Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Weapons (KHII)

Revision as of 14:34, 24 November 2023 by Aid1043 (talk | contribs) (category)

Weapons (武器 Buki?) are a type of equipment in Kingdom Hearts II. Each character can equip one main weapon, which increases their stats, while Sora can equip a secondary weapon for use in Valor Form, Master Form, and Final Form. During his battle with Axel in the Mansion: Basement Hall, Roxas wields two weapons. World-exclusive party members have one available weapon which cannot be changed.

Sora's Keychains

Keyblade Strength Magic Length Ability Obtained
  Kingdom Key (キングダムチェーン
Kingudamu Chēn
?, lit. "Kingdom Chain")
+3 +1 100 Defender[KH II]
Damage Control[KH II FM]
Sora's default weapon.
A keychain attached to the Keyblade. Increases defense at critical moments.[KH II]
A keychain attached to the Keyblade. Halves damage taken in critical situations.[KH II FM]
  Oathkeeper (約束のお守り
Yakusoku no Omamori
?, lit. "Promise's Charm")
+3 +3 98 Form Boost Unlock the Gate in Twilight Town.
Enhances magic and increases the duration of a Drive Form.
  Oblivion (過ぎ去りし思い出
Sugisarishi Omoide
?, lit. "Passing Memories")
+6 +2 122 Drive Boost Reunite with Riku in The World That Never Was.
Has great strength, and allows the Drive Gauge to restore quickly during MP Charge.
  Star Seeker (スターシーカー
Sutā Shīkā
+3 +1 128 Air Combo Plus Talk to Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in the Tower: Wardrobe.
Increases maximum combo by 1 when in midair.
  Hidden Dragon (ヒドゥンドラゴン
Hidun Doragon
+2 +2 104 MP Rage Defeat Shan-Yu.
Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken.
  Hero's Crest (ヒーローズクレスト
Hīrōzu Kuresuto
+4 +0 124 Air Combo Boost Defeat the Hydra.
Increases the damage of the finishing move in the air relative to the number of hits in the combo.
  Monochrome (モノクローム
+3 +2 102 Item Boost Complete Timeless River.
Increases the effect of restoration items used on the field.[KH II]
Increases the effect of restoration items used on the field by 50%.[KH II FM]
  Follow the Wind (フォローザウィンド
Forō za Windo
+3 +1 130 Draw Defeat Barbossa.
Draws in nearby orbs.
  Circle of Life (サークルオブライフ
Sākuru obu Raifu
+4 +1 114 MP Haste Talk to Simba in the Oasis.
Has great strength, increasing MP restoration speed after MP is consumed.[KH II]
Has great strength, increasing MP restoration speed by 25% after MP is consumed.[KH II FM]
  Photon Debugger (フォトンデバッガー
Foton Debaggā
+3 +2 104 Thunder Boost Defeat the Hostile Program.
Increases damage done by thunder-based attacks.[KH II]
Increases damage done with thunder-based attacks by 20%.[KH II]
  Gull Wing (ガルウィング
Garu Wingu
+3[KH II]
+2[KH II FM]
+0[KH II]
+3[KH II FM]
112 Experience Boost Talk to the Gullwing after the Battle of the 1000 Heartless.
Greatly increases the amount of experience gained when defeating an enemy at a critical moment.[KH II]
Increases the amount of experience gained by 100% when defeating an enemy at a critical moment.[KH II FM]
  Rumbling Rose (ランブリングローズ
Ranburingu Rōzu
+5 +0 100 Finishing Plus Reunite with Beast after defeating the Nobodies in the Ballroom.
Has great strength, allowing finishing combo moves to be unleashed successively.
  Guardian Soul (ガーディアンソウル
Gādian Souru
+5 +1 156 Reaction Boost Defeat Hades.
Has great strength, increasing the amount of damage dealt from Reaction Commands.[KH II]
Has great strength, increasing the amount of damage dealt from Reaction Commands by 50%.[KH II FM]
  Wishing Lamp (ウィッシーズランプ
Wisshīzu Ranpu
?, lit. "Wishes Lamp")
+4 +3 116 Jackpot Defeat Jafar.
Wishes come true by increasing the drop rate of munny, and HP and MP orbs.
  Decisive Pumpkin (ホーリーパンプキン
Hōrī Panpukin
?, lit. "Holly Pumpkin")
+6 +1 126 Combo Boost Defeat The Experiment.
The greater number of combos landed, the more damage is dealt, leading to a strong finishing move!
  Sweet Memories (スウィートメモリー
Suwīto Memorī
?, lit. "Sweet Memory")
+0 +0[KH II]
+4[KH II FM]
102 Lucky Lucky[KH II]
Drive Converter[KH II FM]
Complete The Expotition.
Although it does not enhance attack strength, it increases the drop rate of items.[KH II]
Although it does not enhance attack strength, it increases the drop rate of drive orbs in place of munny.[KH II FM]
  Mysterious Abyss (ワンダーオブアビス
Wandā obu Abisu
?, lit. "Wonder of Abyss")
+3 +3 98 Blizzard Boost Complete Ursula's Revenge.
Enhances magic to increase damage dealt by blizzard-based attacks.[KH II]
Enhances magic to increase damage dealt with blizzard-based attacks by 20%.[KH II FM]
  Sleeping Lion (スリーピングライオン
Surīpingu Raion
+5 +3 152 Combo Plus Speak with Leon before the second visit to Space Paranoids.
Well-balanced with strength and magic, increasing maximum ground-based combos by 1.
  Bond of Flame (ボンドオブフレイム
Bondo obu Fureimu
+4 +4 114 Fire Boost Defeat the Nobodies in Betwixt and Between.
Enhances magic to increase damage dealt by fire-based attacks.[KH II]
Enhances magic to increase damage dealt with fire-based attacks by 20%.[KH II FM]
  Two Become One (めぐりあう二人
Meguriau Futari
?, lit. "Serendipitous Duo")
+5 +4 112 Light & Darkness Defeat Roxas.
A weapon of great strength and magic that has a special effect.
  Fatal Crest (フェイタルクレスト
Feitaru Kuresuto
+3 +5 148 Berserk Charge Complete the Goddess of Fate Cup.
Increases strength during MP Charge and allows unlimited chaining of combos. When equipped, the combo finishing move is disabled.[KH II]
Increases strength by 2 during MP Charge and enables combos to continue endlessly. The combo finishing move becomes unavailable.[KH II FM]
  Fenrir (フェンリル
+7 +1 168 Negative Combo Speak with Cloud after defeating Sephiroth.
Has great range and strength, but maximum ground and midair combos are decreased by 1.
  Ultima Weapon (アルテマウェポン
Arutema Wepon
+6 +4 166 MP Hastega Item Synthesis.
The Keyblade above all others, holding all power and will increase MP restoration rate, once all MP has been consumed.[KH II]
The Keyblade above all others. Increases MP restoration rate by 75% once all MP has been consumed.[KH II FM]
  Winner's Proof (ウイナーズプルーフ
Uināzu Purūfu
+5 +7 166 No Experience Satisfy all the Mushroom XIII.
A weapon of extraordinary magic and great strength.
Disables the gaining of experience.

