User talk:Xelias0/Archive1

Xelias0 - Xemnas (card) seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Hello, welcome to my talk page ! Please remember to sign with the four tildes or use a talkbox. If you are a member of my Dissidia Kingdom Hearts Development Team, using a talkbox is mandatory, as I will give you one if you don't have one anyway. Post in the "Chat" section, the "Dissidia Kingdom Hearts" section is for important announcements for the project.

Dissidia Kingdom Hearts

New Heartless

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
This project needs more Heartless - more Heartless will I give !

Heartless Enemies

Heartless Bosses

Mission for a Sadomasochist

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Does a project member have enough spare time to rearrange all Abilities on Dissidia:KH main page in alphabetic order, please ? I just want it done, and I don't want to do it myself. Sorry, but Superior Xelias feels lazy by now...
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  I'll get on it in a moment.
Xelias0 -  Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day.
TALK - You don't miss a thing.
Thanks (That was quick...)


Nobody Enemies

LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  I am currently in the process of making the Nobody Enemies page, with all of the lesser Nobodies (excluding the Twilight Thorn). Just giving you an update on that.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Perfect ! Do as you wish... And take the tables from my heartless page, please. You can recolor them to match the nobody color scheme, if you want.I just have around 60 more lines of redaction to do now...
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Mostly finished. I'm taking a break for now (puls school starts again tomorrow), but I'll recolor the tables and add a few more battlegens later. Critique here.

Excuse Me...

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 00:13, February 22, 2010 (UTC)
  Hello, Xelias. I remember contacting you earlier about categorizing your images. Great job remembering to do so. I've been watching you and your colleagues working extremely hard on your Dissidia KH, and I must say I'm impressed. I'm currently working on making a KH game too, about the Keyblade War. I wanted to send it to Square Enix one day, thus I created a Wiki all about it, which has a link to it on my user page. I'd be honored if once I finished my game, we moved all of your hard work on the Dissidia project over there. Does that sound okay with you? We could then work on it together.

For the mean time, I'm offering my services too you here. I must advise, however, that you need to be careful as you continue this project, as it sometimes clogs the RC (Recent Changes), and considering that we're against that here, this may have to be moved in the future, and I do not want you to lose your hard work. Please pardon me if this message has been a hinderence to you, or if this only seems like gibberish. Being friends would be great if you'll have me, too.

Dissidia KH - Priority

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
It is an important announcement for all of us. Soon Dissidia KH will be moved to our member VII (yet again another member) EternalNothingnessXIII's Canon-Fanon Wiki. So don't be surprised if you don't see it anymore on my page - instead, it will receive the respect it deserves as a Fan Game.

A newcomer

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
We have got a new member! He is a rookie, because he has registered today, but he has done it only to participate in our project. He is one of my friends, and he is called joaquin299. Please, welcome him and leave him a message on his talk page. We will talk later.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
He has been welcomed and guided towards Exdeath's Talk Page. Fear not, for Exdeath will guide him well into our project. I also wait for him to tell me the character he selects for a Talk Box and developer icon.


Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
What about doing a secret boss for our game? Such as Unknown, for example? He could be in a secret chest on Waltz of emptyness, and his weapon is the sword of the abyss.( I will show you the design, if you want). And, if we cant do the game because of exams, personal life...i have a plan B...

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Interesting... But I'd rather see a simple pallet swap of a character - wearing a Organization's cloak. If I could bring an Original Character in - then I'd create Riku's nobody, doubtlessly. But before I say "yes" or "no" (and believe me, I want to say yes to your characters, cause their stories are awesome, but I'm just afraid it wouldn't stick with the "Storyline Fusion" aspect of the game, you get it ?), just tell me your Plan B.

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
Well, Unknown already wore a coat, so, if you wanted to put it... And the plan B was to send our ideas to Square Enix, but, thinking about what ENX said, I have rejected the idea. Sorry for disturbing you. I am a stupid. Please, do not get angry with me!

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
"Sorry for disturbing you." ? "Do not get angry with me!" ? I laughed at those comments. What, are you afraid I'd turn you into a Dusk (I still can't do it - what a shame...) ? Or am I that scary ? I sure hope not. You needn't respect me that much ! I'm the superior, but whatever... Don't apologize nonstop, you remind me of another video game character... Colette Brunel

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
Well, then, nothing has happened. Well, what about passing this to the Kingdom hearts Canon-Fanon Wiki? (When do we do it...things like that) And, about Unknown, I will draw later a concept (I have to make a happy bubble...)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
EternalNothingness... Oh whatever, let's call him VII, it's shorter and easier... I mean VII will transfer it - as it's his Wiki. But a copy of it will stay here and won't be edited until it has ended. That's no problem. And I can make you a happy talk bubble if you show me a happy lingering sentiment picture (is that even possible to make a gigantic kangaroo-robot (that's how he looks to me) look happy ?)


Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 20:15, February 22, 2010 (UTC)
 Well, it depends on what area needs the most work. If you check out my Keyblade War story, you can see I'm a creative genius, just like you. You're welcome to use one of my three characters, Shadow, Dawn, or Void, as a secret boss, if you'd like, since they're all palette swaps of characters, with minor changes.

