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Daybreak Town

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Daybreak Town

The world icon for Daybreak Town from KHUX's theatre mode
Daybreak Town Logo KHX.png
Japanese デイブレイクタウン

Romaji Deibureiku Taun
Game Kingdom Hearts χ

Themes Header.png

KHχ tracks
Field theme - Dearly Beloved
File:Dearly Beloved KHX.ogg
Field theme - Daybreak Town field theme
File:Daybreak Town field theme KHX.ogg
Battle theme - Daybreak Town battle theme
File:Daybreak Town battle theme KHX.ogg
Other worlds
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts
Dive to the Heart | Destiny Islands | Disney Castle
Traverse Town | Wonderland | Olympus Coliseum
Deep Jungle | Agrabah | Monstro
Atlantica | Halloween Town | Neverland
100 Acre Wood | Hollow Bastion
End of the World | Realm of Darkness
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Castle Oblivion | Twilight Town
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts II
Mysterious Tower | Radiant Garden
The Land of Dragons | Beast's Castle | Timeless River
Port Royal | Pride Lands | Space Paranoids
The World That Never Was | End of Sea | Keyblade Graveyard
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts coded
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Land of Departure | Mirage Arena
Dwarf Woodlands | Enchanted Dominion | Castle of Dreams
Disney Town | Deep Space
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
La Cité des Cloches | The Grid | Symphony of Sorcery
Country of the Musketeers | Prankster's Paradise
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]
Daybreak Town
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]
Game Central Station | Niceland | Cy-Bug Sector | Candy Kingdom
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts III
The Final World | Secret Forest | Olympus
Toy Box | Kingdom of Corona | Monstropolis
Arendelle | The Caribbean | San Fransokyo
Scala ad Caelum | Quadratum

Daybreak Town is a world that appears in Kingdom Hearts χ and serves as the hub for Player. The town is similar in appearance to Radiant Garden and Traverse Town.

Settings and Areas

Fountain Square

The center and main feature of Daybreak Town is the Fountain Square, a large plaza and fountain that appears to be a hangout spot for Player. Inside of the northern door is the Moogle Shop, and going up the stairs leads to the shop's Attic, and the open window on the upper floor leads out into the town's Rooftops. Going down the stairs to the south leads into the 1st District, while going up the stairs to the north leads into the 2nd District. Past the 2nd District is the Clock Tower Area, a large bridge stretching in front of the Clock Tower. The 7th District is connected to the Clock Tower Area.

Going out of the Fountain Plaza's northwest door leads to an open-air Market. In the center of the Market is the Warehouse. The Market's west exit leads to a straight Avenue, which is connected to the Boardwalk. Going down the stairs and through the small park leads into the Waterfront Park, while continuing along the Boardwalk connects to Waterfront Park's lighthouse. Inside of the lighthouse is an entrance to the Dock, where a boat goes to the Beach.

The sewer in the 2nd District, the area under the Moogle Shop, and down the stairs in the Waterfront Park's lighthouse all connect to the Underground Waterway, which is connected to the interior of the Clock Tower. At the end of the tower's various Levels and its Elevator is the Foretellers' Chambers, which is off-limits to the public. The Foretellers regularly meet here to discuss the Unions and about the upcoming Keyblade War.


Before Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]

During the "age of fairy tales", the Master of Masters creates the Book of Prophecies by means of his "Gazing Eye", which allows him to view any events in the future it will witness. The Master takes six apprentices, gifting each of them Keyblades forged from the depths of their hearts, who are then renamed Aced, Ava, Gula, Invi, Ira, and Luxu after they ascend to the rank of Keyblade Master. Quest 94: Where's Chirithy? Pt. 2 Aced, Ava, Gula, Invi, and Ira are chosen to be Foretellers and receive copies of the Book of Prophecies, which depicts an event known as the Keyblade War, in which light would expire and the world would reach its end.

