Template:Enemy Tidus is a minor character in the Kingdom Hearts series, originally from Final Fantasy X. He is one of the residents living in Destiny Islands and is part of a trio including Selphie and Wakka. Tidus is thirteen years old at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
Kingdom Hearts
Tidus is a friend of Sora, Riku, and Kairi, and is a resident of the Destiny Islands, spending most of his time with Wakka and Selphie.
In Sora's Dive to the Heart, Tidus appears in the Destiny Islands area along with Wakka and Selphie. He asks Sora, "What are you so afraid of?"
Tidus's fate after the Destiny Islands' destruction is unknown, but he reappears on the island just as he left it once Sora defeats Ansem and the worlds are restored.
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Tidus appears with Wakka and Selphie in both Sora's and Riku's stories as part of the memory-based Destiny Islands in Castle Oblivion. Some time after Sora goes to sleep, the real Tidus is seen playing with Wakka and Selphie on a beach while Kairi is facing the Small Island.
Kingdom Hearts II
Selphie mentions that he and Wakka have been busy playing their "ball game."
Kingdom Hearts coded
Tidus makes a third appearance, this time as a data version of himself, alongside Wakka and Selphie. He appears on the data version of Destiny Islands, collected from memory of before it was destroyed by the Heartless. He was searching for the reason behind the blocks all over the island. He saw the black-coated man right near the waterfall, but doesn't tell Sora of the man's whereabouts until being defeated by Sora.
Tidus in Kingdom Hearts looks like a much younger version of his Final Fantasy X appearance, albeit with a simpler outfit. He wears a small, short-sleeved shirt with white sleeves, yellow hems yellow center, and white lining around the center. This shirt is open just like it is in Final Fantasy X, exposing Tidus's chest. His hair is sandy blond, worn in the same style as his original incarnation, and his eyes are blue. For an unknown reason, Tidus has a small scar on his right cheek that was not present in his original game. Tidus's unique, navy pants have uneven legs, with his right pant leg reaching just past his knee, and his left reaching to just about mid-thigh.
His sprite in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories reverses this. The left leg has a diagonal zipper on it, presumably a pocket, and he wears a black fanny pack with the pouch facing forward, showing another diagonal zipper. Tidus wears sandals with a coloration vaguely reminiscent of his original boots; yellow and black, with the addition of pale green. His Zanarkand Abes necklace is not present, nor is any reference to the symbol on his clothing. Tidus carried a wooden stick in lieu of his famous Brotherhood sword, though he has the same battle stance and victory pose using the stick as he did with his sword.
Like in Final Fantasy X, Tidus fights with swift movements and much dodging. His trademark Brotherhood sword, given to him by Wakka in the original game, however, is replaced with a wooden stick.
On Destiny Islands, he practices fighting skills with Sora as a way for the player to improve his level. During this battle, he fights by stringing together combination attacks. If Sora manages to block one of his sword attacks, 2 Tech Points are earned per block. After defeating Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka as individuals, Sora is able to fight against them all at the same time.
Tidus is the initial protagonist of Final Fantasy X, released in 2001 and the first Final Fantasy game to be released on the PlayStation 2. He was a skilled seventeen year old Blitzball player from Zanarkand, playing on the Zanarkand Abes. Soon though, a mysterious man named Auron appears and Tidus washes up on the shores of a world called "Spira", 1000 years in the future, after being attacked by Sin during a Blitzball game. He quickly finds himself embarking on a journey with the new Summoner, Yuna, whose duty as a Summoner is to rid the world of Sin and bring about the Calm. Throughout the game, Tidus finds himself coming to terms with his father, Jecht, dealing with his increasing love for Yuna, and the implications of her pilgrimage. Tidus is an exceptional fighter with superb athletic abilities and affinity for swimming both above and under water due to his expertise on the playing field during the futuristic sport, Blitzball. Tidus uses longswords, and his attacks are one-handed and quick.
- Tidus's model is used for one type of generic non-playable character in Kingdom Hearts located in Traverse Town.
- Unlike the original Kingdom Hearts, which pronounced his name with a hard E sound (tee-dus), when Selphie mentions him in Kingdom Hearts II, she says his name with a hard I sound instead (tie-dus). It should be noted, however, that the katakana of his name, though romanized as Tidus even in the Japanese versions of Tidus's appearances, is read as (tii-da) (ティーダ Tīda), and is derived from the Okinawan word for "sun". As the Japanese "ィ" is pronounced like the English "E", it would suggest that the Kingdom Hearts pronunciation (tee-dus) would be closer to the Japanese equivalent. Additionally, Dissidia Final Fantasy and interviews with Tidus's voice actor confirm it as "Tee-dus", indicating that this may have been an error.
Final Fantasy characters |
Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts |
Tidus | Selphie | Wakka | Cid | Squall Leonhart | Yuffie | Aerith | Cloud | Sephiroth | Moogles |
Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts II |
Seifer | Raijin | Fujin | Vivi | Setzer | Auron | Tifa | Yuna, Rikku, and Paine | Wantz | Wallace | Biggs | Wedge | Jessie |
Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep |
Zack |
Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ |
Dr. Mog | Elarra | Exdeath | Gilgamesh | Kefka | Lann | Lightning | Reynn | Tama | Terra | Tyro | Warrior of Light |