Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

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'''[[Roxas|Roxas's]] Diary''' appeared in the six days he spends in [[Twilight Town]], which functions as a guide through the tutorials. The diary was writen by Roxas throughtout the game, explaining his thoughts and adventures in [[Organization XIII]].
'''[[Roxas]]'s Diary''' appears in both ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' and ''[[Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days]]'' as a journal chronicling his thoughts and adventures. In ''Kingdom Hearts II'', the journal changes throughout the day with only the present entry viewable, and it serves to point the player towards their next goal. In ''Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days'', it takes on the role that the Story section of [[Jiminy's Journal]] did in previous games, by keeping track of the plot throughout the game. Each page of the diary is filled when Roxas completes the page's day in the game.

===Day 7: Diary 1===
==''[[Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days]]''==
===Day 7: Entry 1===
:''It's been a week since I got here. Saïx told me to keep a diary, but he said nobody would check it. What am I supposed to write about?''
:''Today they told us to go to the Round Room, where we met our new member, No. XIV. Was I like that when I first got here? I think I was. But I don't remember too well.''

It's been 7 days since I came here. [[Saïx]] said I should write a diary, but I don't have to show this to anyone. I'm not really sure what to write. We were told to go to the round table. The 14th member of the [[Organization XIII|Organization]] arrived. It reminded me a little of the day I came to the Organization, but then, I don't really remember that all too well.
===Day 8: Entry 2===
:''Axel and I went to Twilight Town today. He taught me a lot.''
:''Before we RTC'd (Returned To the Castle) we swung by the clock tower and had some sea-salt ice cream. Axel called it the "icing on the cake" after a successful mission. Well, except there was no cake—just the ice cream.''
:''I don't know what to write in this thing!''

===Day 8: Diary 2===
===Day 9: Entry 3===
:''The past few days, the other members have been showing me how to fight and do mission stuff. They also told me more about the Organization, and about myself.''
:''I still don't really get what a "heart" is. But apparently, it's a vital piece of who I am—so I've decided to cooperate. If I collect enough hearts, I can complete Kingdom Hearts. Then I'll be whole.''

I went to [[Twilight Town ]]with [[Axel]]. He taught me some things. Before we went back, we ate [[sea salt ice-cream]] on top of the clock tower. Axel said it was a reward for my hard work. What exactly is a reward?
===Day 14: Entry 4===
:''Me and Axel went on a mission to Twilight Town. Afterwards, we went and had ice cream again up on the clock tower.''
:''He said friends do stuff like that. Or they laugh together. So does that mean me and him are friends?''

===Day 9: Diary 3===
===Day 15: Entry 5===
:''The other members have been teaching me more about how to fight and stuff. It's going, I guess.''
:''Every day after work, I've been meeting Axel at the clock tower to have sea-salt ice cream. It really is salty! But still sweet, too. How come it tastes so familiar?''

For these last few days, members of the Organization have been teaching me various things about fighting, missions, and about myself. I don't really understand what a "heart" is yet, but it seems like not having a heart is the same as not existing. So, I've been fighting the darkness. By releasing hearts from the [[Heartless]] with the [[Keyblade]], I can complete [[Kingdom Hearts (world)|Kingdom Hearts]] and then I can really exist.
===Day 22: Entry 6===
:''Axel is going to some place called Castle Oblivion. He told me because we're friends.''
:''He had to go home early to get ready, and after he left I noticed the word WINNER on my ice cream stick. I wonder what I won... I'll ask him when I see him tomorrow.''

==Day 14: Diary 4==
===Day 23: Entry 7===
:''Axel left before I woke up this morning. I never got to ask him about the ice cream stick.''
:''I was partnered up with No. XIV for today's mission. Xion wore a hood the whole time and wouldn't say a word to me. Come to think of it, I didn't have a whole lot to say, either.''
:''Afterwards I went and had ice cream by myself.''

I went on a mission to Twilight Town with Axel. After we finished our mission, we ate ice-cream on top of the clock tower again. Axel taught me that friends do things like eating ice-cream together. So, does this mean Axel and I are friends?
===Day 24: Entry 8===
:''I teamed up with No. XIV again today. We finally talked a little—Xion even said my name for the first time.''
:''Afterwards I had ice cream by myself again. The lady at the shop said you can trade the WINNER stick for an extra bar. But I can't eat more than one.''

==Day 15: Diary 5==
===Day 25: Entry 9===
:''Today was my third day with Xion. I've gotten to know a little more about her. That's right—she's a girl, with black hair, and she can use the Keyblade just like me!''
:''I took her out for ice cream afterwards, but I'm saving the WINNER stick. Axel deserves a reward when he gets back. Xion wants to have ice cream with us from now on. Maybe we'll be friends.''

Various Organisation members are still teaching me how to fight. After finishing my mission and parting with my Organisation member, I've been eating ice-cream on top of the clock tower with Axel. I've been eating ice-cream here with Axel every day. It's sweet, but salty. It's kind of a familiar (なつかしい) taste.  
===Day 26: How Long?===
:''I only remember part of this day. I heard somebody sent to Castle Oblivion was terminated. Saïx said it may have been Axel.''
:''I tried to ask Xigbar about it on the day's mission, and he said nothing's left of Nobodies once we're gone, because we have no hearts to leave behind. I don't remember much after that. They say I collapsed and wouldn't wake up...''

==Day 22: Diary 6==
=== Day 50: Xion's Seashells ===
:''I must have missed a lot. It's like I had the longest dream. I woke up to find a bunch of seashells by my pillow. I counted them—one for each day they said I was asleep.''
:''I was wondering who left them there, but then when I got to the clock tower, Xion gave me another one. I held it up to my ear, and I could hear the ocean... Why did it sound so familiar?''
:''The stuff I dreamed about felt strangely familiar too. I remember being in a white room with somebody the same age as me wearing red clothes...and then he sort of disappeared into the white.''
:''And there was a girl's voice—she said she knew I'd be "snoozing." Why would she know that? The voice was a little like Xion's.''

Apparently Axel's going to a place called Castle Oblivion. He's my friend, so he told me where he's going. After Axel left early to finish his preparations, I finished eating my ice-cream, and the stick said "winner". What does that mean? I'm going to ask Axel tomorrow.
===Day 51: Annihilated===
:''It sounds like the worst has come to pass: the whole C.O. team, wiped from existence. It's hard to come to grips with the idea that Axel is gone. I feel...choked up? I don't know what you'd call it. I've never had this kind of sensation.''
:''I went up to the clock tower to have ice cream, but nobody else showed up.''

==Day 23: Diary 7==
===Day 52: Ice Cream Alone===
:''I sit up on the clock tower, but no one comes. Not Axel, not even Xion. That weird lump in my throat won't go away.''
:''Something else is bothering me. This is gonna sound crazy (good thing this is a private diary!) but these pictures keep flashing through my head. Not all the time, just sometimes... Ever since I collapsed.''
:''It happens when I'm awake, too—on missions—so I don't think it's a dream. Where are the pictures coming from?''

When I got to the lobby, Axel had already left, so I couldn't ask what "winner" meant. Today I went on a misson with Number 14. Number 14 was wearing her hood, and didn't say anything during the mission. She knows my name, but didn't use it. After my mission, I ate sea salt ice-cream alone.
===Day 71: Axel's Back===
:''After work, Axel turned up. Just like that, out of nowhere. I didn't know what to say. I thought we'd lost him for good.''
:''We went up to the clock tower and talked for a while. I told him about Xion.''
:''The choked-up sensation has gone away.''

