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From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 04:26, 23 February 2011 by LapisScarab (talk | contribs) (Assuming I don't have the massive history paper I think I might tomorrow, I'll try and bulldoze my way through a lot of the syncing I need to do after school.)
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October 2010 featured User Medal.png

I've sent my laptop to get fixed, but I don't know how long it'll take. For now I'm using my mom's computer (and am limited by how long she'll let me use it), which has it's own problems. I can't right click anything, so I can't copy/paste (I've kind got it to work so I won't be suffering edit conflicts, but not consistently enough that I can do a whole lot of work), nor can I scroll normally or use the right Shift button. The latter two are minor inconveniences. The point is, I'll still be on and watching/keping up to date as much as possible, but won't be able to do much in way of editing for a while.

Whose Line Is It Anyway? = funniest show ever made. It lives on on YouTube and reruns on ABC Family, WATCH IT. Also, 80% really funny comedy manga + 100% great art + 20% of the most well written, tear-jerking, and memorable dark moments evar = Sket Dance.
To keep my user talk page less cluttered, I am now taking requests for talk bubbles here, at the bottom of the page. There are also several sample bubbles on said page.
LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png This is my talk bubble. Used for normal...talking. Changed from Xemnas to Marluxia on January 30th to commemorate my Wikiversery, then from Marluxia to Luxord for no particular reason. Finally back to basics with Xemnas.
LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png Very good. You don't miss a thing. I cannot feel sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist. Nobody.png
TALK - Come closer...
Interdiction KHD.png This is my happy talk bubble. Used for more casual talking, or when I'm in a particularly good mood.
LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png Hearts quivering with hatred... Hearts burning with rage... Hearts scarred by envy... That fool Ansem said the heart's true nature was beyond his understanding. But it's not beyond mine! Hearts are the source of all power! Nobody.png
TALK - Anger and hate are supreme.
Interdiction KHD.png This is my angry talk bubble. Used when I'm anywhere from really annoyed to furious. I hope not to use this one much.
Infinity KHD.png This is my inverse talk bubble, made just for the heck of it. I'm fond of the original talk bubbles, but TNE's inverse ones look cool. I'll probably make a skinny one later too.
LapisScarab Xemnas (card).png Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day. I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat. — 04:27, March 17, 2010 (UTC)
No Heart KHBBSFM.png
LapisScarab Xemnas (card).png Embrace... nothing! — 04:37, March 19, 2010 (UTC)
Xemnas's Replica Data KHIIFM.png This is my skinny talk bubble, another of TroisNyxEtienne's creations. Consider this, my inverse talk bubble, and my normal talk bubble to all mean the same thing.

This is my signature when I feel that my talk bubble is not needed, or I just don't feel like typing it.--LapisLazuliScarab02:03, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
17 This user is 17 years old.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
KiWuF46.png This user contributes using Internet Explorer.
16094_50_50.jpg This user supports big foreheads.
q26489677982_4124.jpg This user is a huge fan of Code Lyoko and is very proud for loving this T.V. show.

Template:User WikiOtter

760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
gOA7JF1.png This user has unlocked Sora in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
weWh9JY.png This user has obtained Mission Crowns!
6LR24Jg.png This user has obtained Challenge Sigils!
6vqhXgC.png This user became the Lingering Will and completed Terra's story.
jArRktg.png This user dove to the heart and completed Ventus's story.
LiyFa5c.png This user destroyed the χ-blade and completed Aqua's story.
AquaCharm.png This user not only completed the trio's stories, but also completed the Final Episode.
zuD393l.png This user has taken on the Vanitas Remnant and won!
sNrGZMg.png This user did battle with the enigmatic Unknown and won!
File:Demyx Days Art.png This user is a follower of Demyx in Organization XIII.

Template:User Heartless Template:User Unversed Template:User Nobody Template:User OXIII

icAdyRY.png This user keeps forgetting not to mess with Keyblade wielders.

Ei62VZC.png This user wishes to live on forever. Get it memorized!

DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...

Template:User Xemnas Quote

yidmdso.png This user wonders if you've been a good boy.

Template:User Xigbar Quote

Vfr6rba.png This user would like you to enlighten us about that pet project of yours.

Template:User Xaldin Quote

U8rK9tX.png This user is a scientist... yes!

