Forums: Index > Ansem's Computer > Notes 17, (Ability Links) - KrytenKoro
We're at 17 now, right?
Anyway, this should just be a list of every Dream Eater, in journal order, with a list of all the abilities they can provide. It might be worth noting which symbol the ability uses, too. This will not include the gates and mystery bubbles; this is just to keep track of obtainment sections. Please list the abilities in the order they appear on the "change party" screen (press X to list all abilities the Dream Eater has learned). Keep in mind that the list does not include any abilities that are currently invisible, so all hidden and disposition routes will need to be opened to get the complete listing.
Meow Wow
- Link Critical
- Cure
- Magic Haste
- Light Screen
- Defense Boost
- Item Boost
- Slow
- Poison Block
- Spark
- Attack Haste
- Magic Boost
- Cura
- Leaf Bracer
- Curaga
- Repertoire
Tama Sheep
Yoggy Ram
- Fire
- Fire Boost
- Fira
- Firaga
- Esuna
- Fire Windmill
- Treasure Magnet
- Fire Screen
- Bind Block
- Fire Screen
- Fire Screen
- Defense Boost
- Repertoire
Komory Bat
- Waking Dream
- Confuse
- Dark Screen
- Zero Gravity
- Zero Gravira
- Confusion Block
- Drain Drive
- Magic Boost
- Magic Haste
- Attack Boost
- Dark Screen
- Confusing Strike
- Repertoire
Hebby Repp
Sir Kyroo
Fin Fatale
Tatsu Steed
Necho Cat
- Thunder
- Magic Haste
- Thunder Boost
- Thunder Boost
- Sleep Block
- Magic Haste
- Time Bomb
- Magic Haste
- Sleepra
- HP Boost
- Magic Boost
- Support Boost
- Repertoire
Kooma Panda
Iceguin Ace
Peepsta Hoo
KO Kabuto
Juggle Pup
Cyber Yog
Chef Kyroo
Lord Kyroo
- Blitz
- Zantetsuken
- Ars Arcanum
- Triple Plasma
- HP Boost
- Thunder Boost
- Thunder Boost
- Cure Boost
- Cure Boost
- Attack Haste
- Magic Haste
- Attack Boost
- Magic Boost
- Defense Boost
- Defender
- Combo Master
- Repertoire
Tatsu Blaze
- Balloon
- Treasure Magnet
- Magic Boost
- Thunder Screen
- Magic Haste
- Attack Haste
- Magic Boost
- Blindness Block
- Attack Haste
- Thunder Screen
- Spark
- Bind
- Balloonra
- Repertoire
Me Me Bunny
Drill Sye
Tyranto Rex
- Rapid Descent
- Meteor Crash
- Firaga Burst
- Mega Flare
- HP Boost
- HP Boost
- HP Boost
- Fire Boost
- Fire Boost
- Fire Boost
- Attack Boost
- Attack Boost
- Attack Boost
- Fire Screen
- Fire Screen
- Once More
- Repertoire
Majik Lapin
Cera Terror
Ducky Goose
Aura Lion
Ryu Dragon
- Superglide
- Meteor Crash
- Firaga Burst
- Mega Flare
- HP Boost
- Fire Boost
- Fire Boost
- Attack Boost
- Attack Boost
- Magic Boost
- Magic Boost
- Defense Boost
- Defense Boost
- Reload Boost
- Combo Plus
- Combo Master
- Repertoire