I may do the transitioning myself, but it is your story. I just offered a place for the game to earn the true respect it deserves in a place where it wouldn't be lost due to annoyances of other Wikians. My current projects are :

  • Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade War
  • Kingdom Hearts DEcoded (note this is to be a game I work on after finishing the Keyblade War)
  • An unnamed work that tells the story of Sora and co. fighting the second Keyblade War

If we moved the Dissidia game over there, we could send it to Square Enix, not to mention some of the others working on it could experience my works as well, and help with those if they'd like. Not only do I stand strong creatively, but also in the art field.

I just have one issue... the ranking system... obviously this is your creation, but you're just ranking based on order of joining, I hope?

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 09:44, February 23, 2010 (UTC)
  I can't exactly move it though and send it to them, should I want to do so, without your permission. And sure, feel free to use them. As for the ranks, true enough.

I suppose I could handle the scripts, and had an idea for an alternate character costume while I think of it : For Vanitas, the Vanitas Sentiment's outfit, with the helmet removed.

I'd also like to attempt to do a few drawings (for summons and characters, that's my dream). As for the soundtrack, that intrigues me, but I have no experience with music whatsoever (I'm a singer, hence I can come up with melodies, but I can't exactly play them). Story boards are basically rough sketches, so anyone could do thse.

So basically I'm telling you I could handle the script and the artwork involved in this. I suppose I could do some work with the enemies and such, too, once I learn the coding. If you have any questions when/if you add my characters as potential secret bosses, all you need do is ask.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
This is way enough... Anyway, I have already two members to take care of the soundtrack domain (if you need explanations about it, I think it is somewhere on LapisScarab's talk page - but if you need a more in-depth description, ask me) - TroisNyxEtienne and LapisScarab.

You already have my permission to move the project, you know. And others members won't mind. As long as you keep a copy here - all's good.

A graphical artist is just what we needed. Basically, we need models for a Duel Colosseum-like game where you could fight both heartless and characters. And artworks for the twenty-five characters (that I will give you if you ask so...)

I'd like to help you in your project - but I already have my own twist on the Keyblade Wars, even creating characters and such. It isn't anywhere on the net, but it's in my head... Then again, sorry for it. That's all for this long message - and I'll add Vanitas's alternate Costumes, which are a great idea. Talk to you later !

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 19:56, February 23, 2010 (UTC)
 Well, I'll move it when it's actually done. Sign me up for the script/story writing and editing if you could, and I'll also work on the artwork.

I understand, and maybe we could transition to my project once we finish yours. A sort of "eye-for-an-eye" thing. I'm also, as I said, working on those two other games after I finsh my first.

In the mean time, here's some more information for you regarding EX-Bursts and Alternate Costumes. Please note that these may contain spoilers about Birth by Sleep :

Alternate Costumes

  • Terra - Xehanort (silver-haired Terra with yellow eyes)
  • Aqua - Original artwork (with the more exposed back)
  • Ventus - Vanitas's suit (from the battle with Aqua)
  • Vanitas - Vanitas Sentiemt suit w/ Helmet off and altered version of Vanitas's Keyblade
  • Xehanort's Heartless - World of Chaos (shirtless Ansem with dark pants)
  • Riku - Blindfold/ Dark Mode (depending on if it's KH1 or KH2-style Riku)
  • Sora - KH1/KH2 Clothing (depending on which model we use)
  • Xemnas - Armored form
  • Larxene - Original Chain of Memories version (lighter hair and different eye color)
  • Xion - Hooded form


  • Terra - Armor
  • Aqua - Armor
  • Ventus - Armor
  • Vanitas - gains X-Blade
  • Xehanort's Heartless - exchanges Guardian for dual-bladed Soul Eater
  • Sora - Drive forms
  • Xion - Boss form (from any of the four Days battles)
  • Xemnas - Final Form outfit

Anyways, that's all I could come up with for now. I'll get to sketching and stuff at a later date.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
I'll keep all of your alternate costumes - except Riku, as he is KH1 version using Dark Mode as an Ex Mode. Alternate would be KH2 outfit with Organization's Cloak as Ex Mode, maybe ? I'm also not fond of an Armor-Xemnas - even humanized !

Most Ex Modes are determined on the characters' page. You guessed Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Vanitas, Sora and Xemnas right (or you read the description, I don't know...). That leaves us with Xion -to be done - and Xehanort's Heartless (Who simply gets a darker aura and his guardian grows slightly, referring his Desperation Attack in KH1).

Besides, you've got enough responsabilities for now. It's perfect !

New Boss Moveset

VoidCommanderExdeath - The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
TALK - Your existence is worth nothing !
Made another moveset. You won't believe which one it is.

about Joaquin299

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
The icon that joaquin299 wants is Ventus on his armor. This was just to leave things clear. So please, when you can, create him a talk bubble.


Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 01:40, February 24, 2010 (UTC)
 So on top of the message I posted above, I' thought I'd alert you that I've started to sketch Vanitas's alternate costume. I'll upload the traced artwork when it is done.

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 09:12, February 24, 2010 (UTC)
 All right, the artwork for Vanitas's alternate costume is done. I'll color it on the computer once I scan it when I get home from school.