Template:User Vexen Quote

JzCJIHh.png This user will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward!

Template:User Lexaeus Quote

XarXPUo.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!

Template:User Zexion Quote

zpt3vzO.png This user is a master of the moon. Now move aside!

Template:User Saix Quote

Axel4_zpsqvy0u0hx.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?

Template:User Axel Quote

Bzyb62y.png This user is a master of water.

Template:User Demyx Quote

L27Ou7m.png This user wonders if you know the rules.

Template:User Luxord Quote

cjREgxg.png This user is a master of flowers.

Template:User Marluxia Quote

QZd5Upo.png This user should warn you that they are in an EXTREMELY FOUL MOOD!

Template:User Larxene Quote Template:User Roxas XIII Template:User Roxas Quote

SElHt8u.png Who is this user? What are they here for?

Template:User Xion Quote

UserCreeper.png This user is a stealthy Creeper; can you predict his or her next move?
UserDusk.png The user you see before you is known as a Dusk.
UserAssassin.png This user is a paid Assassin.
Dragoon_zpsbi69h5on.png This user is a powerful Dragoon. You would do well to learn from him or her.
Gambler_zpsyu6xrvr7.png This user is a Gambler. Raise or Fold?
Berserker_zpsxrvxi22f.png This user is a mighty Berserker and warns you to move aside!
Dancer_zps1tw3iwb6.png Everybody dance! This user thinks Dancers are love.
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
Sorcerer_zpsylntasrz.png This user is an unstoppable Sorcerer. Dare you try to break his or her poise?
UserSniper.png This user is a Sniper and has got you in his or her sights.
UserTwilightThorn.png This user will be a thorn in your side for all eternity!
ou5JnEC.png This user is not interested in anything except Cloud.
knFHeVL.png This user is a fan of the One-Winged Angel.
iws5VfD.png This user is a fan of Auron, and would like to be part of his story.
R0D1ykY.png This user is a fan of Tifa, and begs pardon for bothering you.

cmh4lJY.png This user is a fan of Hades and DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

About me

Username: LapisScarab

Real Name: Marc

Gender: Male

Age: 17(as of November 10)

Laterality: Right-handed

Orientation: Heterosexual

Location: Viginia, USA

Grade: Junior (11th)

Race: Caucasian (technically 1/2 Brittish, 1/4 Italian, 1/4... beats me, could be Martian for all I know)

Religion: Christian

Hey everyone, I'm LapisScarab (I know, weird name. If you really want to know why I have that name, just ask.)! While I obviously love the Kingdom Hearts series, my intrests are as far apart as you can imagine. As such, you can find me on several other Wikias, like the Bleach, Naruto, Zelda, and Deltora Wikis to name a few. My favorite part of the series is Organization XIII, for their uniqueness and diversity (plus, I've always liked antagonists). Eventually I hope to become a fantasy-fiction author, and I've been working on an original story since the beginning of last year. To my eternal frustration, my keyboard often skips letters when I'm typing quickly. I have my learner's permit and would have my license by now if my parents weren't so lazy/and or busy (depends on which parent you're talking about) and would actually take me out driving. I have 3 siblings: an older sister (by 5 years), a younger sister (a little over 1 year), and a little brother (5 years). I also have a tenative girlfriend! Kinda sorta mabybe.


I'm very tall, with blue-grey eyes and brown (my parents swear that it's dirty blond, I have no idea why) hair, though I recently shaved it as part of a Cancer Reseach Drive. It's grown back and now I wore it up for a while (as opposed to the bangs I normally have), which had the disturbing side effect of making me look like Edward Cullen [facepalm]. I'm thin and stronger than I look (especially since I don't look very strong to begin with -.-), and have pale skin. I'm very near-sighted and wear contacts. My typical attire is some sort of T-shirt or long-sleeved shirt (I hate button-down shirts for whatever reason), usually a monochromatic color or a dark shade of other colors. I always wear pants, no matter what season it is, either jeans or basket ball pants. During winter I usually wear a hoodie or a black Nordstrom jacket. I don't wear a huge variety of clothes and don't really like to go shopping for more. I also have very faint freckles.


