Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Pegasus Cup

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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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The Pegasus Cup is the second tournament at Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts. Afterward, Phil puts up the trophy in the Lobby. In Kingdom Hearts II, the Pegasus Cup trophy was accidentally mislabeled as the Phil Cup trophy, and vice versa.


Leon & Yuffie

Once you begin to fight your friends Leon and Yuffie, you must focus on Yuffie first so you can reflect her Shurikens back at her and once she is stunned you can hit her a couple of times, but make sure she doesn't heal herself. After you have defeated her you must keep dodging everytime Leon jumps up into the air and destroys you with his Gunblade. After he finishes trying to destroy you need to hit him couple of times, but once his Gunblade glows and grows longer you have to keep dodging his every attack, but you can hit him once he does that same move and his on the ground you can attack him, keep doing that and you'll be sweet.


