Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Phil's Training

Revision as of 12:58, 24 September 2010 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs)
Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Add info on needed scores for each game, add articles on Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days training games, add basic strategy, and separate story from goals. Make goals look neat, too.

Phil's Training in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.

Phil's Training is a minigame in the Kingdom Hearts games. It involves Sora attempting to break several barrels or pots within a certain amount of time.

Kingdom Hearts

In the original Kingdom Hearts, Phil used his training to test Sora. He put him through two rounds of the training that involved Sora destroying barrels. At the end, Phil concluded that Sora was not too bad, but still couldn't compete in the games. He gave him the Thunder spell to master.

Kingdom Hearts II

In Kingdom Hearts II, after Sora returned from the Underworld he went to see Phil and they did some of this training before the storyline continued. This time, Sora had to destroy pots and collect the orbs that drop from them. Goals:Try Practice Mode; Try Maniac Mode; Make 1000 or more points with in 01'30"00 seconds