Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Lone Runner

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Lone Runner

Lone Runner KHBBSFM.png

Japanese ロストランナー
Rōmaji Rosuto Rannā
Translation Lost Runner

Type Unversed
Game Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

The Lone Runner is an Unversed found in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix. The player can transform into this Unversed using the exclusive Illusion-L command.


A Lone Runner's body is shaped like a large, yellow boot, which has a white strap and heel, a dark grey sole, and light grey highlights. Its spherical, dark grey head peeks out of the top of the boot. It has two curved horns on the top of its head, both of which point forward, and its red eyes are set in a sorrowful expression. The Unversed logo is emblazoned on the front of the boot's leg.

The Lone Runner's name references its behavior: it runs from enemies rather than attacking.


The Lone Runner Challenge Mission appears within the Castle of Dreams after the world's episode has been completed. For Terra and Aqua, it appears within the Ballroom, while for Ventus it appears within the Wardrobe Room.

The Challenge Mission requires the protagonist to slay sixty Lone Runners within a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds in order to attain a three-star rank and win the Illusion-L command. The Lone Runners appear in groups of five[citation needed] at a time, and will immediately begin scattering across the room, forcing the protagonist to chase them down.

In order to slay enough Lone Runners to complete the Challenge Mission, the protagonist should use powerful area-of-effect Commands such as Thundaga, Meteor, and Mega Flare, homing Commands such as Firaga, Triple Firaga, and Sonic Blade, or high lock-on Shotlocks such as Meteor Shower. Abilities that hasten the recharge of these attacks, such as Attack Haste, Magic Haste, Reload Boost, and Damage Syphon, are recommended.