==Day 24: Diary 8==
===Day 72: Ice Cream with Axel===
:''Me and Axel went to Agrabah. He seems different now that he's back from C.O. Ice cream was just the two of us today.''
:''I wonder when me and Axel and Xion will all get to have ice cream together.''

Today I went on a mission with Number 14. Yesterday she didn't say anything, but today Number 14 used my name. So I used her name, "Xion", too. After the mission I ate ice-cream alone. I asked the lady at the shop what "winner" meant, and she said I could get another free ice-cream. I can't eat two by myself.
===Day 73: Where's Xion?===
:''After I finished my mission I wanted all three of us to have ice cream, but I couldn't find Xion. It's been at least ten days since I've seen her.''
:''Axel said he'd ask Saïx what was going on. Speaking of Axel, I didn't see him at the clock tower today.''

==Day 25: Diary 9==
===Day 74: The Three of Us===
:''My job today was to help Axel find Xion. It turns out she had gone missing, but we managed to find her.''
:''We finally got to all have ice cream together, which was nice, but Xion can't use her Keyblade anymore. Axel says friends help each other out, so I'm gonna go on missions with her until she remembers how to work the Keyblade herself.''

Today I went on a mision with Xion again. Today she talked to me a little. She's a dark-haired girl who can use a Keyblade, like me. After our mission we ate ice-cream together, but I didn't use my "winner" stick. I'll give it to Axel as a "reward" when he gets back from his mission. I told Xion that when Axel returns the three of us should eat ice-cream together. I wonder if Xion will become my friend too?
===Day 75: Inseparable===
:''Me and Xion are working together now. The Genie we met in Agrabah said he and his friend Al are "inseparable." Axel told us best friends can be inseparable even if they're not always together, but it sounded like he wasn't too sure about it himself.''
:''I thought Axel knew everything. Oh well...''
:''That reminds me, those weird pictures flashed through my head again while I was in Agrabah. The guy in red I wrote about before... Has he been to Agrabah or something?''

==Day 26: After that...==
===Day 94: Kingdom Hearts===
:''Xemnas summoned us. Nothing he says ever makes sense to me. He showed us Kingdom Hearts, a big heart-shaped moon floating up there in the night sky, and said the human heart will never have power over us. Great...I guess? So why are we trying to get hearts again?''
:''Axel said I'll understand better once I have a heart, but I'm not so sure...''

I only remember up until the middle of what happened today. I heard talk that the Organisation members who went to Castle Oblivion were annihilated. Saix was saying that Axel might have been annihilated too. Xigbar, who I went on a mission with, told me that because Nobodies don't have hearts and don't truly exist, when they're annihilated nothing is left behind. I don't remember much after that. It seems I fainted somehow and fell asleep.
===Day 95: My Past===
:''I went to Agrabah today with Xion. We make a pretty good team now.''
:''Afterwards me and her and Axel talked about us and the other Nobodies. The ones who make it into the Organization are powerful enough to keep their memories... But me and Xion can't remember our pasts. What was I like?''

==Day 50: The shells Xion gave me==
===Day 96: Out of Trouble===
:''Today's mission was with Xion, in Beast's Castle. I tried loaning her my Keyblade, and she had no problem using it. That meant I had to fight without it, but we got the job done.''
:''Afterwards Xion remembered how to summon her own Keyblade, so I guess we're out of trouble. When we were done, we all had ice cream together.''

I don't know what happened. It feels like I've been dreaming all this time. When I woke up, someone had placed shells beside my pillow. It looked like there were about as many shells as days I'd been sleeping. I didn't know who had left them there, but when I went to the top of the clock tower Xion gave me another shell. It looks like she was gathering them every day to leave by my pillow. When I put the shell up to my ear, I heard the sound of waves. It felt somehow familiar (なつかしい). I feel like the dreams I had while I was sleeping were also somehow familiar.  
===Day 97: Our Place===
I remember a white room with a guy wearing red clothes in it. He seemed about the same age as me. He was swallowed up by something white. After that, I remember a girl's voice... "I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here."* I wonder what that means? It seemed a little like Xion's voice.
:''Every day, after work, the three of us have been going to our place on top of the clock tower to have ice cream. We don't talk about much, but I wouldn't miss these conversations for the world. I wonder if Axel and Xion feel the same way...''
:''Do the other Organization members have their own routines? It's hard to picture.''

*The line here is Kairi's line from the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 1, where she finds Sora asleep on the beach. I used the line from the English version of the game.
===Day 117: Special Nobodies===
:''Today it was me and Xigbar. Axel and Xion went out on their own mission.''
:''Xigbar told me that Xion and me are "exceptional"—you know, like, special Nobodies. Because we can use the Keyblade?''
:''Work dragged on late, so I didn't make it up to the clock tower. I wonder if Xion and Axel made it.''
:''Those pictures started flashing through my head again on the mission. The boy in red... What's it all about? Maybe when Xigbar called me "special" he meant "crazy"...''
:''Seriously, though, is Xion experiencing the same thing? It feels weird to ask.''

==Day 51: Annihilation==
===Day 118: Vacation===
:''Today was my first vacation ever. I didn't know what to do with it. Axel said to do what I like, but all I like is having ice cream with my friends—so that's what I ended up doing.''
:''Axel leaves tomorrow for some kind of mission. Which reminds me—I still haven't given him the WINNER stick yet.''

It seems like the Organisation members who went to Castle Oblivion really were all destroyed. Was Axel really annihilated? When I think about that, I get this weird feeling like something is blocking my throat. I went to eat ice-cream on top of the clock tower after my mission, but no-one else came.
===Day 119: Something to Protect===
:''Axel has been gone forever. It's been just me and Xion at the clock tower.''
:''While me and Xaldin explored Beast's Castle, we found something he wants to protect... Xaldin says that's a weakness, but I'm not so sure. What does it mean to care about something that much? I don't, so it's hard to wrap my head around the whole idea.''

==Day 52: Eating ice-cream alone==
===Day 149: WINNER===
:''Today's mission took me to a new world. It was a weird place. I was up on the clock tower afterwards when Axel turned up after being away forever. He said he finished that long mission. But this time Xion didn't show.''
:''I was gonna give Axel that WINNER stick, but I should wait until I get another one. It wouldn't be fair to leave Xion out.''

I still feel this pain, as though something is stuck blocking my throat. I eat ice-cream alone after my missions. Not even Xion comes. Is Axel really not going to come back...?
===Day 150: Too Precious to Lose===
Also, there's something that's been bothering me lately. In the time since I fainted, I've had this feeling like there's something inside my head. Not always, but sometimes... Even when I'm awake...
:''Xion didn't come to the clock tower again today. She and Saïx had some kind of argument.''
It happens during missions... so I don't think it's a dream. I wonder what they are, these images that sometimes flow into my head?
:''Axel and I talked for a while about the things we can't bear to lose. Axel thinks that for Nobodies, it's our pasts, because that's all we have to remember the pain of losing something. I don't remember my past, but the idea of losing the present—Axel or Xion—scares me.''