Dissidia-Kingdom Hearts

Naruto195 - I'm Zack nice to meet ya!
TALK - "Embrace your Dreams,and what ever happends protect your honor as SOLDIER — Naruto195 06:55, February 24, 2010 (UTC)
I saw that post recently so I was curous if I could join and help?
Naruto195 - I'm Zack nice to meet ya!
TALK - "Embrace your Dreams,and what ever happends protect your honor as SOLDIER — Naruto195 06:01, February 25, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. Its more finished but theres some stuff like the awards etc that I'm not sure on becuase I don't know the item list. Anything else you need? I got the Birth By sleep soundtrack if you need it
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Here's the items list.
Naruto195 - I'm Zack nice to meet ya!
TALK - "Embrace your Dreams,and what ever happends protect your honor as SOLDIER — Naruto195 06:18, February 25, 2010 (UTC)
Oh,thanks. However,the problem was I wasn't sure what items to put down.
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  What I usually do is check the wiki to see what items they drop in the actual games and use those first (assuming they are on the list). Later on I occasionally decide whether or not to add more.
Naruto195 - I'm Zack nice to meet ya!
TALK - "Embrace your Dreams,and what ever happends protect your honor as SOLDIER — Naruto195 06:27, February 25, 2010 (UTC)
Makes since but does Darkside drop anything? Lol
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Ah, it doesn't seem to. Perhaps you could try keeping with the theme set by other Pureblood Heartless? For example, Shadows drop Dark Shards, so a Darkside would drop Dark Crystals maybe?
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
You summed that up quite well. I think it is exactly that. This is quite a good job for both of you.
Naruto195 - I'm Zack nice to meet ya!
TALK - "Embrace your Dreams,and what ever happends protect your honor as SOLDIER — Naruto195 20:47, February 25, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. I'll add stuff from other heartless


  Le projet DissidiaKH, comment progresse-t-il ?

Et sinon…… j’ai besoin d’un câlin.

Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. TroisNyxÉtienne — 13:40, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Je suis à l'école, donc mon dernier personnage remonte à Dimanche (Vanitas)... J'ai une idée pour Xigbar, mais je suis démotivé...

Et tu as... besoin d'un câlin ?

  Ouais. Les évènements récents sur KHW m’ont vraiment démotivée. >_> Ça m’a attristée, en fait.

Tu fais déjà Vanitas ? Et c’est quoi ton idée pour Xigbar ?

Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. TroisNyxÉtienne — 13:48, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Vanitas est fait parce que Victor me l'a demandé (Si tu veux qu'un personnage soit fait, demande-le moi et il le sera en priorité)...

Tu parles de la désertion de "Door to Nothing" dont tout le monde parle pour les "événements"? Pour certains, c'est un martyre... Pour d'autres, c'est un lâche. Je pense simplement qu'il est un peu trop susceptible...

Xigbar serait inspiré du Xigbar du mode mission (logique), avec des attaques Bravoure qui consomment un certain nombre de munitions et lui demandent de se recharger...

  Pour moi, il serait entre les deux. Il aurait pu partir d’une manière beaucoup plus gracieuse, voilà…… Mais bon.

Ces munitions limitées me fait penser à la mission de Yuna dans le 3e chapitre de Final Fantasy X-2, où elle droit anéantir un certain nombre de monstres avec des munitions limitées... ^_^

Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:04, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Ah, tu as joué à X-2 ? Je l'ai terminé, mais sans certaines "Dresspheres". Tu as joué à combien de FF ? Et c'est lequel ton préféré ? J'adore X... Seymour Guado étant mon préféré du jeu, bien sûr.
  Moi aussi j’adore le X ! C’est le seul jeu FF que je parviens à compléter ! Je joue à X International, donc, je souffre encore avec Dark Yojimbo (je veux finir le jeu à 100% mais c’est presque impossible…). J’ai aussi tenté de jouer au VII et au VIII, mais sans succès.

Pour X-2 j’ai manqué certaines dresspheres aussi, et même si j’ai une sauvegarde qui est 62% complète, j’ai peur d’aller aux profondeurs de Bevelle… ou même à la fin.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:15, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
En Europe, "X International" est le seul qu'on puisse avoir. Je pourrais vaincre Yojimbo Purgateur (Dark yojimbo) mais je tiens trop à ses Dark Matter, alors je fais Zanmato pour les obtenir et je sauvegarde (et il revient !).

Sinon, dans ma partie, j'ai Yuna avec 255 de Force, Défense, Vitesse, Magie, Esquive... Trop drôle de voir Yuna frapper deux fois plus fort qu'Auron ! Ta chimère préférée, c'est qui ? J'adore Anima et Yojimbo...

  J’adore Anima (même si son animation m’attriste >_>), Yojimbo pour son attaque Zanmato… mais sinon, la chimère la plus efficace pour moi, même en no sphere grid, ça doit être Shiva !

