Template:Enemy The Lingering Will is an unlockable secret boss featured in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. It can be fought after unlocking The Gathering, then returning to Disney Castle's Hall of the Cornerstone, where a portal to the Keyblade Graveyard has appeared. Defeating the Lingering Will grants the Connection Proof, and the Lingering Will can be rebattled by leaving the Keyblade Graveyard and then returning. Unlike Terra who uses powerful but slow attacks, the Lingering Will attacks extremely fast and in rapid session with powerful attacks.
Sora should have High Jump, Quick Run, Dodge Roll, Aerial Dodge, and Glide at Level 3, as well as some support abilities such as Once More, and Second Chance. He should pack as much Ethers as he can, and have at least one Combo Plus. Sora should also have Decisive Pumpkin equipped for its Combo Boost.
The Lingering Will is difficult to defeat. It mainly attacks by morphing its Keyblade in multiple forms to assault Sora. The Lingering Will's most basic attack is when it leaps in the air, and dashes at Sora three times. The timing of the dashes are easy to predict, so avoid being hit by Dodge Rolling or Guarding. Anticipate where its third dash will end, and attack during its third dash. The Lingering Will can sprint towards Sora and perform a three-hit combo, the finisher consisting of the Will transforming its Keyblade into a drill and thrusting it at Sora, much like Sora's own Guard Break. It isn't easy to predict when the Lingering Will is going to actually use this move after running, but Sora can easily defend himself using Guard, or Reflega. If Guard is used to block the attack, Sora must wait before attacking. If Sora starts the attack right after guarding, the Lingering Will's drill will take most of his health, and he will be knocked far away from the Lingering Will. The Lingering Will can turn its Keyblade into long whip and swing it around itself, dealing massive damage. Unfortunately, when its going to use this attack is unpredictable, but there is a very high chance that he will use it after he dashes though Sora three times, or when receiving massive damage. Sora can defend himself with Guard or Reflega, but it is a lot better to just run away and quickly get close to the Lingering Will as soon as it is landing and attack it with a new combo. However, if Sora does get hit, do not try to resist with Aerial Recovery or Retaliating Slash. Being hit by this attack will leave Sora with only 1 HP left, if Once More (and preferably Second Chance) is equipped, so don't try to use Aerial Recovery of Retaliating Slash, or Sora will fall. To get out of the attack and save HP, activating a Drive Form, or using Trinity Limit with Donald Duck and Goofy are the only ways for getting some invulnerability.
The Lingering Will can also use Ultima Cannon, a Shotlock that appeared in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. The Lingering Will's Ultima Cannon fires one giant sphere of energy that follows Sora around the battlefield. The explosion is huge, but Sora can deflect the sphere back at the Lingering Will by guarding, hitting it, or casting Reflega. If it is charging the cannon and Sora is too far away, then Dodge Roll, or Quick Run against it to nullify the explosion. The Lingering Will can turn its Keyblade into a bow-like weapon and shoots three deadly projectiles trying to catch Sora, but keep in mind that it shoots up five when low on HP. If any of the projectiles hits Sora, his health begins to drain and the command bar changes in a manner reminiscent of Xemnas's curse from Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, only showing Release and Fall. To break free of the curse, simply press Release; if Fall is pressed, Sora's health drops considerably. The projectiles can be evaded with the right timing of Dodge Roll, or Reflega, and when it turns its Keyblade back to normal form, that is the time to attack. However, if the Lingering Will's projectile hits Sora, the best way to break free from the curse is to glide away while waiting for the "Release" command.
The Lingering Will can also transform its Keyblade into the Keyblade Glider used by Terra in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and move around the map extremely fast. Using Guard is the best way to defend, and if Sora is in Final Form just Glide, as his Keyblades will protect him. Sora can attack when the Lingering Will lands, though it's hard to predict when and where. In addition to its Keyblade, the Lingering Will has some magical abilities as well, such as creating an strange looking seal that either creates a blue, or orange orb above Sora's head. The orange orb prevents Sora from attacking, while the blue orb prevents Sora from using Magic or Items. In order to break free from this curse, Sora has to deplete a new, smaller bar of HP, visible when the Lingering Will has been Locked on to. If a blue orb in seen, attack to deplete the bar, if an orange orb is seen, use Magic, Valor Form's abilities, or Limits in Limit Form. Either way, Drive Forms are still usable. Sora can evade this move by using Dodge Roll, Quick Run, or Reflega if timed right. It is unexpected when the Lingering Will is going to use this move, but when if it teleports suddenly behind Sora, then be prepared. Another clue for Sora to dodge this attack is when the Lingering Will begins flying at high speeds and repeatedly landing right behind Sora.
The Lingering Will can conjure drone-like objects which fire beams of plasma at Sora, Donald, and Goofy. When it is low on health (usually six or seven bars left), it automatically launches them and disappears from Sora's sight for a few seconds, signifying the beginning of the second phase. Sora can react to this attack using Guard, Reflega, or simply gliding away. Sometimes though, even when the Lingering Will is full on HP, it can combine its other moves especially its Keyblade Glider attack, with the drones. This can make the battle more difficult as not even a correctly-timed Guard or Reflega can always protect Sora from several angles, although with some luck Sora may be able to deflect against the Lingering Will itself. They can be destroyed with Aerial Dodge but it's not worth it.