Roxas's Weapons

Keyblade Strength Magic Ability Obtained
  Struggle Sword (ストラグルソード
Sutoraguru Sōdo
+3 +0 - Choose the Struggle Sword in the Sandlot.
A toy club used in Struggle battles.
  Struggle Hammer (ストラグルパドル
Sutoraguru Padoru
?, lit. "Struggle Paddle")
+3 +0 - Choose the Struggle Hammer in the Sandlot.
A toy club used in Struggle battles.
  Struggle Wand (ストラグルワンド
Sutoraguru Wando
+3 +0 - Choose the Struggle Wand in the Sandlot.
A toy club used in Struggle battles.
  Kingdom Key (キングダムチェーン
Kingudamu Chēn
?, lit. "Kingdom Chain")
+3 +1 Defender[KH II]
Damage Control[KH II FM]
Fight the Dusk at the Old Mansion.
A keychain attached to the Keyblade. Increases defense at critical moments.[KH II]
A keychain attached to the Keyblade. Halves damage taken in critical situations.[KH II FM]
  Oathkeeper (約束のお守り
Yakusoku no Omamori
?, lit. "Promise's Charm")
+3 +3 Form Boost When fighting Axel in the Basement Hall.
Enhances magic and increases the duration of a Drive Form.
  Oblivion (過ぎ去りし思い出
Sugisarishi Omoide
?, lit. "Passing Memories")
+6 +2 Drive Boost When fighting Axel in the Basement Hall.
Has great strength, and allows the Drive Gauge to restore quickly during MP Charge.