==Day 71: Axel returned==
===Day 151: What Makes Us Different===
:''I ran into Xion in Twilight Town. I guess she messed up a mission pretty bad the other day, and it's been bugging her.''
:''We went up to the clock tower afterwards. She said me and her are different—which is pretty obvious if you look at us, but I don't think that's what she meant. A lot seems to be on her mind, and it's not the same as what's on mine.''

When I'd finished my mission, Axel suddenly returned, and I didn't know what to do. So he wasn't annihilated? We went to the clock tower, ate ice-cream, and talked about Xion. The painful lump in my throat went away.
===Day 152: I Don't Get It===
:''I think Xion might be mad at me, but I don't know why. Axel says girls are complicated. You can't press the wrong buttons. Like I'm supposed to know what the right ones are.''

==Day 72: Ice-cream with Axel==
===Day 153: No Taste for It===
:''It's hard spending time with Xion, and Axel seems busy, too. I've been having ice cream alone, but it's just not the same. All I taste is the salt, and my hands get all sticky. It's like I'm going through the motions of eating it just so I can throw the stick out and get on with life. I must've had about a hundred of these things, and I still haven't found another WINNER.''
:''I never did find a way to ask Xion about the pictures that go through my head. I don't really know what to do about anything right now.''

I went to Agrabah with Axel. I feel like Axel has changed a little since he came back from Castle Oblivion. After our mission, we ate ice-cream together. I wonder when the three of us - me, Axel and Xion - will be able to eat ice-cream together?
===Day 171: What's Love?===
:''On my mission at Beast's Castle, Xaldin told me about "love" and the special power it has over people.''
:''I tried to ask Axel about it, but his explanation didn't make any sense to me. Every time I ask him about this kind of thing, he tells me I need a heart to understand. It's like he's dodging the questions.''

==Day 73: Xion isn't here==
===Day 172: Xion Collapsed<!--KHHD: Xion's Collapsed-->===
:''Xion failed her mission and now she's in a deep sleep. I thought they were lying to me when they told me, but I went to see her, and she really was just asleep. I left a seashell by her pillow, just like she did for me.''
:''Saïx hates her. I don't know why. Maybe he knows more about her than the rest of us do.''
:''Those pictures flashed through my mind again on today's mission (the same boy in red as usual). I guess he's been to Wonderland. I'm still trying to figure out what it is I'm seeing.''

I thought that the three of us could eat ice-cream together after our missions, so I looked for Xion but I couldn't find her. In fact, I think it's been about 10 days since I've seen her. It looks like Axel will ask Saix about Xion for me. Today Axel didn't come to the clock tower either.
===Day 173: Picking Up the Slack===
:''I've decided to work harder while Xion is asleep to pick up some of the slack. Axel said he asked Saïx about her, but no dice. He did say that Saïx was having second thoughts about calling her broken, though.''
:''I just hope we get all this drama ironed out soon, so she doesn't have to wake up to it.''

==Day 74: The three of us ate ice-cream==
===Day 174: Seashells for Her===
:''Xion hasn't woken up, but I'm pulling double duty to make up for it.''
:''Me and Axel talk about the dumbest stuff now. Afterwards we head back to the castle, and I leave a seashell by Xion's pillow. It would please me to see her smile when she finds them.''
:''Those pictures flashed through my head again in Never Land. And when I flew, it felt like I'd done it before. Has the guy in red flown before, is that it?''

Today, me and Axel's mission was to look for Xion, who hadn't returned from her own mission. We found Xion, and finally the three of us ate ice-cream together, but it seems that Xion has become unable to use her keyblade. We decided that Xion and I would go on missions together. Apparently when you're in trouble, your friends help you out.
===Day 193: Best Friends===
:''Xion's awake now. The three of us were gonna go get some ice cream after our mission, but she passed out again, so we had to take her home.''
:''I talked with Axel in her room until she woke up. He said the three of us were best friends—inseparable.''

==Day 75~: "Best friends"==
===Day 194: Even Far Apart===
:''We've all started going back to our usual spot after work. Sometimes Axel and Xion are there waiting for me, other times I get there first.''
:''Things have gotten busier for us, so we can't all make it every day. But even if they're not there, at least now it seems like we're together again. I wonder if it seems that way to them, too.''
:''I forgot to ask Xion about the pictures in my head again... It was the same kid in red. Who is he? What does he have to do with me?''

I went on a mission with Xion. Apparently the Genie we met in Agrabah is "best friends" (親友) with a guy called Al. I asked Axel what a best friend is, and he said they're "one rank above a friend". But Axel doesn't have any best friends, so he doesn't understand the idea very well. Axel knows everything, so I thought he'd know about best friends.
===Day 224: What's Gotten Into Her?===
Also, while I was on the mission in Agrabah I saw some kind of image in my head. The guy in the red clothes that I saw before... has he been to Agrabah too?
:''I think something's wrong with Xion. Is she not feeling well again?''
:''Axel said we should all go to the beach next time we get a vacation. I think he senses something is wrong, too. That's why he suggested the beach—to make her feel better.''

===Day 94: Kingdom Hearts==
===Day 225: Something Must Be Wrong===
:''Okay, now I'm really worried about Xion. I told Axel, but all he said was that she'll get through it.''
:''He knows something is wrong. I bet he's just telling me that to put my mind at ease. Well, it's not working.''

We were summoned by Xemnas. I don't understand the things Xemnas says. Kingdom Hearts, which looks kind of like a moon, is floating in the night sky. I wonder what it means to 'gather hearts, make hearts our own, and not be deluded by hearts'? Axel told me that if we had hearts, we'd be able to understand all sorts of things. I really don't understand what a "heart" is.
===Day 255: Now Axel's Acting Weird===
:''I had ice cream with Axel after work today, but Xion didn't show.''
:''Axel said she got sent on an important mission, but he wouldn't look at me when he said it. I've been wondering what's wrong with Xion all this time, but now that I stop and think about it, Axel's not himself either.''

==Day 95: Memories==
===Day 256: Xion's Gone Missing===
:''Xion has gone missing, but nobody said anything about her being hurt, so that's good...I guess.''
:''Did she run off? That doesn't make any sense. Xemnas told us not to go after her. The way Saïx explained it, it's almost like they don't think she's worth getting back.''
:''What is going on?''

I went on a mission to Agrabah with Xion. I've gotten pretty used to going on missions with her. When we got back, we talked to Axel about some stuff to do with Organisation members. It seems like the sort of Nobodies who become Organisation members all have some memories of the time they were human. But Xion and I have no memories. I wonder what sort of guy I was when I was a human?
===Day 257: He's Avoiding Me===
:''I want to talk to Axel about Xion, but I can't seem to get ten seconds with the guy.''
:''What am I supposed to do? I can't believe he's avoiding me. We're supposed to be friends.''

==Day 96: It's okay, now...==
===Day 276: By the Sea===
:''I don't remember much about today's mission—just that it was by the beach. Or was it? The mission didn't even feel real.''
:''Me and Axel agreed to start looking for Xion tomorrow.''

I went on a mission to Beast's Castle with Xion. As a test, I gave my Keyblade to Xion and she could use it just fine. I had to fight without a Keyblade but we finished the mission without any problems. And after the mission, Xion was able to use her own Keyblade again. So everything's okay now. Afterwards, the three of us ate ice-cream.
===Day 277: No Sign of Her===
:''I've looked everywhere for Xion, in every world, but there's just no sign of her.''
:''Where is she? Why did she leave the Organization? I don't get it, any of it.''

