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Chapter 8: The Time Has Come

« Kingdom Hearts II »
Chapter 8: The Time Has Come
Chapter 8 - The Time Has Come (Front) KHII Manga.png
Japanese 第8話 満ちる時間
Rōmaji Dai 8-wa Michiru Jikan
Translation Chapter 8: Time to Fill

Chapter 8: The Time Has Come is the eighth chapter in the Kingdom Hearts II manga.


Axel reports on his failure to bring back Roxas, and the leader of Organization XIII tells him to eliminate Roxas instead. Roxas thinks back on what Naminé told him. When his friends ask why he looks so troubled, he says it is because summer vacation is almost over, but Hayner assures him they're going to enjoy every second of it. In the Old Mansion, the man in the black coat visits Naminé in her room. Naminé knows he came to eliminate her, but asks him if she can see Roxas one more time, as there is something she needs to tell him.

The next day, Roxas buys ice cream for him and his friends, but when he enters the Usual Spot, they seem to ignore him. When he reaches out to Hayner, his hand passes right through him, and the three friends leave without paying Roxas any mind. As he watches his friends leave with tear-filled eyes, Axel appears and tells Roxas about his order. When Roxas calls Axel his best friend, Axel thinks he remembers, but realizes he still doesn't. Axel summons his chakrams and thrashes the place, calling everything fake. Roxas summons his Keyblade, and Axel attacks, but gets frozen in the act. Suddenly, DiZ's voice calls out to him to come to the Old Mansion. After taking a last look at the photos of Roxas and his friends, he heads off. When Roxas is gone, Axel is unfrozen, and realizes the Roxas he knew is gone.

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