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A '''Reaction Command''' is a feature introduced in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'', intended to extend the level of combat. By pressing the triangle button at certain moments in battle (or occasionally outside of battle), [[Sora]] will perform a specific action, which is indicated by the title of the command. These reactions are mostly combat maneuvers that are used to gain the upper hand on enemies, though they are also used to talk to people and open chests. Occasionally, some reaction commands must be completed in order to end the battle. Interestingly enough, almost none of the reaction commands require that you press triangle the moment it appears; if you cannot press the button at the right moment, you will suffer no penalty by rapidly pressing triangle until the command is initiated. There is only one command in the entire game that requires you to react in time.
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<div id="top">A '''Reaction Command''' is a feature introduced in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'', intended to extend the level of combat. By pressing the triangle button at certain moments in battle (or occasionally outside of battle), [[Sora]] will perform a specific action, which is indicated by the title of the command. These reactions are mostly combat maneuvers that are used to gain the upper hand on enemies, though they are also used to talk to people and open chests. Occasionally, some reaction commands must be completed in order to end the battle. Interestingly enough, almost none of the reaction commands require that you press triangle the moment it appears; if you cannot press the button at the right moment, you will suffer no penalty by rapidly pressing triangle until the command is initiated. There is only one command in the entire game that requires you to react in time.</div>

==Non-Battle Reaction Commands==
==Non-Battle Reaction Commands==
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Access a [[Save Point]].
Access a [[Save Point]].
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==In-battle Reaction Commands==
==In-battle Reaction Commands==
===[[Nobody|Nobodies]]/[[Organization XIII]]===
===[[Nobody|Nobodies]]/[[Organization XIII]]===
====<font size="3">General Nobodies</font>====
*[[Sora]] (or [[Roxas]]) quickly dashes behind the enemy, confusing all [[Dusk|Dusks]] and [[Creeper|Creepers]] in the immediate area for a short time. Can also be used against [[Twilight Thorn|Twilight Thorn's]] and [[Xemnas|Xemnas']] thorn attacks. In this case, [[Sora]] (or [[Roxas]]) will dash around their foe's attacks, (in an animation similar to Aerial Dodge) and brings them within attack range of [[Xemnas]] or [[Twilight Thorn]].
Certain reaction commands are available between certain bosses and their respective Nobodies, as such they have been placed in the same categories as the Boss itself.
:Used against: [[Dusk]], [[Creeper]], [[Twilight Thorn]], or [[Xemnas]]
:[[Sora]] grabs an [[Assassin]] that is about to self-destruct, and throws it towards the ground.  This destroys that [[Assassin]] while dealing damage to nearby enemies and forcing other [[Assassin|Assassins]] to emerge from the ground.
:''Used Against:'' [[Assassin]]
*'''Duel Stance'''
:[[Sora]] must select "The End" in the menu bar before time is up to slash through [[Samurai]] (or [[Roxas]] in Final Mix+).
:''Used against:'' [[Samurai]] (or [[Roxas]] in Final Mix+)
<div align="right">[[#top|Top]]</div>
====<font size="3">Organization Bosses</font>====
Below are the list of all Organization XIII and Nobody Bosses with Reaction Commands, note that some of these characters are only available in Final Mix+.
* [[#Zexion|Zexion]]
* [[#Larxene|Larxene]]
* [[#Lexaeus|Lexaeus]]
* [[#Marluxia|Marluxia]]
* [[#Axel|Axel]]
* [[#Thorn|Twilight Thorn]]
* [[#Demyx|Demyx]]
* [[#Xaldin|Xaldin]]
* [[#Xigbar|Xigbar]]
* [[#Luxord|Luxord]]
* [[#Saix|Saïx]]
* [[#Dragoon|Dragoon Ship]]
* [[#Xemnas|Xemnas]]
<!-- Begin Zexion -->
<div id="Zexion"><font size="3">'''Zexion'''</font></div>
:When trapped in the lexicon, [[Sora]] strikes the lexicon [[Zexion]] is hiding in, freeing himself from the illusionary arena inside the book. Causes damage. 
:''Used against:'' [[Zexion]] as [[Absent Silhouette]] in the Underworld's - Cave of the Dead(Inner Chamber)
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<!-- End Zexion Section -->

<!-- Begin Larxene Section-->
*[[Sora]] grabs an [[Assassin]] that is about to self-destruct, and throws it towards the ground. This destroys that [[Assassin]] while dealing damage to nearby enemies and forcing other [[Assassin|Assassins]] to emerge from the ground.
<div id="Larxene"><font size="3">'''Larxene'''</font></div>
:Used Against: [[Assassin]]
*'''Other Break'''
:[[Sora]] grabs [[Larxene]] by the wrist and throws her into the air. Then he grabs her clone, also by the wrist, and spins her around, lifting up off the floor. He then hurls the the clone at the original as she falls back down, cause them the forcivly merge, stunning Larxene for a short time.
:''Used agianst:'' [[Larxene]] as [[Absent Silhouette]] in Port Royal's - Isla de Muetra's Rock Face

====Key Counter====
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*When the [[Twilight Thorn]] tries to punch him, [[Roxas]] jumps over the [[Twilight Thorn|Twilight Thorn's]] hand, and then slashes its face.
<!-- End Larxene Section -->
:Used Against: [[Twilight Thorn]]

<!-- Begin Lexaeus Section-->
*After being thrown into the air by the [[Twilight Thorn]], [[Roxas]] slashes it in the head while coming down.
<div id="Lexaeus"><font size="3">'''Lexaeus'''</font></div>
:Used against: [[Twilight Thorn]]
*'''Mega Impact'''
:Sora jumps back as his "power meter" increases to the the same amount as Lexaeus', Sora then slides quickly into Lexaeus, slamming him with a massive uppercut, knocking Lexeaus unconscience.
:''Used Agianst:'' [[Lexaeus]] as [[Absent Silhouette]] in Twilight Town's - Sandlot

====Break Raid====
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*After tipping [[Roxas]] off the pillar, the [[Twilight Thorn]] creates a giant orb. [[Roxas]] throws the [[Keyblade]] into the orb, causing it to explode.
<!-- End Lexaeus Section -->
:Used against: [[Twilight Thorn]]

<!-- Begin Marluxia Section -->
*[[Sora]] forcefully breaks the curse [[Xemnas]] laid on him, then rushes up the side of the tower while [[Xemnas]] jumps down from the top. (The next action command is determined by how far apart [[Sora]] and [[Xemnas]] are when the player activates it. If nothing is pressed, [[Xemnas]] will deal heavy damage to Sora.)
<div id="Marluxia"><font size="3">'''Marluxia'''</font></div>
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]
*'''Rob Count'''
:[[Sora]] evades [[Marluxia|Marluxia's]] slash and pulls up his scythe with the Keyblade. After gaining control, [[Sora]] throws the scythe towards [[Marluxia]], damaging him and earning back his count down numerals.
:''Used against:'' [[Marluxia]] as [[Absent Silhouette]] in Beast's Castle - Beast's Room

*'''Air Trample'''
*[[Sora]] and [[Xemnas]] pass by each other without attacking.
:[[Sora]] jumps over [[Marluxia|Marluxia's]] scythe, knocks him into the air and across the arena. This attack deals heavy damage (2 to 4/10 of Marluxia's Health, depending on the Keyblade used). This attack does not increase the counter.
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]
:''Used against:'' [[Marluxia]] as [[Absent Silhouette]] in Beast's Castle - Beast's Room

====Break Through====
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*[[Sora]] strikes [[Xemnas]], doing minor damage.
<!-- End Marluxia Section-->
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]

<!-- Begin Axel Section-->
*When in close contact with [[Xemnas]], [[Sora]] blocks and counters [[Xemnas|Xemnas']] attack, slamming him into the tower.(In [[Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+]], successfully activating this Reaction Command will leave [[Xemnas]] with 1HP.)
<div id="Axel"><font size="3">'''Axel'''</font></div>
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]
:[[Roxas]]/[[Sora]] leaps at [[Axel]], repeatedly attacking him with both [[keyblade|Keyblades]].
:''Used Against:'' [[Axel]] in the basement of the [[Simulated Twilight Town]] and [[Axel|Data Axel]]

*'''Clear Light'''
*When facing a rising block from the skyscrapers, [[Sora]] slices through it with three quick slashes.
:[[Roxas]]/[[Sora]] throws [[Axel]] to the ground, forcing him to turn the lava-flooded floor back to normal.
:''Used Against:'' [[Axel]] in the basement of the [[Simulated Twilight Town]] and [[Axel|Data Axel]]

*'''Burst Edge'''
*[[Sora]] leaps past the skyscraper blocks, slashing them as he passes by while heading towards the Castle when facing [[Xemnas]] in [[The World That Never Was]].
:[[Roxas]] throws both his [[Keyblade|Keyblades]] at [[Axel]], forcing him out of the wall of flame.
:Used against: [[Xemnas]] in [[The World That Never Was]]
:''Used against:'' [[Axel]] in the basement of the [[Simulated Twilight Town]]

====Stunt Dodge====
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*[[Sora]] makes a high leap and jumps to the other side of the cannon. A Reaction Command used to escape the attacks of the cannon.
<!-- End Axel Section-->

