Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance


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Revision as of 23:35, 9 July 2012 by (talk) (Added flowmotion attacks. I'm probably missing a few, but alas game's not out. Will probably be updated then.)
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Flowmotion (フリーフローアクション Furī Furō Akushon?, lit. "Free Flow Action") is a gameplay mechanic that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It allows Sora and Riku to traverse their surrounding environments with great ease when they interact with certain environmental elements. Using Flowmotion, Sora and Riku can jump off of walls, grind rails, leap great heights, and dynamically attack opponents.

When Sora and Riku use Flowmotion, they are enveloped in a violet aura, and two lights of the same color orbit them while leaving behind light trails.



Flowmotion is activated by pressing Y to Dodge Roll or Air Slide into a wall or other interactive object, or by landing on certain environmental features, just as rails or fountains. Sora or Riku will perform a context-sensitive action, such as briefly sticking to and jumping off of a wall or spinning around a pole after Air Sliding into it.

Once a Flowmotion is activated, it can be chained together with additional actions. The player may press Y to use an enhanced Air Slide to travel long distances or transition to another Flowmotion-compatible surface, B to perform a midair high jump that boosts the user to a great height, or A to use a Free Flow Attack (フリーフローアタック Furī Furō Atakku?), which depends on the Flowmotion action the player is using.

List of Flowmotion Attacks

Name Description
Kick Dive Executed while vaulting off of a wall or in a burst of speed. Sora or Riku track-in on an enemy with a spinning dive followed up with a downward crash damaging surrounding enemies.
Shock Dive Executed while in the middle of a Flowmotion jump. Sora or Riku immediately initiate a downward crash strike, damaging surrounding enemies. The range of the attack exceeds that of Kick Dive.
Sliding Dive Executed while grinding on a rail. Sora or Riku immediately teleport and attack a single enemy by spinning the keyblade beneath their feet.
Buzz Saw Executed while swinging on a vertical pole. Sora or Riku execute two spinning attacks on a single enemy, additionally initiating a vacuum effect to nearby enemies, pulling them in.
Wheel Rush Executed while swinging on a horizontal bar or pole. Sora or Riku uppercut the nearest enemy, followed up with a quick dashing attack.
Blow-off Executed while Dodge Rolling or Air Sliding into a large enemy. Sora or Riku spin around the targeted enemy - pulling in nearby enemies - followed up with a powerful keyblade strike dealing damage to all enemies within the vicinity of the attack.