Major inactivity is no more! Starting in two days time I will officially be in university. That said, my activity will only be limited by what school/real life stuff I need to do.

Random [Kingdom Hearts] Stuff About Me

  • First user at the Kingdom Hearts (English) Wiki to use the Skinny Inversed talkbubble template!
  • Admin on this Wiki, meaning you can: ask me to delete images, ban jerks rule breakers, move pages and the like, amongst other admin things.
  • Channel Operator (OP) on #KHWiki-social: query me [/query Xion4ever] if you ever need an Op.
  • Images: Turns out, I'm good at finding images. If you ever want a specific image/group of images, just ping me on my talkpage...or see the huge list of images.

Kingdom Hearts Experience

Like a lot of other users, my Kingdom Hearts experience started mainly by accident/coincidence. I was at my cousin's house where he had various PlayStation2 games. As curious as I was, I feared messing up his games. So, I simply turned the PS2 on and played the game currently inside, which was Kingdom Hearts. I started playing it and bam! my love for the game grew!

I own all (current) Kingdom Hearts games that were released in the U.S.; save for Re:coded, which I don't plan on getting anyways. I have beaten all of them multiple times. My favorite Kingdom Hearts game is a close tie between Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. A noteworthy runner-up is the original Kingdom Hearts.

Userboxes of Epicness


What Will I Edit?

I edit a variety of pages the most common being Days Mission/Weapon articles; check later early/beginning middle section of my contributions, I filled in/added to most of those pages. I mainly work editing templates and finding images (an "Image Nazi," per say). Also, I'm a make-shift personality/story section writer. Although I work more in the image/template sections I'll edit just about anything.

Todo List

  • Finish adding stats/separating templates to Days weapon pages.
  1. Finish Agrabah characters (see: this).
  2. Remove double links from various articles.
  • Add personality/story sections to:
  1. Hundred Acre Wood characters
  2. Land of Dragon characters
  3. Beast's Castle characters
  4. Atlantica characters
  5. Olympus Coliseum characters
  6. Pride Land characters
  • Add [DAYS] drop/treasure sections to various item articles...
  1. Hi-Ether ('NOTE:There is no drop section for this item from DAYS. Seriously. No enemies drop Hi-Ethers.)
  • ...Then move on to BBS commands...
  • Template:Zexion Sentiment: upload images off Wiki, substitute back in, fix current template coding to actual coding, and finally go through every page/article they used the templates on.
  • Add Strategy sections with mission subsections to Gummi missions...
  1. Asteroid Sweep (see User:Xion4ever/Gummi Missions)
  2. Stardust Sweep (see User:Xion4ever/Gummi Missions/Stardust Sweep)
  3. Phantom Storm
  4. Splash Island
  5. Floating Island
  6. Ancient Highway
  7. Broken Highway
  8. Sunlight Storm
  9. Assault of the Dreadnought


<poll> Do you like the IRC's new "kitty?" Yes, I luvs it. Eh, its okay... No! </poll>






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"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:28, 21 February 2011 (EST)
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