==Day 97: That place...==
===Day 296: Castle Oblivion===
:''There's one place we haven't checked yet to see if Xion's there—Castle Oblivion. When I brought it up with Axel, he surprised me by saying that C.O. is where Xion comes from. I guess he just found out himself.''
:''Is that where she is?''

Every day after completing our missions, the three of us eat ice-cream together. We don't talk about anything really important while eating ice-cream, but whenever I finish a mission, I think, "I want to go to that place." I wonder if Axel and Xion think the same thing? I wonder what the other Organisation members do after they finish their missions.
===Day 297: Who is That Guy?===
:''I went to Castle Oblivion to find Xion, but I don't remember anything about it. Axel said I collapsed as soon as I got there.''
:''I woke up in Twilight Town, and incredibly enough, Xion was there. But she wasn't alone—there was this guy with her, and he was wearing the Organization's cloak<!--KHHD: coat-->. I could tell by his build that he wasn't one of us, though. Who is he?''

==Day 117: Special Nobodies==
===Day 298: Some Other Way===
:''I don't believe it. Axel attacked Xion. There had to have been some other way.''
:''I know she's acting weird, but I hardly recognize Axel these days either. What's going through their heads? I feel so left out.''

I went on a mission with Xigbar. Xion and Axel also went on a mission together. Xigbar told me that Xion and I are special Nobodies. I wonder if that's because we can use Keyblades? The mission was really long, so I couldn't go to the clock tower. I wonder if Xion and Axel went to eat ice-cream.
===Day 299: Sora?===
During my mission, I saw another image in my head. The same guy in red clothes appeared, as usual. These images... what could they be? Is it something to do with the fact that I'm a special Nobody? If it is, I wonder if Xion is seeing the same kind of images as me...
:''Xemnas told me that "Sora" is the connection between me and Xion. But just who exactly is Sora?''

==Day 118: Holiday==
===Day 300: No Words===
:''For the first time in a while, the three of us met up on the clock tower. None of us really knew what to say.''
:''We used to talk each other's ears off, but I guess those days are gone.''
:''So much has happened lately that I've been forgetting to write about those pictures in my head. Now it happens even when I'm not on missions. More often, too.''
:''They even show up in my dreams. Xion told me she has dreams, too. Is all of this connected?''

My first holiday. But, I didn't know what to do. I was told to do whatever I liked, so I went to the clock tower to eat ice-cream. Later Axel and Xion came too, and we talked for a while. It looks like Axel's going away again tomorrow. Come to think of it, I still haven't given him his "reward".
===Day 301: My Dream===
:''I dream all the time now, but I don't sleep well. I wake up tired every day. I guess that makes them nightmares, not dreams.''
:''Xion and Axel don't come to the clock tower anymore. I thought maybe if I got everything off my chest with them, I might stop having the nightmares...but so much for testing that theory.''

==Day 119: Precious things==
===Day 321: No Energy Left===
:''I feel so tired—almost disconnected from my body. The dreams have gotten stranger. Now I wake up with water on my cheeks. I don't know how it got there, but I think there's something really wrong with me.''
:''Today I was teamed up with Xion. She seems to be in a lot better shape than me. We had ice cream together, something we hadn't done in a while.''

Axel isn't around. After my mission I ate ice-cream on top of the clock tower with Xion. At Beast's Castle, I found something that the Beast considered precious. Xaldin told me that precious things can be used as weak points. What does that mean? I don't have anything precious, so I don't understand.
===Day 322: Another Dream===
:''I had another dream. My head feels heavy.''
:''I want to have ice cream with Xion and Axel again.''

==Day 149: I forgot again==
===Day 352: Us and the Sunset===
:''Me and Xion and Axel had ice cream. The sunset was beautiful.''
:''I don't have to write anything else down, because I'll never forget this day.''

I went to a new world today. It was kind of a strange place. When I returned from my mission, while I was eating ice-cream on the clock tower, Axel unexpectedly returned. Apparently his mission is finished. This time, it was Xion who didn't come, instead. I wonder if she had a difficult mission? I forgot to give Axel his "reward" again, but I decided to hold onto it until Xion was there.
===Day 353: Broken Trust===
:''Axel let Xion leave the Organization. Like he wanted her to go.''
:''She's a puppet? A mirror that reflects me? He's talking nonsense. I can't trust him anymore.''

==Day 150: Something you don't want to lose...==
===Day 354: Who Am I?===
:''I don't understand the Organization. I don't understand Axel... I understand myself least of all. Why do I keep coming back to the castle?''
:''Me and Xion are special, connected by "Sora." If she's a puppet, maybe I am, too.''
:''I don't know what I am.''

Today Xion didn't come to the clock tower again. She spoke to Saix about something, but I don't know what happened between them. When I talked to Axel about the thing the Beast didn't want to lose, he taught me that, "Your memories of the past create things you don't want to lose." I don't have any memory of when I was a human, but I don't want to forget the things that have happened since I joined the Organisation. Even just thinking about that makes me scared.
===Day 355: I Am===
:''I have to know who I am...''
:''I am DONE WITH THIS!<!--KHHD: !-->''

==Day 151: The difference between me and Xion==
===Day 357: Three Again?===
:''I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free and find my way to Sora. I'm going to get Xion back. The three of us will have ice cream together again—I know it.''

When I went on my mission to Twilight Town, Xion came too. Apparently she recently failed a mission. After we finished our mission, we talked about various things at the clock tower, but I have no idea what Xion was thinking about. The difference between me and Xion... obviously there is one, but what could it be?
==''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]''==
===2<sup>nd</sup> Day===
;1st entry
*"Hayner's plan was for everyone to earn munny for the beach by doing odd jobs."
**''Meet at the station with some munny!''

==Day 152: I don't understand...==
===3<sup>rd</sup> Day===
;1st entry
*"When I got back to the usual spot, I found a note from Hayner telling us all to meet at the station. It looked like he was going to try that beach trip today."
**''Head for the station!''

Maybe Xion is angry with me about something. But I don't know why she would be angry. Axel told me that girls are difficult. I don't really understand what he means by that word, but apparently there are switches you shouldn't press when it comes to girls. Have I pressed the wrong switch somehow?
;2nd entry
*"I was surrounded by monsters when I heard the girl's voice telling me to use the Keyblade. That's when I found myself in an unfamiliar place, bathed in light."
**''Choose the one you want!''

==Day 153: Tastes bad...==
;3rd entry
*"When I defeated the shady creatures with the Keyblade, a treasure chest appeared."
**''Try opening the treasure chest!''

I've hardly seen Xion, and Axel seems busy. When I eat ice-cream it just tastes salty, and it gets all over my hands, and I don't know what to do. It's like I'm only eating ice-cream so that I can throw the stick in the rubbish bin at the station. I eat these ice-creams all the time, but I haven't seen another "winner". And this whole time, I haven't been able to ask Xion about the images that appear in my head during missions. It feels like there are a lot of areas where I don't know what I should do...
;4th entry
*"After I opened the treasure chest, a huge door appeared out of thin air."
**''Keep going!''

==Day 171: What is love?==
===4<sup>th</sup> Day===
;1st entry
*"Hayner and I are on speaking terms, at least, but what happened yesterday has kind of soured things between us. Still, the tournament is about to begin."
**''Review the tournament rules!''