Shortly thereafter, the Master bestows Luxu with the No Name Keyblade that contains his Gazing Eye and instructs him to pass the No Name from master to apprentice so that the Gazing Eye can relay future events back to him. The Master then orders Luxu to simply watch things unfold between the other apprentices and keep the contents of a black box a secret from the others. Sometime later, the Master provides Ira with his role to succeed him as leader in the event of his disappearance. Ira remains adamant that they must do something to try to avert the Keyblade War, though the Master claims it to be inevitable, and resolves to gather as many Keyblade wielders as possible to maintain the balance of power.

After Luxu leaves to fulfill his role, the Master assigns the rest of the Foretellers with their own individual roles: Invi is tasked to observe her fellow Foretellers and act as a mediator; Aced is to become Ira's right-hand man when Ira takes over as leader; Gula is assigned to discern who the traitor mentioned in the Lost Page of the Master's copy of the Book of Prophecies is and stop them; and Ava is instructed to avoid the imminent battles in favor of gathering exceptional Keyblade wielders, regardless of their Unions, to be part of a separate faction called the Dandelions, who would venture to another world in order to ensure the survival of the light. The Master provides Ava with a list of five Keyblade wielders she must gather to succeed the Foretellers as Union leaders following the Keyblade War, with only one of them meant to receive a copy of the Book of Prophecies.

The Foretellers are soon introduced the Master's latest creation, the Chirithy. Though the Spirit Chirithy are meant to aid Keyblade wielders in their endeavors, the Master warns them that if a wielder falls to darkness, so will their Chirithy, causing them to transform into a Nightmare.

Without warning, the Master disappears from the world, and although Ava and Gula actively seek him out, they are unable to locate him. Upholding the Master's teachings, the Foretellers begin recruiting Keyblade wielders to each of their Unions, utilizing the powers of their copies of the Book of Prophecies in the form of Medals to aid their wielders in collecting Lux.

Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]

Having watched Player defeat countless Heartless throughout Daybreak Town, Player's respective Foreteller commends them on their abilities, but encourages them to team up with their comrades to take down stronger foes. The Foreteller informs them that there are others who collect Lux for their own nefarious purposes, and entreats Player to help discern who walks the path of darkness.

After traversing the worlds on various quests, Player returns to Daybreak Town and finds that a Gummi Ship had crashed in Waterfront Park. After the Moogle steals some Gummi Blocks for itself, Player meets Donald Duck and Goofy, who recognize the Keyblade and ask for Player's help in recovering the Gummi Blocks. While fighting the Heartless for Gummi Blocks in the Market, Player is overcome by a group of Wizards. Mickey Mouse, guided by the Star Shard, intervenes and saves Player, who informs him of Donald and Goofy's situation. Mickey introduces Player to Chip and Dale, who he sends ahead with Player to help Donald and Goofy reconstruct the Gummi Ship. While alone, Mickey questions what it was that guided him to Daybreak Town, unaware that Invi is watching him from afar. With Chip and Dale's help, the Gummi Ship is restored, and Mickey, Donald, and Goofy leave Daybreak Town.

Player comes across the Moogle again, who asks that Player take the Light Drawing Bangle to extract Lux from Raid Bosses for him. After Player does so, the Moogle meets with an unseen figure in an alley. The Moogle questions why the figure did not give Player the Bangle themselves, who claims it to be too soon for that and they would need the guilt-ridden Moogle's help in the future.

Sometime later, Player reunites with Donald and Goofy, as they have crashed their Gummi Ship again in Daybreak Town. Donald and Goofy encounter the Moogle, who has constructed his own Keyblade out of wood, which proves to be ineffective against the Heartless. When Player steps in, their Keyblade changes to become the Moogle O' Glory, and Donald and Goofy realize that Player is the "Key". The Moogle plots to steal Player's Keyblade, but when he attempts to do so, he is disappointed to find that the Keyblade simply returns to Player. As Donald and Goofy prepare to leave with Player after Chip and Dale fix the Gummi Ship, they realize that Player is not inside with them and take off without the "Key".

When Player next returns to Daybreak Town, Nightmare Chirithy, posing as Chirithy, gifts Player with the Power Bangle, which allows Player the ability to unknowingly utilize the darkness to empower the Keyblade.