EDIT : Pour Yuna, Rikku, Tidus et Auron, tout est en 255. ^_^ Tous les personnages ont Break HP Limit sauf Yuna (Break MP Limit) et Kimahri (aucun Break :P)

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:41, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Beaucoup sont en Break HP Limit et Ribbon - même ceux dont je ne me sers pas... Mais je ne me sers que de ma "Top Team" (Yuna, Auron, Tidus)... Et j'adore le thème "To Zanarkand". C'est quoi ta musique préférée de FFX ?
  Je crois que c’est To Zanarkand, le thème d’Auron, le thème de Lulu, Servers of the Mountain... Les autres paraissent trop criardes :P Mon OST préférée d’un jeu FF doit être celle de X-2.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:55, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Pour moi, X-2 à une OST trop "Pop". J'aime bien, côté OST... FFXII et FFVI (J'adore le thème de Terra...)
  Sans doute, les OST de FFXII et d'Advent Children aussi. ^_^ Moi, je reprends souvent des idées de X-2, déjà qu’on dit que je maîtrise les accords, mais il y a des bons accords dans presque chacune de ces pistes. J’avoue que je suis du côté pop… Oui mais sinon…

Advent Children OST FTW ! ^_^

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:45, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Je crois que j'ai légèrement oublié de changer la Talkbox précédente... J'aime bien tout le film Advent Children (Dont les OST Divinity - et aussi Those who fight further). Mon personnage préféré... Allez, essaie de deviner qui c'est !)
  Laisse-moi voir : Cloud ? Sephiroth ? Cid ? Red XIII ? Aerith ? Zack ? (Je cite tous, en fait, presque tous ^_^')

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 16:05, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Et en plus, tu n'as même pas trouvé... Kadaj ! (Bizarre, je sais.)
  Là tu m’as enfin fait rire ^_^ Merci !

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne — 16:11, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Tu passes rapidement de "déprimée" à "heureuse", toi ! Peu importe... Tu connais "Tales of Symphonia", sur Gamecube ?
  Rapidement ? Ça me prenait quelques heures en fait =P Tales of Symphonia, je dirais que je connais un peu. Quand tu m’as parlé de TOS j’ai fait une petite investigation.

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:16, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Bah - c'est rapide... Et si tu as une Gamecube, je te conseille ce jeu absolument. Il est génial... Un des seuls jeux pour lesquels j'ai eu le courage de le finir plus d'une fois - avec KH1 et KH2, bien sûr... C'est quoi ton plus grand exploit dans KH ? Moi, c'est : KH2, Séphiroth, Mode Difficile, LV50, sans Ultima Arma... (Il m'a pris deux semaines avant que je ne le batte...)
  Pour moi, c'est les 6 Absent Silhouettes sur 13 que je parviens à défaire : Vexen (c’était chaud !), Lexaeus, Saix, Marluxia, Larxene et Roxas. J’arrive même pas à la cheville de Terra (je suis toujours cuite quand il ne reste que 3 barres de HP). Pour les KH normaux, rien à dire ; je progresse trop rapidement pour pouvoir vaincre Séphiroth, voire les autres bosses.

P.S. C’est Ultima en français.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 08:30, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Ultima est parfois appelé Ultima Arma (par exemple, dans FFX...) Et l'arme ultime de Roxas s'appelle Oméga Arma. Alors j'ai du confondre.

Au Sujet... Regarde dans Dissidia KH, j'ai créé une section "Soundtracks". C'est pour toi et LapisScarab.

  Je verrai tout de suite ! ^_^

Bon, au moins on a fait une traduction classe pour Bond of Flame... ^_^

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne — 23:31, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Ouais... "Igniscence", je crois. C'est quoi ta keyblade préférée (côté design) ? J'adore Deux pour Un, Point du Jour et Souvenir Perdu.


Eternal Nothingness XIII -   The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way.
TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 19:42, February 24, 2010 (UTC)
  Here you are, one picture of Vanitas's alternate costume. I'll try my best to color it when I get on a better computer. Enjoy :)


Expect more to be on the way, and perhaps you'd like to be friends, so we needn't be so serious with each other?

Xelias0 -  Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day.
TALK - You don't miss a thing.
That's great ! I love it !

Friends, is it ? Then we're friends ! By the way - what's your favorite Dissidia FF Character to play with ? Mine are Terra (She's the biggest killer in the entire game), Sephiroth (Don't quite know why... he's just powerful) and Zidane (I love aerial combos...).

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   Well, I got something out of it, too. I learned that you don't always have to bend the rules to reach your goals.
TALK - Oy, sometimes you are such a girl. — 19:52, February 24, 2010 (UTC)
  Thanks. An artist always likes it when his work is appreciated. :D

Next up is Terra's Armored form, and then Terra's regular and Alternate costumes.

It's a tie between Kefka (he's just hilarious), Sephiroth, and Cloud (my current strongest, at Lv. 68, while the rest are still level 2-30 :P). Ultimecia, Cecil, Firion, Golbez, Warrior of Light, and the Cloud of Darkness aren't too shabby, either.