I'm rather introverted, meaning I will almost never start a conversation and will choose solitude if left to my own devices, but I genuinely enjoy it when people talk to me and usually end up having fun when I go out. I'd like to say that I'm a "go with the flow" type of person, but really it's more like "whatever". I don't often stress about anything because, to me, nothing is ever really big enough to worry over. When I'm surrounded by people I don't know, I'm usually pretty stoic and very quiet. I'm an excellent speaker according to my teachers and parents, but I'm more of a listener personality-wise, and I'm usually polite almost to a fault (for example, I cannot bring myself to interrupt someone speaking, even if it means I have to wait for a long time, or I will hold the door for basically everyone behind me, no matter how long the line is). I try to live by altruism and love helping people. I work very quickly and very hard when I feel like someone is depending on me. I don't always have a great deal of self-confidence, and I always give credit where credit is due. I'm smart and a quick learner, so I have literally never studied for a single test since first grade, but still have B(+)-ish average. Alas, I can no longer claim that record. I have studied for my midterms, and the world has lost one more great slacker! I am admittedly a bit of a slacker when it comes to homework. I'm not especially good at talking to people over the phone, and am in fact terrible at it, so even though I have a cell, I tend to forget it, keep it off, and/or only take it when I need it. I prefer e-mail or, better yet, talking to someone directly. I'm often bored by my surroundings and when I get depressed I tend to revert to a nihilistic way of thinking.

Recently I've gotten more outspoken and realized a few things about myself. I talk. A lot. Way too much in fact. I'm not the type of person who interrupts teachers to talk, but when I'm allowed to I'll talk your ear off and then keep talking until the ear buries itself underground to get away. I joke a lot and when I'm talking about something I "hate" it is virtually always in a joking tone; I never genuinely hate anything. I have a habit of memorizing things that aren't really useful at all, and am something of a local encyclopedia for Greek/Roman mythlology and astronomical trivia. I'm a good teacher and have successfully tutored the girl behind me in math to a 100 on one of our tests (I got a 90 or something, XD computation error). In fact, I intend to be a teacher (probably middle school or high school English) as my main career (my "dream" job is still to be an author, but I needs me some consistent income). I'm still trying to get an after school job.

Me and Cursing

People on the wiki may have noticed how I really discourage cursing. In real life, this is actually quite contrary to the way I talk; I curse a lot (usually for emphasis on things, not usually to insult someone). The reason I don't like it here is because this wiki is something between a job and a hobby to me, and thus I prefer to keep a fairly professional attitude. Cursing isn't professional, and it usually cheapens whatever you're trying to say. So yeah, watch the mouth when you talk to me here.


Like I mentioned above, I like to write, draw, and read. I'm a surprisingly good artist considering I've never taken a class, but I only practice drawing so I can draw the characters from my stories. I love doing brain teasers, word puzzles, and jigsaws. I also like to do origami, and I spend about half the time in most of my classes drawing or folding something, since I usually know what's going on already (I know when to pay attention though). I've played several sports in the past, like soccer, baseball, basketball, and tennis, though I only play basketball and tennis now, and even then I only play recreationally. I'm actually quite good at both of them. I am also a big fan of manga and anime, and I occasionally click the "surprise me" option on and read a new manga just for the heck of it. I read a lot of it with a rather critical eye, though I never really find myself disappointed with anything.

Character Appearance Sections

My forte is description, so my main goal is to get up an Appearance section for all of the characters that don't have them, as per the new character page improvement project. NinjaSheik got me started on this with Aqua, Ven, Terra, and Organization XIII, so I decided to roll with it.


Completed for the time being. Wohoo! Okay here's a list of the sections I have completed:

Not involved with

This has been a long time coming. I always try to give credit where credit is due, but the most I can do right now is give a list of the sections that I had virtually nothing to do with, since, with one exception, I have no idea who did them.

Weapon Design Sections

I was given a side-project a while back by Xion4ever, which has now become my main project; to do the appearance sections for all of the series' weapons. I will not have a "to be done soon" list, since I just sort of pick which ones I do at random. Here is (what I hope is) a complete list (if I'm missing any, please let me know on my talk page):


Appearance sections I have completed:


Appearance sections yet-to-be-completed:

Enemy Designs

Details here.