One day, Chirithy tells Player about the Master of Masters, the impending Keyblade War, and how the Foretellers decided to draw upon powers from the future to prevent the final entry from coming true. In revealing that the Foretellers all share the same goal but follow different paths, Chirithy implores that Player not lose sight of their own.

Ira calls a meeting of the Foretellers after capturing Nightmare Chirithy and declares that there is a traitor among them. Ira reasons that the Nightmare has to belong to one of them, as it was responsible for the Power Bangles, which is something it could not have obtained without help. Unable to come up with a viable solution to identify the culprit, Aced calls Ira's leadership into question for accusing one of them of being a traitor and storms off. Once alone, Ira tells Invi of the Lost Page and requests that Invi keep an eye on the others.

As Neoshadows appear in Daybreak Town, Player teams up with other members from their Union in order to take on the new breed of Heartless. During this time, Chirithy meets with another Chirithy, who mentions that its wielder appears to be rather indifferent, much to its concern. Given the strife between the Foretellers due to the emergence of the Nightmare Chirithy, Chirithy attempts to encourage its comrade, stating that they have to trust their wielders to flourish. Later, when Player returns to the Moogle's Shop to reunite with their friends, Chirithy informs Player that their friends were destroyed by Neoshadows. Taking its leave, Chirithy reunites with its comrade, who admits that its wielder had fallen to darkness as it fades from existence.

Following the disappearance of the other Chirithy, the Foreteller leading Player's Union appears to speak with Chirithy. The Foreteller reveals that even though the Keyblade wielders are gathering Lux at an amazing rate, the darkness is spreading even faster. With this, Chirithy asks if that means that there really is a traitor among them, to which the Foreteller states that they are not willing to believe that yet.

One night, Player is shown a dream by Chirithy, in which the Foretellers meeting with the Master in the Foretellers' Chambers. However, Nightmare Chirithy quickly puts a stop to the dream. After Player goes back to sleep, Chirithy confronts Nightmare Chirithy for its interference, the latter questioning the former for showing Player the dream. Chirithy admits that its intention are the opposite of its Nightmare counterpart's, prompting the latter to declare the two of them to be enemies before it disappears, and a worried Chirithy vows to protect Player.

The following day, Player is sent to deal with an Invisible in Waterfront Park and befriends another Keyblade wielder named Ephemer. While two wielders decide to investigate the Foretellers' Chambers from Player's dream, Chirithy asks its Nightmare counterpart if Ephemer is its wielder. Chirithy notices that Nightmare Chirithy's fur has darkened, to which Nightmare Chirithy mocks its adversary and asks what it intends to do as Player is getting closer to the truth.

Aced meets with Ava and Gula to discuss their lack of faith in Ira's leadership. Gula agrees to form an alliance with Aced, though their alliance would not influence their respective Unions. Ava remains loyal to the Master's teachings, as forming alliances is forbidden. Invi arrives and discovers Aced's intent, condemning him for his actions, though Aced counters with his suspicion of an alliance between her and Ira based on Invi's actions. Invi reports back to Ira about the alliance and volunteers to convince Gula to dissolve it, before distancing herself from Ira to quell Aced's suspicion.

Together, Player and Ephemer find an entrance to the waterways in the 2nd District, leading them to discover an entrance to the Clock Tower. The two agree to continue their investigation the following day to dissuade suspicion. Afterwards, Ephemer finds Ava mulling over recent events at the Fountain Plaza and attempts to comfort her. Ava expresses her doubts about the Master's teachings regarding the competition between the Unions and approves of Ephemer's desire to solve the mysteries of the world, as she believes that people should question things and think for themselves. When Ephemer reveals that he had befriended a Keyblade wielder from a different Union, Ava is pleased that wielders from other Unions could work together. Meanwhile, as Player tells Chirithy about Ephemer, Chirithy entertains the notion of making friends, but remarks on not having friends of its own. Player assures Chirithy that the two of them are friends, a sentiment that surprises Chirithy.

