
Sark KHII.png

Japanese サーク司令官
Rōmaji Sāku Shireikan
Origin Tron (1982)
Game Kingdom Hearts II
Themes Header.png

KHII tracks
Battle theme - The Encounter

Sark is a boss in Kingdom Hearts II, located in Space Paranoids. He is fought alongside the Master Control Program.


Kingdom Hearts II

First Fight

"Eliminate Sark! Defend yourself then go in for counterattack!"
—The Pause screen

During the first phase of the battle, Sark's only attack is to fling his disk at Sora, which can easily be reflected with the Reaction Commands "Zone Guard" and "Disc Strike". He can also teleport, but his health is very low.

Technique Element Power Guard?
Disc Throw (ディスク投げ
Disuku Nage
Physical x1.5 O 
Aims and throws a disc at Sora. The disc's trajectory depends on how it was thrown; either straight, curved arc, or curved and ricocheting off a wall.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
Reaction Commands
Reaction Command Attribute Power Description
Zone Guard (ディスクガード
Disuku Gādo
?, lit. "Disc Guard")
Can be used when near Sark as he throws his disc.
Deflect the thrown disc.
Disc Strike (ディスクブロー
Disuku Burō
?, lit. "Disc Blow")
Physical x1.0 Can be used after using Zone Guard.
Launch the disc back at Sark; the disc chases Sark, damaging and stunning him when it hits.

Second Fight

During the battle with the MCP, Sark's size increases dramatically. He again throws his disk (which has also increased in size) and shocks the ground when Sora is close. Sark's legs must be damaged to make him kneel, so his head can be attacked. Destroying the head stuns Sark for some time, but he will be regenerated by the MCP after a period of time.

After the MCP has had a significant amount of its HP drained, Sark will start to raise a wall whenever Sora attempts to flee. This allows Sora to use the Reaction Commands "High Climb" and "Needle Dive". This will knock Sark out in one blow, making it easier to harm the MCP.


Sark & the Master Control Program – Kingdom Hearts II

Notes and references

  1. ^ His feet have 46 HP.