Donald's Staves

Staff Strength Magic Ability Obtained
  Mage's Staff (まどうしの杖
Madōshi no Tsue
+1 +1 - Donald's default weapon.
A staff fit for a mage.
  Hammer Staff (ハンマーメイス
Hanmā Meisu
?, lit. "Hammer Mace")
+2 +1 - Buy for 100 Munny at Wallace's Weapon Shop.
A staff used for its strength.
  Victory Bell (ビクトリーベル
Bikutorī Beru
+3 +2 - Buy for 400 Munny at Morlock's Moogle Shop.
A staff used to increase strength. Also increases magic.
  Comet Staff (コメットメイス
Kometto Meisu
?, lit. "Comet Mace")
+2 +2 - Buy for 200 Munny at Mosh's Moogle Shop.
A staff used for its strength and magic, inspired by the stars.
  Lord's Broom (ロードブルーム
Rōdo Burūmu
?, lit. "Lord Broom")
+3 +3 - Buy for 600 Munny at Kumop's Moogle Shop.
A staff used to increase strength and magic.
  Wisdom Wand (ワイズワンド
Waizu Wando
?, lit. "Wise Wand")
+4 +5 - Buy for 2000 Munny at Stiltzskin's Moogle Shop.
A staff with great magic and strength.
  Meteor Staff (メテオスタッフ
Meteo Sutaffu
+4 +3 Lucky Lucky[KH II]
Thunder Boost[KH II FM]
Chest at the Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep.
A staff of great strength that increases magic. Increases the drop rate of items.[KH II]
A staff of great strength that increases magic. Increases damage done with thunder-based attacks by 20%.[KH II FM]
  Rising Dragon (ライジングドラゴン
Raijingu Doragon
+4 +4 Item Boost[KH II]
Fire Boost[KH II FM]
Complete the Cerberus Cup[1]
A staff with great strength and magic. Increases the effect of restoration items used on the field.[KH II]
A staff with great strength and magic. Increases damage done with fire-based attacks by 20%.[KH II FM]
  Shaman's Relic (シャーマンズレリック
Shāmanzu Rerikku
Shaman's Relic (スペルズレリック
Superuzu Rerikku
?, lit. "Spell's Relic")
+4 +5 MP Rage[KH II]
Blizzard Boost[KH II FM]
Dropped by Shaman (1%).
A staff with great magic and strength. Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken.[KH II]
A staff with great magic and strength. Increases damage done with ice-based attacks by 20%.[KH II FM]
  Shaman's Relic+ (スペルズレリック+
Superuzu Rerikku+
?, lit. "Spell's Relic+")
+4 +5 Defender Dropped by Necromancer (1%).
A staff with great magic and strength. Defense will increase by 3 in critical situations.
  Nobody Lance (ノーバディランス
Nōbadi Ransu
+5 +5 Defender[KH II]
Item Boost[KH II FM]
Dropped by Dragoon (1%).
A lance with great strength and magic. Increases defense in critical situations.[KH II]
A lance with great strength and magic. Increases the effect of restoration items used on the field by 50%.[KH II FM]
  Centurion (センチュリオン
+13 +3 - Item synthesis.
A staff with extraordinary strength and great magic.
  Centurion+ (センチュリオン+
+13 +3 Damage Control Item synthesis.
A staff with extraordinary strength and great magic. Halves damage taken in critical situations.
  Save the Queen (セイヴザクイーン
Seivu za Kuīn
+5 +6 Hyper Healing Item synthesis.
A staff with colossal magic and strength. Quickly revives wielder when fallen, and restores much of their HP.
  Save the Queen+ (セイヴザクイーン+
Seivu za Kuīn+
+5 +6 MP Hastega[KH II]
Item synthesis.
A staff with colossal magic and strength. After all MP is consumed, MP recovery speed increases greatly.[KH II]
A staff with colossal magic and strength. Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken.[KH II FM]
  Plain Mushroom (プレジャーキノコ
Purejā Kinoko
?, lit. "Pleasure Mushroom")
+0 +1 - Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9, and No. 11 (55% (E rank)/65% (D rank)).
A staff that doesn't look like much of a weapon.
  Plain Mushroom+ (プレジャーキノコ+
Purejā Kinoko+
?, lit. "Pleasure Mushroom+")
+0 +3 - Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9, and No. 11 (35% (D rank)/75% (C rank)).
A staff with some magic power.
  Precious Mushroom (プレシャスキノコ
Pureshasu Kinoko
+1 +5 MP Haste Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9, and No. 11 (25% (C rank)/85% (B rank)).
A staff with great magic. Increases MP restoration speed by 25% after MP is fully consumed.
  Precious Mushroom+ (プレシャスキノコ+
Pureshasu Kinoko+
+2 +7 MP Hastera Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9 and No. 11 (15% (B rank)/90% (A rank)).
A staff with tremendous magic. Increases MP restoration speed by 50% after MP is fully consumed.
  Premium Mushroom (プレミアムキノコ
Puremiamu Kinoko
+3 +9 MP Hastega Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9 and No. 11 (10% (A rank)/100% (S rank)).
A staff with the most powerful magic. Increases MP restoration speed by 75% after MP is fully consumed.