Later that night, Ephemer attempts to enter the Clock Tower alone, but is discovered by Ava. Ava discloses to him that she intends on choosing five people from the Dandelions, including Ephemer, to act as Union Leaders in the Foretellers' stead after the Keyblade War. Although Ephemer is reluctant to ascend to the position, he agrees to do cooperate with Ava. Ava provides Ephemer with a book of rules that would help guide the new Union leaders and explains that they must erase the memories of the Keyblade War from the minds of the Dandelions. As the truth about the Keyblade War must be kept a secret among the new Union leaders, Ava tells Ephemer that they must work with the Chirithy to protect the secret. Ava then sends Ephemer to another realm in preparation and instructs him to meet the other Union leaders in the Keyblade Graveyard after the war.

When Ephemer fails to meet Player at the Fountain Square the following day, a saddened Chirithy comforts Player. Strelitzia, who had taken note of Player's waiting throughout the day, sees this after returning from her missions for the day. From this moment on, Strelitzia feels drawn to Player, though she is too shy to approach them.

After Player having a dream about Ephemer in the Clock Tower, Player decides to search for clues on Ephemer's whereabouts at the Clock Tower, in spite of Chirithy's protests. Player sneaks into the Clock Tower, but is caught by Ava. Recognizing Player from what Ephemer had told her, Ava decides to test the strength of Player's heart and notes the sadness within Player's heart could lead them down the path to darkness. Ava then sends Player and Chirithy back home and forbids them from returning to the restricted area.

Back home, Player rests while Chirithy watches over them. Ava appears to ask if Chirithy had been the one to show Player the dream about Ephemer. When Chirithy denies this, Ava suspects that Ephemer is trying to reach out to Player from another realm. Ava suggests that the connection between both Player and Ephemer could mean that Player is getting closer to that realm, but whether or not he continues down that path is up to his heart. Ava warns Chirithy that it must protect Player from the nightmares before she departs.

Having received a special mission for Player from the Foretellers, Chirithy meets with Player in the Fountain Square and gives them the Bracelet of Light that will protect Player from darkness. Chirithy mentions that Player will need the bracelet to protect them from the Corridors of Darkness on their next mission. After clearing the Heartless from within the Corridors of Darkness in Daybreak Town, Agrabah, and the Dwarf Woodlands, Chirithy advises Player to be prepared for their next mission.

After Player successfully completes the Dark Corridor Trials, Chirithy reports back to Player's Foreteller, who is pleased to hear of their progress, but Chirithy questions the wisdom of assigning such a dangerous mission. Player's Foreteller laments that they have no choice but to hasten Player's training, as they must strengthen their resistance to darkness as quickly as possible and obtain as many warriors as they can get on the side of light.

Gula dissolves his alliance with Aced, citing the fact that they are no closer to knowing the identity of the traitor than before and unintentionally revealing Invi's role in his decision. Furious, Aced attacks Invi for her interference. Invi tries to defend that she is protecting the balance of power as the Master ordered them to, but Aced remains adamant that they need to defy the Master's teachings to protect the world and create alliances against the looming darkness. Invi deems Aced to be the traitor just as Ava and Gula arrive at the scene and join Invi in her fight against Aced, from which he barely emerges alive.

Once their mission is completed, Player and Chirithy return to Daybreak Town, where they meet another wielder named Skuld, who asks why the collection of Lux has to be treated like a competition between the Unions. Skuld reveals that Ephemer had reached out to her through her dreams and requested that she seek out Player, suggesting that they investigate the Foretellers' Chambers for further answers. Having witnessed the battle between Aced and Invi, Skuld takes as a sign that Ephemer is right about the Keyblade War. In spite of Chirithy's protests, Player agrees to go with Skuld.

Before making it into the Clock Tower, Player and co. are confronted by Darklings that are after their Lux. When the wielders defeat them, the Heartless make a hasty retreat, but before Player and Skuld can pursue, their path is blocked by Nightmare Chirithy. Nightmare Chirithy tells Player and Skuld that they should embrace the darkness, just as their colleagues had before becoming the Darklings since that the power the Darklings had fought with was entirely their own. Chirithy objects that those are not the teachings the Chirithys are meant to provide, but the Nightmare Chirithy scoffs at its counterpart and hints that its wielder is nearby before it disappears. Player and co. then proceed to the Foretellers' Chambers.