====Riding Shot====
<!-- Begin Twilight Thorn-->
*[[Sora]] locks onto one of the skyscraper blocks and bats it towards the Nobody Dragon.
<div id="Thorn"><font size="3">'''Twilight Thorn'''</font></div>
:[[Sora]] (or [[Roxas]]) quickly dashes behind the enemy, confusing all [[Dusk|Dusks]] and [[Creeper|Creepers]] in the immediate area for a short time. Can also be used against [[Twilight Thorn|Twilight Thorn's]] and [[Xemnas|Xemnas']] thorn attacks. In this case, [[Sora]] (or [[Roxas]]) will dash around their foe's attacks, (in an animation similar to Aerial Dodge) and brings them within attack range of [[Xemnas]] or [[Twilight Thorn]].
:''Used against:'' [[Dusk]], [[Creeper]], [[Twilight Thorn]], or [[Xemnas]]

====Meteor Rain====
*'''Key Counter'''
*[[Riku]] executes a 360 slash that breaks the skyscraper block, launching the debris towards the [[Xemnas|Dragoon Ship]], breaking its wing shield.
:When the [[Twilight Thorn]] tries to punch him, [[Roxas]] jumps over the [[Twilight Thorn|Twilight Thorn's]] hand, and then slashes its face.
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]
:''Used Against:'' [[Twilight Thorn]]

*[[Riku]] leaps up and frees [[Sora]] from [[Xemnas|Xemnas']] grip.
:After being thrown into the air by the [[Twilight Thorn]], [[Roxas]] slashes it in the head while coming down.
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]
:''Used against:'' [[Twilight Thorn]]

*'''Break Raid'''
*When [[Xemnas]] knocks [[Sora|Sora's]] [[Keyblade]] away, [[Riku]] grabs it and throws it back.
:After tipping [[Roxas]] off the pillar, the [[Twilight Thorn]] creates a giant orb. [[Roxas]] throws the [[Keyblade]] into the orb, causing it to explode.
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]
:''Used against:'' [[Twilight Thorn]]

<div align="right">[[#top|Top]]</div>
*[[Sora]] and [[Riku]] rapidly deflect the barrage of Aerial Blades shot by [[Xemnas]]. In order to survive the attack, both the triangle button and the X button must be rapidly pressed.
<!-- End Twilight Thorn-->
:Used against: [[Xemnas]]

<!-- Begin Demyx-->
Block [[Xigbar|Xigbar's]] "Sniper" attack.
<div id="Demyx"><font size="3">'''Demyx'''</font></div>
:Used against: [[Xigbar]]
*'''Show Stealer'''
:Show Stealer is available during the second battle against [[Demyx]] in [[Hollow Bastion]]. The Command appears when [[Demyx]] jumps towards [[Sora]] and attempts to launch him into the air. If Show Stealer is activated, [[Sora]] stands behind [[Demyx]] and holds his [[Keyblade]] in a guitar-like fashion before hitting [[Demyx]], therefore interrupting his attacks and forcing him away. However, if Sora is in Antiform when Demyx does this, the reaction command is activated automatically, and Antiform Sora takes a higher ammount of damage then he would if the reaction command wasnt used, and Sora was not in a form.
:''Used against:'' [[Demyx]]

====Warp Snipe====
*'''Wild Dance'''
*[[Sora]] warps in front of a crossbow bolt and deflects it back at the shooterCan be used multiple times.
:[[Sora]] grabs a Water Form and swings it around his head, attacking the other water forms in the areaAlso used against Armored Xemnas, where it is called "Water Dance".
:Used Against: [[Xigbar]] or [[Sniper]]
:Used Against: [[Demyx|Demyx's]] Water Forms

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*[[Sora]] snatches an attack from either [[Xaldin]] or a [[Dragoon]], leaps into the air, and stabs the [[Keyblade]] onto the enemy.  The charging phase (Stealing the Attack) can be done up to nine times if the normal attack is not used.  Magic can still be used freely.
<!-- End Demyx-->
:Used Against: [[Xaldin]] or [[Dragoon]]

====Mega Impact====
<!-- Begin Xaldin-->
*Sora jumps back as his "power meter" increases to the the same amount as Lexaeus', Sora then slides quickly into Lexaeus, slamming him with a massive uppercut, knocking Lexeaus unconscience.
<div id="Xaldin"><font size="3">'''Xaldin'''</font></div>
:Used Agianst: [[Lexaeus]]
:[[Sora]] snatches an attack from either [[Xaldin]] or a [[Dragoon]], leaps into the air, and stabs the [[Keyblade]] onto the enemy.  The charging phase (Stealing the Attack) can be done up to nine times if the normal attack is not used.  Magic can still be used freely.
:''Used Against:'' [[Xaldin]] or [[Dragoon]]

<div align="right">[[#top|Top]]</div>
*When trapped in the lexicon, [[Sora]] strikes the lexicon [[Zexion]] is hiding in, freeing himself from the illusionary arena inside the book. Causes damage. 
<!-- End Xaldin-->
:Used against: [[Zexion]]

<!-- Begin Xigbar-->
*[[Sora]] grabs his opponent's claymore and floats around, picking up additional non-boss enemies.
<div id="Xigbar"><font size="3">'''Xigbar'''</font></div>
:Used Against: [[Saïx]] or [[Berserker]]
:Block [[Xigbar|Xigbar's]] "Sniper" attack.
:''Used against:'' [[Xigbar]]

*'''Warp Snipe'''
*[[Sora]], holding a [[Berserker]] or [[Saïx|Saïx's]] claymore, flips backwards and hits the enemyThe combo can be continued for two more attacks.  Each attack deals half the normal attack damage.
:[[Sora]] warps in front of a crossbow bolt and deflects it back at the shooterCan be used multiple times.
:Used Against: [[Saïx]] or [[Berserker]]
:''Used Against:'' [[Xigbar]] or [[Sniper]]

====Magna Storm====
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*[[Sora]], after three successive Eclipse attacks, swings the claymore in a tornado slash, hurling it at the enemy and dealing triple damage with each strike.
<!-- End Xigbar-->
:Used Against: [[Saïx]] or [[Berserker]]

<!-- Begin Luxord-->
*[[Roxas]]/[[Sora]] leaps at [[Axel]], repeatedly attacking him with both [[keyblade|Keyblades]].
<div id="Luxord"><font size="3">'''Luxord'''</font></div>
:Used Against: [[Axel]] (in the basement of the [[Simulated Twilight Town]] and [[Axel|Data Axel]])
*'''Begin Game'''
:Begins game in which player must time actions so that all commands are "0", or [[Sora]] is turned into a card by [[Gambler|Gamblers]] or [[Luxord]].
:''Used against:'' [[Gambler]] or [[Luxord]]

====Clear Light====
*'''Stop Dice'''
*[[Roxas]]/[[Sora]] throws [[Axel]] to the ground, forcing him to turn the lava-flooded floor back to normal.
:Begins game in which player must time actions so that all commands are "0", or [[Sora]] is turned into a dice block by [[Gambler|Gamblers]] or [[Luxord]].
:Used Against: [[Axel]] (in the basement of the [[Simulated Twilight Town]] and [[Axel|Data Axel]])
:''Used against:'' [[Gambler]] or [[Luxord]]

====Burst Edge====
*[[Roxas]] throws both his [[Keyblade|Keyblades]] at [[Axel]], forcing him out of the wall of flame.
:Flips cards to reveal other side during the battle with [[Luxord]].
:Used against: [[Axel]] (in the basement of the [[Simulated Twilight Town]])
:''Used against:'' [[Luxord]]

====Show Stealer====
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*Show Stealer is available during the second battle against [[Demyx]] in [[Hollow Bastion]]. The Command appears when [[Demyx]] jumps towards [[Sora]] and attempts to launch him into the air. If Show Stealer is activated, [[Sora]] stands behind [[Demyx]] and holds his [[Keyblade]] in a guitar-like fashion before hitting [[Demyx]], therefore interrupting his attacks and forcing him away. However, if Sora is in Antiform when Demyx does this, the reaction command is activated automatically, and Antiform Sora takes a higher ammount of damage then he would if the reaction command wasnt used, and Sora was not in a form.
<!-- End Luxord-->
:Used against: [[Demyx]]

====Wild Dance====
<!-- Begin Saïx-->
*[[Sora]] grabs a Water Form and swings it around his head, attacking the other water forms in the area.  Also used against Armored Xemnas, where it is called "Water Dance".
<div id="Saix"><font size="3">'''Saïx'''</font></div>
:Used Against: [[Demyx|Demyx's]] Water Forms
:[[Sora]] grabs his opponent's claymore and floats around, picking up additional non-boss enemies.
:''Used Against:'' [[Saïx]] or [[Berserker]]

====Begin Game====
*Begins game in which player must time actions so that all commands are "0", or [[Sora]] is turned into a card by [[Gambler|Gamblers]] or [[Luxord]].
:[[Sora]], holding a [[Berserker]] or [[Saïx|Saïx's]] claymore, flips backwards and hits the enemy.  The combo can be continued for two more attacks.  Each attack deals half the normal attack damage.
:Used against: [[Gambler]] or [[Luxord]]
:''Used Against:'' [[Saïx]] or [[Berserker]]