Once we get the other scenarios done, I can start the script. Vanitas will be fun to "play with" :P

Xelias0 -  Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day.
TALK - You don't miss a thing.
I've got all my characters LV100 - but with special tricks, it was very quick. My Kefka rose from Level 1 to 100 in three matchs... Kefka is pretty good (Scatter-Spray Blizzaga + Waggle-Wobbly Firaga combo is pure killing) and funny. My favorite Dissidia technique, however, is the Emperor's : Dynamite - Thunder Crest - Flare. Sadistic little combo.

For the scenarios... Well, I'll tell you which characters will be fought where - because I didn't made it yet... I procrastinate (Hey, I began a Xigbar.) Oh, a question that I wanted to ask someone : Exdeath, responsible of Heartless Bosses and Number III, wants the Ruler of the Sky boss to be mandatory - in a treasure chest that blocks the path to the end of the level. I want it to be optional - near an enemy with PA+1, to encourage the player to open the treasure chest and... You get the idea. Which idea is better, according to you ?

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way.
TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 20:10, February 24, 2010 (UTC)
  Well, I only got Dissidia last Christmas, and I've been too busy with my other presents to sit down and beat it. That's my excuse :P

To be honest, I like your idea better. Sorta like in the Shade Impulse, with all those cruddy Fallacious Trees with levels in the 60's while you're only lv. 30 :P

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
I am a expert artist, too. If you want, I could do a drawing of terra's armor...And, one thing more... What could I do now? Can I help with drawings. Me and EternalNothinglessXIII could do a great work.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
If you want to do so, then I see no objection. Another double mission it is !

Alternate Costumes

LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Not really my job, but I figured I'd share an idea. For Organization members I through VIII (Xemnas through Axel), their alternate costumes could be thier original beings' designs.

And to relate this comment to my actual job, so far thirteen of the Standard Heartless have been completed, and three more are close to completion. So, there are sixteen (soon to be thirteen) remaining.

Quick question

Whats with the special banner you have on your page about the Dissidia Kingdom Hearts thing? Naruto195 05:17, February 26, 2010 (UTC)

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Please remember to use your talk bubble. Whatever... Which Banner ? If you mean all the faces and black squares, then it's the list of current members. You're represented by Zack, third in the bottom row.
Naruto195 - I'm Zack nice to meet ya!
TALK - "Embrace your Dreams,and what ever happends protect your honor as SOLDIER — Naruto195 07:04, February 26, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry,I'll get it before I post again. The banner was like the one on your user page,the one that says "Creating a new world one heart at a time". Also,my apologizes for any spelling and mistakes i make. I can add more to the PP catalog though if you want.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
I don't see such a thing on my page. It is the Dissidia Kingdom Hearts award, which rewards any contributors - members or not - that deserve it. For example, Victor Genesis gained it after creating a third storyline for Birth by Sleep. It is distributed regardless of ranks - so you might by the next to get one ! Oh, and feel free to add anything to the PP Catalog - but be aware that I can modify some details.


ZACH - I won't give up until my friends are safe !
TALK - My friends are my power !
sorry had stuff to do but i can get back to editing Edit: you there?

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
School... But I'm here alright. And I began Luxord (Did attacks and Ex Mode already...). Looking forward for your contributions !

Three things

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
Hello again! Sorry for being so much time disconnected, but I have three important things to say: 1. When do I do unknown as a secret boss? I have some ideas for his moveset, and there is a sort of method to "control" him ( through an object, "Lost shine" which gives Terra his appearence). Tell me what do you think about this. 2. I will soon send you the drawings. I haven´t had much time. They will be Terra, Aqua and Ventus on their armor. And Twilight thorn will be, too. 3. A new nember wants to join. He is Josemigueloli44, and he is spanish, like me and joaquin299, although he does not know English very well, but I will be his translator. Answer quickly, please. See ya!

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Finally activity ! So...
  • I told you that we'd think about the unknown when all those characters would be finished. for the way to "control" it, a PP Catalog Alternate Costume would fit, wouldn't it ?
  • That's perfect. Take your time...
  • And what can this Josemigueloli44 is able to do ? Joaquin299 has yet to make his first contribution. If he can't speak properly English... Well, you should rather gain new ideas by talking with him than bringing him as a member (He'd be credited anyway). I'd have many potential members in my school but they speak English as much as I speak spanish (and it's not much, I tell you...). However, if he really wants to be a member, then go on. Talk to Exdeath for him and tell him what he wants to do... Okay ?

Whew ! Long message. And I made for now 17 characters ! When all will be done... I'll be able to help in something else (finally) !

Ima back!

LapisScarab -   Very good. You don't miss a thing. I cannot feel sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist.  
TALK - Come closer...
  'Kay, things have settled down in school, and I'm working on getting the movesets for the Heartless again. The only problem is that I don't know what an Angel Star's attacks are, and I have no way of finding out (I have KHI, but I'm no where near the End of the World). Other than that, all is good, and you can expect an update to that page in a day at the latest.
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Oh, I forgot, one question. When you encounter enemies, is it always just one Heartless, or can there be multiple types at once?
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Three Heartless are ready right now, and two or three more are about half done, but I've got to go ofline for the night, so I'll get them up tomorrow. One more question: I saw you mention something about status effects, and I was wondering how many of them there were/what they are. I want to give the Snapper Dog and the Cymbal Monkey's attacks status effects.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
The return ! So...
  • Angel Stars are able to cast various light-based projectiles and to perform a perfect front guard. They can also throw homing dark fireballs, if I remember?
  • Of course multiple enemies - because why the hell would we have Master Defenders if not ? In fact, there are three types of standard Heartless battles : One or a few weak to medium Heartless, multiple weak to medium Heartless, one or two very strong Heartless.
  • Status Effects are an idea indirectly inspired by ZACH : Fire, Wind, Ice and Thunder damage have a chance to inflict the four corresponding status effect. Darkness and Light do not inflict any status effect. As such, only Ignited, Frozen, Jolted and Air-Tossed can be inflicted by the player. However, feel free to make enemies inflict other status effect, but detail them. And remember to add "Deals xxx damage" each time your Heartless deals elemental damage.