Inside the Foretellers' Chambers, Player and Skuld unable to find any clues about Ephemer's whereabouts. As they are about to leave, they are caught by Player's Foreteller, who informs them that Ephemer had been caught and disposed of several days before. The Foreteller tells them that Ephemer had been using them, as he hailed from a Union whose purpose contradicted their own, and asks what they intend to do next. Although Chirithy assures the Foreteller that will not retaliate, Player decides to avenge Ephemer and battle the Foreteller, with the latter ultimately emerging victorious. As Player is cast to the ground, the façade of the Foretellers' Chambers fades away and the group find themselves in the waterways.

Ava heals Player, thanking them and Skuld for showing her the strength of their hearts and apologizing for her deception. Ava proceeds to tell them the truth of the Keyblade War, Ephemer's involvement, and her plan to recruit Keyblade wielders with a strong resistance to darkness to become Dandelions. She invites Player and Skuld, and while Skuld immediately agrees, Player is hesitant. Ava respects their decision, but asks that Player and Skuld keep everything she has told them a secret.

In the aftermath, Gula confronts Aced, finding him collapsed in one of the houses of Daybreak Town. Gula tells him about the incomplete nature of their copies of the Book of Prophecies, the contents of the Lost Page, and that the Master tasked him to find and stop the traitor, much to Aced's disbelief and rage. Unable to forgive Gula for silently standing by while the Foretellers fought each other, Aced cuts him down with his Keyblade. However, before he can finish Gula off, Ava arrives and begs Aced to stop, who consents and leaves Ava to tend to Gula on her own.

As Aced hobbles through the streets of Daybreak Town, he comes across Ira. Believing that Ira had come to finish him off, Aced collapses to the ground and requests Ira make his end swift. However, Ira explains that he will not eliminate Aced, as he wants to fulfill the role he was given by the Master. As it is forbidden to change the events of the future, Ira wants to continue working with Aced to ensure that light lives on, stressing that they cannot afford to lose any of the Foretellers. Aced is touched to hear that Ira still considers him to be a comrade and informs him that Gula has the Lost Page and that he has been using it to discern the identity of the traitor. While Gula claimed this to be his role, Aced remains unsure, as he is incapable of forgiving Gula's actions. Advising Aced to keep Gula's role a secret, Ira sets out to find the latter and retrieve the Lost Page.

Knowing that Ira is searching for him, Ava takes Gula into hiding, though Invi quickly discovers them and reports their location to Ira, leading him to confront Ava a few days later. Frightened by the possible consequences, Ava protects Gula from Ira, who calmly retreats after Ava asserts her resolve. When she returns to Gula's side, Gula informs her about the ambiguous contents of the Lost Page, which predicts an inevitable betrayal and "the one who bears the sigil", whom he had assumed was Aced. Gula commends the distraught Ava for her scrupulous behavior, blaming himself for basing his actions on the Lost Page. Determined to find out what the Lost Page truly means, Gula intends to summon Kingdom Hearts to force the Master's return and pleads with Ava to help him with his plan. Although Ava declines, as summoning Kingdom Hearts is forbidden, Gula respects her decision and goes off on his own.

Ava later chides Invi for worsening the conflict between the Foretellers by divulging Gula's whereabouts to Ira, and defends her own actions in assembling the Dandelions by explaining that she is merely following the Master's instructions. Invi apologizes for misinterpreting Ava's actions, and Ava discloses Gula's plan to summon Kingdom Hearts by collecting Lux. They realize that Aced and Ira are also gathering Lux out of fear that Gula is vying for power, and decide to do the same in order to maintain the balance and delay the war, despite worrying that it could hasten the war.

