Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Avatar Menu

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Revision as of 23:50, 1 March 2011 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs) (→‎Avatar Sector: Oh, I guess this is the official term for it)
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The Avatar Menu is a minigame in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded in which players make an avatar out of countless clothes and features. Collecting half of them earns a new trophy. By using Tag Mode it's possible to meet other players or get a random connection to prefabricated Avatars which grants new clothes, Scratch Cards and another floor of the Avatar Sector, the System Sector of the Avatar Menu. This feature grants unique rewards which can't be gained elsewhere in the game.

Customize Avatar

Main article: Avatar Parts

Avatar Sector

The Avatar Sector is a special System Sector that is built by the player, one floor at a time. Unlike other System Sectors, the Heartless within grow progressively stronger the deeper Data-Sora dives in, reaching level 99 by the end of the Sector.[citation needed] The Avatar Sector has a maximum of one hundred floors, and ninety of them must be obtained from Balloon Letters in Tag Mode. These floors can be deleted by the player at will, and if the player keeps obtaining Balloon Letters once the Avatar Sector is complete, the lowest floor will be deleted to make room.

Each floor is represented by an avatar, either one of the fifty prefabricated avatars, or a random avatar made from mixed parts. Each time Data-Sora clears one of these floors while fulfilling its associated challenge, he will win an Avatar Part, starting with those the floor's avatar uses, and then random pieces once those have been exhausted. For every nine floors obtained from Scratch Cards, the Avatar Sector will automatically add a special tenth floor that has an SP challenge. The ten SP challenge floors eventually culminate in a battle against a bugged Data-Riku.

In addition to Avatar Parts, the Avatar Sector has its own list of Sector Rewards, which grows as Data-Sora goes further into the Sector. Furthermore, Data-Sora is given an honorary rank based on how far he has gone into the Sector.

Rank Unlocked after
Lurker 0
Surfer 10
Junior Diver 20
Diver 30
Senior Diver 40
Sector Mod 50
Sector Admin 60
Sector Master 70
Architect 80
Wizard 90
Legend 100
Floor Code Form Unlocked after
Breezy Floor Card.png
Breezy Floor
Breezy Floor.png
Twisty Floor Card.png
Twisty Floor
Twisty Floor.png
Tricky Floor Card.png
Tricky Floor
Tricky Floor.png
Sparkly Floor Card.png
Sparkly Floor
Sparkly Floor.png
Feisty Floor Card.png
Feisty Floor
Feisty Floor.png
Bumpy Floor Card.png
Bumpy Floor
Bumpy Floor.png
Boss Floor Boss Floor.png N/A
Floor Challenge Description Unlocked after
Try not to take damage!
Take out tons of Heartless for me!
Healing is for noobs.
Don't swing and miss!
Move, move, move! Time's a wastin'!
Use a Finish command ASAP!
Fight with just attack commands!
Rack up SP. That's all there is to it!
Burn, baby! Light those foes up!
Bzz-zzz-zzt! Jolt the opposition!
Rock out with well-timed blocks!
Put those pesky foes on ice!
Blow enemies away with air-tosses!
Bash as many blox as you can!
Don't jump too much!
Keep your feet on the ground!
Only attack when you have to!
Fight with only magic commands!
Smash away with MAX overlock!
Keep nailing those Finish commands!
Clean up while it's still light out!
Nothing beats a game before bed!
No bashing blox! They have feelings!
This is no time to stand around!
Counterattack like you mean it!
Feeling grabby? Grab lots of items!
Use a Megalixir, the mega-fixer!
Dare ya to defeat foes in one blow!
Hope you're good at critical hits!
Red + shield = baaaaaad news!
Weekends are made for gaming!
Get rid of that gold pest!

Tag Mode

Tag Mode is a communications system which allows the player to obtain Balloon Letters from other avatars, which contain Avatar Sector floors and Scratch Cards. To enter Tag Mode, the player must choose which Floor Code and Floor Challenge they would like to share; these lists are initially short, but once the player has completed the Avatar Sector, they will be able to share any of the Floor Codes and Floor Challenges which appear in the Avatar Sector, excluding the Boss Floor Code.