====Stop Dice====
*'''Magna Storm'''
*Begins game in which player must time actions so that all commands are "0", or [[Sora]] is turned into a dice block by [[Gambler|Gamblers]] or [[Luxord]].
:[[Sora]], after three successive Eclipse attacks, swings the claymore in a tornado slash, hurling it at the enemy and dealing triple damage with each strike.
:Used against: [[Gambler]] or [[Luxord]]
:''Used Against:'' [[Saïx]] or [[Berserker]]

<div align="right">[[#top|Top]]</div>
*Flips cards to reveal other side during the battle with [[Luxord]].
<!-- End Saix-->
:Used against: [[Luxord]]

====Rob Count====
<!-- Begin Dragoon-->
*[[Sora]] evades [[Marluxia|Marluxia's]] slash and pulls up his scythe with the Keyblade. After gaining control, [[Sora]] throws the scythe towards [[Marluxia]], damaging him and earning back his count down numerals.
<div id="Dragoon"><font size="3">'''Dragoon Ship'''</font></div>
:Used against: [[Marluxia]]
:When facing a rising block from the skyscrapers, [[Sora]] slices through it with three quick slashes.
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]] and the Dragoon Ship in [[The World That Never Was]]

====Air Trample====
*[[Sora]] jumps over [[Marluxia|Marluxia's]] scythe, knocks him into the air and across the arena. This attack deals heavy damage (2 to 4/10 of Marluxia's Health, depending on the Keyblade used). This attack does not increase the counter.
:[[Sora]] leaps past the skyscraper blocks, slashing them as he passes by while heading towards the Castle when facing [[Xemnas]] in [[The World That Never Was]].
:Used against: [[Marluxia]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]] and the Dragoon Ship in [[The World That Never Was]]

====Other Break====
*[[Sora]] grabs [[Larxene]] by the wrist and throws her into the air. Then he grabs her clone, also by the wrist, and spins her around, lifting up off the floor. He then hurls the the clone at the original as she falls back down, cause them the forcivly merge, stunning Larxene for a short time.
:Used to allow [[Sora]] to leap to buildings depending on their distance away.
:Used agianst: [[Larxene]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]] Dragoon Ship in [[The World That Never Was]]

====Duel Stance====
*'''Stunt Dodge'''
*[[Sora]] must select "The End" in the menu bar before time is up to slash through [[Samurai]] (or [[Roxas]] in Final Mix+).
:[[Sora]] makes a high leap and jumps to the other side of the cannon. A Reaction Command used to escape the attacks of the cannon.
:Used against: [[Samurai]] (or [[Roxas]] in Final Mix+)
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]] and the Dragoon Ship in [[The World That Never Was]]

*'''Riding Shot'''
:[[Sora]] locks onto one of the skyscraper blocks and bats it towards the Nobody Dragoon Ship.
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]] and the Dragoon Ship in [[The World That Never Was]]

*'''Meteor Rain'''
*[[Sora]] jumps up and grabs a [[Surveillance Robot]] from behind.
:[[Riku]] executes a 360 slash that breaks the skyscraper block, launching the debris towards the [[Xemnas|Dragoon Ship]], breaking its wing shield.
:Used against: [[Surveillance Robot]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]] and the Dragoon Ship in [[The World That Never Was]]

====Sparkle Ray====
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*[[Sora]] spins in a circle as the [[Surveillance Robot]] fires its laser, effectively destroying or severely injuring all surrounding enemies.
<!-- End Dragoon-->
:Used against: [[Surveillance Robot]]

====Bat Cry====
<!-- Begin Xemnas-->
*[[Sora]] latches the [[Keyblade]] onto one [[Hook Bat|Hook Bat's]] hook. [[Sora]] then spins through midair, hitting airborne enemies with the captured [[Hook Bat]].
<div id="Xemnas"><font size="3">'''Xemnas'''</font></div>
:Used against: [[Hook Bat]]
:[[Sora]] forcefully breaks the curse [[Xemnas]] laid on him, then rushes up the side of the tower while [[Xemnas]] jumps down from the top. (The next action command is determined by how far apart [[Sora]] and [[Xemnas]] are when the player activates it. If nothing is pressed, [[Xemnas]] will deal heavy damage to Sora.)
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]

*[[Sora]] blocks all of [[Sephiroth|Sephiroth's]] rapid sword slices in one go (only applies to [[Sephiroth|Sephiroth's]] Flash combo).
:[[Sora]] and [[Xemnas]] pass by each other without attacking.
:Used against: [[Sephiroth]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]

====Rapid Blow====
*'''Break Through'''
*[[Sora]] rushes in and attacks multiple times.
:[[Sora]] strikes [[Xemnas]], doing minor damage.
:Used Against: [[Aerial Knocker]] in [[Pride Lands]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]

====Air Twister====
*[[Sora]] grabs an [[Air Pirate]] and swings it around.
:When in close contact with [[Xemnas]], [[Sora]] blocks and counters [[Xemnas|Xemnas']] attack, slamming him into the tower.(In [[Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+]], successfully activating this Reaction Command will leave [[Xemnas]] with 1HP.)
:Used against: [[Air Pirate]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]

====Bolt Reversal====
*[[Sora]] reflects the bolt laser of a [[Bolt Tower]] by tapping the triangle button repeatedly.
:[[Riku]] leaps up and frees [[Sora]] from [[Xemnas|Xemnas']] grip.
:Used against: [[Bolt Tower]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]

====Capsule Prize====
*[[Sora]] cranks a prize out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 100-75% enemy HP left)
:When [[Xemnas]] knocks [[Sora|Sora's]] [[Keyblade]] away, [[Riku]] grabs it and throws it back.
:Used against: [[Bulky Vendor]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]

====Rare Capsule====
*[[Sora]] cranks a normal item out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 74-50% enemy HP left)
:[[Sora]] and [[Riku]] rapidly deflect the barrage of Aerial Blades shot by [[Xemnas]]. In order to survive the attack, both the triangle button and the X button must be rapidly pressed.
:Used against: [[Bulky Vendor]]
:''Used against:'' [[Xemnas]]
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<!-- End Xemnas-->
====General Heartless====
In here are all the Reaction commands available to Sora for all the smaller, more harmless Heartless. The Reaction Commands below are alphabetical by Heartless.

====Limited Capsule====
*'''Rapid Blow'''
*[[Sora]] cranks a rare item out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 49-25% enemy HP left)
:[[Sora]] rushes in and attacks multiple times.
:Used against: [[Bulky Vendor]]
:''Used Against:'' [[Aerial Knocker]] in [[Pride Lands]]

====Prime Capsule====
*'''Air Twister'''
*[[Sora]] cranks out a very rare item out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 24-1% enemy HP left)
:[[Sora]] grabs an [[Air Pirate]] and swings it around.
:Used against: [[Bulky Vendor]]
:''Used against:'' [[Air Pirate]]

====Root Ravager====
*'''Rising Sun'''
*[[Sora]] uproots a [[Creeper Plant]], creating a shockwave that damages surrounding enemies.
:After [[Sora]] attacks an [[Armored Knight]], shoulder tackles the enemy up to 5 times, hitting any nearby enemies in his way.
:Used against: [[Creeper Plant]]
:''Used against:'' [[Armored Knight]] (after attacking it)

====Heal Stomp====
*'''Quick Detention'''
*[[Sora]] stomps a [[Crescendo]], healing the party. (power = [[Sora|Sora's]] [[magic]] x30)
:[[Sora]], after deflecting a [[Bark Hound|Bark Hound's]] icicle, grabs the [[Heartless]] by the tail and swings it continuously before throwing it and killing it instantly.
:Used against: [[Crescendo]]
:''Used against:'' [[Bark Hound]]

====Full Swing====
*'''Bolt Reversal'''
*Sora hits a midair [[Large Body]] or [[Fat Bandit]] with a powerful attack. This is activated when a [[Large Body]] or [[Fat Bandit]] attempt to use Body Slam.
:[[Sora]] reflects the bolt laser of a [[Bolt Tower]] by tapping the triangle button repeatedly.
:Used against: [[Large Body]] or [[Fat Bandit]]
:''Used against:'' [[Bolt Tower]]
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*'''Capsule Prize'''
:[[Sora]] cranks a prize out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 100-75% enemy HP left)
:''Used against:'' [[Bulky Vendor]]

====Clear Shot====
*'''Rare Capsule'''
*[[Sora]] reflects ice blast back at [[Fortuneteller]].
:[[Sora]] cranks a normal item out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 74-50% enemy HP left)
:Used against: [[Fortuneteller]]
:''Used against:'' [[Bulky Vendor]]

*'''Limited Capsule'''
*[[Sora]] automatically defeats [[Gargoyle Warrior]] or [[Gargoyle Knight]]. Also used against [[Thresholder]] to draw out the real target, [[Possessor]], and against [[Shadow Stalker]] to drive it out of the columns and chandelier.
:[[Sora]] cranks a rare item out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 49-25% enemy HP left)
:Used against: [[Gargoyle Warrior]], [[Gargoyle Knight]], [[Thresholder]], or [[Shadow Stalker]]
:''Used against:'' [[Bulky Vendor]]

*'''Prime Capsule'''
*Blocks [[Large Body|Large Body's]] toboggan attack.
:[[Sora]] cranks out a very rare item out of a [[Bulky Vendor]]. (works with 24-1% enemy HP left)
:Used against: [[Large Body]]
:''Used against:'' [[Bulky Vendor]]