Another long message. Whew ! You'll even finish your Heartless before I finish the characters (17 done, 8 to go ! Next victim : Xion. Oh, and I can add more heartless if I have inspiration. Next job... Heheheh, I already have one for you when you finish your mission...

LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Thanks, I was wondering about the number of enemies because its always a one-on-one fight in Dissidia. I'll see what I can do about the Angel Star. I also would like you to critique an addition I made to the Snapper Dog section, to see if I should do it for the rest of the Heartless.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Yes, it would be better to add it for each heartless. But remember that in this game, Moon is not an element (As such, there is no gear/accessory/ability concerning it). Fire, Thunder, Ice, Wind, Darkness and Light are. Just mention the side effects in the attack description, please.

An idea

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
Hey, Xelias. Hello again. I wanted to tell you that I have got an idea for Dissisdia KH. Have you ever thought before that only to play with the characters in fight is a bit boring? We could add an special mode, like, for example a city, in which there are people that give you extra missions, such as defeat all the heartless in a specific zone, to do special "tasks"... like some enviroment to explore freely. What do you think about this?

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
An interesting idea. But I think that rather than a mode, it could be added as a Challenge to the Colosseum (Newly open section) ! Like "Find the Heartless and defeat him in a limited amount of time" or something like that... But I want to stick a little to the original Dissidia - so no new environment. Besides, any storyline battle will have a AP-gaining "Mission" ("Defeat all heartless in a limited amount of time" or "Defeat all Heartless with a one-hit kill")...


Eternal Nothingness XIII -   The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way.
TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 22:54, March 7, 2010 (UTC)
  I'm honored. Sure, I'm game. What exactly would this entail? You weren't exactly "specific" in your description.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
The Colosseum is a game mode. In it, you can participate to Tournament or "Tours" to make short. Each tournament works the same as DissidiaFF's Duel Colosseum (Accessible after defeating Chaos) : You have three cards, and you have to play one to activate its effect (Battle a Heartless, participate in a minigame, etc...)

By defeating Heartless or playing Minigames, you gain Heart Points. They are a rare currency only available in the colosseum, and return to 0 at the end of each match. Hopefully, there are Treasure Cards. Accessible like all other cards, they offer Accessories or Equipment at the expense of Heart Points.

When you select a card from your hand, all your hand is discarded and you draw another. If there is a Heartless Boss or Playable Character card in your hand, the mentioned cards are not discarded, though. This effectively lowers by one the number of gained cards. As such, Heartless Bosses and Playable Characters shall be vanquished as soon as possible - at the risk of losing.

Losing lowers the player's Heart Points by half the prize he could have got if he won. This also removes a card from your hand, allowing you to have only two cards. Further losses bring you to one, then zero cards. At Zero cards, you lost the Tour. You can exit the Colosseum at any time, and your Heart Points will become PP, and you will gain all the treasures you've opened.

Now, for you... The page User:Xelias0/DissidiaKH/Colosseum is yours. What you have to do is, for the six available Tournaments (Valor Tour, Wisdom Tour, Master Tour, Final Tour, and the optional Anti Tour and Limit Tour), determine which Heartless (or Heartless team) can be fought here, at which level, with which rate of appearance, the possible treasures, the apparition rate of every single kind of cards. The order of tournament difficulty is : Valor < Wisdom < Master < Final = Anti < Limit. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards.

I just want all accessories (see the User:Xelias0/DissidiaKH/Accessories page)ranging from Door to Light to Nothing's Thrown to be included as Final Tour rewards. This is my only wish.

Whew... That was one very, very long explanation. I hope it is specific enough... So enjoy the *yawn* Colosseum...

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 23:29, March 8, 2010 (UTC)
  Well, if you had said Duel Colosseum, I'd have known what you meant. Sounds tough, but I'll give it a try. I also hope to get more concept art up. Here's Terra's EX Mode while you wait :


Going over that with a Sharpie was such hard work... Basically I based it off of images I found online with my own personal flare, but... We should use this and the Vanitas image until final ones are up. Agreed?

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Wow... Just... wow... That's great ! I already gave a 3D Design mission to joaquin299, Number VIII. He must do Terra in 3D. Your drawing is great, and will be included in the game one way or another. I promise.

For Duel Colosseum, last time we talked, you didn't beat Chaos. Now, you beat him, as I understand (with who ? I used Terra). So now it is unlocked for you. Okay, that's perfect ! Go on...