On my mission, Xaldin told me that the Beast has a special kind of power. It's a thing called 'the power of love'. I didn't understand at all, so I asked Axel. I didn't understand Axel's explanation either. He explained that if I had a heart I'd be able to understand, but I feel like I haven't been told the whole truth.
;2nd entry
*"After reviewing the tournament rules, the first round was underway."
**''Struggle time—talk to the promoter!''

==Day 172: Xion fainted==
;3rd entry
*"I beat Hayner and advanced to the next round, but something about my opponent Vivi seemed a little off."
**''The finals—talk to the promoter!''

Xion failed a mission, came back, and fell asleep. I went to see her, but she really was fast asleep. I put a sea shell by her pillow, like she had done for me. I don't think Saix likes Xion. I wonder why? Maybe Saix knows something about Xion that the other Organisation members don't.
;4th entry
During today's mission I saw another image in my head. As usual, the guy in red clothes was there. Has he been to Wonderland too? More importantly, just what are these images?
*"Despite being tied up in some bizarre goings-on, I somehow managed to win the tournament. Now I get to face the champion!"
**''The title bout—see the promoter!''

==Day 173: Xion's share==
===5<sup>th</sup> Day===
;1st entry
*"Summer vacation is almost over. We decide to investigate the seven wonders of Twilight Town for our school assignment."
**''Go to the station to catch your train!''

While Xion is asleep, I thought I'd work extra hard to make up for her share. Axel told me he had talked to Saix about Xion, but that he didn't learn anything. Instead, he made Saix take back what he said, that "Xion is a failure." It'd be good if the situation improves when Xion wakes up.
;2nd entry
*"There wasn't much to the mysterious stone steps after all, so we started investigating the rest of the seven wonders in the terrace."
**''Investigate the seven wonders!''

==Day 174~: Leaving sea shells==
;3rd entry
*"To get to the bottom of our next Wonder, the Ghost Train Mystery, we set out for Sunset Hill."
**''Head for Sunset Hill!''

Xion still hasn't woken up, and I'm still working hard to make up for her share. After missions, I just talk about pointless things with Axel. Then I come back to the castle, and go to put a sea shell beside Xion's pillow. If they can cheer Xion up just a little when she wakes up, I'll be happy.
;4th entry
When I was on my mission in Neverland, I saw another image. And I felt like it wasn't the first time I'd been able to fly. Has the guy in the red clothes flown like I have?
*"My friends didn't want any part of it, so I went to check out the last of the seven wonders—the haunted mansion—alone."
**''Go over to the old mansion!''

==Day 193: Best friends==
===6<sup>th</sup> Day===
;1st entry
*"I showed up at the usual spot, but my friends didn't seem to notice I was there. I couldn't even touch them."
**''Follow Hayner!''

Xion woke up. Today I went on a mission with Axel and Xion, but Xion fainted during the mission. It looks like she's not back to her full strength after all. Saix said something cruel when we got back. It made me angry. Afterwards, I talked to Axel in Xion's room. Xion woke up. The three of us are best friends (親友).
;2nd entry
*"The town seemed different somehow, too. I was fighting with Axel, who had shown up again, when I heard a voice: "Roxas, to the mansion!""
**''Head for the old mansion!''

==Day 194: Even if we're separated...==
;3rd entry
*"The enemies threatened to drive me into a corner, but I relied on the memories that were coming back to me and used the Keyblade to unlock the gate."
**''Find out whose voice that is!''

After finishing missions, I go to the usual place. Sometimes Axel or Xion is waiting, sometimes I wait for the other two. Recently we've been busy, so sometimes we can't all be there, but now even if we're separated I think things are okay. I wonder what Xion and Axel think? Oh, and I forgot to ask Xion whether she sees imagess in her head during missions...
;4th entry
As usual, I've been seeing the guy in red clothes in my head, but I still don't know who he is. I wonder if there's some sort of connection between us?
*"I reunited with Naminé in the old mansion, but she was taken by a mysterious man all wrapped up in bandages. Where could they have gone?"
**''Check the mansion for clues!''

==Day 224: Xion's behaviour==
;5th entry
*"I searched the mansion and discovered a way into a secret room from the library."
**''Check out the basement!''

Xion's is acting a little strange. I wonder if she's unwell again. Axel said that next holiday, the three of us should go to the beach together. I think Axel's noticed Xion's strange behaviour too. Spending a holiday together would be good. I'm sure Xion will get better soon.
;6th entry
*"My lost memories began to return while I was in the computer room."
**''Go deep into the mansion!''

==Day 225: Strange, after all...==
;7th entry
*"Axel picked a fight with me, but I defeated him. "Let's meet again in the next life," Axel said as he vanished into a dark hole."
**''Go even deeper into the mansion!''

Xion really is acting strangely. Even when I talk to Axel, all he says is that it'll probably be okay. I wonder why, when I'm sure Axel has noticed Xion's strange condition too? Is he trying not to make me worry?
;8th entry
*"Donald and Goofy were sleeping peacefully inside their pods. A door there led even further in..."
**''Go into the mansion's deepest core!''

==Day 255: Axel's behaviour, too.==
==See also==
*[[Ansem's Reports]]
*[[Secret Reports]]
*[[Xehanort's Report]]