Balloon Letters can be given by a friend's avatar, a special avatar, or a random avatar. When the player receives a Balloon Letter from a friend who is also playing Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, the two players will share their personal avatars, and whichever Floor Codes and Floor Challenges they selected. If the player enters Tag Mode while receiving a DS-compatible wireless signal that is not from another Kingdom Hearts Re:coded game (for example, if it is receiving a broadcast from the Wii's Nintendo Channel, or from another DS's PictoChat), they will immediately receive a special avatar, whose quote and other stats are references to the character the avatar depicts. If Tag Mode has been used for a suitably long interval, usually an hour or two, the player can also receive an avatar constructed from random Avatar Parts; this avatar's name and quote will reference each other, but not its appearance or any of its stats.

Avatar Quote
(>_<)/RAGE Back off! I'm angsty!
10derMemry It's great to be a kid.
∞Lives I totally 1-upped you.
A1ternateU Always just a step away...
AlwaysLTTP And often not invited...
BigBrudda 'Sup, bro? Need a hand?
Could_B_U See the resemblance?
DistantVOX HELLO? (OH-Oh-oh...)
Don'tASCII It's a SCSI story anyway.
FlyOnDWall Teh real bug in this tale!
LivNLegacy Oh. You're not gone yet?
Masker8dr No one knows my REAL name.
MeIfIWereU Chew on that. Deep, huh?
miracle2Go May I take your order?
No1UKnow So let's keep it that way.
NotTe11ing ...Unless you ask nicely.
Omigoddess I'm, like, a divine ditz!
ORLY_YARLY Will my life have meaning?
P00rPuppet Always being strung along.
Pure^_^Joy With plenty to go around.
PureRandom Nothin' to see, folks!
ROFLCopter Hey, do you LOLerskate?
SdrawkcabLeft Ereh sedoc terces on!
The 1nk1ing Did I jog your memory?
The"Right"One I dunno why you "Left" me.
TwixtTween Always stuck in da middle.
U.Know.Who Don't pretend you don't.
UnsungHero No one ever sings for me.
UR<3sDzire And now, I can be yours.
UrPastLife You're me but I ain't you.
UrTrueSelf Reunited at last, eh?
UsualNon¢s Penny for yer thoughts?
Avatar Quote Rank Trophies Floor
Oh my! Is it midnight!? Sector Mod 0 Twisty Floor Card.png
Don't jump too much!
Ha ha! That's a good one! Wizard 0 Tricky Floor Card.png
Use a Megalixir, the mega-fixer!
Hi! I mean, goo goo gaga. Lurker 1 Breezy Floor Card.png
Take out tons of Heartless for me!
Yoo-hoo! Seen Mickey? Diver 1 Breezy Floor Card.png
Use a Finish command ASAP!
Avatar Parts, empower me! Legend 1 Breezy Floor Card.png
Red + shield = baaaaaad news!
AND YOU CALL ME A STALKER! Legend 1 Feisty Floor Card.png
Get rid of that gold pest!
Gotta keep ya all guessin'! Junior Diver 2 Breezy Floor Card.png
Don't swing and miss!
You want my autograph? Junior Diver 2 Breezy Floor Card.png
Try not to take damage!
A-hyuck! Do I know ya? Sector Master 2 Breezy Floor Card.png
Nothing beats a game before bed!
Pet goldfish? As if! Architect 2 Feisty Floor Card.png
This is no time to stand around!
Wak! Daisy'll be furious! Diver 3 Breezy Floor Card.png
Move, move, move! Time's a wastin'!
Tru -3less.png
TO DO LIST: FIND HEART. Diver 3 Feisty Floor Card.png
Healing is for noobs.
"Love" outfit? Bah. Sector Mod 3 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Blow enemies away with air-tosses!
Not "Radish"? Seriously? Sector Admin 3 Breezy Floor Card.png
Rock out with well-timed blocks!
Avatar pets? Fascinating! Senior Diver 4 Twisty Floor Card.png
Put those pesky foes on ice!
Why wear the predictable? Sector Master 4 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Nothing beats a game before bed!
I'M A PRO AT HUGGING. Junior Diver 5 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Rack up SP. That's all there is to it!
I'm, like, sooo chill! Senior Diver 5 Breezy Floor Card.png
Put those pesky foes on ice!
Have you gone green? Sector Master 5 Breezy Floor Card.png
No bashing blox! They have feelings!
On your last legs yet? Wizard 5 Breezy Floor Card.png
Keep your feet on the ground!
Tina? Who? Sector Mod 6 Breezy Floor Card.png
Try not to take damage!
