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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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Kerchak is the leader of the gorillas and Tarzan's "father". He was very nervous about trusting humans and when Sora and friends came to Deep Jungle, there was no exception.

As a gorilla, Kerchak possessed great strength but was powerless at the hands of Clayton's shotgun.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

Boss of the gorilla pack. He was against letting Tarzan join the group, but Kala's resolve won him over. Kerchak worries that Tarzan's contact with people will bring danger to the gorilla community.

He established himself as leader of the pack in "Tarzan" (1999).


Kingdom Hearts

Kerchak is distrustful of humans. He doesn't like humans very much and is very cold when they are near. When Sora, Donald, and Goofy met him, he acts very coldly at them, and even ignored Tarzan's request to take them to the waterfalls. But after Sora and co. saved the pack from Clayton, he lets them into the waterfalls, where they sealed the Keyhole of Deep Jungle.


Kerchak is a large, adult male gorilla with black hair and grey skin. His forearms are enormous and his head is rather large. His eyes are brown and small in comparison to the rest of his head.