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way.
TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 20:19, March 9, 2010 (UTC)
  Thanks! I'm glad you like it. I beat the game with Cloud... he was Level 100 because I had used the Level Up Fast Cheat (the Magic Pot/Chocobo Item/Exdeath thing) earlier on in the game, and I'm a total FF VII fanboy (I hate to admit that). Considering Chaos was Lv. 48, it was pathetic, yet I came close to losing in that last battle. I just didn't like three battles in a row...

I think we should handle the artwork as Nomura did in the real Dissidia. For the Character Select and the cards in the Colosseum, agreed?

Today was just made the best day of my life! In my Keyblade War game, Reno appears, and I asked Quinton Flynn a while ago to voice him, he finally responded and said yes :D

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Quenton Flynn... He's Axel's voice actor, isn't he ? Congratulations ! (And if he accepts to voice a project, maybe when mine is finished, if Square accepts it...)

Terra beat Chaos at level 100 too. Cloud as a main character... yet again. In my school, I regularly beat other players - and they all used Cloud or Sephiroth as their main character... I prefer Terra. And to say, once, LV1 Chaos beat my LV100 Onion Knight. Reduced my Bravery to 1 with some crappy summons, then Broke me and blocked its bravery at 5000. Then used his Demonsdance HP Attack. Talk about Cheap.

Not more than two characters and a half to do. Yeah, that's all...Half Zexion, Axel and Goofy. Yeah ! But after... there's all the intro, victory and defeat quotes... Argh ! It's neverending !

There is no Normal Artwork made yet. As for the cards, it'd be better if they were CoM-like cards, wouldn't it ?

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 19:50, March 10, 2010 (UTC)
 Yup, Quinton's going to voice Reno for me, another character he did obviously for the Final Fantasy series. I'd love to handle the quotes, if you'd let me. But I just had an idea to expand Zexion's EX Mode :
  • Gains a replica of the Soul Eater and summons three clones that randomly perform basic HP and Brave Attacks while allowing Zexion to perform more advanced versions of his own.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
It all depends on if you consider the Soul Eater as a part of Zexion's weaponry or as a mimicking of a single opponent. My Zexion's Ex Mode causes him to gain an indigo aura, and to no longer hold his book in his hand (it levitates). Zexion can now doublecast his attacks, but one of the two attacks will be an illusion, causing no harm to the enemy. For more precision see User:Xelias0/DissidiaKH/Zexion.

I'd prefer to do the quotes myself - because I already have plenty of them. If you want to give me a list of possible victory/intro/defeat quotes, write them here and I'll possibly add them. By the way, could you do your Vanitas artwork in a size and style similar to your Armored Terra ? If you do, it will be integrated to the game... You know, as an artwork in the Character Selection...

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 23:06, March 11, 2010 (UTC)
 Well, the blue aura was added along with the Soul Eater and copies, so it'd make sense. And sorry, Vanitas is too hard to draw to reformat. It's that drawing or nothing, really.

And some of your quotes don't really make sense to me, though. We should keep it KH-relevant, just like the real Dissidia's were FF-relevant. If we could work together on this... Here's what I had so far for quotes. More will come as I brainstorm.


  • "That's the power of the Keyblade!" - Sora
  • "Hmph... You still don't got it." - Riku
  • "Darkness conquers all!" - Xehanort's Heartless
  • "There's no such thing as light." - Xemnas
  • "Arms, reload!" - Xigbar
  • "You'll wear the face of despair for all eternity!" - Xaldin
  • "Your existence is worth nothing!" - Vexen
  • "That battle... what a waste." - Lexaeus
  • "You brought this upon yourself!" - Zexion
  • "Moon, shine down!" - Saïx
  • "Don't say I didn't warn you!" - Axel
  • "Dance, water, dance!" - Demyx
  • "How I love a game!" - Luxord
  • "Your heart is now in shackles!" - Marluxia
  • "I feel so bad." - Larxene
  • "Nice try!" - Roxas
  • "This puppet must play her part." - Xion
  • "I must make you stronger." - Vanitas
  • "Stain your heart in darkness!" - Master Xehanort


  • "No... not yet!" - Riku
  • "Incolent..." - Xehanort's Heartless
  • "So... it wasn't a fallacy." - Xemnas
  • "I lost?! Me?!" - Xigbar
  • "Where's the fun in this?" - Xaldin
  • "Hmph. Gloat while you still can." - Vexen
  • "I misjudged you." - Lexaeus
  • "You think you can be forgiven?!" - Zexion
  • "Where... is my heart?" - Saïx
  • "You're better than I thought you'd be..." - Axel
  • "I told them they were sending the wrong guy..." - Demyx
  • "You've played the game quite well." - Luxord
  • "So this is the heart of a hero..." - Marluxia
  • "You're just a toy!" - Larxene
  • "Looks like my time here is... over..." - Roxas
  • "It was my choice to go away now." - Xion