After my mission, I ate ice-cream with Axel. Xion didn't come. Axel told me that she couldn't come because she has an important mission, but Axel was acting a little strangely. I haven't been able to think about anything except Xion's strange behaviour, but now that I do think about it I feel like Axel's behaviour has been strange this whole time, too.
==Day 256: Xion disappeared...==
[[fr:Journal de Roxas]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days]]
Xion has disappeared. I haven't been told that she's been annihilated. I've been told her whereabouts are unknown. Has Xion deserted the Organisation? Why would she do something like that? Saix seemed to be saying that there was no point in bringing her back. What on earth is going on?
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts II]]
[[Category:Organization XIII]]
==Day 257~: Avoidance==
I really want to talk to Axel about Xion, but I haven't been able to see him. I don't know what I should do. Could it be that Axel has been avoiding me...?
==Day 276: At the beach...==
I don't remember today's mission. I just remember going to the beach. But I don't know if I really went to the beach or not. Axel promised me that tomorrow we'll start looking for Xion.
==Day 277: Can't find her==
No matter how many worlds we search, we can't find Xion.
Where on earth could Xion be? Why did she desert the Organisation? I don't understand.
==Day 296: Castle Oblivion==
There's still one place we haven't searched. Castle Oblivion. When I mentioned it to Axel, he told me that Xion had been born in Castle Oblivion. Apparently Axel knew that all this time. Could Xion be... at Castle Oblivion?
==Day 297: Who is he?==
We went to look for Xion in Castle Oblivion, but I don't remember anything about the Castle. According to Axel, I fainted as soon as I entered the Castle. When I woke up I was in Twilight Town. There, we found Xion. Xion was with a guy who was wearing an Organisation coat, but wasn't one of our group. Why? Who is that guy?
==Day 298: There must have been another way...==
Axel suddenly attacked Xion. Surely there must have been some other way...
There's something strange about Xion, but there's something strange about Axel too. I don't know what the two of them are thinking.
D==ay 299: "Sora"...?==
Xemnas said that Xion and I are living through a connection to "Sora". I don't understand at all. Who is Sora?
==Day 300: I couldn't say it...==
For the first time in a long time, the three of us ate ice-cream together after our missions. But I didn't know what to talk about. Before I had so many things to talk about, but now I don't know what I should say.
So many things have been happening lately that I've forgotten to write about the images. Recently I've been seeing them even when I'm not on missions. And compared to before, I feel like the number has been increasing. Sometimes, they even come during dreams. A while ago Xion said she had been dreaming, I wonder if there's some kind of connection?
==Day 301: I had a dream...==
Recently, I've been dreaming a lot. Because of that, I feel like I haven't been sleeping much. I'm really tired every day.
When I go to the clock tower, Axel and Xion don't come. I feel like if I could talk to the two of them, I'd stop dreaming and be able to sleep, but they aren't around.
===Day 321: My body's condition...==
My body feels heavy somehow. I didn't understand the dream I had today. So I've been feeling very confused. I don't know why water was coming out of my eyes. What was that? Even now I still don't understand. Today I went on a mission with Xion. Unlike me, Xion acted like her body was very light. When we came back, we had ice-cream together for the first time in ages.
==Day 322~: Another dream...==
I had another dream. My head feels heavy. I want to eat ice-cream with Xion and Axel again.
==Day 352: The sunset we watched together...===
The three of us ate ice-cream together. The sunset was beautiful. I'll never forget today.
==Day 353: I can't trust him...==
Axel let Xion escape. Xion is a doll? A mirror to reflect me? I don't understand what Axel told me. I can't trust Axel.
==Day 354: What am I?==
I don't know what the Organisation is thinking. I don't know what Axel is thinking, either. But what I don't understand, most of all, is why I obey this Organisation. Xion and I are special Nobodies, living through our connection to "Sora". If Xion is a doll, then, what about me? Just what am I?
==Day 355: I...==
I want to know about myself. So I...
==Day 357: Three of us, again...==
If I release Kingdom Hearts, and go to find "Sora", I'm sure Xion will come back to us. Then, the three of us will be able to eat ice-cream together again.
*Roxas is the only other character besides [[Sora]] and [[Riku]] to hold a Journal.
*Roxas's journal is available to view on the second day.

Latest revision as of 02:49, 3 May 2022

Roxas's Diary appears in both Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days as a journal chronicling his thoughts and adventures. In Kingdom Hearts II, the journal changes throughout the day with only the present entry viewable, and it serves to point the player towards their next goal. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, it takes on the role that the Story section of Jiminy's Journal did in previous games, by keeping track of the plot throughout the game. Each page of the diary is filled when Roxas completes the page's day in the game.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

Day 7: Entry 1Edit

It's been a week since I got here. Saïx told me to keep a diary, but he said nobody would check it. What am I supposed to write about?
Today they told us to go to the Round Room, where we met our new member, No. XIV. Was I like that when I first got here? I think I was. But I don't remember too well.

Day 8: Entry 2Edit

Axel and I went to Twilight Town today. He taught me a lot.
Before we RTC'd (Returned To the Castle) we swung by the clock tower and had some sea-salt ice cream. Axel called it the "icing on the cake" after a successful mission. Well, except there was no cake—just the ice cream.
I don't know what to write in this thing!

Day 9: Entry 3Edit

The past few days, the other members have been showing me how to fight and do mission stuff. They also told me more about the Organization, and about myself.
I still don't really get what a "heart" is. But apparently, it's a vital piece of who I am—so I've decided to cooperate. If I collect enough hearts, I can complete Kingdom Hearts. Then I'll be whole.

Day 14: Entry 4Edit

Me and Axel went on a mission to Twilight Town. Afterwards, we went and had ice cream again up on the clock tower.
He said friends do stuff like that. Or they laugh together. So does that mean me and him are friends?

Day 15: Entry 5Edit

The other members have been teaching me more about how to fight and stuff. It's going, I guess.
Every day after work, I've been meeting Axel at the clock tower to have sea-salt ice cream. It really is salty! But still sweet, too. How come it tastes so familiar?

Day 22: Entry 6Edit

Axel is going to some place called Castle Oblivion. He told me because we're friends.
He had to go home early to get ready, and after he left I noticed the word WINNER on my ice cream stick. I wonder what I won... I'll ask him when I see him tomorrow.

Day 23: Entry 7Edit

Axel left before I woke up this morning. I never got to ask him about the ice cream stick.
I was partnered up with No. XIV for today's mission. Xion wore a hood the whole time and wouldn't say a word to me. Come to think of it, I didn't have a whole lot to say, either.
Afterwards I went and had ice cream by myself.

Day 24: Entry 8Edit

I teamed up with No. XIV again today. We finally talked a little—Xion even said my name for the first time.
Afterwards I had ice cream by myself again. The lady at the shop said you can trade the WINNER stick for an extra bar. But I can't eat more than one.

Day 25: Entry 9Edit

Today was my third day with Xion. I've gotten to know a little more about her. That's right—she's a girl, with black hair, and she can use the Keyblade just like me!
I took her out for ice cream afterwards, but I'm saving the WINNER stick. Axel deserves a reward when he gets back. Xion wants to have ice cream with us from now on. Maybe we'll be friends.

Day 26: How Long?Edit

I only remember part of this day. I heard somebody sent to Castle Oblivion was terminated. Saïx said it may have been Axel.
I tried to ask Xigbar about it on the day's mission, and he said nothing's left of Nobodies once we're gone, because we have no hearts to leave behind. I don't remember much after that. They say I collapsed and wouldn't wake up...

Day 50: Xion's SeashellsEdit

I must have missed a lot. It's like I had the longest dream. I woke up to find a bunch of seashells by my pillow. I counted them—one for each day they said I was asleep.
I was wondering who left them there, but then when I got to the clock tower, Xion gave me another one. I held it up to my ear, and I could hear the ocean... Why did it sound so familiar?
The stuff I dreamed about felt strangely familiar too. I remember being in a white room with somebody the same age as me wearing red clothes...and then he sort of disappeared into the white.
And there was a girl's voice—she said she knew I'd be "snoozing." Why would she know that? The voice was a little like Xion's.

Day 51: AnnihilatedEdit

It sounds like the worst has come to pass: the whole C.O. team, wiped from existence. It's hard to come to grips with the idea that Axel is gone. I feel...choked up? I don't know what you'd call it. I've never had this kind of sensation.
I went up to the clock tower to have ice cream, but nobody else showed up.

Day 52: Ice Cream AloneEdit

I sit up on the clock tower, but no one comes. Not Axel, not even Xion. That weird lump in my throat won't go away.
Something else is bothering me. This is gonna sound crazy (good thing this is a private diary!) but these pictures keep flashing through my head. Not all the time, just sometimes... Ever since I collapsed.
It happens when I'm awake, too—on missions—so I don't think it's a dream. Where are the pictures coming from?

Day 71: Axel's BackEdit

After work, Axel turned up. Just like that, out of nowhere. I didn't know what to say. I thought we'd lost him for good.
We went up to the clock tower and talked for a while. I told him about Xion.
The choked-up sensation has gone away.

Day 72: Ice Cream with AxelEdit

Me and Axel went to Agrabah. He seems different now that he's back from C.O. Ice cream was just the two of us today.
I wonder when me and Axel and Xion will all get to have ice cream together.