When the Lingering Will uses its desperation move, it enters a berserk-like state, similar to Saïx's berserk technique and Terra's Ars Solum. Its arm gauntlets and helmet will emit a bright red aura, and it then splits its Keyblade into two weapons. The first part of the attack is quite easy. Sora can either use Guard or Glide and no particular time is needed for blocking. In the second phase of the attack, Sora cannot physically block anything. Just Glide away, and land as soon the Lingering Will prepares the third and final phase of the attack. The third part is probably the most difficult move to block/evade in the entire battle. It is all about having perfect timing with Guard, Dodge Roll, and Quick Run. The Lingering Will starts by swinging its Keyblade in midair. Then the Will disappears, and reappears behind Sora. To defend Sora from this attack, lock-on to the Will and Guard. Keep guarding until it uses the move similar to Thunder Surge and lands. The Will is then left vulnerable. Just like every other move, however, there are various ways to evade this one as well. If Sora happens to get hit, make sure to use Aerial Recovery at the right time to nullify its last spinning move. This way, Sora can still quickly reach the Lingering Will and start a new combo.
Thundaga is best for distracting the Will if Sora is too far away, giving him the time to reach it. A very useful trick is gliding and reaching a specific point on the edge of the map. This way, the Will is forced to always teleport in front of Sora, making it easier to block all of its attacks. In the second phase of the battle, while low on HP, the Lingering Will also makes use of Magic. There is a low chance that it may cast Magnega, that will put Sora into its path, and Blizzaga, both in some lethal combinations.
In the first phase of the battle, it usually executes its abilities in a predictable pattern. When it is left with six or seven HP bars, however, it will desperation move for the first time. This marks the end of the first and the beginning of the second phase, where the Lingering Will makes use of all of its resources and Sora can barely predict which attacks it is going to use next. To prevent this, count combos and finishers and predict when it is going to react. Also, if Sora deflects its Ultima Cannon back at it, this counts as one of Sora's finishers. Therefore, the enemy will react after four more finishers. This is usually due to the Will taking quite long to reach its retaliation point, which encourages the aforementioned Combo Pluses, but the player should still be cautious in keeping track of their attacks if they combo it too much, especially if they use a lot of finishers in succession. Ars Arcanum works wonders in the middle of combos (without the final Reaction Commands) to inflict as much damage as possible while delaying the retaliation point. No matter how cautious Sora is, when the Lingering Will is left with six-seven bars, it will react in the middle of Sora's combo or right after a finisher if he happens to reach its retaliation point. So keep an eye on its HP and be prepared to evade its sudden move.
Also, a very notable exploitation during the final phase is to always drop Sora's combos to cause the Will to normally retaliate with its desperation move; though intimidating, it will always retaliate like so and thus, can be looped like so if trying a safer strategy. Otherwise, throughout most of the battle, the Will's normal forms of forceful retaliations in the middle of being knocked back are its triple dash attack and whip attack. Both moves have long coverage, which make them devastating punishers if Sora does not watch out for them upon hitting its retaliation point.
The final rule to bear in mind is the most important one. The Lingering Will changes its fighting style depending by its very first move at the start of the battle. However, this rule only works for the first phase of the battle.
Donald can be a key component to surviving the Lingering Will's ultimate attack as well as his other attacks. If Donald is equipped with the Premium Mushroom along with his default MP Hastera, he can regain his MP in roughly 10 seconds. If the player unequipped all his other abilities apart from Donald Cure set to "Use this ability in special situations", he can cure Sora and other party members. However, as Donald lacks Once More and Second Chance, Sora should make every effort to keep it away from Donald by moving away from Donald as the Lingering Will only targets Sora and heal Donald the first chance they get, even if it means wasting their own cure as he will cure Sora if he is in critical condition. If Sora sees the Lingering Will charging for its ultimate attack and Donald is unconscious, they should heal Donald immediately. During its ultimate attack, it's fairly easy to keep it away from Donald if Sora just glides away from him.
Lingering Will—Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix | Lingering Will—Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (HD 2.5 Remix) |
<youtube width="320" height="240">laAMEnmBFvw</youtube> | <youtube width="320" height="240">iW4m7LCGCOE</youtube> |
Notes and references
Original bosses |
Riku | Riku Replica | Shadow Roxas | Hostile Program | Lingering Will | Anti-Riku | Data-Riku | Terra | Ventus | Aqua | Braig | Vanitas | Master Eraqus | Master Xehanort | Ventus-Vanitas | Terra-Xehanort | Young Xehanort | Armor of Eraqus | No Heart Phantom Aqua | Anti-Aqua | Master Ava | Master Ira | Master Aced | Master Invi | Master Gula | Darkness | Ephemer & Skuld | Yozora | Vali, Vala, & Vidar | Hringhorn |