*'''Root Ravager'''
*After Guard, hits [[Large Body]] 6 times.
:[[Sora]] uproots a [[Creeper Plant]], creating a shockwave that damages surrounding enemies.
:Used against: [[Large Body]]
:''Used against:'' [[Creeper Plant]]
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*'''Heal Stomp'''
:[[Sora]] stomps a [[Crescendo]], healing the party. (power = [[Sora|Sora's]] [[magic]] x30)
:''Used against:'' [[Crescendo]]

*'''Clear Shot'''
*Ride on [[Living Bone|Living Bone's]] back, causing shock waves.
:[[Sora]] reflects ice blast back at [[Fortuneteller]].
:Used against: [[Living Bone]]
:''Used against:'' [[Fortuneteller]]

====Grand Cross====
*'''Bat Cry'''
*After Rodeo, flip [[Living Bone]] and ram it into the ground, headfirst, smashing its head.
:[[Sora]] latches the [[Keyblade]] onto one [[Hook Bat|Hook Bat's]] hook. [[Sora]] then spins through midair, hitting airborne enemies with the captured [[Hook Bat]].
:Used against: [[Living Bone]]
:''Used against:'' [[Hook Bat]]

====Dispel (Shaman)====
*'''Lance Tug'''
*[[Sora]] can only use this in the Pride Lands. The Command appears when a series of blue flames attack and encircle Sora, and Dispel allows Sora to use them against his enemies.
:[[Sora]] grabs onto the lance from the [[Lance Soldier]] and flies around with the berserk lance, hitting multiple enemies.
:Used agianst: [[Shaman]]
:''Used against:'' [[Lance Soldier]]

*'''Full Swing'''
:Sora hits a midair [[Large Body]] or [[Fat Bandit]] with a powerful attack. This is activated when a [[Large Body]] or [[Fat Bandit]] attempt to use Body Slam.
:''Used against:'' [[Large Body]] or [[Fat Bandit]]
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:Blocks [[Large Body|Large Body's]] toboggan attack.
:''Used against:'' [[Large Body]]

====Quick Blade====
*Dash and attack [[Magnum Loader]] quickly.
:After Guard, hits [[Large Body]] 6 times.
:Used against: [[Magnum Loader]]
:''Used against:'' [[Large Body]]

====Dodge Roll====
*Roll out of harm's way before [[Minute Bomb]] self-destructs.
:Ride on [[Living Bone|Living Bone's]] back, causing shock waves.
:Used against: [[Minute Bomb]]
:''Used against:'' [[Living Bone]]

*'''Grand Cross'''
*Knock [[Morning Star (Heartless)]] into the air.
:After Rodeo, flip [[Living Bone]] and ram it into the ground, headfirst, smashing its head.
:Used against: [[Morning Star (Heartless)]]
:''Used against:'' [[Living Bone]]

====Meteor Strike====
*'''Quick Blade'''
*After Bump, slam [[Morning Star (Heartless)]] into the ground repeatedly until it dies.
:Dash and attack [[Magnum Loader]] quickly.
:Used against: [[Morning Star (Heartless)]]
:''Used against:'' [[Magnum Loader]]
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*'''Dodge Roll'''
:Roll out of harm's way before [[Minute Bomb]] self-destructs.
:''Used against:'' [[Minute Bomb]]

====Wind Dance====
*Leap into the air and attack [[Neoshadow]].
:Knock [[Morning Star (Heartless)]] into the air.
:Used against: [[Neoshadow]]
:''Used against:'' [[Morning Star (Heartless)]]

====Speed Trap====
*'''Meteor Strike'''
*Gather in [[Rapid Thruster|Rapid Thrusters]].
:After Bump, slam [[Morning Star (Heartless)]] into the ground repeatedly until it dies.
:Used against: [[Rapid Thruster]]
:''Used against:'' [[Morning Star (Heartless)]]

====Aero Blade====
*'''Wind Dance'''
*After Speed Trap, spin like a propeller in the air, damaging nearby enemies.
:Leap into the air and attack [[Neoshadow]].
:Used against: [[Rapid Thruster]]
:''Used against:'' [[Neoshadow]]

====Shift Shot====
*'''Speed Trap'''
*Grab and toss [[Silver Rock]] while it's in a ball of light.
:Gather in [[Rapid Thruster|Rapid Thrusters]].
:Used against: [[Silver Rock]] Cannot be used in the [[Pride Lands]]
:''Used against:'' [[Rapid Thruster]]
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*'''Aero Blade'''
:After Speed Trap, spin like a propeller in the air, damaging nearby enemies.
:''Used against:'' [[Rapid Thruster]]

*'''Dispel (Shaman)'''
*Aerial diving attack against [[Soldier]].
:[[Sora]] can only use this in the Pride Lands. The Command appears when a series of blue flames attack and encircle Sora, and Dispel allows Sora to use them against his enemies.
:Used against: [[Soldier]]
:''Used agianst:'' [[Shaman]]

====Tornado Ride====
*'''Shift Shot'''
*Ride a [[Tornado Step]], using the Analog Stick to spin around and damage enemies.
:Grab and toss [[Silver Rock]] while it's in a ball of light.
:Used against: [[Tornado Step]]
:''Used against:'' [[Silver Rock]] Cannot be used in the [[Pride Lands]]

====Quick Detention====
*[[Sora]], after deflecting a [[Bark Hound|Bark Hound's]] icicle, grabs the [[Heartless]] by the tail and swings it continuously before throwing it and killing it instantly.
:Aerial diving attack against [[Soldier]].
:Used against: [[Bark Hound]]
:''Used against:'' [[Soldier]]

====Rising Sun====
*After [[Sora]] attacks an [[Armored Knight]], shoulder tackles the enemy up to 5 times, hitting any nearby enemies in his way.
:[[Sora]] jumps up and grabs a [[Surveillance Robot]] from behind.
:Used against: [[Armored Knight]] (after attacking it)
:''Used against:'' [[Surveillance Robot]]
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*'''Sparkle Ray'''
:[[Sora]] spins in a circle as the [[Surveillance Robot]] fires its laser, effectively destroying or severely injuring all surrounding enemies.
:''Used against:'' [[Surveillance Robot]]

====[[Fire|Firagun]] and [[Blizzard|Blizzagun]]====
*'''Tornado Ride'''
*[[Sora]] either stabs his [[Keyblade]] into the [[Volcanic Lord]] or grabs the nose of the [[Blizzard Lord]], and throws him into [[Volcanic Lord]]
:Ride a [[Tornado Step]], using the Analog Stick to spin around and damage enemies.
:Used Against: [[Blizzard Lord]] or [[Volcanic Lord]]
:''Used against:'' [[Tornado Step]]

====Lance Tug====
*[[Sora]] grabs onto the lance from the [[Lance Soldier]] and flies around with the berserk lance, hitting multiple enemies.
:[[Sora]] leaps backward repeatedly to dodge [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A's]] axe slashes.
:Used against: [[Lance Soldier]]
:''Used against:'' [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A]]

*'''High Counter'''
*[[Sora]] leaps backward repeatedly to dodge [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A's]] axe slashes.
:After Backshuffle, [[Sora]] counterattacks [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A]].
:Used against: [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A]]
:''Used against:'' [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A]]

====High Counter====
*'''Return Fire'''
*After Backshuffle, [[Sora]] counterattacks [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A]].
:[[Sora]] blocks crossbow bolts back at [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate C]].
:Used against: [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate A]]
:''Used against:'' [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate C]]
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====Heartless Sub-Bosses====
*'''Release''' - Thresholder/Shadow Stalker
:[[Sora]] automatically defeats [[Gargoyle Warrior]] or [[Gargoyle Knight]]. Also used against [[Thresholder]] to draw out the real target, [[Possessor]], and against [[Shadow Stalker]] to drive it out of the columns and chandelier.
:''Used against:'' [[Gargoyle Warrior]], [[Gargoyle Knight]], [[Thresholder]], or [[Shadow Stalker]]

====Return Fire====
*'''[[Fire|Firagun]] and [[Blizzard|Blizzagun]]''' - Blizzard Lord/Volcanic Lord
*[[Sora]] blocks crossbow bolts back at [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate C]].
:[[Sora]] either stabs his [[Keyblade]] into the [[Volcanic Lord]] or grabs the nose of the [[Blizzard Lord]], and throws him into [[Volcanic Lord]]
:Used against: [[Undead Pirate|Undead Pirate C]]
:''Used Against:'' [[Blizzard Lord]] or [[Volcanic Lord]]

====Twin Counter====
*'''Inside Combo''' - Prison Keeper
*After [[Captain Barbossa|Barbossa]] attacks [[Jack Sparrow]], help [[Jack Sparrow|Jack]] get back to his senses.
:When [[Prison Keeper]] is about to "swallow" [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Lock, Shock, or Barrel]], leap inside to attack.
:Used against: [[Captain Barbossa]]
:''Used against:'' [[Prison Keeper]]

