Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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Status effects are temporary conditions that can affect the attributes or actions of characters or enemies. There are both positive and negative status effects, which can be cast by both the protagonists and antagonists using various offensive and defensive abilities. A status effect can be instantaneous, like cutting the victim's HP in half, or it can be lasting, like slowing all of the victim's actions. The status effect system is sometimes tied to the element system; for example, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded both allow the protagonist to sometimes inflict a status effects matching the element they are attacking with, and each of the thirteen Organization XIII-based elements in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days has a corresponding status effect that it can inflict.
Most status effects wear off after a short period, so a player inflicted with one may viably wait it out, and in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II, that is their only option. However, in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, negative status effects can be removed using the Panacea, Elixir, and Megalixir items, or by using the Esuna command. However, a character cannot cure themselves if they are inflicted with a status effect that prevents them from acting, such as Stun or Air-toss.
In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, it is also possible to prevent catching a status in the first place by equipping certain accessories. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, resistance to status effects takes the form of anti-element armor, which each character except Riku possesses. For example, the Anti-Ice armor protects against freezing. Each member of Organization XIII is resistant to their own signature element, while Xion, Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy and The King are resistant to Light. Natural resistance increases as a character's level goes up, giving 10% of resistance for each 10 levels, and can be stacked with the various resistances provided by certain Ring Panels. In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, however, each status effect has a matching accessory that provides immunity to it for Data-Sora.
Negative status effects
The Air-toss (吹き上げ Kukiage ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It causes the victim to fly spinning into the air and slowly descend. While airborne, they are immobilized and unable to recover, and they will also take extra damage if attacked. Air-toss is typically caused by Aero-type commands, Wind-type attacks in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and abilities like Aero Finish or Aero Counter.
- Air-tossed KHRCO.png
Air-tossed Data-Sora
The Bind (バインド Baindo ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It forces the victim to stay in one location, although they are still capable of attacking from their position. Bind is typically caused by commands like Bind and Binding Strike
The Blind (暗闇 Kurayami , lit. "Darkness") status effect was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It hinders the victim's ability to successfully land attacks. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, a blinded character will often miss with weapon attacks, including Attack Commands. In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, a blinded enemy will attack other enemies or go in the wrong direction, while a blinded character will have a reduced field of vision, with only the area immediately around the character visible, and will be unable to use Lock-On or Shotlocks. Blind is typically caused by Dark-type commands, Blackout, and Flower-type attacks in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
A blinded Scrapper
Clock Rewind
The Clock Rewind (クロックレベル1 Kurokku Reberu 1 , lit. "Clock Level 1") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It resets Data-Sora's clock gauge to level 1 and prevents it from being filled.
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Data-Sora with the Clock Rewind status
Command Lock
The Command Lock (コマンド禁止 Komando Kinshi , lit. "Command Ban") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It prevents Data-Sora from using any commands. This effect resembles that of Silence.
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Data-Sora with the Command Lock status
The Confuse (混乱「コンフュ」 Konran/Confu ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. A confused enemy will attack other enemies, or otherwise act in support of the player, e.g., the Vile Phial will heal the player when confused. A confused character will have their movement controls reversed. Confuse is typically inflicted by commands like Confuse and Confusion Strike, certain room gimmicks in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, being attacked while affected by Zero Gravity, and Illusion-type attacks in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, only enemies can be inflicted with Confuse; Data-Sora can instead be inflicted with the Flip-foot status, which has an identical effect to Confuse.
Damage Drain
The Damage Drain (ダメージ吸収 Damēji Kyūshū , lit. "Damage Absorption") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. When struck with an attack inflicting Damage Drain, the character's HP damage is absorbed by the attacking enemy, healing them. Damage Drain is inflicted by Water-type attacks.
Defense Cut
The Defense Cut (防御ダウン Bōgyo Daun , lit. "Defense Down") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It cuts down Data-Sora's Defense, causing him to take more damage from enemy attacks.
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Data-Sora with the Defense Cut status
The Demi (割合 Wariai , lit. "Percentage") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. It shaves off a fraction of the victim's remaining HP. It is caused by Gravity and other related attacks.
