Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Infernal Engine

Revision as of 18:49, 14 March 2016 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs) (look at the Japanese name for guidance; reverting to pre-edit war state, please iron this out on the talk page)

Template:Enemy The Infernal Engine is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is one of the bosses at Beast's Castle.


The Infernal Engine is a large, box-shaped, apparently mechanical Heartless with four black wheels, two on either side of its body. It appears to be predominantly made of wood. Its face takes up its entire front side, with a large, red, jagged mouth with yellow "lips" on its lower half, and a black "forehead" with silver, metal additives on it. Its eyes are a glowing yellow color and its Heartless emblem is in the middle of its face. There is a wooden guardrail on its top decorated by yellow and red patterns as well as four white spikes. The Infernal Engine is able to release a battering ram, hammer, and boxes from its mouth.

Riding atop of the Infernal Engine are several smaller Heartless, referred to as "archers" in the Journal. Each of these Heartless wear silver armor, including a bullet-shaped helmet with an opening for their black faces and glowing yellow eyes. All of their helmets sport two short spikes and a curled, black antenna, and they do not seem to have legs, instead balancing on a spike. They wield large, indigo weapons that fire projectiles and each sports a Heartless emblem emblazoned on their chests.

The Infernal Engine's Japanese name, "Demon's Fortress", reflects its massive, sturdy construct and the way the archers use it as a "fortress" of sorts. This name and the Infernal Engine's behavior are also reminiscent of the Demon Wall enemy from the Final Fantasy series. Its English name has the same root, as infernal can mean "relating to hell", and "Engine" is a reference to its mechanical nature and its use as a vehicle by the smaller Heartless archers. It may be a reference to another Final Fantasy enemy, the Doomtrain.


The battle with the Infernal Engine can be quite difficult. When the three lesser Heartless drive the main boss, they can allow it to perform a variety of attacks. These all appear rapidly, and the flurry of moves can only be slowed by defeating the three lesser creatures. When the smaller Heartless are in control, the Infernal Engine's attacks are as follows:

  • Shoots arrows that rain down from above. This can be avoided by not allowing the Heartless Emblem that scales the ground to stand under Roxas.
  • Summons bombs from the Infernal Engine's maw. This can be blocked with the Guard Ability.
  • Causes a giant hammer to appear from out of the Infernal Engine's maw, smashing the ground and creating a giant shockwave. This can be avoided by staying as close as possible to the Infernal Engine.
  • The Infernal Engine spews a battering ram, charging for an attack. When it stops glowing, it charges forward, trampling Roxas. This can be avoided by keeping away from the Heartless.
  • Causes a cannon to appear and shoots fireballs. This can be blocked and reflected back to destroy one of the lesser heartless. Keep blocking the shots until all three of the lesser heartless are destroyed.

When the archers have been destroyed, the Infernal Engine will spit out boxes containing Soldier Heartless until they have returned. Just ignore them and keep hitting the Infernal Engine with aerial combos. The Soldiers will eventually disappear. The three archers will respawn in a short time. Utilize the Limit Break, should Roxas hit low HP and remember to heal periodically.