Synthesis Materials





Coming soon

My Views on the Kingdom Hearts Games

  • Kingdom Hearts: I got this after KHII, which may have been a bad decision. Not because I didn't get the story, this wiki made that problem non-existent. It was because KHII had a much easier (perhaps too easy, but better in my opinion) control system, which made this one's controls frustrating to use. Also, Sora's voice annoys the heck out of me, but the game has a number of hidden bosses, as opposed to the other games in the series having few to none of them. It is a harder game to play, maybe for the wrong reasons, but I'll admit that finally winning in the second fight against Ansem was a nice feeling. A good game overall. Looking back, it also probably has the best overall voice acting of the series, a few examples (like Disney VAs not reprising their roles until the next games, and Sora's annoying as hell original voice) notwithstanding. A close second for this is KHII.
  • Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories:I don't have the Gameboy version of this game, only the remake. I am about half done with Riku's story. The card system, of course, was wierd and rather difficult to get used to at first, but it wasn't that bad. The biggest thing this game has going for it is introducing the single most awsome thing about the series: Organization XIII. It may be my least favorite KH game, but it's still a great game.
  • Kingdom Hearts II: This was the first game I got for the series and it is by far my favorite. It has the best story, controls, music, and characters in the series so far, though it doesn't have nearly as many bonus bosses as the original (A GIGANTIC reason as to why I want Final Mix released in America. I can't afford a whole new PlayStation just for that). Organization XIII is back in all its unique, diverse, and plainly awesome glory, introducing most of my favorite members (except Zexion. Curse you Rikuuuuuuu!). Really there's notmuch else to say. It improved greatly on the original game, and is my second-favorite KH game.
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: This one ranks between KHII and Re:CoM (about tied with KH1). The story takes some time to get going, and it introduces some of the most annoying enemies in the game. You have no idea how frustrating it is to get a Pink Concerto down to a sliver of health using 90% of your attack magic, only for it to vanish and respawn at full health. Or to try and keep the heart chain going while trying to hit a Sapphire Elegy while getting teleported around by a Grey Caprice. I hate a lot of the new Heartless. A lot. But the game itself is very fun, even with that, and it was very interesting once the story got going. The cutscenes are really cool, but I wish there were more of them. They wasted getting the Organization members' voice actors by only having five of them really talk. And, of course, the complete lack of Final Fantasy characters is another mark against it. Despite all that, 358/2 Days was very fun and I am glad I got it.
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep was the first game I was legitimately excited about in a long time. I love the story and think it is the best in the series ths far. It was much more tragic, even in comparison to Days, and I liked all of the characters. I kind of miss normal item synthesis, the replacement system was kind of confusing, but it's not bad. The combat system was a nice mix of KHI and II; it was fun like KHII and challenging like KHI, but not too easy or frustrating. ost of the music (normal world themes) weren't bad, but forgettable. The Enchanted Dominion was a notable exception to this. The original character themes and battle themes, however, are some of my favorites in the series. Fate of the Unknown, Terra's theme, and the remix of Fragments of Sorrow all contain the same theme, which carries the tragic feeling of the game very well (I think "Rage Awakened has a similar tune I think, but it is more subtle). The fact that it's on a portable system is definitely a plus, since I can start playing it basically anytime I want. I have some mixed feelings about the voicework, but overall it is good. All in all, this has probably become my favorite Kingdom Hearts game, edging out KHII slightly.

Users I consider friends

Along with a comment if there is anything unique about how I met/became friends with them. I like all of my friends, so not having a comment doesn't mean anything.

Naminé's Drawoff

Naminé's Notebook KHII.png
I'm not supposed to be in this picture.
This symbols sketch has been awarded by Naminé for submitting
one piece of fan art to the 2009 Naminé's Drawoff competition.
This artist submitted "The Apprentices Celebrate 2010".
DTN Room Core.png YerMom is feeling jolly

Dissidia:Kingdom Hearts

We're creating a brand new world, one heart at a time
The user LapisScarab has been acknowledged by Xelias as the Number IV as well as the Heartless Master of the Dissidia: Kingdom Hearts development team. This stands as an award for his precious contributions.


JFHavoc Stamp of Appreciation

JFHtalk.png Thank you for helping out the Kingdom Hearts Wiki. You've proven yourself a good editor and an even better person. Please accept this little token of my appreciation for all your hard work.


Paopu Fruit.png Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi.
This paopu fruit has been awarded for being nominated
for an admin or moderator position.
"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:28, 21 February 2011 (EST)