death. After Riku eventually defeats it after a gruelling battle, the Wargoyle's wings shatter as it falls through the inferno into Sora's version of the world, demolishes the bonfire just after Frollo goes into Notre Dame after Quasimodo and Esmeralda. Sora manages to defeat the rampaging Nightmare, then proceeds into the Notre Dame.

Later, as the Spellican fights Sora during the boy's second visit to Traverse Town, it summons the Wargoyle to replace the Hockomonkey. The Wargoyle is in turn replaced by the Char Clawbster upon its demise. Template:Section-stub




The Wargoyle can be a challenge due to its airborne mobility. Although the boss remains in the air for the duration of the battle, Riku can circumvent this by leaping off the cathedral, thus allowing him to ride the updrafts created by the flames below. Wargoyle utilizes many fire-based attacks such as fire balls, fire enhanced physical attacks, and even an attack where it cloaks itself in darkness and charges at Riku in midair. If the attack connects, Wargoyle will grab Riku with its tail and throw him back onto the cathedral.

When its HP is reduced to a certain point, Wargoyle will use a new attack where it unleashes a barrage of fireballs from its arm-mounted gatling guns. This attack can be avoided by taking cover behind one of the two columns on the cathedral. Ice based attacks are effective at damaging Wargoyle. As long as Riku dodges Wargoyle's attacks and uses Reality Shifts when prompted, Wargoyle will fall with relative ease.


The Wargoyle mainly attacks by punching Sora with its guns. Its other attack involves spinning around, attempting to hit Sora multiple times. Both of these attacks will occasionally cause Wargoyle to lose its balance and fall over, vulnerable to attacks. Beware though, as Wargoyle will recover with a fire pillar surrounding it, dealing damage if Sora is too close.

Wargoyle also attacks by swinging its twins guns together, and rains fireballs down from the sky. As the Nightmare's health dwindles, its attacks become more ferocious. Its pyro punch attack creates small pillars of flame in its general direction, and it will combine its pyro punch with its fire storm, making it hard to avoid. Like with Riku, Ice based commands are most effective at dealing damage. So long as Sora dodges the boss's attacks, heals frequently, and uses Reality Shifts when prompted, Wargoyle will be defeated.