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Episode 26: Working Together

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« Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Episode 26: Working Together
Episode 26 - Working Together (Front) KH Manga.png
Episode 26 - Working Together (Back) KH Manga.png
Japanese 第26話 みんなのちから
Rōmaji Dai 26-wa Min'na no Chikara
Translation Episode 26: Everyone's Power
Tokyopop Episode 26: Team Power

Episode 26: Working Together, also called Episode 26: Team Power, is the twenty-sixth chapter in the Kingdom Hearts manga.

The front page shows Cloud. The back page shows a Gummi Block.


Sora deals one hit to Cerberus, causing it to collapse. Inside, Hercules tells Phil he had already worn Cerberus down. Sora return triomphantically, thinking he can move the pedestal now. Hades, furious with Hercules, rethinks his plans in the bathroom. With Donald and Goofy's help, Sora manages to move the pedestal, revealing the Keyhole underneath, which he locks. Hercules reveals even he couldn't move the pedestal. In the bathroom, the sink collapses, and Hades is flushed away. Phil invites Sora, Donald, and Goofy back for the next Games. Outside, Cloud gives Sora a Gummi Block as a farewell gift.

In the Gummi Ship, Cid calls to check up on Sora, Donald, and Goofy. The connection starts breaking up, as the Gummi Ship gets swallowed by Monstro. Pinocchio find the Gummi Block.

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