Bring Arts are a set of officially-licensed action figures for Kingdom Hearts released by Square Enix. Compared to Play Arts Kai they are a smaller scale and priced, but still have the same limits of articulations.

List of Released Figures

  • 1. Sora, in his standard Kingdom Hearts III attire. Comes equipped with the Shooting Star Keyblade and its Keyblade transformation, Double Arrowguns. Initial released in August 2017 with a re-released in November 2018.[1]
  • 2. Sora, in Guardian Form. Comes equipped with the as-of-yet unnamed Olympus Coliseum Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts III. Initial released in July 2017 for people who attended San Diago Comic-Con 2017 with a public released in September 2017.[2]
  • 3. Sora, in Second Form. Comes equipped with the Kingdom Key. Initial released in March 2018.
  • 4. Riku in his standard Kingdom Hearts III attire. Comes equipped with the Braveheart Keyblade. Initial released in July 2018.[3]
  • 5. Sora in Toy Form. Comes equipped with the Infinity Badge Keyblade. Initial released in January 2019 as part of the Deluxe Edition of Kingdom Hearts III.
  • 6. Donald in Toy Form. Comes equipped with the Mage's Staff. Initial released in January 2019 as part of the Deluxe Edition of Kingdom Hearts III.
  • 7. Goofy in Toy Form. Comes equipped with the Knight's Shield. Initial released in January 2019 as part of the Deluxe Edition of Kingdom Hearts III.
  • 8. Sora, in his Halloween Town attire. Comes equipped with the Decisive Pumpkin and Kingdom Key Keyblade. Initial released in February 2019.[4]
  • 9. Sora in his Christmas Town attire. Comes equipped with the Decisive Pumpkin and Kingdom Key Keyblade. Initial released in March 2019.[5]
  • 10 .Cloud, in his Kingdom Hearts attire. Comes equipped with the bandage Buster Sword. Initial released in July 2019.[6]

List of Un-released Figures

  • 1. Kairi, in her standard Kingdom Hearts III attire. Comes equipped with the Destiny's Embrace Keyblade.
  • 2. Mickey, in his standard Kingdom Hearts III attire. Comes equipped with an as-of-yet unnamed Keyblade.
  • 3. Lea, in a black coat

Notes and references