The Doom (死の宣告「デス」 Shi no Senkoku/Desu , lit. "Death Sentence"/"Death") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It automatically KOs the victim after a set period of time, indicated by a countdown, independently of the victim's HP.
In Kingdom Hearts, Doom is inflicted on Sora's entire party by Phantom, and each party member is affected in turn, starting with Peter Pan and ending with Sora. The countdown, starting from 12, is marked by the minute hand of the Clock Tower, and the countdown can be halted temporarily by casting Stop on the clock face.
In Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, Doom is inflicted on Sora by Marluxia's third form. Sora is immobilized and has until the countdown runs down from 6 to break six of Marluxia's cards, or he will lose the battle.
In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Doom is inflicted by the Dark Haze command. Victims are defeated after a five second countdown.
Marluxia's Absent Silhouette and Replica Data use a variation of Doom, which marks Sora with a countdown that starts with Sora's level and is reduced by one when Sora is hit by Marluxia's scythe.
The Unknown also uses a variation of Doom, in which he attacks with a web-like energy blast which, if it connects, traps the protagonist, leaving them with roughly four seconds to break free by tapping buttons.
The Time Bomb status acts similarly to Doom, except that the victim explodes at the end of the countdown, damaging nearby enemies.
- Doom KHBBS.png
A doomed Scrapper
The Flip-foot (移動異常 Idō Ijō , lit. "Movement Disorder") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. While under Flip-foot, movement controls are reversed. This effect is identical to when a character is affected by Confuse. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Flip-foot is inflicted by Illusion-type attacks.
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A flip-footed Roxas
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Flip-Footed Data-Sora
The Freeze (凍結「フリーズ」 Tōketsu/Furīzu ) status effect was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It encases the victim in a solid block of ice, immobilizing them and causing them to take triple damage if attacked while frozen. It is typically caused by Blizzard-type and Ice-type commands and attacks, and abilities like Blizzard Finish and Blizzard Counter.
A variation of Freeze can be inflicted on Undead Pirates, Captain Barbossa, and the Grim Reaper, by attacking with Blizzard. It immobilizes them for a few moments.
- Frozen KHRCO.png
Frozen Data-Sora
A frozen Wild Bruiser
Halve HP
The Halve HP (HP半減 HP Hangen , lit. "HP Halve") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. When struck with an attack inflicting Halve HP, the victim's current HP is cut in half. Halve HP is inflicted by Earth-type attacks.
The Ignite (炎上「バーン」 Enjō/Bān , lit. "Burn") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It engulfs the victim in flames, dealing continuous damage to their HP. It is typically caused by Fire-type commands and attacks, and abilities like Fire Finish and Fire Counter.
A variation of Ignite can be inflicted on Undead Pirates, Captain Barbossa, and the Grim Reaper, by attacking with Fire. It causes them to run around in a frenzied state, but it does not inflict damage. In the Japanese release, the pirates are depicted as being on fire, while in the American release, they are merely shown to be smoking.
- Ignite KHRCO.png
Ignited Data-Sora
The Jolt (帯電 Taiden , lit. "Electrification") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It electrifies the victim, causing them to take damage—up to 10% of their maximum HP in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and up to 12.5% in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded—when coming into contact with enemies, other party members, or even walls or other objects. It is typically caused by Thunder-type and Lightning-type commands and attacks, and abilities like Thunder Finish and Thunder Counter.
A variation of Jolt can be inflicted on Undead Pirates, Captain Barbossa, and the Grim Reaper, by attacking with Thunder. It causes them to move slowly and jerkily, but it does not inflict damage.
- Jolted KHRCO.png
Jolted Data-Sora
The Magnet (マグネ Magune ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. The victim is immobilized and is pulled into the magnetic vortex created by Magnet and Magnet-type commands.
The Mini (ミニマム Minimamu , lit. "Minimum") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It shrinks the victim, decreasing their attack power and making them vulnerable to being stepped on. Mini is inflicted by the Mini magic command.