====Sonic Dive====
*'''Call''' - Shenzi, Banzai and Ed
*After Twin Counter, attack [[Captain Barbossa|Barbossa]].
:Call [[Pumbaa]] away from [[Shenzi, Banzai and Ed|Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed]], causing the hyenas to collide.
:Used against: [[Captain Barbossa]]
:''Used against:'' [[Shenzi, Banzai and Ed|Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed]]

*'''Freeze''' - Hostile Program
*Step on [[Captain Barbossa |Barbossa's]] sword.
:With Cluster Bar full, halt [[Hostile Program|Hostile Program's]] movements.
:Used against: [[Captain Barbossa]]
:''Used against:'' [[Hostile Program]]

====Reverse Blade====
*'''Capture''' - Lock, Shock and Barrel
*After Riding Shot, attack [[Captain Barbossa]].
:After depleting [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Lock]], [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Shock]], or [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Barrel's]] HP, knock a toy box at them to capture them.
:Used against: [[Captain Barbossa]]
:''Used against:'' [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Lock, Shock, or Barrel]]
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====Heartless Bosses====
These are Bosses you'll encounter through the story that are being controlled by Organization XIII or Pete to become heartless, or are generally heartless on their own.
* [[#Shan|Shan-Yu]]
* [[#Beast|Beast]]
* [[#dThorn|Dark Thorn]]
* [[#Cerberus|Cerberus]]
* [[#Pete|Pete]]
* [[#Hydra|Hydra]]
* [[#Barbossa|Captain Barbossa]]
* [[#Oogie|Oogie Boogie]]
* [[#Scar|Scar]]
* [[#Grim|Grim Reaper]]
* [[#Hades|Hades]]
* [[#Jafar|Jafar]]
* [[#Experiment|The Experiment]]
* [[#Groundshaker|Groundshaker]]
* [[#Sark|Sark]]
* [[#MCP|Master Control Program]]
* [[#Sephiroth|Sephiroth]]

====Wake Up!====
*[[Cogsworth]] stuns [[Beast]] with bell.
:Used against: [[Beast]]

<div id="Shan"><font size="3">'''Shan-Yu'''</font></div>
*When [[Beast|Beast's]] HP gets low, repeatedly tap triangle button to fill gauge.
:Used against: [[Beast]]
:Lock swords with [[Shan-Yu]], tap triangle button repeatedly.
:''Used against:'' [[Shan-Yu]]

====Get Up!====
*If Charge is successful, wakes up [[Beast]], finishing the battle.
:After "Press", [[Sora]] pushes [[Shan-Yu]] away as Mulan deals some damage.
:Used against: [[Beast]]
:''Used against:'' [[Shan-Yu]]
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<div id="Beast"><font size="3">'''Beast'''</font></div>
*Avoids [[Cerberus|Cerberus's]] "Trap" attack.
*'''Wake Up!'''
:Used against: [[Cerberus]]
:[[Cogsworth]] stuns [[Beast]] with bell.
:''Used against:'' [[Beast]]

*After Evade, leap high into the air.
:When [[Beast|Beast's]] HP gets low, repeatedly tap triangle button to fill gauge.
:Used against: [[Cerberus]]
:''Used against:'' [[Beast]]

====Dog Paddle====
*'''Get Up!'''
*After Jump!, slams down, stunning [[Cerberus]].
:If Charge is successful, wakes up [[Beast]], finishing the battle.
:Used against: [[Cerberus]]
:''Used against:'' [[Beast]]
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====Step Vault====
<div id="dThorn"><font size="3">'''Dark Thorn'''</font></div>
*Use [[Dark Thorn|Dark Thorn's]] back to leap onto chandelier.
*'''Step Vault'''
:Used against: [[Dark Thorn]]
:Use [[Dark Thorn|Dark Thorn's]] back to leap onto chandelier.
:''Used against:'' [[Dark Thorn]]

*Drop chandelier onto [[Dark Thorn]] after Step Vault.
:Drop chandelier onto [[Dark Thorn]] after Step Vault.
:Used against: [[Dark Thorn]]
:''Used against:'' [[Dark Thorn]]

====Pendulum Round====
*'''Pendulum Round'''
*After Catch, swing chandelier around, hurling [[Dark Thorn]] away.
:After Catch, swing chandelier around, hurling [[Dark Thorn]] away.
:Used against: [[Dark Thorn]]
:''Used against:'' [[Dark Thorn]]

*After [[Dark Thorn]] throws [[Sora]] towards a pillar, land sideways on pillar and jump back, countering.
:After [[Dark Thorn]] throws [[Sora]] towards a pillar, Sora uses the momentum to grab the pillar and launch himself back at the Dark Thorn.
:Used against: [[Dark Thorn]]
:''Used against:'' [[Dark Thorn]]
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<div id="Cerberus"><font size="3">'''Cerberus'''</font></div>
*Hurl [[The Experiment|Experiment's]] body into other parts.
:Used against: [[The Experiment]]
:Avoids [[Cerberus|Cerberus's]] "Trap" attack.
:''Used against:'' [[Cerberus]]

*Return cursed medallions to chest during 2nd [[Grim Reaper]] battle.
:After Evade, leap high into the air.
:Used against: [[Grim Reaper]] (2nd time)
:''Used against:'' [[Cerberus]]

*'''Dog Paddle'''
*Stop [[Grim Reaper]] from collecting medallions.
:After Jump!, slams down, stunning [[Cerberus]].
:Used against: [[Grim Reaper]]
:''Used against:'' [[Cerberus]]
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====Loot Launch====
<div id="Pete"><font size="3">'''Pete'''</font></div>
*After Hinder, launch [[Grim Reaper]] skyward to collect medallions.
:Used against: [[Grim Reaper]]
:When [[Pete]] activates his shield, swing [[Keyblade]] at him, knocking him across the room, breaking his shield. (Requires [[Hercules]])
:''Used against:'' [[Pete]]

====Aura Shot====
*Shoot one of [[Hercules|Hercules']] aura orbs at [[Hades]], knocking him out of berserk mode.
:When [[Pete (Timeless River)]] runs crazy, turn him around with the [[Keyblade]].
:Used against: [[Hades]]
:''Used against:'' [[Pete (Timeless River)]]

*'''Air Slash'''
*Leap onto [[Groundshaker|Groundshaker's]] back.
:When fighting [[Pete]] in the [[Timeless River]], when the Building Site scaffolding becomes unstable, makes [[Sora]] swing [[Keyblade]] like a propeller.
:Used against: [[Groundshaker]]
:''Used against:'' [[Pete]]
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<div id="Hydra"><font size="3">'''Hydra'''</font></div>
*Deflect [[Groundshaker|Groundshaker's]] giant foot from stomping Sora.
*'''Phil One-Two'''
:Used against: [[Groundshaker]]
:Makes [[Phil]] toss an urn into the air while [[Sora]] is on [[Hydra|Hydra's]] back.
:''Used against:'' [[Hydra]]

*Slashes off a [[Hydra]] head, once its HP has been depleted.
:Slam urn onto [[Hydra|Hydra's]] back, stunning heads.
:Used against: [[Hydra]]
:Used against: [[Hydra]]

====Phil One-Two====
*'''Pegasus Run'''
*Makes [[Phil]] toss an urn into the air while [[Sora]] is on [[Hydra|Hydra's]] back.
:Fly on [[Pegasus|Pegasus']] back past [[Hydra|Hydra's]] many heads.
:Used against: [[Hydra]]
:''Used against:'' [[Hydra]]
:After Pegasus Run, while on [[Pegasus]], slash at [[Hydra]] heads.
:''Used against:'' [[Hydra]]

*Slam urn onto [[Hydra|Hydra's]] back, stunning heads.
:Slashes off a [[Hydra]] head, once its HP has been depleted.
:Used against: [[Hydra]]
:''Used against:'' [[Hydra]]
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====Pegasus Run====
<div id="Barbossa"><font size="3">'''Captain Barbossa'''</font></div>
*Fly on [[Pegasus|Pegasus']] back past [[Hydra|Hydra's]] many heads.
*'''Twin Counter'''
:Used against: [[Hydra]]
:After [[Captain Barbossa|Barbossa]] attacks [[Jack Sparrow]], help [[Jack Sparrow|Jack]] get back to his senses.
:''Used against:'' [[Captain Barbossa]]

*'''Sonic Dive'''
*After Pegasus Run, while on [[Pegasus]], slash at [[Hydra]] heads.
:After Twin Counter, attack [[Captain Barbossa|Barbossa]].
:Used against: [[Hydra]]
:''Used against:'' [[Captain Barbossa]]

*With Cluster Bar full, halt [[Hostile Program|Hostile Program's]] movements.
:Step on [[Captain Barbossa |Barbossa's]] sword.
:Used against: [[Hostile Program]]
:''Used against:'' [[Captain Barbossa]]
====Roll Up====
*Grab [[Jafar|Jafar's]] genie-tail and wrap him up.
:Used against: [[Jafar]]