Goofy's Shields

Shield Strength Magic Ability Obtained
  Knight's Shield (騎士の盾
Kishi no Tate
+1 +0 - Goofy's default weapon.
A shield fit for a knight.
  Adamant Shield (アダマンバンパー
Adaman Banpā
?, lit. "Adamant Bumper")
+2 +0 - Buy for 50 Munny at Wallace's Weapon Shop.
A shield that excels in defense rather than strength. Blocks various attacks.
  Chain Gear (チェーンギア
Chēn Gia
+3 +0 - Buy for 400 Munny at Morlock's Moogle Shop.
A large shield that blocks various attacks. Can also be used for attacking.
  Falling Star (シューティングスター
Shūtingu Sutā
?, lit. "Shooting Star")
+3 +0 - Buy for 200 Munny at Mosh's Moogle Shop.
A small, easy-to-handle shield used solely for attacking.
  Dreamcloud (クムロニンブス
?, lit. "Cumulonimbus")
+4 +0 - Buy for 600 Munny at Kumop's Moogle Shop.
A shield with great strength used solely for attacking.
  Knight Defender (ナイトディフェンダー
Naito Difendā
+7 +0 - Buy for 2000 Munny at Stiltzskin's Moogle Shop.
A shield with great strength used solely for attacking.
  Ogre Shield (オーガシールド
Ōga Shīrudo
+5 +0 Defender Chest at the Throne Room.
A shield with great strength that also blocks various attacks. Defense will increase in critical situations.[KH II]
A shield with great strength that also blocks various attacks. Increases defense by 3 in critical situations.[KH II FM]
  Genji Shield (源氏の盾
Genji no Tate
+6 +0 Lucky Lucky[KH II]
Hyper Healing[KH II FM]
Complete the Titan Cup.[2]
A shield with great strength and defense. Increases the drop rate of items.[KH II]
A shield with great strength and defense. Quickly revives wielder when fallen, and restores much of their HP.[KH II FM]
  Akashic Record (アカシックレコード
Akashikku Rekōdo
+7 +0 MP Haste Dropped by Bookmaster (1%).
A shield with great strength. Increases MP restoration speed when all MP is consumed.[KH II]
A shield with great strength. Increases MP restoration speed by 25% when all MP is consumed.[KH II FM]
  Akashic Record+ (アカシックレコード+
Akashikku Rekōdo+
+7 +0 MP Hastera Dropped by Runemaster (1%).
A shield with great strength. Increases MP restoration speed by 50% when all MP is consumed.
  Nobody Guard (ノーバディガード
Nōbadi Gādo
+8 +0 Hyper Healing[KH II]
Dropped by Gambler (1%).
A shield with great strength. Quickly revives wielder when fallen, and restores a lot their HP.[sic][KH II]
A shield with great strength. Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken.[KH II FM]
  Frozen Pride (フリーズプライド
Furīzu Puraido
?, lit. "Freeze Pride")
+5 +0 - Item synthesis.
A shield with the greatest defense.
  Frozen Pride+ (フリーズプライド+
Furīzu Puraido+
?, lit. "Freeze Pride+")
+5 +0 MP Hastega Item synthesis.
A shield with the greatest defense. Increases MP restoration speed by 75% after MP is fully consumed.
  Save the King (セイヴザキング
Seivu za Kingu
+9 +0 Item Boost Item synthesis.
A powerful shield with great strength and defense. Increases the effect of restoration items used on the field.[KH II]
A powerful shield with great strength and defense. Increases the effect of restoration items used on the field by 50%.[KH II FM]
  Save the King+ (セイヴザキング+
Seivu za Kingu+
+9 +0 MP Rage[KH II]
Damage Control[KH II FM]
Item synthesis.
A powerful shield with great strength and defense. Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken.[KH II]
A powerful shield with great strength and defense. Halves damage taken in critical situations.[KH II FM]
  Joyous Mushroom (ハッピーキノコ
Happī Kinoko
?, lit. "Happy Mushroom")
+1 +0 - Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 2, No. 4, No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, and No. 12 (55% (E rank)/65% (D rank)).
A flimsy shield.
  Joyous Mushroom+ (ハッピーキノコ+
Happī Kinoko+
?, lit. "Happy Mushroom+")
+3 +0 - Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 2, No. 4, No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, and No. 12 (35% (D rank)/75% (C rank)).
A shield with a little strength.
  Majestic Mushroom (プラチアルキノコ
Purachiaru Kinoko
?, lit. "Palatial Mushroom")
+5 +0 Protect Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 2, No. 4, No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, and No. 12 (25% (C rank)/85% (B rank)).
A shield with great strength. Absorbs 10% of the damage taken.
  Majestic Mushroom+ (プラチアルキノコ+
Purachiaru Kinoko+
?, lit. "Palatial Mushroom+")
+7 +0 Protectra Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 2, No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, and No. 12 (15% (B rank)/90% (A rank)).
A shield with tremendous strength. Absorbs 20% of damage taken.
  Ultimate Mushroom (リミテッドキノコ
Rimiteddo Kinoko
?, lit. "Limited Mushroom")
+9 +0 Protectga Dropped by Mushroom XIII No. 2, No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, and No. 12 (10% (A rank)/100% (S rank)).
A shield with the greatest strength. Absorbs 40% of damage taken.