Day 73: Where's Xion?Edit

After I finished my mission I wanted all three of us to have ice cream, but I couldn't find Xion. It's been at least ten days since I've seen her.
Axel said he'd ask Saïx what was going on. Speaking of Axel, I didn't see him at the clock tower today.

Day 74: The Three of UsEdit

My job today was to help Axel find Xion. It turns out she had gone missing, but we managed to find her.
We finally got to all have ice cream together, which was nice, but Xion can't use her Keyblade anymore. Axel says friends help each other out, so I'm gonna go on missions with her until she remembers how to work the Keyblade herself.

Day 75: InseparableEdit

Me and Xion are working together now. The Genie we met in Agrabah said he and his friend Al are "inseparable." Axel told us best friends can be inseparable even if they're not always together, but it sounded like he wasn't too sure about it himself.
I thought Axel knew everything. Oh well...
That reminds me, those weird pictures flashed through my head again while I was in Agrabah. The guy in red I wrote about before... Has he been to Agrabah or something?

Day 94: Kingdom HeartsEdit

Xemnas summoned us. Nothing he says ever makes sense to me. He showed us Kingdom Hearts, a big heart-shaped moon floating up there in the night sky, and said the human heart will never have power over us. Great...I guess? So why are we trying to get hearts again?
Axel said I'll understand better once I have a heart, but I'm not so sure...

Day 95: My PastEdit

I went to Agrabah today with Xion. We make a pretty good team now.
Afterwards me and her and Axel talked about us and the other Nobodies. The ones who make it into the Organization are powerful enough to keep their memories... But me and Xion can't remember our pasts. What was I like?

Day 96: Out of TroubleEdit

Today's mission was with Xion, in Beast's Castle. I tried loaning her my Keyblade, and she had no problem using it. That meant I had to fight without it, but we got the job done.
Afterwards Xion remembered how to summon her own Keyblade, so I guess we're out of trouble. When we were done, we all had ice cream together.

Day 97: Our PlaceEdit

Every day, after work, the three of us have been going to our place on top of the clock tower to have ice cream. We don't talk about much, but I wouldn't miss these conversations for the world. I wonder if Axel and Xion feel the same way...
Do the other Organization members have their own routines? It's hard to picture.

Day 117: Special NobodiesEdit

Today it was me and Xigbar. Axel and Xion went out on their own mission.
Xigbar told me that Xion and me are "exceptional"—you know, like, special Nobodies. Because we can use the Keyblade?
Work dragged on late, so I didn't make it up to the clock tower. I wonder if Xion and Axel made it.
Those pictures started flashing through my head again on the mission. The boy in red... What's it all about? Maybe when Xigbar called me "special" he meant "crazy"...
Seriously, though, is Xion experiencing the same thing? It feels weird to ask.

Day 118: VacationEdit

Today was my first vacation ever. I didn't know what to do with it. Axel said to do what I like, but all I like is having ice cream with my friends—so that's what I ended up doing.
Axel leaves tomorrow for some kind of mission. Which reminds me—I still haven't given him the WINNER stick yet.

Day 119: Something to ProtectEdit

Axel has been gone forever. It's been just me and Xion at the clock tower.
While me and Xaldin explored Beast's Castle, we found something he wants to protect... Xaldin says that's a weakness, but I'm not so sure. What does it mean to care about something that much? I don't, so it's hard to wrap my head around the whole idea.

Day 149: WINNEREdit

Today's mission took me to a new world. It was a weird place. I was up on the clock tower afterwards when Axel turned up after being away forever. He said he finished that long mission. But this time Xion didn't show.
I was gonna give Axel that WINNER stick, but I should wait until I get another one. It wouldn't be fair to leave Xion out.

Day 150: Too Precious to LoseEdit

Xion didn't come to the clock tower again today. She and Saïx had some kind of argument.
Axel and I talked for a while about the things we can't bear to lose. Axel thinks that for Nobodies, it's our pasts, because that's all we have to remember the pain of losing something. I don't remember my past, but the idea of losing the present—Axel or Xion—scares me.

Day 151: What Makes Us DifferentEdit

I ran into Xion in Twilight Town. I guess she messed up a mission pretty bad the other day, and it's been bugging her.
We went up to the clock tower afterwards. She said me and her are different—which is pretty obvious if you look at us, but I don't think that's what she meant. A lot seems to be on her mind, and it's not the same as what's on mine.

Day 152: I Don't Get ItEdit

I think Xion might be mad at me, but I don't know why. Axel says girls are complicated. You can't press the wrong buttons. Like I'm supposed to know what the right ones are.

Day 153: No Taste for ItEdit

It's hard spending time with Xion, and Axel seems busy, too. I've been having ice cream alone, but it's just not the same. All I taste is the salt, and my hands get all sticky. It's like I'm going through the motions of eating it just so I can throw the stick out and get on with life. I must've had about a hundred of these things, and I still haven't found another WINNER.
I never did find a way to ask Xion about the pictures that go through my head. I don't really know what to do about anything right now.

Day 171: What's Love?Edit

On my mission at Beast's Castle, Xaldin told me about "love" and the special power it has over people.
I tried to ask Axel about it, but his explanation didn't make any sense to me. Every time I ask him about this kind of thing, he tells me I need a heart to understand. It's like he's dodging the questions.

Day 172: Xion CollapsedEdit

Xion failed her mission and now she's in a deep sleep. I thought they were lying to me when they told me, but I went to see her, and she really was just asleep. I left a seashell by her pillow, just like she did for me.
Saïx hates her. I don't know why. Maybe he knows more about her than the rest of us do.
Those pictures flashed through my mind again on today's mission (the same boy in red as usual). I guess he's been to Wonderland. I'm still trying to figure out what it is I'm seeing.

Day 173: Picking Up the SlackEdit

I've decided to work harder while Xion is asleep to pick up some of the slack. Axel said he asked Saïx about her, but no dice. He did say that Saïx was having second thoughts about calling her broken, though.
I just hope we get all this drama ironed out soon, so she doesn't have to wake up to it.

Day 174: Seashells for HerEdit

Xion hasn't woken up, but I'm pulling double duty to make up for it.
Me and Axel talk about the dumbest stuff now. Afterwards we head back to the castle, and I leave a seashell by Xion's pillow. It would please me to see her smile when she finds them.
Those pictures flashed through my head again in Never Land. And when I flew, it felt like I'd done it before. Has the guy in red flown before, is that it?

Day 193: Best FriendsEdit

Xion's awake now. The three of us were gonna go get some ice cream after our mission, but she passed out again, so we had to take her home.
I talked with Axel in her room until she woke up. He said the three of us were best friends—inseparable.

Day 194: Even Far ApartEdit

We've all started going back to our usual spot after work. Sometimes Axel and Xion are there waiting for me, other times I get there first.
Things have gotten busier for us, so we can't all make it every day. But even if they're not there, at least now it seems like we're together again. I wonder if it seems that way to them, too.
I forgot to ask Xion about the pictures in my head again... It was the same kid in red. Who is he? What does he have to do with me?

Day 224: What's Gotten Into Her?Edit

I think something's wrong with Xion. Is she not feeling well again?
Axel said we should all go to the beach next time we get a vacation. I think he senses something is wrong, too. That's why he suggested the beach—to make her feel better.

Day 225: Something Must Be WrongEdit

Okay, now I'm really worried about Xion. I told Axel, but all he said was that she'll get through it.
He knows something is wrong. I bet he's just telling me that to put my mind at ease. Well, it's not working.