  • "My friends are my power!" - Sora
  • "Darkness is my enemy!" - Riku
  • "Come, open your heart." - Xehanort's Heartless
  • "Can you spare a heart?" - Xemnas
  • "Now, let's see how ya dance!" - Xigbar
  • "Yes... feed your anger!" - Xaldin
  • "I shall freeze you!" - Vexen
  • "I will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward!" - Lexaeus
  • "See my illusion!" - Zexion
  • "All shall be lost to you!" - Saïx
  • "Burn, baby!" - Axel
  • "Pipe down and listen!" - Demyx
  • "A challenge, is it?" - Luxord
  • "Do you want to scream?" - Marluxia
  • "More pain for you means more fun for me!" - Larxene
  • "My heart belongs to me!" - Roxas
  • "I have to go on." - Xion

I was also thinking of making Maleficent, Donald, and Goofy playable. Maleficent's EX Mode would obviously allow her to become the Dragon.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Donald and Goofy are both playable. Maleficient... I'm considering it, but I'm not sure yet. As for all the quotes, they are all KH-relevant. I do extensive research for each character before giving them battle quotes - it will be the same thing for others. Little problem : most quotes you put here are already battle quotes...But I'll keep some, that's for sure. I have Goofy to finish before, and - maybe ? - Maleficent.

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 23:11, March 12, 2010 (UTC)
 Her movement would be pretty similar to Ultimecia's. Slow, but in EX Mode she can warp in that flame-like portal. The Dragon would be her actual EX Burst.

Why do you leave the scenarios as "TBD" when you have them all layed out on the main page?

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
TBD = To be Detailed. The detailed role of each character in the storylines, much like in FF Wiki for Disssidia Characters. If you volunteer to do it, you'd sure remove a burden from my shoulders.

Fine, I'll add Maleficent. But I'll orient her towards attacks like Bio, Degen or Sleep, like in BBS. And I'd see her surrounded by dark green fire in her Ex Mode. Or, even better, do like Golbez and make her have a dragon head coming from her coat ! I'll see what I can do... NOT NOW. Heheheh...


VoidCommanderExdeath - The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
TALK - Your existence is worth nothing !
I'll get right on it! At least, as soon as possible. I have a friend over right now, though.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Just to see if you were still alive. Okay !

VoidCommanderExdeath - The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
TALK - Your existence is worth nothing !
*sets 358/2 Days player's guide down* Whew! I've created the Dustflier, just as you wanted. I almost beat him last night, too...

About "armeys"

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
What joaquin299 meant with that of the "armeys", he was talking about the weapons (he didnt know how to say it. Like what my teacher calls "spanglish". Nevermind) Hey, I have an idea for one of the challenges of the colysseum. I think you will like it...

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Oh ! Thanks. It is just like what my teacher last year called "Franglais" or "Frenglish"... As for your suggestion, I'm waiting for it !

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
Well, this is my idea: I have thinked of a chanllenge called the "Attack of the Wyverns", which is, at least for me, very hard. It consists of battling against ALL the types of wyverns (like Dustifier, avalanche...) and you have to protect the walls of the colysseum, without letting that the Wyverns destroy it. What do you think?

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Even better, why limiting this to Wyverns while all Heartless can do the same ? I added your idea as the Defender minigame - with some modifications, you know the drill.

About Unknown

Victor Genesis - Who are you ? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort !
TALK - Someday, I will end this.
I have finally done an artwork for Unknown! I will show it to you later. Ah, about it... I have an story for Unknown for the "Waltz of Emptyness, after you equip Terra with "lost shine". What do you think about this?
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
I still think we should wait a little before including any Original Characters. All characters are far from being done (okay, 2 and a half remain, but after there's the quotes, 3D models, artworks...) and it's a little too early. Keep your ideas, they're great !

About the Coliseum

VoidCommanderExdeath - The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
TALK - Your existence is worth nothing !
This is just some random thing that popped into my head. Since we've got cards for this thing, it looks like someone's got to make them. Perhaps Joaquin299 can aid us with that.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
I can handle this, I think. I'm not that bad at image editing (look at End of the World Storyboard picture). Joaquin has a much more important mission for now : do a 3D model of Terra. What about these... ?

riku.png xemnascard.png

VoidCommanderExdeath - The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
TALK - Your existence is worth nothing !
Ah, right. Really nice! Better than what I could possibly do.

A Quick Question

LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  For the elements/statuses, could a Heartless be immune to an element or status effect? Could they absorb attacks of a specific type (turn them into HP)? This came up because I was looking at the Days guide for Battlegen ideas and noticed that, for example, the Scorched Sphere is immune to Thunder and Aero magic, absorbs Fire magic, and is weak it Blizzard magic.
Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Yes, it can be. Both being immune to an element or absorbing it.
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  I was just looking at the "Storyline Elements" section and saw that there were cards representing Heartless battles, but not Nobodies. The descriptions should probably be reworded, or more cards would have to be selected.

By the way, I'm currently working on the Twilight Thorn, and I've basically finished the Cannon Gun, Morning Star, and Scorching Sphere Heartless. I just want to finish adding the percentages to the Heartless I've already finished first.

Xelias0 - seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
TALK - My name is of no importance.
Thanks for noticing it. I'll fix it before you can even read this message ! By the way, should Maleficent be added as a character, according to you ?