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A mini Scrapper
Null Defense
The Null Defense (防御力無効化 Bōgyo-ryoku Mukō-ka , lit. "Defense Disable") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. An attack with the Null Defense status effect inflicts damage without regard to the victim's defense. Null Defense is inflicted by Nil-type attacks.
The Poison (ポイズン Poizun ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It gradually depletes the victim's HP. Poison is inflicted by commands like Poison and Poison Edge, and enemies like the Black Fungus and Vile Phial.
Radar Zap
The Radar Zap (ナビマップ無力化 Nabi Mappu Muryoku-ka , lit. "Navigation Map Shutoff") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It disables the area map that appears on the bottom Nintendo DS screen, replacing it with a large image resembling a glaring light. Radar Zap is inflicted by Light-type attacks.
Rewound Defense
The Rewound Defense (防御LV.1 Bōgyo LV.1 , lit. "Defense LV.1") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It sets the victim's Defense back to its Level 1 state, increasing the damage taken while the status is in effect. Rewound Defense is inflicted by Time-type attacks.
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Roxas with Rewound Defense
The Shoe-glue (ジャンプ不能 Janpu Funō , lit. "Jump Inability") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It prevents the victim from jumping, although they are still capable of automatically jumping to attack airborne enemies. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Shoe-glue is inflicted by Space-type attacks.
The Silence (沈黙「サイレンス」 Chinmoku/Sairensu ) is a status effect that appears in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It prevents the victim from using magic. Silence is inflicted by Kurt Zisa in Kingdom Hearts, and by Moon-type attacks in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
The Sleep (スリプル Suripuru ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It immobilizes the victim for a period of time, or until the victim is attacked. In Chain of Memories, enemies are asleep by default in Sleeping Darkness rooms, while in Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, Sleep is inflicted by the Sleep magic command.
A sleeping Blue Sea-Salt
The Slow (スロウ Surou ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It slows down the movements of the victim, making it harder to react to attacks. Slow is inflicted by commands like Slow or Twisted Hours, or by abilities like Attach Slow and Counter Slow.
- Slowed KHRCO.png
Slowed Data-Sora
Slowed Tank Toppler
The Stop (ストップ Sutoppu ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It completely freezes the victim's movements, immobilizing them for a period of time. If the victim is attacked while Stopped, the total damage is inflicted after the status wears off. Stop is inflicted by commands like Stop, Time Splicer, and Twisted Hours, or by enemies like the Chrono Twister.
The Stun (気絶「スタン」 Kizetsu/Sutan ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. A stunned character or enemy will slump over in a daze, unable to move for a period of time, making them vulnerable to attacks. Some enemies, particularly bosses, can become stunned when they have sustained a certain amount of damage or when certain conditions are filled in battle. Stun can also be inflicted by Aero-based commands, Mine-based commands, Quake, Thunder Blitz, and weapon abilities such as Sonic Blade, Stun Impact, and Strike Raid. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, specific enemy cards will make the player vulnerable to being stunned by certain types of attacks. Causing preemptive strikes will stun enemies at the start of the battle and the stun effect can be enhanced with the Lasting Daze map card. Also Riku, while in Dark Mode, can stun enemies by using combos, given that Riku's AP is high enough. In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Failing to complete Surprise! and Surprise! 2 successfully results in the user becoming stunned.
A stunned Flood
The Terror (テラー Terā ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. It strike fear into the heart of the victim, preventing them from approaching the player. It is inflicted by the Terror sleight.
Time Bomb
The Time Bomb (タイムボム Taimu Bomu ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It causes the victim to explode after a set period of time, indicated by a countdown. The explosion takes out the victim and damages surrounding enemies. It is inflicted by the Time Bomb magic command.
Time Bomb functions similarly to Doom.
The Warp (デジョン Dejon , lit. "Dezone") status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It causes the victim to be removed from the battlefield, regardless of their remaining HP. No experience is earned from enemies defeated in this way. Warp is caused by the Warp and Warpinator commands, and by the Lexaeus enemy card. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Grey Caprices are able to use "warp missiles" that force the protagonist to instantly switch places with them.