World-exclusive party member weapons

Weapon Strength Magic Party Member
  Sword of the Ancestor (へいしのけん
Heishi no Ken
?, lit. "Soldier's Sword")
+3 +0 Mulan
Useful when fighting close enemies.
  Beast's Claw (ビーストクロウ
Bīsuto Kurou
?, lit. "Beast Claw")
+3 +0 Beast
  Battlefields of War (いくさだち
?, lit. "War Tachi")
+3 +0 Auron
Deals various attacks.
  Skill and Crossbones (パイレーツソード
Pairētsu Sōdo
?, lit. "Pirate Sword")
+3 +0 Jack Sparrow
A pirate's best friend, it can parry enemy attacks.
  Scimitar (シミター
+3 +0 Aladdin
A sword, light as a feather, for quick attacks!
  Bone Fist (ボーンフィスト
Bōn Fisuto
+3 +0 Jack Skellington
  Proud Fang (プラウドクロー
Puraudo Kurō
?, lit. "Proud Claw")
+3 +0 Simba
  Identity Disk (ディスク
?, lit. "Disk")
+3 +0 Tron
Attacks enemies from afar.
  Way to the Dawn (ウェイトゥザドーン
Wei tu za Dōn
+3 +0 Riku
Deals various attacks.
  Kingdom Key D (キングダムチェーンD
Kingudamu Chēn D
?, lit. "Kingdom Chain D")
+3 +0 The King

Notes and references

  1. ^ "Complete the Titan Cup" in the original Japanese version.
  2. ^ "Complete the Cerberus Cup" in the original Japanese version.