Ava gathers the Dandelions at the Fountain Square and directs them to continue with their continue their preparations to avoid the war by going to the world outside, and entrusts them with the hopes for the future. In a last ditch effort to avert the Keyblade War, Ava seeks out Luxu to find the the Master's whereabouts and have him prevent the war.

As time passes, Player and Chirithy find more Keyblade wielders squabbling with one another over the ownership of light. Despite Chirithy's suggestion that they do not get involved, Player intervenes when they Keyblade wielders draw their Keyblades. Chirithy scolds the wielders for raising their weapons against a comrade and attempts to reason with the Keyblade wielders to no avail. Overhearing an argument between Player, Skuld, and several Keyblade wielders from different Unions, Aced lectures the wielders of the importance of trusting their Unions and that the strength of a Union is determined by victory rather than Lux. Skuld begins to object to Aced's claims, who notes that she is part of Ava's Dandelions and points out that Ava what is doing with the Dandelions a display of power as well. Player steps forward to challenge Aced, the latter easily defeating the former Player and disqualifying them as a Keyblade wielder.

Upon Ira's arrival to the scene, he rebukes Aced for raising his Keyblade against another wielder. Despite Aced's attempts to defend himself, Ira tells Aced that his bloodlust that drew him to their location. Aced argues that the Keyblade War is unavoidable, blaming the other Foretellers for intensifying the situation. Aced reveals that he intends on unifying all of the Unions and appointing himself as leader once he banished Ira and the other Foretellers, but Ira dismisses his foolish plot and warns Aced that his arrogance will lead to his downfall. Aced states that he will be waiting at the place of the final battle before taking his leave. Once the crowd disperses, Ira affirms that the Keyblade War is unavoidable to Player, Skuld, and Chirithy and tasks Skuld and Player to prepare themselves as he departs, only for Player to fall unconscious.

Elsewhere, Strelitzia is approached by Ava, who selects Strelitzia to become one of five Dandelions to succeed the Foretellers as one of the new Union leaders and provides her a collection of laws by which the Union Leaders would be required to follow. That night, Strelitzia begins to have doubts about becoming a Union leader and feels uneasy about abandoning those who are not Dandelions. Realizing that Player is not one of the Dandelions, Strelitzia resolves that she has to find them and convince Player to join the Dandelions to save them from taking part in the Keyblade War.

Chirithy and Skuld manage to bring Player back home to rest. With Player asleep, the two discuss the growing tension between the Unions and conclude Keyblade War appears to be unavoidable. When Player awakens, Skuld voices her concern over the loss of morale amongst the Dandelions since Ava's sudden disappearance. Chirithy recommends they should speak with Gula in regards to Ava's whereabouts. Player and co. find Gula in an abandoned house, and Gula deduces that that they were looking for Ava to avert the upcoming Keyblade War. Gula informs them that they cannot change anything and only the Master can stop it, and the missing Luxu might be the one only to know of his whereabouts. When Gula remarks on the similarities to between Skuld and Ava, Skuld realizes that Ava is searching for Luxu to find the Master.

At the outskirts of Daybreak Town, Ava locates Luxu and interrogates him. Luxu explains that he is meant to continue on into the future written in the Book of Prophecies and surmises Ava's intentions for seeking him out, but deems her efforts as useless. Furthermore, Luxu states that the Lost Page is a prophecy that the Foretellers are not aware of and that it is his mission to inherit its secrets. Ava begins to wonder if everything that has transpired has been of the Master's will and suspects Luxu of being the traitor. Luxu tells her the truth about the traitor, much to her disbelief. Luxu claims that the Keyblade War is unavoidable and ponders if the Master would rather know how his disciples will guide the keys than the fate of the world. Ava, refusing to believe that the Master would choose them over the world, accuses Luxu of taking his advantage of the Master's will. Ava attacks Luxu with her Keyblade, and the clashing of their Keyblades sends a ripple effect throughout Daybreak Town, which tolls the bell that signifies the start of the war.