====Spin Burst====
*'''Reverse Blade'''
*After Roll Up, spin [[Jafar]] around and around, dazing him.
:After Riding Shot, attack [[Captain Barbossa]].
:Used against: [[Jafar]]
:''Used against:'' [[Captain Barbossa]]
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<div id="Oogie"><font size="3">'''Oogie Boogie'''</font></div>
*After depleting [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Lock]], [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Shock]], or [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Barrel's]] HP, knock a toy box at them to capture them.
:Used against: [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Lock, Shock, or Barrel]]
:Swing the [[Keyblade]] golfer-style to knock presents up onto [[Oogie Boogie|Oogie Boogie's]] platform to shatter the glass floor.
:''Used against:'' [[Oogie Boogie]]
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<div id="Scar"><font size="3">'''Scar'''</font></div>
*Swing the [[Keyblade]] golfer-style to knock presents up onto [[Oogie Boogie|Oogie Boogie's]] platform to shatter the glass floor.
:Used against: [[Oogie Boogie]]
:When [[Scar]] pounces on [[Lion Form|Sora]], hurls him away.
:''Used against:'' [[Scar]]
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====High Climb====
<div id="Grim"><font size="3">'''Grim Reaper'''</font></div>
*Climb up the wall [[Sark]] summons.
:Used against: [[Sark]]
:Stop [[Grim Reaper]] from collecting medallions.
:''Used against:'' [[Grim Reaper]]

====Needle Dive====
*'''Loot Launch'''
*After High Climb, leaps from atop the wall, [[Keyblade|Keyblade-first]] straight into [[Sark|Sark's]] forehead, knocking him out.
:After Hinder, launch [[Grim Reaper]] skyward to collect medallions.
:Used against: [[Sark]]
:''Used against:'' [[Grim Reaper]]

====Zone Guard====
*Block [[Sark|Sark's]] disc attack.
:Return cursed medallions to chest during 2nd [[Grim Reaper]] battle.
:Used against: [[Sark]]
:''Used against:'' [[Grim Reaper]] (2nd time)
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====Disc Strike====
<div id="Hades"><font size="3">'''Hades'''</font></div>
*After Zone Guard, send disc back at [[Sark]].
*'''Aura Shot'''
:Used against: [[Sark]]
:Shoot one of [[Hercules|Hercules']] aura orbs at [[Hades]], knocking him out of berserk mode.
:''Used against:'' [[Hades]]
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<div id="Jafar"><font size="3">'''Jafar'''</font></div>
*Begins beam attack on [[Master Control Program|MCP]]. (Requires [[Tron]])
*'''Roll Up'''
:Used against: [[Master Control Program]]
:Grab [[Jafar|Jafar's]] genie-tail and wrap him up.
:''Used against:'' [[Jafar]]

*'''Spin Burst'''
*Repeatedly tap triangle button to erase [[Master Control Program|MCP's]] data, damaging it gradually.
:After Roll Up, spin [[Jafar]] around and around, dazing him.
:Used against: [[Master Control Program]]
:''Used against:'' [[Jafar]]
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<div id="Experiment"><font size="3">'''The Experiment'''</font></div>
*When [[Pete (Timeless River)]] runs crazy, turn him around with the [[Keyblade]].
:Used against: [[Pete (Timeless River)]]
:Hurl [[The Experiment|Experiment's]] body into other parts.
:''Used against:'' [[The Experiment]]
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<div id="Groundshaker"><font size="3">'''Groundshaker'''</font></div>
*When [[Pete]] activates his shield, swing [[Keyblade]] at him, knocking him across the room, breaking his shield. (Requires [[Hercules]])
:Used against: [[Pete]]
:Leap onto [[Groundshaker|Groundshaker's]] back.
:''Used against:'' [[Groundshaker]]

====Air Slash====
*When fighting [[Pete]] in the [[Timeless River]], when the Building Site scaffolding becomes unstable, makes [[Sora]] swing [[Keyblade]] like a propeller.
:Deflect [[Groundshaker|Groundshaker's]] giant foot from stomping Sora.
:Used against: [[Pete]]
:''Used against:'' [[Groundshaker]]
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====Inside Combo====
<div id="Sark"><font size="3">'''Sark'''</font></div>
*When [[Prison Keeper]] is about to "swallow" [[Lock, Shock and Barrel|Lock, Shock, or Barrel]], leap inside to attack.
*'''High Climb'''
:Used against: [[Prison Keeper]]
:Climb up the wall [[Sark]] summons.
:''Used against:'' [[Sark]]

*'''Needle Dive'''
*When [[Scar]] pounces on [[Lion Form|Sora]], hurls him away.
:After High Climb, leaps from atop the wall, [[Keyblade|Keyblade-first]] straight into [[Sark|Sark's]] forehead, knocking him out.
:Used against: [[Scar]]
:''Used against:'' [[Sark]]

*'''Zone Guard'''
*Lock swords with [[Shan-Yu]], tap triangle button repeatedly.
:Block [[Sark|Sark's]] disc attack.
:Used against: [[Shan-Yu]]
:''Used against:'' [[Sark]]

*'''Disc Strike'''
After Press, knock [[Shan-Yu]] away.
:After Zone Guard, send disc back at [[Sark]].
:Used against: [[Shan-Yu]]
:''Used against:'' [[Sark]]
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<div id="MCP"><font size="3">'''Master Control Program'''</font></div>
*Call [[Pumbaa]] away from [[Shenzi, Banzai and Ed|Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed]], causing the hyenas to collide.
:Used against: [[Shenzi, Banzai and Ed|Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed]]
:Begins beam attack on [[Master Control Program|MCP]]. (Requires [[Tron]])
:''Used against:'' [[Master Control Program]]

sora and queen minne's combine attack that deals damage to nearby heartless.  
:Repeatedly tap triangle button to erase [[Master Control Program|MCP's]] data, damaging it gradually.
:used against: heartless in disney castle.
:''Used against:'' [[Master Control Program]]
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<div id="Sephiroth"><font size="3">'''Sephiroth'''</font></div>
*allows sora to change in to [[Valor Form]] when hp is low. (if auto valor is equiped).
:[[Sora]] blocks all of [[Sephiroth|Sephiroth's]] rapid sword slices in one go (only applies to [[Sephiroth|Sephiroth's]] Flash combo).
:''Used against:'' [[Sephiroth]] (Final Mix+ Only)
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These Reaction Commands are unique for combat, going from "Limits" with that world's heroes or abilities triggers in combat.
:[[Sora]] and Queen Minne's Limit for Disney Castle, it deals damage to all nearby heartless.
:''used against:'' All [[Heartless]] in Disney Castle.
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===Drive Forms===
These are special abilities that can be unlocked for Sora to enable a reaction command to "Auto-Drive" when he's at low Health.
:Allows [[Sora]] to change to [[Valor Form]] when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Valor" to be Equiped)

*allows sora to change in to [[Wisdom Form]] when hp is low. (if auto wisdom is equiped).
:Allows [[Sora]] to change to [[Wisdom Form]] when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Wisdom" to be Equiped)

*allows sora to change in to [[Master Form]] when hp is low. (if auto master is equiped).
:Allows [[Sora]] to change to [[Master Form]] when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Master" to be Equiped)

*allows sora to change in to [[Final Form]] when hp is low. (if auto final is equiped).
:Allows [[Sora]] to change to [[Final Form]] when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Final" to be Equiped)
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Revision as of 22:14, 2 March 2009

A Reaction Command is a feature introduced in Kingdom Hearts II, intended to extend the level of combat. By pressing the triangle button at certain moments in battle (or occasionally outside of battle), Sora will perform a specific action, which is indicated by the title of the command. These reactions are mostly combat maneuvers that are used to gain the upper hand on enemies, though they are also used to talk to people and open chests. Occasionally, some reaction commands must be completed in order to end the battle. Interestingly enough, almost none of the reaction commands require that you press triangle the moment it appears; if you cannot press the button at the right moment, you will suffer no penalty by rapidly pressing triangle until the command is initiated. There is only one command in the entire game that requires you to react in time.

Non-Battle Reaction Commands


Used to talk to NPCs. Sora can talk to his party members at certain points in the game, when they are not moving together with him. One instance is at the Altar of Naught in The World That Never Was.


Sora or Roxas uses the Keyblade and/or the Struggle weapon to open chests.


Mount or dismount a skateboard.


Access a Save Point.

In-battle Reaction Commands

Nobodies/Organization XIII

General Nobodies

Certain reaction commands are available between certain bosses and their respective Nobodies, as such they have been placed in the same categories as the Boss itself.

  • Fail-Safe
Sora grabs an Assassin that is about to self-destruct, and throws it towards the ground. This destroys that Assassin while dealing damage to nearby enemies and forcing other Assassins to emerge from the ground.
Used Against: Assassin
  • Duel Stance
Sora must select "The End" in the menu bar before time is up to slash through Samurai (or Roxas in Final Mix+).
Used against: Samurai (or Roxas in Final Mix+)

Organization Bosses

Below are the list of all Organization XIII and Nobody Bosses with Reaction Commands, note that some of these characters are only available in Final Mix+.