Zero Gravity
The Zero Gravity (無重力「ゼログラビデ」 Mujūryoku/Zero Gurabide ) status effect appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It encases the victim with an anti-gravity field that floats them above the ground and inflicts continual damage. If the victim is attacked while inside the field, they will be set rapidly spinning, causing them to be confused once the field dissipated. Zero Gravity is caused by Zero Gravity magic.
Zero Gravity on a Bruiser
Positive status effects
- See also: Enemy card
Positive status effects are handled differently from negative status effects. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, enemy card temporarily cast various effects, many of which serve as temporary versions of recurring abilities.
Regen is a status effect that appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It allows the user to restore a small amount HP automatically over time. In Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2, Regen is generally cast by summoning Tinker Bell or Peter Pan, respectively. In Chain of Memories, the Oogie Boogie card will cast Regen on the user, and will restore more HP to the user the less it is when it is used. In 358/2 Days, the Cura spell has a Regen effect. In Birth by Sleep, the Cinderella D-Link's second Ability is Regen. In Dream Drop Distance, some Spirits can cast Regen as a Support magic on Sora and Riku.
Vanish appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. This ability allows the user to become temporarily invisible, becoming unable to be seen and allowing it to sneak up on enemies. In Chain of Memories, the Gargoyle enemy card has Vanish as its ability. In Birth by Sleep, Vanish is a friendship command obtained in the Mirage Arena. In Dream Drop Distance Vanish is a Magic Command available for Sora and Riku, and can also be used by Dream Eaters such as Meowjesty and Ghostabocky. Template:Section-stub
Aero Shield
Caused by the Aero spell, this effect will shield a player for a set amount of time. Some enemies will cast this, and party members can cast this as well. This ability appears in Kingdom Hearts and in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, it is only available in 3D Shooter mode by gaining an Aero power up. While Aero does appear in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, it is used for offense and does not have the Air Shield affect. However, in Re: Chain of Memories, activating the Xaldin enemy card will cast Aero Shield on Sora and protect him for three hits. Xaldin uses a similar ability in Kingdom Hearts II.
This ability appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. This ability allows the player to revive after all HP is gone and restores some HP, avoiding a Game Over. In Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, Tinker Bell has Auto-Life as an ability, so summoning Tinker Bell or Peter Pan allows the player to revive. In Chain of Memories, Vexen's Enemy Card has the Auto-Life ability. In Birth by Sleep, Aqua's D-Link has Auto-Life as its Level Two ability. In Dream Drop Distance, Auto-Life is a Spirits Support magic. Template:Section-stub
Most characters have a period during which they are invulnerable to further damage, usually while performing a special technique, but as a status effect, Invincibility is quite rare. In Kingdom Hearts, Hercules is able to cast a golden aura on himself that makes him invincible, and this can only be removed by hitting him with a barrel; certain abilities such as limits can also provide varying periods of invincibility as well, as well as certain attacks from bosses that will render them invincible as well. In Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, the Platinum Card grants Sora the Invincible status for the duration of twenty attacks. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, the Barrier Master is actually able to cast a barrier on other enemies to protect them from all damage, but the Barrier Master itself is left unprotected; the only way to remove the barrier is to knock away the Barrier Master's book or slay it.
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A Fire Plant under a Barrier Master's protection and now invincible
Spirit Roar
Spirit Roar is a status effect that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It greatly increases the strength of the user's attacks and magic. Some Spirits can cast Spirit Roar as Support Magic on Sora and Riku. Template:Section-stub
Combo Assist
Combo Assist is a status effect that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It increases the strength of the user's attacks after each hit in a combo. Longer the combo, more powerful will be the combo finisher. Some Spirits can cast Combo Assist as Support Magic on Sora and Riku. Template:Section-stub
Haste is a status effect that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It increases the speed of the user's normal attacks, as well as the reload speed of the commands equiped in it's deck. Some Spirits can cast Haste as Support Magic on Sora and Riku. Template:Section-stub
Drain is a status effect that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It allows the user to recover a small amount of HP each time he hits an enemy. The amount of HP recovered depends on how much damage the attack dealt. Some Spirits can cast Drain as Support Magic on Sora and Riku.