Day 255: Now Axel's Acting WeirdEdit

I had ice cream with Axel after work today, but Xion didn't show.
Axel said she got sent on an important mission, but he wouldn't look at me when he said it. I've been wondering what's wrong with Xion all this time, but now that I stop and think about it, Axel's not himself either.

Day 256: Xion's Gone MissingEdit

Xion has gone missing, but nobody said anything about her being hurt, so that's good...I guess.
Did she run off? That doesn't make any sense. Xemnas told us not to go after her. The way Saïx explained it, it's almost like they don't think she's worth getting back.
What is going on?

Day 257: He's Avoiding MeEdit

I want to talk to Axel about Xion, but I can't seem to get ten seconds with the guy.
What am I supposed to do? I can't believe he's avoiding me. We're supposed to be friends.

Day 276: By the SeaEdit

I don't remember much about today's mission—just that it was by the beach. Or was it? The mission didn't even feel real.
Me and Axel agreed to start looking for Xion tomorrow.

Day 277: No Sign of HerEdit

I've looked everywhere for Xion, in every world, but there's just no sign of her.
Where is she? Why did she leave the Organization? I don't get it, any of it.

Day 296: Castle OblivionEdit

There's one place we haven't checked yet to see if Xion's there—Castle Oblivion. When I brought it up with Axel, he surprised me by saying that C.O. is where Xion comes from. I guess he just found out himself.
Is that where she is?

Day 297: Who is That Guy?Edit

I went to Castle Oblivion to find Xion, but I don't remember anything about it. Axel said I collapsed as soon as I got there.
I woke up in Twilight Town, and incredibly enough, Xion was there. But she wasn't alone—there was this guy with her, and he was wearing the Organization's cloak. I could tell by his build that he wasn't one of us, though. Who is he?

Day 298: Some Other WayEdit

I don't believe it. Axel attacked Xion. There had to have been some other way.
I know she's acting weird, but I hardly recognize Axel these days either. What's going through their heads? I feel so left out.

Day 299: Sora?Edit

Xemnas told me that "Sora" is the connection between me and Xion. But just who exactly is Sora?

Day 300: No WordsEdit

For the first time in a while, the three of us met up on the clock tower. None of us really knew what to say.
We used to talk each other's ears off, but I guess those days are gone.
So much has happened lately that I've been forgetting to write about those pictures in my head. Now it happens even when I'm not on missions. More often, too.
They even show up in my dreams. Xion told me she has dreams, too. Is all of this connected?

Day 301: My DreamEdit

I dream all the time now, but I don't sleep well. I wake up tired every day. I guess that makes them nightmares, not dreams.
Xion and Axel don't come to the clock tower anymore. I thought maybe if I got everything off my chest with them, I might stop having the nightmares...but so much for testing that theory.

Day 321: No Energy LeftEdit

I feel so tired—almost disconnected from my body. The dreams have gotten stranger. Now I wake up with water on my cheeks. I don't know how it got there, but I think there's something really wrong with me.
Today I was teamed up with Xion. She seems to be in a lot better shape than me. We had ice cream together, something we hadn't done in a while.

Day 322: Another DreamEdit

I had another dream. My head feels heavy.
I want to have ice cream with Xion and Axel again.

Day 352: Us and the SunsetEdit

Me and Xion and Axel had ice cream. The sunset was beautiful.
I don't have to write anything else down, because I'll never forget this day.

Day 353: Broken TrustEdit

Axel let Xion leave the Organization. Like he wanted her to go.
She's a puppet? A mirror that reflects me? He's talking nonsense. I can't trust him anymore.

Day 354: Who Am I?Edit

I don't understand the Organization. I don't understand Axel... I understand myself least of all. Why do I keep coming back to the castle?
Me and Xion are special, connected by "Sora." If she's a puppet, maybe I am, too.
I don't know what I am.

Day 355: I AmEdit

I have to know who I am...

Day 357: Three Again?Edit

I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free and find my way to Sora. I'm going to get Xion back. The three of us will have ice cream together again—I know it.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

2nd DayEdit

1st entry
  • "Hayner's plan was for everyone to earn munny for the beach by doing odd jobs."
    • Meet at the station with some munny!

3rd DayEdit

1st entry
  • "When I got back to the usual spot, I found a note from Hayner telling us all to meet at the station. It looked like he was going to try that beach trip today."
    • Head for the station!
2nd entry
  • "I was surrounded by monsters when I heard the girl's voice telling me to use the Keyblade. That's when I found myself in an unfamiliar place, bathed in light."
    • Choose the one you want!
3rd entry
  • "When I defeated the shady creatures with the Keyblade, a treasure chest appeared."
    • Try opening the treasure chest!
4th entry
  • "After I opened the treasure chest, a huge door appeared out of thin air."
    • Keep going!

4th DayEdit

1st entry
  • "Hayner and I are on speaking terms, at least, but what happened yesterday has kind of soured things between us. Still, the tournament is about to begin."
    • Review the tournament rules!
2nd entry
  • "After reviewing the tournament rules, the first round was underway."
    • Struggle time—talk to the promoter!
3rd entry
  • "I beat Hayner and advanced to the next round, but something about my opponent Vivi seemed a little off."
    • The finals—talk to the promoter!
4th entry
  • "Despite being tied up in some bizarre goings-on, I somehow managed to win the tournament. Now I get to face the champion!"
    • The title bout—see the promoter!

5th DayEdit

1st entry
  • "Summer vacation is almost over. We decide to investigate the seven wonders of Twilight Town for our school assignment."
    • Go to the station to catch your train!
2nd entry
  • "There wasn't much to the mysterious stone steps after all, so we started investigating the rest of the seven wonders in the terrace."
    • Investigate the seven wonders!
3rd entry
  • "To get to the bottom of our next Wonder, the Ghost Train Mystery, we set out for Sunset Hill."
    • Head for Sunset Hill!
4th entry
  • "My friends didn't want any part of it, so I went to check out the last of the seven wonders—the haunted mansion—alone."
    • Go over to the old mansion!

6th DayEdit

1st entry
  • "I showed up at the usual spot, but my friends didn't seem to notice I was there. I couldn't even touch them."
    • Follow Hayner!
2nd entry
  • "The town seemed different somehow, too. I was fighting with Axel, who had shown up again, when I heard a voice: "Roxas, to the mansion!""
    • Head for the old mansion!
3rd entry
  • "The enemies threatened to drive me into a corner, but I relied on the memories that were coming back to me and used the Keyblade to unlock the gate."
    • Find out whose voice that is!
4th entry
  • "I reunited with Naminé in the old mansion, but she was taken by a mysterious man all wrapped up in bandages. Where could they have gone?"
    • Check the mansion for clues!
5th entry
  • "I searched the mansion and discovered a way into a secret room from the library."
    • Check out the basement!
6th entry
  • "My lost memories began to return while I was in the computer room."
    • Go deep into the mansion!
7th entry
  • "Axel picked a fight with me, but I defeated him. "Let's meet again in the next life," Axel said as he vanished into a dark hole."
    • Go even deeper into the mansion!
8th entry
  • "Donald and Goofy were sleeping peacefully inside their pods. A door there led even further in..."
    • Go into the mansion's deepest core!

See alsoEdit