  • Dispel
When trapped in the lexicon, Sora strikes the lexicon Zexion is hiding in, freeing himself from the illusionary arena inside the book. Causes damage.
Used against: Zexion as Absent Silhouette in the Underworld's - Cave of the Dead(Inner Chamber)
  • Other Break
Sora grabs Larxene by the wrist and throws her into the air. Then he grabs her clone, also by the wrist, and spins her around, lifting up off the floor. He then hurls the the clone at the original as she falls back down, cause them the forcivly merge, stunning Larxene for a short time.
Used agianst: Larxene as Absent Silhouette in Port Royal's - Isla de Muetra's Rock Face
  • Mega Impact
Sora jumps back as his "power meter" increases to the the same amount as Lexaeus', Sora then slides quickly into Lexaeus, slamming him with a massive uppercut, knocking Lexeaus unconscience.
Used Agianst: Lexaeus as Absent Silhouette in Twilight Town's - Sandlot
  • Rob Count
Sora evades Marluxia's slash and pulls up his scythe with the Keyblade. After gaining control, Sora throws the scythe towards Marluxia, damaging him and earning back his count down numerals.
Used against: Marluxia as Absent Silhouette in Beast's Castle - Beast's Room
  • Air Trample
Sora jumps over Marluxia's scythe, knocks him into the air and across the arena. This attack deals heavy damage (2 to 4/10 of Marluxia's Health, depending on the Keyblade used). This attack does not increase the counter.
Used against: Marluxia as Absent Silhouette in Beast's Castle - Beast's Room
  • Overtaker
Roxas/Sora leaps at Axel, repeatedly attacking him with both Keyblades.
Used Against: Axel in the basement of the Simulated Twilight Town and Data Axel
  • Clear Light
Roxas/Sora throws Axel to the ground, forcing him to turn the lava-flooded floor back to normal.
Used Against: Axel in the basement of the Simulated Twilight Town and Data Axel
  • Burst Edge
Roxas throws both his Keyblades at Axel, forcing him out of the wall of flame.
Used against: Axel in the basement of the Simulated Twilight Town
Twilight Thorn
  • Reversal
Sora (or Roxas) quickly dashes behind the enemy, confusing all Dusks and Creepers in the immediate area for a short time. Can also be used against Twilight Thorn's and Xemnas' thorn attacks. In this case, Sora (or Roxas) will dash around their foe's attacks, (in an animation similar to Aerial Dodge) and brings them within attack range of Xemnas or Twilight Thorn.
Used against: Dusk, Creeper, Twilight Thorn, or Xemnas
  • Key Counter
When the Twilight Thorn tries to punch him, Roxas jumps over the Twilight Thorn's hand, and then slashes its face.
Used Against: Twilight Thorn
  • Lunarsault
After being thrown into the air by the Twilight Thorn, Roxas slashes it in the head while coming down.
Used against: Twilight Thorn
  • Break Raid
After tipping Roxas off the pillar, the Twilight Thorn creates a giant orb. Roxas throws the Keyblade into the orb, causing it to explode.
Used against: Twilight Thorn
  • Show Stealer
Show Stealer is available during the second battle against Demyx in Hollow Bastion. The Command appears when Demyx jumps towards Sora and attempts to launch him into the air. If Show Stealer is activated, Sora stands behind Demyx and holds his Keyblade in a guitar-like fashion before hitting Demyx, therefore interrupting his attacks and forcing him away. However, if Sora is in Antiform when Demyx does this, the reaction command is activated automatically, and Antiform Sora takes a higher ammount of damage then he would if the reaction command wasnt used, and Sora was not in a form.
Used against: Demyx
  • Wild Dance
Sora grabs a Water Form and swings it around his head, attacking the other water forms in the area. Also used against Armored Xemnas, where it is called "Water Dance".
Used Against: Demyx's Water Forms
  • Learn
Sora snatches an attack from either Xaldin or a Dragoon, leaps into the air, and stabs the Keyblade onto the enemy. The charging phase (Stealing the Attack) can be done up to nine times if the normal attack is not used. Magic can still be used freely.
Used Against: Xaldin or Dragoon
  • Break
Block Xigbar's "Sniper" attack.
Used against: Xigbar
  • Warp Snipe
Sora warps in front of a crossbow bolt and deflects it back at the shooter. Can be used multiple times.
Used Against: Xigbar or Sniper
  • Begin Game
Begins game in which player must time actions so that all commands are "0", or Sora is turned into a card by Gamblers or Luxord.
Used against: Gambler or Luxord
  • Stop Dice
Begins game in which player must time actions so that all commands are "0", or Sora is turned into a dice block by Gamblers or Luxord.
Used against: Gambler or Luxord
  • Flip
Flips cards to reveal other side during the battle with Luxord.
Used against: Luxord
  • Berserk
Sora grabs his opponent's claymore and floats around, picking up additional non-boss enemies.
Used Against: Saïx or Berserker
  • Eclipse
Sora, holding a Berserker or Saïx's claymore, flips backwards and hits the enemy. The combo can be continued for two more attacks. Each attack deals half the normal attack damage.
Used Against: Saïx or Berserker
  • Magna Storm
Sora, after three successive Eclipse attacks, swings the claymore in a tornado slash, hurling it at the enemy and dealing triple damage with each strike.
Used Against: Saïx or Berserker
Dragoon Ship
  • Slicer
When facing a rising block from the skyscrapers, Sora slices through it with three quick slashes.
Used against: Xemnas and the Dragoon Ship in The World That Never Was
  • Skyscraper
Sora leaps past the skyscraper blocks, slashing them as he passes by while heading towards the Castle when facing Xemnas in The World That Never Was.
Used against: Xemnas and the Dragoon Ship in The World That Never Was
  • Escablade
Used to allow Sora to leap to buildings depending on their distance away.
Used against: Xemnas Dragoon Ship in The World That Never Was
  • Stunt Dodge
Sora makes a high leap and jumps to the other side of the cannon. A Reaction Command used to escape the attacks of the cannon.
Used against: Xemnas and the Dragoon Ship in The World That Never Was
  • Riding Shot
Sora locks onto one of the skyscraper blocks and bats it towards the Nobody Dragoon Ship.
Used against: Xemnas and the Dragoon Ship in The World That Never Was
  • Meteor Rain
Riku executes a 360 slash that breaks the skyscraper block, launching the debris towards the Dragoon Ship, breaking its wing shield.
Used against: Xemnas and the Dragoon Ship in The World That Never Was
  • Facedown
Sora forcefully breaks the curse Xemnas laid on him, then rushes up the side of the tower while Xemnas jumps down from the top. (The next action command is determined by how far apart Sora and Xemnas are when the player activates it. If nothing is pressed, Xemnas will deal heavy damage to Sora.)
Used against: Xemnas
  • Clash
Sora and Xemnas pass by each other without attacking.
Used against: Xemnas
  • Break Through
Sora strikes Xemnas, doing minor damage.
Used against: Xemnas
  • Finish
When in close contact with Xemnas, Sora blocks and counters Xemnas' attack, slamming him into the tower.(In Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+, successfully activating this Reaction Command will leave Xemnas with 1HP.)
Used against: Xemnas
  • Rescue
Riku leaps up and frees Sora from Xemnas' grip.
Used against: Xemnas
  • Defend
When Xemnas knocks Sora's Keyblade away, Riku grabs it and throws it back.
Used against: Xemnas
  • Reflect
Sora and Riku rapidly deflect the barrage of Aerial Blades shot by Xemnas. In order to survive the attack, both the triangle button and the X button must be rapidly pressed.
Used against: Xemnas


General Heartless

In here are all the Reaction commands available to Sora for all the smaller, more harmless Heartless. The Reaction Commands below are alphabetical by Heartless.