You cheat? Deplorable. Sector Admin 6 Breezy Floor Card.png
Fight with only magic commands!
My rhymes are slammin'! Sector Mod 7 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Don't jump too much!
Sorry. Not interested. Sector Master 7 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Only attack when you have to!
Expecting a mission? Wizard 7 Feisty Floor Card.png
Move, move, move1 Time's a wastin'!
I wear this cuz I'm cold. Senior Diver 8 Feisty Floor Card.png
Take out tons of Heartless for me!
F-L-A...Got it memorized? Sector Master 8 Tricky Floor Card.png
Burn, baby! Light those foes up!
Even my name is a joke LOL Architect 8 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Counterattack like you mean it!
Back off, ya bozo! Wizard 8 Tricky Floor Card.png
Hope you're good at critical hits!
My new song melts faces! Diver 9 Breezy Floor Card.png
Rack up SP. That's all there is to it!
May you be happy always! Lurker 10 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Healing is for noobs.
...It was her idea. Diver 10 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Move, move, move! Time's a wastin'!
It's great to be me. Wizard 10 Feisty Floor Card.png
Dare ya to defeat foes in one blow!
Scratch card? I'm game. Legend 10 Tricky Floor Card.png
Weekends are made for gaming!
The Keyblade must be mine. Diver 11 Tricky Floor Card.png
Don't swing and miss!
You want a piece of me!? Sector Admin 11 Twisty Floor Card.png
Only attack when you have to!
Do I detect DISTRESS? Senior Diver 12 Feisty Floor Card.png
Bzz-zzz-zzt! Jolt the opposition!
They ran out of sea-salt. Junior Diver 13 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Fight with just attack commands!
That boy will be our hope. Senior Diver 13 Breezy Floor Card.png
Don't swing and miss!
I put gum in your hair. Senior Diver 13 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Bash as many blox as you can!
All sugar 'n' rainbows! Sector Mod 13 Breezy Floor Card.png
Keep your feet off the ground!
We meet again. Wizard 14 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Hope you're good at critical hits!
I luv pitch correction! Junior Diver 16 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Take out tons of Heartless for me!
I always get to the point. Wizard 20 Twisty Floor Card.png
Keep nailing those Finish commands!
I have weird thoughts. Legend 22 Breezy Floor Card.png
Smash away with MAX overclock!
Yessir! Staying frosty! Architect 23 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Try not to take damage!
Merry —- Huh? Wrong date? Sector Master 24 Breezy Floor Card.png
Clean up while it's still light out!
I smell riches! Architect 29 Sparkly Floor Card.png
Feeling grabby? Grab lots of items!
Have faith in yourself! Junior Diver 30 Bumpy Floor Card.png
Take out tons of Heartless for me!
Hope ya saved your game. Legend 30 Tricky Floor Card.png
Red + shield = baaaaaad news!

Scratch Cards

A Scratch Card

Scratch Cards are on of the prizes attached to Balloon Letters. Every Scratch Card is set in a specific world, as specified by the background, and contains several hidden icons depicting characters from that world. The cards also list a "Character Hunt" that requires the player to uncover a set amount of a specific character within a set amount of chances, and almost always lists a Bonus Hunt as well, which requires the player to uncover a single, specific character. Clearing a Character or Bonus Hunt will result in Data-Sora winning a random command or Avatar Part; these are completely random, and it is even possible for Data-Sora to win an Avatar Part that he already has.

In addition to the basic icons, there are three special icons: Dalmatian puppy, Mickey, and Captain Dark.

  • Dalmatian puppy: Activates "Lucky Puppy!", which adds a puppy to Data-Sora's total. Once Data-Sora rescues 99 puppies, he wins D-Firaga.
  • Mickey: Activates "Bonus Chances", which adds 1-2 extra chances to Data-Sora's total.
  • Captain Dark: Activates "Sneak Peek!", which allows the player to see all the character icons, uncovered for a second.