Meanwhile, Gula recites a passage of the Lost Page to Player and co., explaining that the traitor described on it would be the one to bring an end to the world. Gula admits that, although they suspected someone, they were unable to stop them. Chirithy questions if Gula should be divulging the Lost Page to them, and while Gula affirms that he should not, he sees it meaningless to hide its contents now that the Keyblade War is near. Hearing the bells of the Clock Tower toll, Gula announces that the war has begun and advises Player and co. to leave, as each Union will likely rally their forces soon enough.

Strelitzia and her Chirithy learn that Player was last seen by an abandoned house and go to investigate, though Player is nowhere to be found. Suddenly, someone comes out from the shadows and attacks both Strelitzia and her Chirithy, stealing Strelitzia's book of rules. In her last moments, Strelitzia recalls how she wanted to speak with Player, carrying her Chirithy in her arms as she fades and her heart is released.

After Skuld leaves to be with the Dandelions, Player asks Chirithy if it will disappear if they do as well, which Chirithy confirms. When Player asks for Chirithy's opinion on the Keyblade War, Chirithy confesses that it does not want Player to fight, though it clarifies it says this as a friend rather than as Player's guide. Ultimately, Player decides not to take part in the Keyblade War, choosing to join the Dandelions instead. Nightmare Chirithy appears and scorns Player as a coward for abandoning their friends by not participating in the war. Angered by this, Player demands to know who the Nightmare Chirithy is, who reveals that Player has been using the power of darkness via the Power Bangle. Although Chirithy refuses to believe this, Nightmare Chirithy tells its counterpart that this is all according to Master's will.

Chirithy insists that the Power Bangle takes the sins and turns them into light rather than darkness. Nightmare Chirithy contradicts its counterpart's claim by revealing that he also belongs to Player, but differs from Chirithy in that it can act on its own will. Nightmare Chirithy declares that, if Player refuses to take part in the Keyblade War, it will show Player its dream himself and summons the Darklings to battle with Player. Chirithy questions Nightmare Chirithy's motive, the latter proclaiming that Nightmares exist to show people bad dreams, allowing them to severe connections and live freely, a concept that Chirithy is unable to understand.

After Player defeats the Darklings, Nightmare Chirithy absorbs the Darklings and battles Player. Player emerges victorious against Nightmare Chirithy, who reverts to its regular form and begins to fade away. Nightmare Chirithy remarks on how their connection has now been severed, but warns them that they will meet in another dream, before fading from existence.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

After the Keyblade War, the Dandelions enter the new world, where they immediately lose all their memories of the old world. Ephemer, Skuld, Ventus, Brain, and Lauriam work together to ensure that the painful memories of the old world become buried by new memories, instituting a Union χ to allow more opportunities for new adventures.

As the Dandelions relive the majority of their experiences from the old world, Chirithy reports to Ephemer and Skuld about Player's persisting nightmares of the Keyblade War. While Skuld encourages that Chirithy to protect Player from the truth, Ephemer mentions that he senses a different darkness that he plans to investigate with Skuld. Once Chirithy leaves, Skuld questions Ephemer as to why he told Chirithy about the darkness, as they likely just made Chirithy worry, but Ephemer argues that it affects everyone, and that the more that the new world differs from its predecessor, the more uneasy he feels.

As the new world diverges from the old with the exclusion of the Keyblade War, Player arrives at the Moogle's Shop, which has been flooded by Ferocious Fins. Player joins a party of Keyblade wielders in pursuing the Heartless through the waterways beneath Daybreak Town and search for a way to stop the water flow. When Player encounters the Ferocious Fins again, their new friends opt to stall the Heartless while he searches for the right valve to drain the area. With Player's task completed, they return to their party and work together to destroy the Heartless. Player returns to the Moogle's Shop, but when the Moogle welcomes Player to his new shop, Player is unnerved because of their inconsistent memories. Player's newfound friends manage to convince Player that everything is fine.

The Union leaders decide to celebrate their successes by creating new Spirits for the Dandelions. As a result, Player and Chirithy encounter another Chirithy sent by the Union leaders, who uses Chirithy's fur to craft the new Spirit, whose purpose is to further aid Player in battle and help defend them against Nightmares.





Dream Eaters