  • Rapid Blow
Sora rushes in and attacks multiple times.
Used Against: Aerial Knocker in Pride Lands
  • Air Twister
Sora grabs an Air Pirate and swings it around.
Used against: Air Pirate
  • Rising Sun
After Sora attacks an Armored Knight, shoulder tackles the enemy up to 5 times, hitting any nearby enemies in his way.
Used against: Armored Knight (after attacking it)
  • Quick Detention
Sora, after deflecting a Bark Hound's icicle, grabs the Heartless by the tail and swings it continuously before throwing it and killing it instantly.
Used against: Bark Hound
  • Bolt Reversal
Sora reflects the bolt laser of a Bolt Tower by tapping the triangle button repeatedly.
Used against: Bolt Tower
  • Capsule Prize
Sora cranks a prize out of a Bulky Vendor. (works with 100-75% enemy HP left)
Used against: Bulky Vendor
  • Rare Capsule
Sora cranks a normal item out of a Bulky Vendor. (works with 74-50% enemy HP left)
Used against: Bulky Vendor
  • Limited Capsule
Sora cranks a rare item out of a Bulky Vendor. (works with 49-25% enemy HP left)
Used against: Bulky Vendor
  • Prime Capsule
Sora cranks out a very rare item out of a Bulky Vendor. (works with 24-1% enemy HP left)
Used against: Bulky Vendor
  • Root Ravager
Sora uproots a Creeper Plant, creating a shockwave that damages surrounding enemies.
Used against: Creeper Plant
  • Heal Stomp
Sora stomps a Crescendo, healing the party. (power = Sora's magic x30)
Used against: Crescendo
  • Clear Shot
Sora reflects ice blast back at Fortuneteller.
Used against: Fortuneteller
  • Bat Cry
Sora latches the Keyblade onto one Hook Bat's hook. Sora then spins through midair, hitting airborne enemies with the captured Hook Bat.
Used against: Hook Bat
  • Lance Tug
Sora grabs onto the lance from the Lance Soldier and flies around with the berserk lance, hitting multiple enemies.
Used against: Lance Soldier
  • Full Swing
Sora hits a midair Large Body or Fat Bandit with a powerful attack. This is activated when a Large Body or Fat Bandit attempt to use Body Slam.
Used against: Large Body or Fat Bandit
  • Guard
Blocks Large Body's toboggan attack.
Used against: Large Body
  • Kickback
After Guard, hits Large Body 6 times.
Used against: Large Body
  • Rodeo
Ride on Living Bone's back, causing shock waves.
Used against: Living Bone
  • Grand Cross
After Rodeo, flip Living Bone and ram it into the ground, headfirst, smashing its head.
Used against: Living Bone
  • Quick Blade
Dash and attack Magnum Loader quickly.
Used against: Magnum Loader
  • Dodge Roll
Roll out of harm's way before Minute Bomb self-destructs.
Used against: Minute Bomb
  • Bump
Knock Morning Star (Heartless) into the air.
Used against: Morning Star (Heartless)
  • Meteor Strike
After Bump, slam Morning Star (Heartless) into the ground repeatedly until it dies.
Used against: Morning Star (Heartless)
  • Wind Dance
Leap into the air and attack Neoshadow.
Used against: Neoshadow
  • Speed Trap
Gather in Rapid Thrusters.
Used against: Rapid Thruster
  • Aero Blade
After Speed Trap, spin like a propeller in the air, damaging nearby enemies.
Used against: Rapid Thruster
  • Dispel (Shaman)
Sora can only use this in the Pride Lands. The Command appears when a series of blue flames attack and encircle Sora, and Dispel allows Sora to use them against his enemies.
Used agianst: Shaman
  • Shift Shot
Grab and toss Silver Rock while it's in a ball of light.
Used against: Silver Rock Cannot be used in the Pride Lands
  • Cyclone
Aerial diving attack against Soldier.
Used against: Soldier
  • Snag
Sora jumps up and grabs a Surveillance Robot from behind.
Used against: Surveillance Robot
  • Sparkle Ray
Sora spins in a circle as the Surveillance Robot fires its laser, effectively destroying or severely injuring all surrounding enemies.
Used against: Surveillance Robot
  • Tornado Ride
Ride a Tornado Step, using the Analog Stick to spin around and damage enemies.
Used against: Tornado Step
  • Backshuffle
Sora leaps backward repeatedly to dodge Undead Pirate A's axe slashes.
Used against: Undead Pirate A
  • High Counter
After Backshuffle, Sora counterattacks Undead Pirate A.
Used against: Undead Pirate A
  • Return Fire
Sora blocks crossbow bolts back at Undead Pirate C.
Used against: Undead Pirate C

Heartless Sub-Bosses

  • Release - Thresholder/Shadow Stalker
Sora automatically defeats Gargoyle Warrior or Gargoyle Knight. Also used against Thresholder to draw out the real target, Possessor, and against Shadow Stalker to drive it out of the columns and chandelier.
Used against: Gargoyle Warrior, Gargoyle Knight, Thresholder, or Shadow Stalker
Sora either stabs his Keyblade into the Volcanic Lord or grabs the nose of the Blizzard Lord, and throws him into Volcanic Lord
Used Against: Blizzard Lord or Volcanic Lord
  • Inside Combo - Prison Keeper
When Prison Keeper is about to "swallow" Lock, Shock, or Barrel, leap inside to attack.
Used against: Prison Keeper
  • Call - Shenzi, Banzai and Ed
Call Pumbaa away from Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, causing the hyenas to collide.
Used against: Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed
  • Freeze - Hostile Program
With Cluster Bar full, halt Hostile Program's movements.
Used against: Hostile Program
  • Capture - Lock, Shock and Barrel
After depleting Lock, Shock, or Barrel's HP, knock a toy box at them to capture them.
Used against: Lock, Shock, or Barrel

Heartless Bosses

These are Bosses you'll encounter through the story that are being controlled by Organization XIII or Pete to become heartless, or are generally heartless on their own.

  • Press
Lock swords with Shan-Yu, tap triangle button repeatedly.
Used against: Shan-Yu
  • Takedown
After "Press", Sora pushes Shan-Yu away as Mulan deals some damage.
Used against: Shan-Yu
  • Wake Up!
Cogsworth stuns Beast with bell.
Used against: Beast
  • Charge
When Beast's HP gets low, repeatedly tap triangle button to fill gauge.
Used against: Beast
  • Get Up!
If Charge is successful, wakes up Beast, finishing the battle.
Used against: Beast
Dark Thorn
  • Step Vault
Use Dark Thorn's back to leap onto chandelier.
Used against: Dark Thorn
  • Catch
Drop chandelier onto Dark Thorn after Step Vault.
Used against: Dark Thorn
  • Pendulum Round
After Catch, swing chandelier around, hurling Dark Thorn away.
Used against: Dark Thorn
  • Slingshot
After Dark Thorn throws Sora towards a pillar, Sora uses the momentum to grab the pillar and launch himself back at the Dark Thorn.
Used against: Dark Thorn
  • Evade
Avoids Cerberus's "Trap" attack.
Used against: Cerberus
  • Jump!
After Evade, leap high into the air.
Used against: Cerberus
  • Dog Paddle
After Jump!, slams down, stunning Cerberus.
Used against: Cerberus
  • Pinball
When Pete activates his shield, swing Keyblade at him, knocking him across the room, breaking his shield. (Requires Hercules)
Used against: Pete
  • About-Face
When Pete (Timeless River) runs crazy, turn him around with the Keyblade.
Used against: Pete (Timeless River)
  • Air Slash
When fighting Pete in the Timeless River, when the Building Site scaffolding becomes unstable, makes Sora swing Keyblade like a propeller.
Used against: Pete
  • Phil One-Two
Makes Phil toss an urn into the air while Sora is on Hydra's back.
Used against: Hydra
  • Urninator
Slam urn onto Hydra's back, stunning heads.
Used against: Hydra
  • Pegasus Run
Fly on Pegasus' back past Hydra's many heads.
Used against: Hydra
  • Attack
After Pegasus Run, while on Pegasus, slash at Hydra heads.
Used against: Hydra
  • Vanquish
Slashes off a Hydra head, once its HP has been depleted.
Used against: Hydra
Captain Barbossa
  • Twin Counter
After Barbossa attacks Jack Sparrow, help Jack get back to his senses.
Used against: Captain Barbossa
  • Sonic Dive
After Twin Counter, attack Barbossa.
Used against: Captain Barbossa
  • Land
Step on Barbossa's sword.
Used against: Captain Barbossa
  • Reverse Blade
After Riding Shot, attack Captain Barbossa.
Used against: Captain Barbossa
Oogie Boogie
  • Fore!
Swing the Keyblade golfer-style to knock presents up onto Oogie Boogie's platform to shatter the glass floor.
Used against: Oogie Boogie
  • Counter
When Scar pounces on Sora, hurls him away.
Used against: Scar
Grim Reaper
  • Hinder
Stop Grim Reaper from collecting medallions.
Used against: Grim Reaper
  • Loot Launch
After Hinder, launch Grim Reaper skyward to collect medallions.
Used against: Grim Reaper
  • Return
Return cursed medallions to chest during 2nd Grim Reaper battle.
Used against: Grim Reaper (2nd time)
  • Aura Shot
Shoot one of Hercules' aura orbs at Hades, knocking him out of berserk mode.
Used against: Hades
  • Roll Up
Grab Jafar's genie-tail and wrap him up.
Used against: Jafar
  • Spin Burst
After Roll Up, spin Jafar around and around, dazing him.
Used against: Jafar
The Experiment
  • Kickspring
Hurl Experiment's body into other parts.
Used against: The Experiment
  • Jump
Leap onto Groundshaker's back.
Used against: Groundshaker
  • Fend
Deflect Groundshaker's giant foot from stomping Sora.
Used against: Groundshaker
  • High Climb
Climb up the wall Sark summons.
Used against: Sark
  • Needle Dive
After High Climb, leaps from atop the wall, Keyblade-first straight into Sark's forehead, knocking him out.
Used against: Sark
  • Zone Guard
Block Sark's disc attack.
Used against: Sark
  • Disc Strike
After Zone Guard, send disc back at Sark.
Used against: Sark
Master Control Program
  • Erase
Begins beam attack on MCP. (Requires Tron)
Used against: Master Control Program
  • Charge
Repeatedly tap triangle button to erase MCP's data, damaging it gradually.
Used against: Master Control Program
  • Block
Sora blocks all of Sephiroth's rapid sword slices in one go (only applies to Sephiroth's Flash combo).
Used against: Sephiroth (Final Mix+ Only)


These Reaction Commands are unique for combat, going from "Limits" with that world's heroes or abilities triggers in combat.


  • Faith
Sora and Queen Minne's Limit for Disney Castle, it deals damage to all nearby heartless.
used against: All Heartless in Disney Castle.

Drive Forms

These are special abilities that can be unlocked for Sora to enable a reaction command to "Auto-Drive" when he's at low Health.

  • Valor
Allows Sora to change to Valor Form when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Valor" to be Equiped)
  • Wisdom
Allows Sora to change to Wisdom Form when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Wisdom" to be Equiped)
  • Master
Allows Sora to change to Master Form when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Master" to be Equiped)
  • Final
Allows Sora to change to Final Form when Health is low and Drive is available. (Requires "Auto Final" to be Equiped)