Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Ifrit (Heartless)

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Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Kingdom Hearts χ information, design

This article is about a Heartless.
You may be looking for the Chakrams or Ifrit Gummi Ship Model.

The Ifrit' (イフリート, Ifurīto?) Heartless that was introduced in a Big Bonus Challenge event in August 2019.

Japanese イフリート
Rōmaji Ifurīto

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts Union χ

The Ifrit is an Emblem Heartless found in Kingdom Hearts Union χ. It is the boss of the August 2019 Big Bonus Challenge event.



The Heartless is named after Ifrit, a recurring fire-elemental summon in the Final Fantasy series.

