Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Game:Sora (track)

Revision as of 02:25, 27 September 2023 by Sora34CE (talk | contribs)

Track Plate (Sora) KHMOM.png
Track information
Track type Memory Dive Memory Dive
Diff. Lv No. of Notes
Regular Performer
Beginner difficulty icon 3 112 46Performer Style icon
Standard difficulty icon 7 147 57Performer Style icon
Proud difficulty icon 12 180 101Performer Style icon
Dropped materials
Material Initial
The Lucid Shard material sprite Lucid Shard %
The Writhing Gem material sprite Writhing Gem %
Collector's Card pack

Track Plate (Destiny Islands) DI KHMOM.png
Sora - Allegro con brio
Piano Collections KINGDOM HEARTS
Track information
Track type Field Battle Field Battle
Diff. Lv No. of Notes
Regular Performer
Beginner difficulty icon 4 141 45Performer Style icon
Standard difficulty icon 9 186 59Performer Style icon
Proud difficulty icon 14 339 51Performer Style icon
Dropped materials
Material Initial
The Blazing Shard material sprite Blazing Shard %
The Writhing Gem material sprite Writhing Gem %
Collector's Card pack

"Sora" is a Memory Dive track in Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, while "Sora - Allegro con brio" is a Field Battle track in Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory. The Memory Dive is set against various cutscenes of Sora from across the Kingdom Hearts series, while the Field Battle is set in Destiny Islands as it appears in Kingdom Hearts. Both stages are unlocked through item synthesis.



Sora - Allegro con brio





The MS Material for "Sora" is unlocked upon collecting 5000 Rhythm Points.

Sora - Allegro con brio


Sora (Proud Mode) Sora - Allegro con brio (Proud Mode)